Christmas Paradoxes !!!
TLDREl video es una lección de estudio bíblico que explora las paradojas de la Navidad, la profecía bíblica, y el significado espiritual del nacimiento de Jesucristo. Se inicia con una oración de gratitud y bendición. Luego, el narrador diserta sobre el significado de paradojas como 'hielo caliente' y su aplicación en eventos de la vida de Cristo. Destaca las profecías que predicen el nacimiento, muerte y resurrección de Jesús, enfatizando que estos eventos no son coincidencia sino providenciales. El video analiza la 'insignificancia' de Belén, que se transforma en relevante por ser el lugar de nacimiento de Jesús. Además, aunque Jesús es llamado el 'Príncipe de Paz', su llegada provoca divisiones debido a cambios en las prioridades de sus seguidores. Finalmente, se discute cómo Lucas, un médico, escribe sobre el nacimiento virginal, una tarea irónica para alguien de su profesión.
- 🙏 Inicia con una oración de gratitud.
- 🎭 El video aborda las paradojas del idioma.
- 📜 Destaca las profecías sobre Jesucristo en la Biblia.
- 📍 Belén se transforma de insignificante a importante.
- 🔄 La paz de Jesús trae divisiones familiares.
- 👶 El nacimiento virginal de Jesús es clave para su papel.
- 🌍 Jesús como mediador entre Dios y la humanidad.
- 🕊️ La paz interior es un don de Jesús.
- 🔍 La paradoja del médico que documenta el nacimiento virginal.
- 🎄 Reflexión sobre el significado profundo de la Navidad.
Garis waktu
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
El orador comienza con una oración, agradeciendo a Dios por el foro y la familia Richards por su papel en la creación de este estudio bíblico. Se menciona que este ha sido de gran beneficio para el orador y se pide una bendición especial para los participantes que han optado por estar presentes para crecer espiritualmente.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
El significado de la palabra "paradoja" se discute mediante ejemplos en inglés como "tragedia cómica". Se introducen las paradojas relacionadas con la Navidad. También se menciona que los eventos clave de la vida de Jesús estaban profetizados y escritos en las Escrituras mucho antes de que ocurrieran, enfatizando que no pueden ser considerados como coincidencias.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
El orador comparte una anécdota sobre cómo Dios intercedió para devolver una maleta perdida. La historia resalta que, aunque desde fuera parezca coincidencia, estaba profetizado de antemano por Dios, demostrado cómo los planes de Dios no son accidentales. Asimismo, se destaca que los detalles sobre Jesús estaban escritos en las Escrituras mucho tiempo antes de que ocurrieran, enfatizando la providencia divina.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Se discute cómo Miqueas llamó a Belén un "pueblo judío pequeño", lo cual parece paradojal dado que el rey David nació allí. El orador enfatiza que nuestra importancia espiritual no depende de nuestro legado espiritual heredado sino de nuestra relación con Cristo.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Se habla del decreto de César Augusto que llevó a José y María a Belén, cumpliendo así la profecía de Miqueas. Se destaca cómo las acciones humanas, incluso las motivadas por razones egoístas, pueden ser utilizadas por Dios para cumplir sus propósitos.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Jesús es denominado el Príncipe de Paz, pero Él mismo dijo que no vino a traer paz sino espada. Se explica que a nivel micro, individual, Jesús trae paz entre nosotros y Dios. Sin embargo, a nivel macro, Jesús establecerá la paz global después de su segunda venida.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
La paz interna que Jesús ofrece a los creyentes se destaca como independiente de las circunstancias externas. Se abordan las escrituras relacionadas, subrayando que la paz y la alegría divinas que vienen con la relación correcta con Dios son incomprensibles para los no creyentes.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Las diferencias en las prioridades y comportamientos cristianos pueden generar conflicto con aquellos que no comparten la fe. Esto refleja cómo los creyentes experimentan persecución o malentendidos, pero mantienen la paz interna debido al Espíritu Santo.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
En el nivel macro, después de la segunda venida, se cita Isaías 2:1-4 que profetiza paz mundial bajo el reinado de Jesús desde Jerusalén, donde las armas se transformarán en herramientas agrícolas. La paz global duradera ejemplifica el título de Jesús como Príncipe de Paz.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
El nacimiento virginal de Jesús se discute para enfatizar su rol como mediador entre Dios y los hombres. Debido a su doble naturaleza como Hijo de Dios y Hijo del Hombre, puede representar justamente a ambas partes en reconciliación.
- 00:50:00 - 00:58:48
Finalmente, se señala que el Dr. Lucas, un médico que históricamente sería escéptico, narra el nacimiento virginal en su evangelio, lo cual resalta la veracidad y aceptación del milagro del nacimiento de Jesús, rompiendo paradigmas y reforzando su autoridad divina.
Peta Pikiran
Video Tanya Jawab
¿Cuáles son algunos ejemplos de paradojas mencionadas en el video?
Algunos ejemplos incluyen "hielo caliente" y "comedia trágica".
¿Qué profecías relacionadas con Jesucristo se mencionan?
Se mencionan profecías sobre su nacimiento por una virgen en Isaías 7:14, su nacimiento en Belén según Miqueas 5:2, su muerte en el Salmo 22, y su resurrección en el Salmo 16:10.
¿Qué papel juega Belén en la discusión del video?
Belén se discute como una 'aldea pequeña insignificante' que se volvió significativa por el nacimiento de Jesucristo.
¿Cómo se describe el nacimiento de Jesús en relación con su poder para cumplir profecías?
Se describe que las acciones de líderes como César Augusto fueron usadas por Dios para cumplir la profecía de Jesús naciendo en Belén.
¿Por qué el nacimiento virginal de Jesús es significativo?
Es significativo porque permite que Jesús sea el 'Hijo de Dios' como 'Hijo del Hombre', lo que le da la posición para mediar entre Dios y los hombres.
¿Cómo se explica la paz que trae Jesús?
Jesús trae paz al mediar entre Dios y los hombres, y se describe como el 'Príncipe de Paz', aunque advierte que causará división en las familias debido a los cambios internos de quienes lo siguen.
¿Cuál es la paradoja sobre la escritura del nacimiento virginal?
La paradoja es que un médico, Lucas, que sería naturalmente escéptico ante un nacimiento virginal, es quien lo escribe en su evangelio.
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Christmas Paradoxes !!!
