How I Cured My Brain Fog (Easy Method)
TLDRDenne video beskriver, hvordan eliteudøvere anvender videnskaben om krononæring til at optimere ydeevne og fokus. Ved at skelne mellem flydmåltider og ritualmåltider, implementerer de intermitterende faste og vælger højflydende fødevarer. Det centrale er at opretholde stabile blodsukkerniveauer for at understøtte sammenhængende energi og flowtilstand. Videoen diskuterer også vigtigheden af at gå 10.000 skridt dagligt og at være slank for at forbedre kognitiv funktion. Den fremhæver, hvordan tilpasning af spisevaner til ens døgnrytme kan maksimere flow og kreativitet. Desuden tilbydes praktiske tips til kost- og fasteprotokoller, der kan forbedre den mentale skarphed og arbejdsydeevne ved at rette kroppens energi mod optimal funktion.
- 🔍 Skel mellem flydmåltider og ritualmåltider for bedre fokus.
- ⏳ Brug intermitterende faste for øget mental klarhed.
- 🍽️ Vælg højflydende fødevarer for stabil energi.
- 📏 Fokusér på at opretholde stabile blodsukkerniveauer.
- 🚶 Gå 10.000 skridt dagligt for bedre ydeevne.
- 💡 Fastlæg ideelle måltider i overensstemmelse med døgnrytmen.
- ⚖️ Kombiner fasting med velvalgte måltider for flowstate.
- 🍏 Eksperimenter med kost for at finde dine optimale flow fødevarer.
- 🏋️ Vægtstyring er vigtig for kognitiv sundhed og ydeevne.
- 🌊 Kroppen prioriterer flow over mad for optimalt arbejde.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Denne video introducerer, hvordan nogle dage er arbejdere meget produktive, mens de på andre dage næsten ikke kan holde sig vågne efter frokost. Den diskuterer praksisen med 'chrononutrition' - en koststrategi, der hjælper eliteudøvere med at maksimere deres præstationer ved at styre måltider for at understøtte fokuseret arbejde og flowtilstande.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Fortælleren deler sin personlige historie om en alvorlig hovedskade som teenager, og hvordan denne påvirkede hans præstationer og spistevaner. Gennem en periode med eksperimenter lærte han, hvordan bestemte måltider kunne påvirke hans evne til at holde fokus i skolen, hvilket førte til erkendelsen af forskellen mellem måltider til 'flow' og 'ritual'.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Brugen af insulin til at regulere blodsukker forklares og forbindes med hjernens evne til at opnå og opretholde flowtilstand. Videoen omtaler 'chrononutrition', der arbejder med kroppens indre ur for at optimere blodsukker og dermed præstationer, samt ideen om at skelne mellem måltider for energi og sociale/rituelle måltider.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Intermitterende faste præsenteres som en metode til at forbedre mentalt fokus og energiniveauer. Videoen foreslår to hovedmetoder til fasting, der sigter mod at maksimere kognitiv funktion og opretholde flowtilstand gennem regulering af insulin og blodsukker.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Videoen diskuterer vigtigheden af tidspunktet for måltider i forhold til individets kronotype for at undgå energidyk efter måltider. Den fremhæver også betydningen af 'high flow foods', hvor det anbefales at finde hvilke specifikke fødevarer der fremmer ens personlige flowtilstand. Eksperimentering med forskellige diæter foreslås.
- 00:25:00 - 00:32:11
Afslutningsvis diskuterer videoen hvordan et magert helbred kan fremme flow ved at reducere overskydende vægt. Tre strategier - gå 10.000 skridt, spis volumetrisk fødevarer, og fast i perioder - anbefales for at blive og forblive slank, hvilket er afgørende for at opnå optimal mental funktion og flow. For at lære mere om, hvordan man mestre disse teknikker, kan man følge en guide fra videoens beskrivelse.
Hvad er krononæring?
Krononæring er et felt, der undersøger forbindelsen mellem spisevaner, døgnrytme og generel sundhed og ydeevne.
Hvad er forskellen mellem flydmåltider og ritualmåltider?
Flydmåltider har til formål at give energi og støtte flowtilstanden, mens ritualmåltider er forbundet med nydelse og social interaktion.
Hvordan kan intermitterende faste hjælpe med at forbedre flowtilstanden?
Intermitterende faste kan forbedre mental klarhed og energiniveau ved at regulere blodsukkeret og overgå til brugen af fedt som energikilde.
Hvordan påvirker blodsukkerniveauet flowtilstanden?
Stabile blodsukkerniveauer understøtter en konsekvent energiforsyning, hvilket er nødvendigt for vedvarende fokus og flowtilstand.
Hvad er den ideelle tidsramme for at spise for at støtte flow og fokus?
Det er bedst at spise tidligere på dagen i overensstemmelse med ens kronotype og undgå måltider under lavenergiperioder som kl. 15.00.
Hvordan kan man finde sine højflydende fødevarer?
Man kan identificere sine højflydende fødevarer ved at observere energiniveau og fokus efter forskellige måltider og ved at eksperimentere med forskellig kost.
Hvorfor er fysisk aktivitet som at gå vigtig for at støtte flow og ydeevne?
At gå kan forbedre hjernens blodcirkulation, neurotransmitterfunktion, og understøtte flowtilstanden ved at regulere blodsukkerniveauer.
Hvad er betydningen af at være slank i forhold til flow og ydeevne?
At være slank forbedrer insulinfølsomhed og reducerer stress på centralnervesystemet, hvilket understøtter optimal kognitiv funktion og flow.
Hvilke måltider anbefales det at automatisere for nemmere at opnå flow?
Det anbefales at automatisere flydmåltider ved at spise de samme enkle, næringsrige måltider regelmæssigt for at undgå beslutningstræthed.
Hvordan kan krononæring forbedre arbejdsydeevnen?
Krononæring forbedrer arbejdsydeevnen ved at optimere energiforsyning, fokus og flowtilstand gennem justering af spisevaner og timing.
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- 00:00:00ever noticed how some days you're
- 00:00:01unstoppable at work while other days you
- 00:00:03can barely keep your eyes open after
- 00:00:05lunch well here's how Elite performers
- 00:00:06use science of chronon nutrition to
- 00:00:09outperform the competition now R
- 00:00:11co-founder COO of the flow research
- 00:00:12Collective we've craned everyone from
- 00:00:14Audi entra to the US Air Force to use
- 00:00:16neuroscience-based principles to access
- 00:00:18states of flow and profound Peak
- 00:00:20Performance that will during my teen
- 00:00:22years in Ireland I was an athlete
- 00:00:23surfing for hours a day and was poised
- 00:00:25for a rugby career like my little
- 00:00:27brother who ended up competing in the
- 00:00:29Rugby World Cup then one summer in
- 00:00:31Croatia on holidays with my family I
- 00:00:33somersaulted off the bottom of a 100t
- 00:00:35vertical water slide and collided head
- 00:00:37first into concrete my brain and spine
- 00:00:40absorbed the impact cushioning me just
- 00:00:42enough to keep my neck from snapping I
- 00:00:44survived but incurred a brutal head
- 00:00:46injury my teen years evaporated in a
- 00:00:49blur of brain fog and bed bound fatigue
- 00:00:52my days were defined by the miserable 3
- 00:00:54FS Facebook scrolling food binging and
- 00:00:58watching reruns of the TV show Friends
- 00:01:00during the long and slow arduous
- 00:01:02recovery process I lost my physique and
- 00:01:05became increasingly frustrated at the
- 00:01:07state of my body and brain in particular
- 00:01:09exercising wasn't an option at all
- 00:01:11because anytime I did it it would
- 00:01:13re-trigger the head injury symptoms
- 00:01:15brain fog blurred vision crippling
- 00:01:18fatigue and depression and I was
- 00:01:19examined by dozens of doctors and
- 00:01:21Specialists all weighing in with their
- 00:01:22unique approach to help me get better
- 00:01:24now thankfully I finally got better from
- 00:01:26my bedbound state and was at least able
- 00:01:28to go back to school then I started
- 00:01:30noticing once back at school this
- 00:01:32correlation between what I ate at the
- 00:01:35cafeteria and my ability to laser focus
- 00:01:37through my classes afterwards at my
- 00:01:40school we had a Catholic tradition
- 00:01:42called fish Fridays fried piece of card
- 00:01:45with a monstrous amount of mashed
- 00:01:46potatoes followed by a Friday treat
- 00:01:48usually madira cake and ice cream and
- 00:01:50for whatever reason on days when I ate
- 00:01:52meals like this my head would fall
- 00:01:54through the desk with fatigue and brain
- 00:01:56fog in my next class and I'm sure you
- 00:01:59can relate you know those days when
- 00:02:00you're working away but by noon Cravings
- 00:02:03know at you you go to the fridge and
- 00:02:04think screw it and decide to eat the
- 00:02:06leftover Thai food from the night before
- 00:02:08and then bam your focus crumbles energy