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- 00:00:02so I'll offer a small word of prayer and
- 00:00:05uh we will proceed Father in Heaven once
- 00:00:07again we praise and thank thee Oh Lord
- 00:00:09for this wonderful Forum set up by the
- 00:00:12family of brother benoni Richards at
- 00:00:14this time oh Lord like in every week we
- 00:00:17remember with much Thanksgiving oh Lord
- 00:00:20the contribution of Mr and Mrs Richards
- 00:00:23the parents of brother benon Richards in
- 00:00:25starting this Bible study many many
- 00:00:27years ago when I was new in the ministry
- 00:00:30Lord by virtue of this Bible study I'm
- 00:00:33one of the biggest beneficiaries at this
- 00:00:36point of time I call upon thy special
- 00:00:39blessings to be poured upon each and
- 00:00:41every participant oh Lord they could
- 00:00:43have been elsewhere at this point of
- 00:00:45time but they have decided to spend this
- 00:00:47time in your presence because they love
- 00:00:48you and they want to grow scripturally
- 00:00:51and spiritually we commit the next one
- 00:00:53hour or so into your hands let every
- 00:00:55thought word and action of us bring thee
- 00:00:58joy and glory in Jesus holy precious
- 00:01:00name we pray amen amen
- 00:01:04amen dear friends uh before I come to
- 00:01:07the slideshow uh as a part of the
- 00:01:10introduction let me share two points one
- 00:01:13is we need to know the meaning of the
- 00:01:16word paradox in English what is the
- 00:01:19meaning of the word paradox any sentence
- 00:01:22where there are two opposing meanings
- 00:01:25then that is called as Paradox like the
- 00:01:29word hote
- 00:01:30or this is the beginning of the end or
- 00:01:33tragic comedy that is called Paradox
- 00:01:36today we'll be focusing upon some
- 00:01:39Christmas related
- 00:01:41paradoxes I'll come to that step by step
- 00:01:44but I'm preparing you mentally and
- 00:01:46emotionally we'll be focusing upon
- 00:01:48Christmas related paradoxes what is the
- 00:01:50meaning of the word paradox any sentence
- 00:01:53or any word in which there are two
- 00:01:55opposite meanings like hot eyes comic
- 00:01:58tragedy or this is the beginning of the
- 00:02:01end so that is called Paradox and one
- 00:02:04more thing which I would like to share
- 00:02:06before I come to the main topic is the
- 00:02:09Milestone events in our lord Jesus
- 00:02:12Christ's life has all been
- 00:02:14for everything has been written in
- 00:02:18advance dear friends on the life death
- 00:02:22and resurrection of a lord Jesus Christ
- 00:02:24depended the salvation of
- 00:02:27mankind lest any man attribute
- 00:02:30our Lord's birth death and Resurrection
- 00:02:33to any accident or coincidence our
- 00:02:36heavenly father has foretold has
- 00:02:39prophesied has got it written down in
- 00:02:41the scriptures many many years even
- 00:02:43before our Lord Jesus Christ came his
- 00:02:47birth that he would be born to a virgin
- 00:02:49has been prophesied in Isaiah 7:14 that
- 00:02:52he would be born in bethle just now
- 00:02:54Sister Joi also read it out it is
- 00:02:57written in Micah 52 that he would die on
- 00:03:00the Cross psalm 22 that he would rise
- 00:03:03again from the dead Psalm 16:10 that he
- 00:03:06would Ascend it is written in Isaiah
- 00:03:09sorry in Psalm
- 00:03:1068:18 everything has been foretold so
- 00:03:14that nobody will attribute our Lord's
- 00:03:16birth death and Resurrection to a
- 00:03:18coincidence but everybody has to believe
- 00:03:21that it is Providence everything is
- 00:03:22taking place asper his will I'll just
- 00:03:25illustrate before I come to the main
- 00:03:27PowerPoint presentation
- 00:03:30there was one real life incident uh that
- 00:03:33brings dear to the eye I read about it
- 00:03:36in a magazine called Light of Life a
- 00:03:38Mumbai based Christian magazine it is a
- 00:03:40testimony of a servant of God who all
- 00:03:44lighted from the train in a busy station
- 00:03:47we all know that we when we undertake a
- 00:03:50train journey we all have some luggage
- 00:03:52so on and so forth so he brought down
- 00:03:56his luggage and he thought everything
- 00:03:57has come down with the help of the
- 00:03:59porter
- 00:04:00and as the train started moving suddenly
- 00:04:04he realized that the porter who he has
- 00:04:06engaged in bringing down the luggage he
- 00:04:08has not brought down the briefcase one
- 00:04:11briefcase of his in the compartment and
- 00:04:14that briefcase contained some valuables
- 00:04:16of that servant of God and the train
- 00:04:20moved away and in desperation that
- 00:04:23servant of God started praying Lord that
- 00:04:26briefcase if it is lost I would be
- 00:04:29deprived of many valuable things
- 00:04:32especially some valuable Christian
- 00:04:33literature please help me in retrieving
- 00:04:36that briefcase I'm asking your question
- 00:04:38dear friends if somebody were to try to
- 00:04:42chase the Train by taking a taxi or an
- 00:04:45auto uh before the train goes to the
- 00:04:48next station in a busy say Mumbai City
- 00:04:53where roads are congested can we by
- 00:04:56traveling in a taxi or an auto reach the
- 00:04:59next station before the train reaches or
- 00:05:02will the train reach that next station
- 00:05:04first give me an answer especially if we
- 00:05:07are traveling in congested Delhi or
- 00:05:09Mumbai
- 00:05:10roads
- 00:05:11no the train will reach because train
- 00:05:14doesn't have train traffic congestion
- 00:05:16problem so this servant of God knew that
- 00:05:21even if he were to take a taxi now or an
- 00:05:23auto now and try to reach the next
- 00:05:25station before the train reaches the
- 00:05:28station it would not be possible because
- 00:05:30the train would move away from that
- 00:05:32station also before he reaches that
- 00:05:34place he started praying desperately
- 00:05:37Lord help me get that briefcase back and
- 00:05:39lo and behold he heard an announcement
- 00:05:42in the train station that the train is
- 00:05:44coming back hallelujah praise the
- 00:05:47Lord and the train did come back and
- 00:05:50this time without engaging any Porter or
- 00:05:53a coie uh the servant of God himself
- 00:05:56went inside that compartment he found
- 00:05:58that briefcase safe and sound
- 00:06:00right near his birth he took that
- 00:06:02briefcase and thanking the lord
- 00:06:04profusely he came
- 00:06:06down now he started inquiring with the
- 00:06:10powers that be in the railway station
- 00:06:12why the train came back and later on as
- 00:06:15he enquired he found out that as the
- 00:06:17train moved from that station what
- 00:06:20happened was one passenger who was
- 00:06:22traveling in the first class he went to
- 00:06:24the washroom and opened the T the water
- 00:06:27was not coming he got very angry and he
- 00:06:30pulled the chain and the train stopped
- 00:06:34and the driver came fuming he said why
- 00:06:37did you pull the chain and this
- 00:06:39passenger was very angry he shot back at
- 00:06:42the driver he said I'm traveling in a
- 00:06:44first class compartment I am paying such
- 00:06:46a hefty sum to buy this ticket to have
- 00:06:49some basic amenities and facilities in a
- 00:06:52railway compartment and if you deprive
- 00:06:54me of water also then I'm going to
- 00:06:56complain to the railway Minister and the
- 00:06:59driver got frightened as this passenger
- 00:07:03expressed his anger uh and the driver
- 00:07:06brought back the uh train back to that
- 00:07:09station to fill that train with water as
- 00:07:11the tanks water tanks in the
- 00:07:13compartments were empty now dear
- 00:07:17friends whose hand is
- 00:07:19there in bringing the train back was it
- 00:07:23coincidence or the hand of
- 00:07:26God God hand of God hallelujah praise
- 00:07:29the the Lord now if I were to go and
- 00:07:32tell one atheist who doesn't believe in
- 00:07:35God see our heavenly father is so great
- 00:07:39he answered the prayer of one servant of
- 00:07:41his and brought back the train which
- 00:07:44left the station back to the same
- 00:07:47platform the aist is bound to
- 00:07:50respond uh in a mocking way he would say
- 00:07:54hey that was a coincidence it was a
- 00:07:56stroke of Fortune that your friend a su
- 00:07:59of God got back his briefcase I would
- 00:08:01not believe that this is the work of God
- 00:08:05but now dear friends let us think for a
- 00:08:08moment that everything about that
- 00:08:10incident if it has been written in the
- 00:08:12scriptures 300 years back that this
- 00:08:15servant of God would be traveling in
- 00:08:17such a such a train he would be
- 00:08:19traveling in the compartment number so
- 00:08:21and so and he would be traveling in the
- 00:08:23birth number so and so that he would for
- 00:08:27that the porter would forget bringing
- 00:08:29down one briefcase and that the train
- 00:08:32would move at such a such a time from
- 00:08:34the station and would come back to the
- 00:08:35station at such and such a time if all
- 00:08:37the details related to this incident are
- 00:08:40recorded in the scripture say 300 years
- 00:08:42back can anybody attribute this
- 00:08:46particular great work of God to
- 00:08:49coincidence they have to believe it is
- 00:08:52Providence because everything about that
- 00:08:54has been forto Allelujah praise the Lord
- 00:08:57are you all with me so Sim similarly
- 00:08:59there are great many prophecies about
- 00:09:03our Lord Jesus Christ where he would be
- 00:09:05born Bethlehem how he would be born to a
- 00:09:08virgin Isaiah
- 00:09:107:14 how he would die on the cross Psalm
- 00:09:1322 all the verses including
- 00:09:17that fourth word of our Lord Jesus
- 00:09:19Christ my God my God why have you
- 00:09:21deserted me why have you forsaken me
- 00:09:23that is how Psalm 22 begins and then
- 00:09:26again that he would rise from the dead
- 00:09:28psalm 16: 10 that he would Ascend Psalm
- 00:09:3168:18 everything has been written down
- 00:09:34lest anybody attribute our Lord's life
- 00:09:37death and Resurrection to an accident
- 00:09:39are you all with me this is all
- 00:09:41introduction now coming to the
- 00:09:45paradoxes before I show you the slide
- 00:09:48I'm going to ask you a question who is
- 00:09:51the father of our nation modern day
- 00:09:53India very Elementary question unmute
- 00:09:56and give me an answer
- 00:09:59Gandhi g Gandhi g right
- 00:10:02answer
- 00:10:04now next question related to Gandhi g
- 00:10:08where was he
- 00:10:09born por bander poor bander right answer
- 00:10:13por bander in
- 00:10:15Gujarat and if anybody comes and says oh
- 00:10:20powerand a small insignificant
- 00:10:23City would not Indians get offended
- 00:10:26because Indians take pride in the world
- 00:10:29work of Mahatma Gandhi they take pride
- 00:10:32in the fact that he was born in India
- 00:10:35all the residents of poor band they will
- 00:10:37take pride in the fact that the father
- 00:10:40of the nation was born in porbander in
- 00:10:42Gujarat if anyone were to come and say
- 00:10:45address poor band as a small
- 00:10:47insignificant Village I will take the
- 00:10:49help of brother Israel also to read from
- 00:10:52the living Bible also
- 00:10:55M if somebody were to
- 00:10:57attribute and say porbander is a small
- 00:11:01insignificant Village would not the
- 00:11:02residents of porbander get
- 00:11:06offended give an answer yes or no
- 00:11:09yes yes so dear
- 00:11:13friends if Mah had addressed Bethlehem
- 00:11:17as a small insignificant Village before
- 00:11:19David was born then it is okay but Mah's
- 00:11:23prophecy was almost 500 years after
- 00:11:26David was born after he ruled Israel and
- 00:11:30he came to be regarded as one of the
- 00:11:31best kings in the nation of
- 00:11:34Israel now uh I'll take the help of
- 00:11:38brother Israel to read from the living
- 00:11:39Bible he has the living Bible yes Mah 52
- 00:11:43Mah 52 oh Bethlehem eata you are but a
- 00:11:47small judian village yet you will be the
- 00:11:50birthplace of my king who is alive from
- 00:11:52Everlasting ages past look at that uh
- 00:11:56speaking of Bethlehem as a small judian
- 00:11:58village
- 00:11:59H can anybody speak of Po Mand like that
- 00:12:03hey you are a
- 00:12:04small village lying in someone corner of
- 00:12:08Gujarat so let us look at David's
- 00:12:12spirituality how his obedience to the
- 00:12:15Lord yes he committed some sins but he
- 00:12:17would always repent and set right his
- 00:12:19relationship with the Lord so much so
- 00:12:22David's spirituality becomes The
- 00:12:25Benchmark for measuring the spirituality
- 00:12:28of other kings who followed him I'll be
- 00:12:30taking the help of sister Joi please
- 00:12:32read from 2 Chronicles 28 verse1
- 00:12:36sister look at how King aha's
- 00:12:39spirituality is measured in relation
- 00:12:42with the spirituality of David ahaz was
- 00:12:4520 years old when he became king and he
- 00:12:48reigned in Jerusalem 16 years unlike
- 00:12:51David his father he did not do what was
- 00:12:53right in the eyes of the Lord unlike
- 00:12:56David's father David is the spiritual
- 00:12:58benchmark
- 00:13:00for all Kings who followed him let us
- 00:13:01look at 2 Chronicles 29 also: 1 to3 we
- 00:13:06see hezekia spirituality also measured
- 00:13:09in relation to the spirituality of David
- 00:13:12Hezekiah was 25 years old when he became
- 00:13:14king and he reigned in Jerusalem 29
- 00:13:17years his mother's name was abijah
- 00:13:20daughter of Zechariah he did what was
- 00:13:22right in the eyes of the Lord just as
- 00:13:24his father David had done look at that
- 00:13:28his spirituality is also measured in
- 00:13:30relation to the spirituality of
- 00:13:32David so does it make sense to call
- 00:13:37Bethlehem a small judian village a small
- 00:13:39insignificant Village like in other
- 00:13:42biblical
- 00:13:43translations paradoxical it is it
- 00:13:46doesn't make sense to call Bethlehem as
- 00:13:48a small judian village as a small
- 00:13:51insignificant Village when the greatest
- 00:13:52King in the history of nation of Israel
- 00:13:55was born there can we look down upon
- 00:13:58poor B as Indians no so uh now we'll go
- 00:14:03to the slideshow okay brother Vijay will
- 00:14:05be displaying the slides to us we'll go
- 00:14:08step by step brother
- 00:14:12Vijay I'll be using uh sub edings all
- 00:14:16beginning with the letter P because the
- 00:14:18word paradox also begins with the letter
- 00:14:20P I'll be using the words uh all
- 00:14:23beginning with the letter P okay
- 00:14:26um first I already shared with you what
- 00:14:30is the meaning of the word paradox it is
- 00:14:32a sentence or a phrase which is having
- 00:14:35words having opposite meanings hot ice
- 00:14:37means it is paradoxical press the next
- 00:14:40button brother
- 00:14:41vij uh to say this is the beginning of
- 00:14:44the end is also paradoxical okay let's
- 00:14:47go to the next slide so Christmas
- 00:14:50paradoxes I'm using three pce one is
- 00:14:53Place second Peacemaker and third is
- 00:14:55physician okay Place Peacemaker and
- 00:14:58physician now coming to the place let's
- 00:15:01go to the next slide brother Vijay let
- 00:15:03us look at Bethlehem look at this this
- 00:15:05is a wonderful place
- 00:15:08Bethlehem where the Savior was born and
- 00:15:13to call it as a small judian village
- 00:15:16where David already was born seems
- 00:15:20paradoxical so what is the exact meaning
- 00:15:24what did what is the lesson which God
- 00:15:26wants us to learn from Micah f too dear
- 00:15:30friends often we Christians this is a
- 00:15:34special lesson for us we boast about our
- 00:15:37spiritual Heritage
- 00:15:39sometimes I have seen in my 41 years of
- 00:15:42my walk with the Lord 41 years of my
- 00:15:45Christian Life many a Christian boasting
- 00:15:47about his spiritual Heritage oh you know
- 00:15:50my forefathers my ancestors they did
- 00:15:54great ministry they ministered in the
- 00:15:56Villages they established so many
- 00:15:58churches
- 00:15:59they want so many souls to the Lord so
- 00:16:01on and so forth it is good to have
- 00:16:03spiritual Heritage now I am pointedly
- 00:16:06asking your
- 00:16:08question will good spiritual Heritage
- 00:16:11guarantee A Place For Us in heaven give
- 00:16:14unmute and give me an
- 00:16:16answer will good spiritual Heritage will
- 00:16:19the great ministry of our forefathers
- 00:16:22will that give us a ticket to go to
- 00:16:25heaven no no dear friends we become an
- 00:16:30important Bethlehem in God's sight only
- 00:16:33when Jesus comes into our lives H
- 00:16:35Allelujah praise the
- 00:16:37Lord are you all with me yes great King
- 00:16:41David may have been born there but in