- 00:02:10plummets and mood flat lines well this
- 00:02:12cycle of Cravings consumption and
- 00:02:14descent into Lethy is known as lunch
- 00:02:17brain it's the ultimate momentum killer
- 00:02:19now I started to see lunch brain as just
- 00:02:21part of The Business of Being Human then
- 00:02:23one day I arrived late to the cafeteria
- 00:02:25for lunch and almost all the food was
- 00:02:27gone except for a portion of the steak
- 00:02:30that was being served so I ate that went
- 00:02:32back to class and boom my cognition was
- 00:02:35dramatically clearer and more optimal
- 00:02:37through the remainder of the day at
- 00:02:39school now a weeks later as part of the
- 00:02:41dozens of Specialists I was seeing I had
- 00:02:43an appointment with a nutritionist this
- 00:02:45was a guy who was absolutely convinced
- 00:02:46food was medicine and that he could cure
- 00:02:48the remaining head injury symptoms
- 00:02:50through diet alone unfortunately this
- 00:02:52didn't happen the debilitating symptoms
- 00:02:54did last for years after but this
- 00:02:57nutritionist taught me something that
- 00:02:59has lasted to this this day which is
- 00:03:00that ideally you have two kinds of meals
- 00:03:03in life meals that you eat for fuel and
- 00:03:06meals that you eat as part of some kind
- 00:03:07of ritual the first type of meal has one
- 00:03:10goal to fuel your body and brain for
- 00:03:12energy focus and Flow State with Flow
- 00:03:14State being that state of deep
- 00:03:17absorption and immersion in the task at
- 00:03:19hand where you're in the zone where
- 00:03:21cognition and creativity are at their
- 00:03:22Peak where we're fully absorbed in the
- 00:03:24task and we're able to produce our best
- 00:03:26work the second type of meal suited for
- 00:03:28rituals can have many from the pure
- 00:03:30pleasure of delicious food celebration
- 00:03:32belonging connection with others Etc now
- 00:03:34thinking back to what I was experiencing
- 00:03:36at school I thought wait a second I was
- 00:03:38eating a ritual meal in the middle of
- 00:03:40the day when all I needed was fuel for
- 00:03:42focus and flow after this nutritionist
- 00:03:44explained these two types of meals I
- 00:03:46realized that I had been mashing them
- 00:03:47together in an unhealthy blend almost
- 00:03:49every bit of food I ate was for the
- 00:03:51pleasure that it gave me since it was
- 00:03:53helping me to cope with the head injury
- 00:03:55the problem was it was blocking me from
- 00:03:57flow I realized then that it's easy to
- 00:03:59think you can't get into flow because
- 00:04:00you're tired or don't have discipline or
- 00:04:02didn't get enough sleep but the real
- 00:04:04problem here is there's a fundamental
- 00:04:05inconsistency that we see over and over
- 00:04:08again most knowledge workers claim the
- 00:04:09value focus and creativity and yet they
- 00:04:11act like dopamine Glutton they put
- 00:04:13craving hunger and bedom ahead of Flow
- 00:04:15State the reality is that you can get
- 00:04:17everything else right when it comes to
- 00:04:19flow pronus you can have your phone off
- 00:04:21have your calendar cleared and be poised
- 00:04:23to focus for hours on end but then
- 00:04:24despite all of this preparation multiple
- 00:04:27times per day we unintentionally block
- 00:04:29flow through the simple Act of eating
- 00:04:31and this problem is particularly bad
- 00:04:33because by default based on Evolution
- 00:04:35and the environment we live in our
- 00:04:36bodies and brains will put food before
- 00:04:39flow they will put calories ahead of
- 00:04:41optimal cognition you can count on this
- 00:04:43our brains are wired to prioritize
- 00:04:45immediate survival needs like finding
- 00:04:46food but modern Foods hijack this
- 00:04:48ancient survival Instinct spiking
- 00:04:50dopamine and drowning out the quieter
- 00:04:53rewards of deep focus and this mismatch
- 00:04:55between our ancient wiring and modern
- 00:04:57environment means you have to actively
- 00:04:59get biology to work for you instead of
- 00:05:01against you and this is the way of the
- 00:05:02workplace Olympian who puts flow ahead
- 00:05:03of food the workplace Olympian knows
- 00:05:05that their tendency to access flow and
- 00:05:07focus for hours on end with consistent
- 00:05:09energy is massively dependent on feeding