- 00:16:43God's sight it is still a small judian
- 00:16:45village it is a small insignificant
- 00:16:48Village but it becomes a precious
- 00:16:50important Village in God's sight only
- 00:16:52when the King of Kings is born
- 00:16:55there and David himself had add es the
- 00:17:00coming Messiah as the Lord the Savior as
- 00:17:02the Lord David who is the greatest King
- 00:17:05in the history of the nation of Israel
- 00:17:07he himself is addressing the coming King
- 00:17:10of Kings as the Lord where it where it
- 00:17:13is let us take the help of sister JIS um
- 00:17:16sister please read from Psalm 110
- 00:17:20verse1 Psalm 110 verse
- 00:17:26one underline it in your Bibles also all
- 00:17:29the
- 00:17:31participants Psalm 110 verse1 the Lord
- 00:17:35says to my Lord sit at my right hand
- 00:17:38until I make your enemies a foot stol
- 00:17:40for your
- 00:17:41feet that is a prophecy about the coming
- 00:17:44Messiah the Lord said to my Lord that is
- 00:17:47our Heavenly Father God of Abraham Isaac
- 00:17:50and Jacob is uh telling Jesus the
- 00:17:54Messiah the savior of the world the king
- 00:17:55of kings that sit at my right hand I'll
- 00:17:58make make all your enemies your foot
- 00:18:00stol David is calling the coming King of
- 00:18:04Kings as his Lord H Alleluia praise the
- 00:18:07Lord are you all with me so that is the
- 00:18:11status of our Lord Jesus Christ we are
- 00:18:14talking about spiritual relativity here
- 00:18:16yes David was a great king but when
- 00:18:18compared to the King of Kings he's
- 00:18:22nothing are you all with
- 00:18:24me so dear friends let's go to the next
- 00:18:27line you'll see uh you know Millions
- 00:18:32thronging uh Bethlehem Christians all
- 00:18:36over the world who undertake a
- 00:18:38pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Israel
- 00:18:42would they come back without seeing
- 00:18:43Bethlehem and they would not come back
- 00:18:45and I still remember my own experience
- 00:18:47in 2011 of visiting the Holy Land all by
- 00:18:51God's
- 00:18:52grace you know I had a very
- 00:18:54knowledgeable guy who would give the
- 00:18:57history behind every place which we
- 00:18:59would visit and when we went to
- 00:19:01Bethlehem I asked him see here we are we
- 00:19:05have seen the birthplace of the Messiah
- 00:19:08can you show me the birthplace of David
- 00:19:10where exactly he was born like you are
- 00:19:12able to pinpoint the exact birthplace of
- 00:19:16um Lord Jesus Christ can you pinpoint
- 00:19:18the location where David was born he
- 00:19:21looked he gave me a very quizzical look
- 00:19:23he said I do not know today million
- 00:19:27strong Bethlehem
- 00:19:29not to see where David was born but to
- 00:19:32see where the king of kings was born
- 00:19:33hallelujah praise the Lord are you all
- 00:19:37with me so dear friends a lesson for all
- 00:19:41of us from Maho which is uh seemingly
- 00:19:44apparently a paradoxical statement oh
- 00:19:47little small judian village Bethlehem
- 00:19:50how can it be a small judian village man
- 00:19:53the greatest King of the nation of
- 00:19:55Israel was born there but it is a small
- 00:19:57judian village in God's sight till the
- 00:20:00King of Kings arrives
- 00:20:02there so as good as our spiritual
- 00:20:07heritages yes our great forefathers our
- 00:20:10ancestors they may have done great
- 00:20:13ministry and they are bound to reap
- 00:20:15Heavenly rewards from our heavenly
- 00:20:17father for the faithful Ministry which
- 00:20:19they have done but the question which we
- 00:20:22need to ask ourselves during this
- 00:20:24Christmas time is do I have a personal
- 00:20:27relationship with the savior
- 00:20:29has the Savior come into my life as he
- 00:20:32come into my heart otherwise I am a
- 00:20:36small judian village that's all I will
- 00:20:40get a prominence in Heavenly father's
- 00:20:43sight only when the King of Kings the
- 00:20:46Savior the Messiah enters my life are
- 00:20:49you all with me so dear friends this is
- 00:20:52the first Paradox which I wanted to
- 00:20:55bring related to Christmas let's go to
- 00:20:58the uh next slide brother Vijay just to
- 00:21:02bring out the power of God I'm sharing
- 00:21:05this with you dear friends um I'm giving
- 00:21:09you my own example my parents belong to
- 00:21:12Chenal Pate in Chennai my father worked
- 00:21:14in medras presidency in early
- 00:21:171950s when the division took place of
- 00:21:22Tamil Nadu and Andra Pradesh the
- 00:21:24authorities found out that my paternal
- 00:21:27grandfather belongs to rali in GTO so
- 00:21:30they transferred my dad who was actually
- 00:21:33staying in changal Chennai to Hyderabad
- 00:21:36first to kol and then to Hyderabad now
- 00:21:40we know Joseph and Mary they are of the
- 00:21:42davidic
- 00:21:44line and in Thousand Years from David
- 00:21:48till our Lord Jesus Christ was born due
- 00:21:50to different reasons they had migrated
- 00:21:52to Nazareth brother Vijay you can point
- 00:21:54a CER at Nazareth yeah thank you
- 00:21:58different reasons thousand years have
- 00:22:01passed due to different reasons they had
- 00:22:03migrated to
- 00:22:04Nazareth now I'm going to ask a question
- 00:22:07to all the group members would any
- 00:22:10maternity
- 00:22:12doctor recommend a journey of 120
- 00:22:17kilometers in the land of Hills and
- 00:22:19Valleys to a lady who is 10 months
- 00:22:22pregnant would any maternity
- 00:22:25doctor advise her to undertake a journey
- 00:22:28of 120 kilom in a Land of Hills and
- 00:22:31Valleys when she is 10 months
- 00:22:35pregnant give me yes or no no no no
- 00:22:39doctor would recommend are you all with
- 00:22:41me but in order that this prophecy of
- 00:22:45Micah should be
- 00:22:47fulfilled the Lord brought a Royal
- 00:22:50Decree from emperor
- 00:22:53Caesar that all his
- 00:22:56citizens all his subject should travel
- 00:22:59to their native Villages for
- 00:23:01registration remember one thing God can
- 00:23:03use selfish motives of some people also
- 00:23:06for his glory selfish motives of
- 00:23:09Joseph's Elder brothers that they should
- 00:23:11get rid of him actually resulted in uh
- 00:23:16God's glory being further magnified
- 00:23:18being further enhanced Joseph became the
- 00:23:21savior of the Israel and not only savior
- 00:23:24of Israel but the World At Large when he
- 00:23:27reached Egypt and elevated as the prime
- 00:23:30minister of Egypt but what was the
- 00:23:33original intention of uh Joseph's Elder
- 00:23:37Brothers was it horest good intention or
- 00:23:40very selfish intention of selling him
- 00:23:43off to the ishite Traders give me an
- 00:23:47answer selfish reasons
- 00:23:49or horest reasons selfish Reon selfish
- 00:23:53reasons but God used it for his glory
- 00:23:55and emperor Caesar Augustus he brought
- 00:23:59about a decree saying that all his
- 00:24:01citizens should travel to Native
- 00:24:02Villages why he wanted that system of
- 00:24:07tax collection to be more systematic to
- 00:24:10be more methodical he wanted to have a
- 00:24:12database whereby he would know that all
- 00:24:14his subjects are paying
- 00:24:16taxes that is why he ordered that all
- 00:24:20the people in his kingdom should travel
- 00:24:23to the native Villages for
- 00:24:25registration so that tomorrow he would
- 00:24:27be able to monitor whether they are able
- 00:24:29they are paying the taxes or not it was
- 00:24:31a selfish decision but God was using it
- 00:24:34for his Glory Hallelujah praise the Lord
- 00:24:37it ensured that the prophecy of Micah
- 00:24:39was fulfilled you can see the power of
- 00:24:42God In Action is Adonai God Seated on
- 00:24:45the throne Isaiah 61 are you all with
- 00:24:48me so uh I'll take the help of sister ji
- 00:24:52to read from Luke's gospel chap 2: 1 to7
- 00:24:55and then uh Proverbs also 21:1
- 00:24:58uh just to save on time as sister is
- 00:25:00reading from Luke's gospel chap 2: 1 to7
- 00:25:03uh brother Israel will be ready with
- 00:25:05Proverbs
- 00:25:06211 in those days Caesar Augustus issued
- 00:25:09a decree that the census should be taken
- 00:25:11of the entire Roman world this was the
- 00:25:14first senses that took place while
- 00:25:15quirinus was governor of Syria and
- 00:25:18everyone went to his own town to
- 00:25:20register so Joseph also went up from the
- 00:25:23town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea to
- 00:25:26Bethlehem the town of David because he
- 00:25:29belonged to the house and the line of
- 00:25:31David he went there to register with
- 00:25:33Mary who was pledged to be married to
- 00:25:36him and was expecting a child while they
- 00:25:39were there the time came for the baby to
- 00:25:41be born and she gave birth to her
- 00:25:42firstborn a son she wrapped him in a
- 00:25:45cloth and placed him in the manger
- 00:25:48because there was no room for them in
- 00:25:49the
- 00:25:50Inn thank you sister brother Israel
- 00:25:54Proverbs
- 00:25:5521:1 everything is in God's hands even
- 00:25:57including in the hearts of the Kings
- 00:26:00just as water is turned into irrigation
- 00:26:03ditches so the Lord directs the king's
- 00:26:06thoughts hallelujah praise the Lord just
- 00:26:11as the water can be turned into the
- 00:26:13ditches by the concerned farmers in his
- 00:26:15agricultural field the Lord can direct
- 00:26:18the thoughts of the king hallelujah
- 00:26:20praise the Lord everything is in his
- 00:26:21hands and let us look at the journey
- 00:26:25which they undertook brother Vijay from
- 00:26:27Nazareth
- 00:26:28they are bypassing Samaria by traveling
- 00:26:31in a boat uh usually Christians think
- 00:26:35all along from Nazareth till Bethlehem
- 00:26:38they rode on a donkey no uh when you do
- 00:26:42a deep Bible study you'll realize that
- 00:26:45they bypass Samaria because Samaritans
- 00:26:47are very hostile with the Jews they
- 00:26:50would not give them places to LOD in uh
- 00:26:53brother Vijay you can point a curer of
- 00:26:55the journey from Nazareth then onto
- 00:26:58River Jordan there they would take a
- 00:27:01boat and come up to
- 00:27:04Jericho from Jericho again yes they
- 00:27:07would take a donkey and travel up to
- 00:27:09Bethlehem but uh many Christians think
- 00:27:12all along from Nazareth till Bethlehem
- 00:27:15they rode on a donkey no because right
- 00:27:17side picture also shows um Joseph making
- 00:27:21Mary sit on a donkey and the donkey is
- 00:27:24walking yes part of the journey was made
- 00:27:26on the donkey back but uh you can see
- 00:27:29major section of their Journey was made
- 00:27:31by way of a boat from uh Nazareth they
- 00:27:35come to River Jordan and from River
- 00:27:37Jordan they use the boat in River Jordan
- 00:27:40come up to Jericho and then again they
- 00:27:42travel Inland to Bethlehem are you all
- 00:27:45with me so why did they use the boat to
- 00:27:48bypass the Hostile Samaritan region are
- 00:27:51you all with me when you come to Luke's
- 00:27:53gospel chapter 9 the closing verses
- 00:27:55there also you'll see that when Jesus
- 00:27:57sends his deciples to book a room in the
- 00:27:59Samaritan Village they are not willing
- 00:28:01to give a room to him are you all with
- 00:28:03me so uh the power of God is in display
- 00:28:07in making Caesar Augustus pass the
- 00:28:09decree so that M fu is fulfilled
- 00:28:12Allelujah praise the Lord are you all
- 00:28:14with me and that God is ruling Our Lives
- 00:28:19as Christians whenever we encounter
- 00:28:22problems let us not uh get too anxious
- 00:28:26too concerned and lose our peace of mind
- 00:28:29no our heavenly father who is ruling Our
- 00:28:33Lives he's Seated on the throne he
- 00:28:37everything is in his control are you all
- 00:28:38with me that is the purpose of our Bible
- 00:28:40study to deepen our relationship with
- 00:28:43our heavenly father are you all with me
- 00:28:45so let's go to the next slide brother
- 00:28:47we'll come to it another Paradox uh I'll
- 00:28:52be taking the help of sister ji to read
- 00:28:54from Isaiah chapter 9:6 and brother
- 00:28:57Israel will be ready
- 00:28:58with Matthew's gospel chap 10: 34- 38
- 00:29:03okay uh then we'll see the Paradox what
- 00:29:05is the Paradox here Jesus is ascribed a
- 00:29:08title he's the Prince of Peace but what
- 00:29:11does Matthew's gospel chapter 10: 34 to
- 00:29:1438 say okay for to us a child is born to
- 00:29:18us a son is given and the Garment will
- 00:29:20be on his shoulders and he will be
- 00:29:23called wonderful counselor Mighty God
- 00:29:25Everlasting father Prince of Peace
- 00:29:28Prince of Peace but what is Jesus
- 00:29:31speaking about his own Ministry brother
- 00:29:35Israel Matthew's gospel 10: 34- 38 don't
- 00:29:39imagine that I came to bring peace to
- 00:29:41the Earth no rather as SW I have come to
- 00:29:45set a man against his father and a
- 00:29:48daughter against her mother and a
- 00:29:50daughter-in-law against her
- 00:29:51mother-in-law a man's worst enemies will
- 00:29:54be right in his own home if you love
- 00:29:57your father and mother more than you
- 00:29:58love me you're not worthy of being mine
- 00:30:01or if you love your son or daughter more
- 00:30:03than me you are not worthy of being mine
- 00:30:06if you refuse to take up your cross and
- 00:30:08follow me you're not worthy of being
- 00:30:12mine Jesus is given the title Prince of
- 00:30:15Peace and he himself is telling I not
- 00:30:18come to bring peace but rather a sword
- 00:30:21man's worst enemies will be in his own
- 00:30:23family how do you reconcile these both
- 00:30:26statements this is appearing
- 00:30:29paradoxical is it not give me yes or
- 00:30:34no Jesus himself is telling I have not
- 00:30:36come to bring peace so how can we give
- 00:30:38him the title Prince of Peace doesn't it
- 00:30:41seem
- 00:30:43paradoxical yes or no yes
- 00:30:48yes see uh brother vij you can uh show
- 00:30:52the participants also other participants
- 00:30:54if it is uh it can be displayed uh
- 00:30:59just think for a moment tomorrow I
- 00:31:02always pray that in Wednesday Bible
- 00:31:05study all the participants should become
- 00:31:08Bible teachers hallelujah praise the
- 00:31:10Lord Tomorrow People may ask you a
- 00:31:13question
- 00:31:16teacher one of the titles ascribed to
- 00:31:19Jesus is Prince of Peace and that
- 00:31:22prophecy you always read during
- 00:31:24Christmas time unto us a child is born
- 00:31:27unto us a son is is given and then come
- 00:31:30the titles of our Lord Jesus Christ
- 00:31:32Everlasting father wonderful counselor
- 00:31:34Prince of Peace how do you reconcile
- 00:31:36this title with what Jesus himself says
- 00:31:39in Matthew's gospel chapter 10: 34-39
- 00:31:43how how do when he says I'm not come to
- 00:31:45bring peace but rather a
- 00:31:48soul dear friends let us go step by step
- 00:31:53you all here to learn okay there are two
- 00:31:56Dimensions to it one is micro another is
- 00:31:59macro okay let's go to the next slide
- 00:32:01brother Vijay there are two Dimensions
- 00:32:04to this subject one is micro another is
- 00:32:09macro okay when we accept our Lord Jesus
- 00:32:13Christ as a lord and savior he sets
- 00:32:16right our relationship with our Heavenly
- 00:32:18Father by the blood which he has shed on
- 00:32:21the cross he cleanses our
- 00:32:23hearts and our relationship with our
- 00:32:26heavenly father is set right so much so
- 00:32:28now we become his children when we are
- 00:32:31born into this world we belong to Satan
- 00:32:33but now after we accept Jesus as our
- 00:32:36Lord and savior look at him he's The
- 00:32:38Peacemaker he is setting right our
- 00:32:40relationship with our heavenly father
- 00:32:42now I'll make sister ji to read from
- 00:32:45John's gospel chapter 1: 10 to13 we
- 00:32:48become his children we are set we are
- 00:32:50our relationship with him is set right
- 00:32:52when we accept him as our Lord and
- 00:32:54savior and brother Israel will be ready
- 00:32:56with 1 Timothy ch 2:s five the sa on
- 00:32:59time he was in the world and though the
- 00:33:02world was made through him the world did
- 00:33:05not recognize him he came to that which
- 00:33:07was his own but his own did not receive
- 00:33:10him yet to all who received him to those
- 00:33:12who believed in his name he gave the
- 00:33:15right to become children of God children
- 00:33:17born not of natural descent nor of human
- 00:33:20decision or a husband's will but born of
- 00:33:23God we become his children our
- 00:33:26relationship with our heavenly father is
- 00:33:28set right by the Prince of Peace 1
- 00:33:31Timothy chter 2:5
- 00:33:34brother that God is on one side and all
- 00:33:38the people on the other side and Christ
- 00:33:40Jesus himself man is between them to