- 00:05:11patterns now what's the link between
- 00:05:14Peak Performance and food and why is it
- 00:05:15so important to prioritize flow above
- 00:05:18food well it's simple and you've no
- 00:05:20doubt heard of before insulin it turns
- 00:05:22out your blood sugar has a surprising
- 00:05:24amount to do with getting into Flow
- 00:05:26State and with staying there imagine
- 00:05:27your brain operates like a high
- 00:05:28performance sport car in a race flow
- 00:05:30state is when it's zooming at full speed
- 00:05:32perfectly navigating every turn the fuel
- 00:05:34for this race car is glucose the sugar
- 00:05:36derived from food insulin is like your
- 00:05:38pit crew ensuring fuel gets to your
- 00:05:41brain in just the right amount after you
- 00:05:43eat insulin swings into action it helps
- 00:05:45get sugar out of your blood and into
- 00:05:47your cells where it's used for energy
- 00:05:49you need that sugar for Sharp Focus
- 00:05:51which is exactly what flow requires but
- 00:05:53here's the catch too much sugar floods
- 00:05:55your system with insulin this happens
- 00:05:56because a sudden spike in your blood
- 00:05:58sugar triggers a corrective response
- 00:05:59your body wants to maintain proper
- 00:06:02balance the pancreas goes into overdrive
- 00:06:03releasing a surge of insulin to push
- 00:06:05that excess sugar out of your blood and
- 00:06:07into cells but this overcorrection can
- 00:06:10cause your blood sugar to crash just as
- 00:06:12quickly your blood sugar crashes your
- 00:06:13engine sputters and suddenly you're out
- 00:06:15of fuel flow gets compromised and now
- 00:06:17you're just foggy and tired there isn't
- 00:06:19research to confirm this empirically yet
- 00:06:22but our hypothesis is this just as
- 00:06:24there's a psychological sweet spot for
- 00:06:26flow there may also be a physiological
- 00:06:29one psychologist Mii chamii discovered
- 00:06:31the flow Channel where a tasks challenge
- 00:06:34level perfectly matches your skill level
- 00:06:37and this leads to full engagement deep
- 00:06:39immersion and ultimately flow stick if
- 00:06:41the task is too easy you'll get bored
- 00:06:43too difficult and you'll become anxious
- 00:06:44we believe there could be a similar
- 00:06:46channel for blood sugar levels straying
- 00:06:49outside this ideal range will cause
- 00:06:51energy Peaks and crashes disrupting the
- 00:06:54mental stability and prolonged Focus we
- 00:06:56need to be able to emerge into a flow s
- 00:06:59think of this has the blood sugar flow
- 00:07:01Channel an ideal range for Peak
- 00:07:03Performance the key is finding the sweet
- 00:07:05spot for your blood sugar you want a
- 00:07:06steady energy Supply to sustain Focus
- 00:07:09just like your car needs steady fuel to
- 00:07:11maintain top speed now the good news is
- 00:07:13that there's a simple and direct way to
- 00:07:15achieve optimal blood sugar levels and
- 00:07:17to put flow ahead of food mastering
- 00:07:19chrononutrition chrononutrition is an
- 00:07:22emerging field of study that examines
- 00:07:23the powerful links between our circadian
- 00:07:26rhythms our body's internal cluck
- 00:07:28cognition and overall help our circadian
- 00:07:30rhythms govern numerous bodily functions
- 00:07:33including digestion metabolism hormone
- 00:07:35release and these rhythms operate on a
- 00:07:37roughly 24-hour cycle chrononutrition
- 00:07:41suggests that aligning our eating
- 00:07:42patterns with those internal rhythms
- 00:07:45optimizes our body's ability to
- 00:07:46metabolize nutrients and chrononutrition
- 00:07:48research has revealed that while the
- 00:07:50foods we choose are important the timing
- 00:07:53of those meals also has a dramatic
- 00:07:55effect on our blood sugar levels and
- 00:07:57thus our damst stream focus and
- 00:07:59performance the first step to harnessing
- 00:08:01Chron nutrition so you can access Flow
- 00:08:03State more reliably and for longer is to
- 00:08:06discern between flow meals and ritual
- 00:08:08meals now after learning the difference
- 00:08:10between these two types of meals from
- 00:08:11that nutritionist I stopped eating
- 00:08:13ritual meals during the day and save
- 00:08:16them for dinners with my family or
- 00:08:18weekend celebrations the rest of the day
- 00:08:20I'd only have meals that gave me fuel