- 00:33:44bring them together brother vij point a
- 00:33:46kazer at Jesus being in the middle
- 00:33:49bringing peace between God and men look
- 00:33:51at brother vij immediately pointing the
- 00:33:53kazer at the right place
- 00:33:55so dear friends
- 00:33:58how do you reconcile Isaiah 9:6 with
- 00:34:01Matthew's gospel 10: 34-39 is listen to
- 00:34:04me very carefully at micro
- 00:34:08level when our relationship with our
- 00:34:10heavenly father is set
- 00:34:12right we get Heavenly peace as the Holy
- 00:34:15Spirit comes into our heart let's go to
- 00:34:18the next slide uh brother Vijay look at
- 00:34:21this the Dow symbolizing the holy spirit
- 00:34:23is in our heart and there is calmness
- 00:34:26there is peace because our relationship
- 00:34:29with our heavenly father is set right
- 00:34:31but those who have not received Lord
- 00:34:34Jesus Christ as the Lord and savior in a
- 00:34:36nominal Christian family or in a family
- 00:34:39of unbelievers they will not be able to
- 00:34:42understand our new priorities
- 00:34:44now dear friends when I became a
- 00:34:47Christian in a nominal Christian home
- 00:34:49yes God gave me the privilege of
- 00:34:51baptizing my parents later on when I
- 00:34:53came into the
- 00:34:54ministry all my family members found my
- 00:34:57new priorities as very strange to them I
- 00:35:00stopped seeing movies I started uh I
- 00:35:03stopped wearing flashy dress to the uh
- 00:35:06family parties and all that I would just
- 00:35:08go wear simple dress and go not showing
- 00:35:11off my uh attire or anything like that
- 00:35:14uh my family members found my behavior
- 00:35:17to be very strange they could not
- 00:35:18comprehend it and they were persecuting
- 00:35:20me they were insulting me they were
- 00:35:22mocking me so is the case of every
- 00:35:26Christian in the environment in which he
- 00:35:28is in his priorities will not be
- 00:35:30understood properly people will mock him
- 00:35:33people will insult him people will
- 00:35:35persecute him emotionally or sometimes
- 00:35:37even physically or
- 00:35:40financially that is the meaning
- 00:35:42of our Lord Jesus Christ's words in
- 00:35:45Matthew's gospel 10: 34-39 the sumon
- 00:35:48substan is your enemies will be right
- 00:35:50around you your own family members can
- 00:35:52be your enemies are you all with
- 00:35:54me but that Christian who is at the
- 00:35:57receiving end of persecution he'll be
- 00:36:00enjoying Divine peace hallelujah praise
- 00:36:02the Lord despite emotional persecution
- 00:36:06despite Financial persecution whatever
- 00:36:09despite social persecution but that
- 00:36:13Christian who has set right his
- 00:36:15relationship with the heavenly father
- 00:36:17because of the work of the Prince of
- 00:36:19Peace in the cross he'll be enjoying
- 00:36:22Divine peace that is at micro level
- 00:36:25individually he'll be having uh
- 00:36:27Indescribable peace what is the kind of
- 00:36:30Peace which our Lord Jesus Christ gives
- 00:36:32I'll take the help of sister ji to read
- 00:36:35from John's gospel chapter 14: 26- 27
- 00:36:39and brother Israel will be ready with
- 00:36:40Phil Philippians chapter 4: 6 and 7
- 00:36:43whenever we pray uh in the midst of our
- 00:36:46problems what kind of Peace our Lord
- 00:36:48Jesus Christ gives brother Israel will
- 00:36:50read from Philippians chapter 4: 6 and 7
- 00:36:53before that uh sister Joi will be
- 00:36:55reading from John's gospel ch 14: 26- 27
- 00:36:58but the counselor of the Holy Spirit
- 00:37:00whom the father will send in my name
- 00:37:03will Point C at the D the Holy Spirit
- 00:37:06symbol D symbolizing the Holy Spirit
- 00:37:08when he's in our hearts yeah but the
- 00:37:11counselor of the Holy Spirit whom the
- 00:37:13father will send in my name will teach
- 00:37:15you all things and will remind you of
- 00:37:17everything I have said to you peace I
- 00:37:19leave with you my peace I give you I do
- 00:37:23I do not give you as the world gives do
- 00:37:26not let your heart Hearts be troubled
- 00:37:28and do not be afraid thank you sister
- 00:37:31the peace I give is not like the world
- 00:37:33peace which the world gives the peace
- 00:37:35which the world gives is dependent upon
- 00:37:37outward circumstances if the
- 00:37:39circumstances are favorable everybody
- 00:37:41has good health they have a healthy bank
- 00:37:43balance children are studying well all
- 00:37:45the circumstances are favorable yes most
- 00:37:49of the people on planet Earth have Peaks
- 00:37:52that is dependent on outward
- 00:37:53circumstances but the peace which our
- 00:37:55Lord Jesus Christ gives is not
- 00:37:57all outward circumstances even when
- 00:37:59circumstances around us are
- 00:38:03unfavorable because the holy spirit is
- 00:38:06in our hearts we are enjoying Heavenly
- 00:38:08peace and Heavenly Joy hallelujah praise
- 00:38:11the
- 00:38:11Lord Jesus said repent for the kingdom
- 00:38:14of God is at hand and what is that
- 00:38:17kingdom of God righteousness peace and
- 00:38:19joy of the Holy Spirit sister Joy please
- 00:38:21read from Romans
- 00:38:2314:17 Romans 14:17 what is kingdom of
- 00:38:27God Jesus says repent for the kingdom of
- 00:38:29God is at hand that means moment we
- 00:38:31repent receive him as our Lord and
- 00:38:33savior that kingdom of God which is at
- 00:38:35hand which is nearby it enters our heart
- 00:38:38and what it is it is described in 14:17
- 00:38:40of Romans for the kingdom of God is not
- 00:38:43a matter of eating and drinking but of
- 00:38:45righteousness peace and joy in the Holy
- 00:38:48Spirit righteousness peace and joy of
- 00:38:50the Holy Spirit look at the sequencing
- 00:38:51of the words it doesn't say peace joy of
- 00:38:54the Holy Spirit and righteousness what
- 00:38:56is righteousness righteous means right
- 00:38:58relationship with God moment you repent
- 00:39:00you get that right relationship with God
- 00:39:02and once that right relationship is
- 00:39:04there the Holy Spirit comes inside he
- 00:39:06brings Heavenly peace and Heavenly Joy
- 00:39:09are you all with me and brother Israel
- 00:39:12Philippians 46
- 00:39:16to7 don't worry about anything instead
- 00:39:19pray about everything tell God your
- 00:39:22needs and don't forget to thank him for
- 00:39:25his answers if you do this
- 00:39:27you'll experience God's peace Which is
- 00:39:30far more wonderful than the human mind
- 00:39:33can understand his peace will keep your
- 00:39:36thoughts and your hearts quiet and at
- 00:39:38rest as you trust in Christ Jesus
- 00:39:41hallelujah praise the Lord this is
- 00:39:43immeasurable peace this is peace which
- 00:39:46is not dependent on outward
- 00:39:48circumstances in t it
- 00:39:56says M if you allow worry to come inside
- 00:40:00Satan also will step inside he's looking
- 00:40:02for a tiny hole in our faith to come
- 00:40:09inside means that is impregnable peace
- 00:40:13which doesn't allow Satan to bring worry
- 00:40:16into our hearts that worry may take us
- 00:40:19away from our heavenly father so uh at
- 00:40:23micro level yes the Prince of Peace is
- 00:40:25giving us uh in describ able
- 00:40:28peace even though for Christians you
- 00:40:31know circumstances outward will be
- 00:40:34unfavorable people will be persecuting
- 00:40:36him persecuting them because they are
- 00:40:38not understanding a Christian's
- 00:40:39priorities are you all with me that is
- 00:40:42why Jesus says your wor enemies may be
- 00:40:44right inside your own family and now at
- 00:40:48macro level after our Lord Jesus Christ
- 00:40:51second coming when he is ruling from
- 00:40:55Jerusalem that time Isaiah chap 2: uh 1
- 00:40:59to 4 would be fulfilled let's go to the
- 00:41:01next slide brother
- 00:41:03Vijay at macro
- 00:41:06level look at this now the D is flying
- 00:41:10all over the world now previously the da
- 00:41:12was there only in one heart inside one
- 00:41:15heart now look at the da it is flying
- 00:41:18all over the world sister Joi will be
- 00:41:20reading for us from Isaiah 2: 1 to 4
- 00:41:24this is what Isaiah son of amamos Saw
- 00:41:26conc Judah and Jerusalem in the last
- 00:41:29days the mountain of the Lord's Temple
- 00:41:31will be established as Chief among the
- 00:41:34mountains it will be raised above the
- 00:41:36hills and All Nations will stream to it