- 00:08:23when needed based on the guidelines the
- 00:08:24nutritionist gave me within days I felt
- 00:08:27dramatically better I was still able to
- 00:08:28enjoy food food and actually enjoyed it
- 00:08:30even more than I used to and I stopped
- 00:08:32feeling so chronically bogged down I had
- 00:08:35more energy which made it easier to
- 00:08:37tolerate the long road to recovery with
- 00:08:38my head injury and I had discovered the
- 00:08:40first pillar of chrononutrition for flow
- 00:08:43flow meals remember the workplace
- 00:08:45Olympian always follows the rule flow
- 00:08:47before food so the first key to sticking
- 00:08:49to this rule is to differentiate between
- 00:08:52flow meals and ritual meals the average
- 00:08:54knowledge worker is a dopamine Glutton
- 00:08:56and they Mash these types of meals
- 00:08:57together without thinking just like I
- 00:08:59did as a teen these meals are distinct
- 00:09:02from what's in them how you cook them
- 00:09:04and when and why you eat them flow meals
- 00:09:06have one goal which is to fuel your
- 00:09:08brain to produce the neurochemistry
- 00:09:10required to access Flow State ritual
- 00:09:13meals can have many goals from enjoyment
- 00:09:16celebration belonging connection with
- 00:09:17others Etc when it comes to flow meals
- 00:09:19for Peak Performance it's best if you
- 00:09:21automate them eat the same thing every
- 00:09:23day at the same time or pick a rotation
- 00:09:26that works for you just make sure
- 00:09:27they're serving the purpose maximally
- 00:09:30keeping your metabolic Fitness High and
- 00:09:32fueling your brain for flow if you have
- 00:09:34to decide what to eat for the meal then
- 00:09:36the meal is contrary to its purpose it
- 00:09:38becomes a distraction from the work an
- 00:09:40opportunity to deplete your willpower
- 00:09:42and lose cognitive energy from decision
- 00:09:44fatigue and work as for the ritual meals
- 00:09:46you can have a ritual meal every day if
- 00:09:48you want just make sure you're wise
- 00:09:50about when you time it for most it'll be
- 00:09:52dinner to seal the day after you've
- 00:09:54already finished your work and used up
- 00:09:56your Flow State if you're Night Owl the
- 00:09:58ritual should be earlier in the day
- 00:10:00before your Prime Time cognition
- 00:10:02personally I like to stick to flow meals
- 00:10:04all week long and then only have ritual
- 00:10:06meals on weekends some almost only do
- 00:10:08flow meals ritual meals only happen on
- 00:10:10rare and special occasions for Christmas
- 00:10:13or Easter or whatever holidays you
- 00:10:14celebrate now how often you have ritual
- 00:10:16meals is up to you but one thing's for
- 00:10:18sure and good to be aware of the more
- 00:10:20you optimize for flow meals over ritual
- 00:10:22meals the more flow and Peak Performance
- 00:10:24you will get the question now then is
- 00:10:27what exactly should you eat for your
- 00:10:29flow meals to boost your energy levels
- 00:10:31and give you more flow well the first
- 00:10:33option is to eat nothing this is
- 00:10:35something I also discovered as a teen a
- 00:10:37few years after sticking to flow meals
- 00:10:39the head injury symptoms were starting
- 00:10:40to clear but a lot of the cognitive
- 00:10:42deficits were still lingering learning
- 00:10:45was still extremely hard and it made me
- 00:10:47feel like I was falling way behind then
- 00:10:49one day in college I came across the
- 00:10:51literature on intermittent fasting on
- 00:10:52the internet now intermittent fasting
- 00:10:54seems obvious but back then I had to
- 00:10:57find out about it on the old
- 00:10:58bodybuilding Forum some people were
- 00:11:00swearing by it making miraculous claims
- 00:11:02about how it repairs cells through
- 00:11:05autophagy boosts brain health and mental
- 00:11:07Clarity and lowers insulin levels when
- 00:11:10you fast your body shifts from lying on
- 00:11:12glucose to tapping into fat stores for
- 00:11:14energy which improves blood sugar
- 00:11:16regulation capable of putting the body
- 00:11:18and brain in a sweet spot for Flow State
- 00:11:20fasting trains your body to untether
- 00:11:23energy from cognition and from food
- 00:11:25intake that is you no longer rely on
- 00:11:27food for either energy or cognition with
- 00:11:29fasting now these online strangers