- 00:41:39many people will come and say come let
- 00:41:42us go to the mountain of the Lord to the
- 00:41:44house of the god of Jacob he will teach
- 00:41:47to us his ways so that we may walk in
- 00:41:49his paths the law will go out from Zion
- 00:41:53the word of the Lord from Jerusalem he
- 00:41:55will judge between the Nations and will
- 00:41:58settle disputes for many people he will
- 00:42:00settle disputes there will not be any
- 00:42:02wars he is a universal Peacemaker now he
- 00:42:05is the global Peacemaker the Prince of
- 00:42:07Peace is the global Peacemaker now he
- 00:42:10will settle all the disputes no border
- 00:42:12disputes between India and China no
- 00:42:14border disputes between India and
- 00:42:16Pakistan now continue sister they will
- 00:42:19beat the swords into ples vij Point k at
- 00:42:23that beating their swords into plow
- 00:42:24shares yeah and the spears into pruning
- 00:42:27hooks Nation will not take up sword
- 00:42:29against Nation nor will they train for
- 00:42:32war anymore thank you thank you sister
- 00:42:35look at this picture of a tank a battle
- 00:42:39tank which has become a
- 00:42:41tractor brother Vijay can point a cazer
- 00:42:44at this tank which has become a tractor
- 00:42:48now used in agricultur used for
- 00:42:50agriculture purposes at the time when
- 00:42:53there is universal Global Peace With
- 00:42:54Jesus ruling from the Jerusalem the
- 00:42:58Nations will say why should we have a
- 00:43:00defense budget why should we allocate
- 00:43:03money for defense at all when there is
- 00:43:06peace all over let us use that defense
- 00:43:09budget for agricultural purposes for
- 00:43:11enhancing food production which is more
- 00:43:14useful are you all with me they shall
- 00:43:16beat their swords into plow shars and
- 00:43:18Spears into pruning hooks are you all
- 00:43:20with me so tanks will become
- 00:43:23tractors are you all with me so that is
- 00:43:26the the meaning of the word Prince of
- 00:43:29Peace and when you contrast it with
- 00:43:31Matthew's gospel 10:
- 00:43:3434-39 this is the real meaning there is
- 00:43:37in the first
- 00:43:39Advent in Jesus first coming the peace
- 00:43:42was all about peace at individual level
- 00:43:45at micro level at his second coming the
- 00:43:49peace will be at macro level at Global
- 00:43:52level are you all with me so tomorrow if
- 00:43:54somebody uh asks you a question hey you
- 00:43:58call Jesus as Prince of Peace but uh
- 00:44:01there are still Wars going on two world
- 00:44:03wars took place uh and he himself is
- 00:44:06telling that he has not come to bring
- 00:44:09peace but a soul how do you reconcile
- 00:44:11this to you should be in a position to
- 00:44:14give the answer hallelujah praise the
- 00:44:15Lord are you all with me so uh now
- 00:44:20before I show you the next slide brother
- 00:44:22Vijay you can show all the participants
- 00:44:25also display all the participants I'm
- 00:44:27going to ask you a question okay for any
- 00:44:31Peacemaker okay now we are coming to at
- 00:44:34another miracle in Jesus life the Virgin
- 00:44:35birth okay he was born to a virgin my
- 00:44:40question is for anybody to be The
- 00:44:43Peacemaker between two hostile parties
- 00:44:47or between two Waring
- 00:44:49factions what is the or between a
- 00:44:51husband and wife let us say in a
- 00:44:53family what is the basic qualification
- 00:44:56for for a
- 00:45:00peacemaker when will he be accepted as a
- 00:45:05peacemaker we are all here to learn
- 00:45:07please don't fear that oh I'll be
- 00:45:11publicly be demanded by the pastor for
- 00:45:14giving a wrong answer we are all here to
- 00:45:16learn
- 00:45:18recognized when he's recognized and
- 00:45:20accepted as a judge right judge yeah uh
- 00:45:24anybody else
- 00:45:27when he's popular when he's popular yes
- 00:45:31anybody
- 00:45:32else what is the basic qualification for
- 00:45:35Peacemaker I'm not saying sister ji is
- 00:45:37wrong or sister Carol Paul is wrong what
- 00:45:39is the basic qualification for a
- 00:45:42peacemaker brother uh vij continue to
- 00:45:46display all the participants
- 00:45:48also I'm waiting means they're almost
- 00:45:51there sister joy and sister Carol Paul
- 00:45:53are almost there I'm waiting for the APT
- 00:45:56answer
- 00:45:58the perfect
- 00:46:01answer make an educated guess
- 00:46:04no he should be correct he should be
- 00:46:08correct see the basic qualification for
- 00:46:11a peacemaker is he should be acceptable
- 00:46:15to both the Waring
- 00:46:17factions he should be acceptable to both
- 00:46:20the husband and the wife in case they
- 00:46:22are quarreling with one another
- 00:46:24otherwise he cannot be The Peacemaker
- 00:46:26are you all with me
- 00:46:27so let us look at this virgin birth of
- 00:46:30our Lord Jesus Christ by virtue of
- 00:46:33Virgin birth what is
- 00:46:34happening we have just read from 1
- 00:46:37Timothy chap 2 verse 5 brother Vijay
- 00:46:39let's go to the next line again let's
- 00:46:41look at Jesus being right in the middle
- 00:46:43between God and Men brother VI let's go
- 00:46:47to that slide
- 00:46:48yeah he's right in the middle between
- 00:46:51God and men as peacemakers uh
- 00:46:55uh as a look at that Satan is accusing
- 00:46:58us but Jesus is standing on our behalf
- 00:47:01and pleading on our behalf are you all
- 00:47:03with me brother Vijay can point a cazer
- 00:47:06at Jesus being our Advocate standing on
- 00:47:09our behalf even though Satan is pointing
- 00:47:11a critical finger he's pointing an
- 00:47:13accusing finger he's standing up for us
- 00:47:16uh after we are born again yes at the
- 00:47:18time he uh he's our Peacemaker and even
- 00:47:21in our Christian walk whenever we go
- 00:47:25astray uh does God snap relationship
- 00:47:28with us as we repent it is Jesus who is
- 00:47:30our Advocate who stands right in between
- 00:47:34and pleads for our cause are you all
- 00:47:36with me even not only at the time when
- 00:47:38we are born again but in our Christian
- 00:47:40walk whenever we fall down when we sin
- 00:47:43when we repent again it is Jesus who is
- 00:47:45standing in the Gap and pleading for us
- 00:47:48uh sister um Joy please read 1 John
- 00:47:522:1 my dear children I write this to you
- 00:47:55so that you will not sin
- 00:47:57but if anybody does sin we have one who
- 00:48:00speaks to the father in a defense Jesus
- 00:48:02Christ the righteous one look at that he
- 00:48:05is The Peacemaker he stands in the Gap
- 00:48:08so let's go to the next
- 00:48:12line
- 00:48:15brother let's go to the next
- 00:48:22line yeah once again I'm showing you
- 00:48:25what is written in first chapter 2 verse
- 00:48:295 God is on one side men are another
- 00:48:32side in the middle is Jesus now in what
- 00:48:34way is Virgin birth connected to this
- 00:48:38why Jesus should be born to a virgin see
- 00:48:42he called Son of God he's also called
- 00:48:45son of man 82 times in the gospels Jesus
- 00:48:50is described as son of man uh uh sister
- 00:48:54Joi will help us please read from uh
- 00:48:57Matthew's gospel chapter 8 verse 20
- 00:49:01sister first time when Jesus is Calling
- 00:49:03himself as the son of
- 00:49:06man Matthew
- 00:49:118:20 Jesus replied foxes have holes and
- 00:49:14the birds of the air have nested but the
- 00:49:16son of man has no place to lay his head
- 00:49:19Jesus himself is calling himself as son
- 00:49:21of man and in other places he's
- 00:49:24described as Son of God now
- 00:49:27now listen to me very carefully because
- 00:49:29he is born by the power of the Holy
- 00:49:32Spirit he is the Son of God because he
- 00:49:35is born by God using
- 00:49:38Mary he is the son of man are you all
- 00:49:41with me again I repeat because he is
- 00:49:43born by the power of the Holy Spirit
- 00:49:46he's called the Son of God and because
- 00:49:48he is born by the heavenly father using
- 00:49:51Mary as an instrument he is called the
- 00:49:54son of man now
- 00:49:57listen to me very carefully our Great
- 00:49:59Peacemaker what is he
- 00:50:01doing as Son of God he stands before men
- 00:50:06as representative of God he stands
- 00:50:08before men and asks them to
- 00:50:12repent and as the son of man as
- 00:50:16representative of mankind as men
- 00:50:19repent he stands as representative of
- 00:50:22mankind before God and says now you
- 00:50:24accept the repentance and forgive their