- 00:11:31mention that for the first few days of
- 00:11:33fasting you'll be hungry to the point of
- 00:11:34it being distracting and potentially
- 00:11:36have even worse Focus I thought that's
- 00:11:38no problem I'm already unable to focus
- 00:11:40anyway I was sold on it the moment I
- 00:11:42heard it could help with mental Clarity
- 00:11:44so I tried it out what I found was that
- 00:11:46well it was true that for the first few
- 00:11:48days I definitely had food cravings but
- 00:11:50by day three the Cravings dipped this is
- 00:11:52because fasting helps balance out a
- 00:11:54hormone called gin which controls and
- 00:11:56regulates hunger levels when gin levels
- 00:11:58are s stabl your body gets better at
- 00:12:00knowing when you're truly hungry versus
- 00:12:02just wanting to eat out of habit you
- 00:12:05won't feel the urge to Chow Down just
- 00:12:07because it's lunchtime you're stressed
- 00:12:09or because you smell something delicious
- 00:12:11instead hunger signals will line up more
- 00:12:14with when your body really needs food
- 00:12:16this leads to less hunger overall
- 00:12:18allowing for longer periods of
- 00:12:19uninterrupted work without energy dips
- 00:12:21then as I continue to fast by day four I
- 00:12:24was utterly stunned by the mental state
- 00:12:26that came about when in a fasted mode
- 00:12:28rather than groggy and caffeine fueled
- 00:12:31during my undergrad in college I had
- 00:12:33this clear expansive Consciousness it
- 00:12:35almost felt like I had a new brain my
- 00:12:37thoughts felt like they could move more
- 00:12:39rapidly traveling faster around my
- 00:12:41neuronal circuitry over time fasting can
- 00:12:44improve metabolic Health by promoting
- 00:12:46better regulation of hunger hormones and
- 00:12:47Insulin leading to improved blood sugar
- 00:12:49control you get to the point where
- 00:12:51you're metabolically fit enough for food
- 00:12:53to be necessary as a day-to-day energy
- 00:12:55source but no longer necessary as an
- 00:12:57hour toour energy source so I had
- 00:13:00discovered the second pillar of
- 00:13:01chrononutrition for flow and that was
- 00:13:03fasting and from then on to this day I
- 00:13:06practiced intermittent fasting not just
- 00:13:07for heal but primarily for Peak
- 00:13:09Performance and flow and there are two
- 00:13:10main ways we suggest getting started
- 00:13:13with intermittent fasting the first is a
- 00:13:152 24-hour fast once a week choose a day
- 00:13:17to abstain from food for a full 24-hour
- 00:13:20period from dinner one day until dinner
- 00:13:23the following day the second is Tim
- 00:13:25restricted fasting this is when you
- 00:13:27consume a day worth of calories during a
- 00:13:294 to 12h hour block during each 24-hour
- 00:13:32cycle and then you fast the remaining 12
- 00:13:34to 20 hours a common approach is the 168
- 00:13:38method where you fast for 16 hours and
- 00:13:40eat during an 8h hour window this also
- 00:13:43helps you to align eating times with
- 00:13:45Circ Canan rhythms which can help
- 00:13:46improve sleep and overall metabolic
- 00:13:49functions this fasting period allows
- 00:13:51insulin levels to decrease so start
- 00:13:53maybe with an 8 Hour eating window
- 00:13:55finish eating at 8:00 p.m. and then
- 00:13:57restart eating at noon the next day this
- 00:13:59makes it easy to see if fasting works
- 00:14:01for you and here's a Peak Performance
- 00:14:02fasting tip to amplify the benefit of
- 00:14:04being in a fasted State one of the
- 00:14:06simplest most high leverage flow hacks
- 00:14:08known to man is to drink 3 L of water
- 00:14:11and take 100 to 200 milligram of
- 00:14:13caffeine and 2 to 400 migs of alanine
- 00:14:16with no food from when you wake up to
- 00:14:18about midday in a given day this is a
- 00:14:21super easy wave of the magic wand way to
- 00:14:23drop yourself in a flow State and get
- 00:14:25more done in a few hours than most do in
- 00:14:27an entire day and it's also a nice way
- 00:14:28to show how much of a difference food or
- 00:14:31the lack thereof can make to the
- 00:14:32cognition that gets you into flow Sate
- 00:14:34now while fasting don't forget to take
- 00:14:36advantage of one of the only ways to get
- 00:14:38smarter in 30 seconds which is free and
- 00:14:40we're talking water which is critical
- 00:14:42keep a 1 to three coffee to water ratio