- 00:50:26sins hallelujah praise the
- 00:50:29Lord are you all with me why he should
- 00:50:33be born to a virgin yes his birth has to
- 00:50:36be pure because he's also God's Pascal
- 00:50:38lamb and what does God Pascal lamb do
- 00:50:41its blood prevents God's WTH from coming
- 00:50:44upon the Israelites are you all with me
- 00:50:46it is the mediator in a way the blood of
- 00:50:48the Pascal
- 00:50:49lamb are you all with me so why he
- 00:50:53should be born to a virgin then only
- 00:50:55he'll be Son of God as well as son of
- 00:50:57man as Son of God he stands before
- 00:51:00mankind as God's and says now you guys
- 00:51:03repent set right your relationship with
- 00:51:05God and as son of man he stands before
- 00:51:08God as Mankind's representative and says
- 00:51:10father forgive them as they are
- 00:51:13repenting are you all with
- 00:51:16me dear friends Christmas we need to go
- 00:51:20deep into the scriptures to bring out
- 00:51:22the deeper truths are you all with
- 00:51:25me we may have
- 00:51:27celebrated Christmas many a time but
- 00:51:30have we looked at Christmas from this
- 00:51:32angle that is important okay
- 00:51:36so as he's born to a Virgin uh we'll
- 00:51:39read from Luke's gospel chapter 1 verse
- 00:51:4326 onwards till
- 00:51:4634 uh sister ji will help us in reading
- 00:51:49that as the angel Gabriel appears to
- 00:51:52Mary Luke's gospel 1: 26 to3
- 00:51:57and I'll be closing now with the last p
- 00:51:59and that is physician okay physician
- 00:52:02physician is a doctor okay in the sixth
- 00:52:04month God sent the angel Gabriel to
- 00:52:06Nazareth a town in Galilee to a virgin
- 00:52:09pledged to be married to a man named
- 00:52:11Joseph a descendant of David the
- 00:52:14virgin's name was Mary the angel went to
- 00:52:16her and said greetings you who are
- 00:52:19highly favored the Lord is with
- 00:52:21you Mary was greatly troubled at his
- 00:52:24words and wondered what what kind of
- 00:52:27greeting this might be but the angel
- 00:52:29said to her do not be afraid Mary you
- 00:52:31have found favor with God you will be
- 00:52:34with child and give birth to a son and
- 00:52:36you are to give him the name Jesus he
- 00:52:38will be great and will be called the son
- 00:52:40of the most high the Lord Son of God
- 00:52:43he'll be called son of most high because
- 00:52:46he's born by the power of the Holy
- 00:52:47Spirit continue sister the Lord God will
- 00:52:50give him the Throne of his father David
- 00:52:52and he will reign over the house of
- 00:52:53Jacob forever his kingdom will never
- 00:52:57end how will this be Mary as Angel since
- 00:53:00I'm a virgin the angel answered the holy
- 00:53:03spirit will come upon I am a virgin I
- 00:53:06have not known any
- 00:53:08man ask me dear
- 00:53:11friends now the ultimate Paradox I'm
- 00:53:14coming to okay the now I'll take the
- 00:53:18help of sister Joi to read from
- 00:53:20Colossians 4
- 00:53:23verse4 Colossians 4:14 underl it in your
- 00:53:27Bibles also Colossians
- 00:53:314:14 our dear friend Luke the doctor and
- 00:53:34Deus send
- 00:53:36greetings dear Dr Luke sends his
- 00:53:39greetings dear friends Christmas story
- 00:53:42is mentioned in two of the four gospels
- 00:53:45only Matthew's gospel and Luke's gospel
- 00:53:49in Matthew's gospel we get to see the
- 00:53:51entire Christmas story from the eyes of
- 00:53:54Joseph the Earthly father of of our Lord
- 00:53:57Jesus
- 00:53:58Christ God appeared to Joseph in a dream
- 00:54:01and said accept Mary as your wife you
- 00:54:04are having some objections in your heart
- 00:54:06because you have come to know that she
- 00:54:07has become pregnant even before uh you
- 00:54:10have had any physical relationship with
- 00:54:12her uh you are having so many objections
- 00:54:14but it is all Lord's doing accept her
- 00:54:16you get to see the entire Christmas
- 00:54:18story from Joseph's
- 00:54:21eyesight and then again Matthew's gospel
- 00:54:23chapter 2 uh the Lord appears to Joseph
- 00:54:26and says Herod is trying to kill this
- 00:54:28child flee to Egypt
- 00:54:31so in and around what all events are
- 00:54:34happening in and around Christmas you
- 00:54:36get to see the whole picture from
- 00:54:38Joseph's eyesight but when you come to
- 00:54:41Luke's gospel you get to see the
- 00:54:44Christmas story from Mary's eyesight
- 00:54:46from Mary's perspective are you all with
- 00:54:50me now let's go to the next slide I'm
- 00:54:53closing now the ultimate paradox
- 00:54:58next slide brother
- 00:55:02VI the Beloved Physician
- 00:55:06Luke who is the Beloved
- 00:55:09Physician now God could have got the
- 00:55:13Christmas story
- 00:55:15written uh from Mary's perspective
- 00:55:19through Matthew and through Joseph's
- 00:55:22perspective through Luke but why did he
- 00:55:24make the Christmas story
- 00:55:27written through Joseph's perspective in
- 00:55:30Matthew's gospel and Mary's perspective
- 00:55:32in Luke's
- 00:55:35gospel virgin B if at all there is any
- 00:55:39person on planet Earth who can raise an
- 00:55:43objection to Virgin birth who will not
- 00:55:45believe in virgin birth it is the doctor
- 00:55:48and the Lord is making the doctor to
- 00:55:50write hallelujah praise the
- 00:55:53Lord are you all with me
- 00:55:56if at all there is one person on planet
- 00:55:59Earth who will not believe in virgin
- 00:56:01birth it is a
- 00:56:02doctor and who is writing this Luke's
- 00:56:06gospel 1:
- 00:56:0826-34 Dr
- 00:56:10Luke if do Luke has no objection nobody
- 00:56:13should have any objection are you all
- 00:56:15with me if Dr Luke has believed then
- 00:56:18everybody should believe hallelujah
- 00:56:20praise the
- 00:56:22Lord are you all with me
- 00:56:26ultimate
- 00:56:29Paradox doctor writing about the Virgin
- 00:56:32birth are you all with me I'm closing
- 00:56:34here now we can look at Christmas
- 00:56:37through different angles today I wanted
- 00:56:40to bring the paradoxes three piece one
- 00:56:44place second Peacemaker and third is
- 00:56:49physician so what all lessons we are
- 00:56:52learning in and through our Bible study
- 00:56:55Let Us store it in our hearts and share
- 00:56:57it with other Christians also so that
- 00:56:59they are also edified I'll close with a
- 00:57:01word of prayer and formal closing prayer
- 00:57:04uh n Auntie as she joined n Auntie will
- 00:57:08lead us in formal closing prayer let me
- 00:57:10share one small announcement that we'll
- 00:57:12be taking a Christmas break uh we will
- 00:57:15rejoin in the month of January and uh me
- 00:57:19and the family of Brother benon Richard
- 00:57:21we wanted to expose the participants of
- 00:57:24the Bible study to some books which are
- 00:57:27neglected like filon just one chapter
- 00:57:31aadya just one chapter Jude just one
- 00:57:34chapter we'll focus upon those books
- 00:57:36also okay when we rejoin in the month of
- 00:57:39January uh I'm offering a small closing
- 00:57:42prayer and then n Auntie will lead us in
- 00:57:45formal closing prayer Father in heaven
- 00:57:47we praise and thank thee Oh Lord for
- 00:57:49this wonderful Forum set up by the
- 00:57:51family of brother benoni Richards we
- 00:57:53remember with much Thanksgiving oh Lord
- 00:57:56initiative of his parents to start this
- 00:57:58Bible study physically many years ago
- 00:58:01whereby many of us are blessed including
- 00:58:03this teacher Lord these participants
- 00:58:05today they could have been elsewhere but
- 00:58:07they decided to spend this time in your
- 00:58:09presence because they love you and they
- 00:58:11want to grow scripturally and
- 00:58:12spiritually what all lessons you have
- 00:58:14taught us oh Lord enable us to remember
- 00:58:17them enable us to reflect on them and to
- 00:58:21understand what a great God we are
- 00:58:23serving and to renew our love and
- 00:58:25gratitude for the and also Lord to pass
- 00:58:28on the lessons to the members of The
- 00:58:30Universal Church we commit all the
- 00:58:33participants of Bible study into your
- 00:58:35hands protect us in and through the
- 00:58:37Christmas season and prepare us to meet
- 00:58:40once again in 2025 in the month of
- 00:58:43January in Jesus holy precious name we
- 00:58:45pray amen amen amen
- Paradojas
- Navidad
- Belén
- Profecías
- Jesucristo
- Nacimiento virginal
- Príncipe de Paz
- Paz interior