- 00:14:45aim for Clear urine and remember to get
- 00:14:46your electrolytes in as well now the
- 00:14:48next question for dialing in the three
- 00:14:50pillars of chronon nutrition for flow is
- 00:14:52when should you break your fast well
- 00:14:54that gets to food timing as I continued
- 00:14:56my journey out of the head injury and
- 00:14:58into recovery
- 00:14:59I had moved up and out of college and
- 00:15:01started interning for a number of
- 00:15:03companies by then my workday had
- 00:15:05expanded this was a whole different
- 00:15:06level than in college while in college
- 00:15:08when I was fasting for the first half of
- 00:15:10the day it was easy to be super
- 00:15:11productive with that creative
- 00:15:13Consciousness and effortless access to
- 00:15:15Flow State but over time as my
- 00:15:16responsibility grew I needed that level
- 00:15:19of Consciousness for the entire day
- 00:15:21however by lunchtime I would get so
- 00:15:23hungry that my focus and energy would
- 00:15:25drop so I would eat but it would remove
- 00:15:27the fasted State and give me the red
- 00:15:29lunch brain causing a huge dip in
- 00:15:31performance right in the middle of the
- 00:15:32day then one week A friend of mine left
- 00:15:35a bunch of Siro steaks from an event he
- 00:15:37put on in the fridge the steaks all had
- 00:15:39to be eaten within the next few days so
- 00:15:41for lunch instead of the salad fruit and
- 00:15:43eggs that I usually eat I did the
- 00:15:45obvious thing I cooked up a few of the
- 00:15:46steaks then something strange happened
- 00:15:49or more accurately something didn't
- 00:15:51happen in that I didn't feel any
- 00:15:52discernable drop in my energy levels
- 00:15:55whatsoever I was able to plow forward
- 00:15:57with work immediately after lunch with
- 00:15:59that's skipping a beat lunch brain
- 00:16:01non-existent the next day I did the same
- 00:16:03thing cooked up one of the leftover
- 00:16:04Stakes for lunch the same thing happened
- 00:16:06it was as if the fasted State cognition
- 00:16:09was completely unaffected by the meal
- 00:16:12despite the fact that I had ingested
- 00:16:14calories which allowed me to continue to
- 00:16:15access flow throughout the rest of the
- 00:16:17day just as well as I could in a fasted
- 00:16:20State I had accidentally discovered the
- 00:16:22third pillar of chrononutrition for flow
- 00:16:24which is food timing part of the reason
- 00:16:26food timing is so important is because
- 00:16:28your body has a chronotype a daily pink
- 00:16:30performance window that's coded into
- 00:16:33your biology this is an internal body
- 00:16:35clock that controls when you feel most
- 00:16:37awake and when you feel tired during the
- 00:16:40day for most people there's a dip or a
- 00:16:42trough in energy levels around 300 p.m.
- 00:16:44to avoid feeling even more drained in
- 00:16:47the afternoon don't eat lunch during
- 00:16:48this low energy period instead have a
- 00:16:51nutritious flow meal earlier in the day
- 00:16:53when you're in your Peak chronotype Zone
- 00:16:56this will help keep your energy steadier
- 00:16:59as the peak level of energy you're in
- 00:17:00determined by your chronotype will
- 00:17:02offset the lunch brain that you may get
- 00:17:04if you eat during a trough in your
- 00:17:07energy so if you skip breakfast and get
- 00:17:09super hungry you'll have no choice but
- 00:17:11to eat during your afternoon trough
- 00:17:13that'll make you crash even harder so
- 00:17:14fuel up at the right times to work with
- 00:17:17instead of against your chronotype now
- 00:17:19after fasting with more work still ahead
- 00:17:21of you in the day what should you eat
- 00:17:22well that brings us to finding your high
- 00:17:24flow Foods now first remember the rule
- 00:17:26flow before food that means that the
- 00:17:29goal of the fuel meal is to have your
- 00:17:30brain pump out more hours of Flow State
- 00:17:34to that end let's find your high flow
- 00:17:36Foods when determining your high flow
- 00:17:37Foods it's helpful to think of your
- 00:17:39brain as a garden the quality of the
- 00:17:41soil your diet determines the health of
- 00:17:43the plants your neurons and their yield
- 00:17:45your thoughts emotions creativity
- 00:17:47insights decisions just as a gardener
- 00:17:49carefully selects the right fertilizer
- 00:17:51for a lush Harvest we can nourish our
- 00:17:53brains with the right foods to cultivate
- 00:17:54a rich fertile ground for Flow State we
- 00:17:57can actively enhance our cognitive
- 00:17:59landscape enabling us to reach our full
- 00:18:01potential a simple way to do this that
- 00:18:03works 90% of the time is subjective
- 00:18:06simply pay attention to how you feel and
- 00:18:09how you perform after various foods that
- 00:18:12you consume if you notice your energy
- 00:18:14dipping or it being harder to focus
- 00:18:16avoid that food in your flow meals if
- 00:18:18you notice your energy surging with your
- 00:18:21focus being unimpeded keep eating that
- 00:18:23food in your flow meals I realize that
- 00:18:25for me personally I could sustain the
- 00:18:27flow proness of The Fast and State if I
- 00:18:29ate carnivore only that means nothing
- 00:18:31but salmon or fish steak or some kind of
- 00:18:34meat and eggs as for what high flow
- 00:18:36Foods we suggest for you we don't want
- 00:18:38to take any dietary positions here if
- 00:18:40you do an Elimination Diet of some kind
- 00:18:42it can help you determine foods that are
- 00:18:44hindering your Flow State without you
- 00:18:45knowing it it's possible you are unable
- 00:18:48to tolerate Dairy sugar gluten histamine
- 00:18:51red meat with an Elimination Diet you
- 00:18:53strip out almost everything so you can
- 00:18:55identify the culprit once identified you
- 00:18:57leave these things out of your flow
- 00:18:59meals but the key is to split test
- 00:19:01things for yourself and see what gives
- 00:19:03you optimal cognition for some people it
- 00:19:05might be a light vegan meal or a plate
- 00:19:06of watermelon or a ribey steak I have a
- 00:19:09friend who finds that what's optimal for
- 00:19:11him is literally eating a full plate of
- 00:19:13apples three to five apples for lunch
- 00:19:16and his state is unimpeded he can
- 00:19:18sustain flow for me it's eating
- 00:19:20carnivore having a steak for you maybe
- 00:19:22it's salad the point is split test it
- 00:19:24yourself and see what food you can
- 00:19:26ingest that results in your focus Focus
- 00:19:29being uninterrupted for me after
- 00:19:31realizing I could sustain the slow
- 00:19:33pronus of the fasted state if I ate
- 00:19:34carnivore only I realized I only needed
- 00:19:36to have a carnivore meal at lunch to
- 00:19:38sustain flow after work I can have carbs
- 00:19:41down regulate from the day regulate the
- 00:19:43nervous system and shift gears into the
- 00:19:45evening this transition to carbohydrates
- 00:19:47later in the day can support serotonin
- 00:19:48production which is a nice bonus for
- 00:19:50extra relaxation too now putting all of
- 00:19:52this together took 10 years but I had
- 00:19:55pinpointed the three pillars of how to
- 00:19:56use chrononutrition for flow fast
- 00:19:58finding high flow foods for your flow
- 00:20:01meals and then food timing now if you're
- 00:20:03worried about your diet becoming
- 00:20:04imbalanced when eliminating foods to
- 00:20:05identify your high flow fuel meals you
- 00:20:08can run an N ofone experiment to
- 00:20:10determine what ingredients should go in
- 00:20:12your flow meals to do this you can track
- 00:20:15your blood sugar with A continuous
- 00:20:16glucose monitor this allows you to split
- 00:20:18test foods and actually see with data
- 00:20:20what you respond best to it will show
- 00:20:22you what foods are driving blood sugar
- 00:20:24crashes because sometimes food isn't the
- 00:20:26cost stress caffeine or variable with
- 00:20:28exercise can be the cause even being
- 00:20:30underslept but don't overthink this it's
- 00:20:32easy to become obsessed with the long
- 00:20:34tale of diet and forget the basics the
- 00:20:36fundamentals when this happens it leads
- 00:20:38to nutritional Neurosis I saw a
- 00:20:40hilarious example of this with a
- 00:20:42biohacking friend of mine he was cooking
- 00:20:43dinner once in East LA I was over at his
- 00:20:45house and he pulled out a timer at a
- 00:20:48thermometer and started boiling broccoli
- 00:20:50spreads I asked him what the thermometer
- 00:20:51was for he said what you don't know he
- 00:20:53saw my puzzle look and then said
- 00:20:55something like well in order for the
- 00:20:57broccoli Sprouts to activate optimal
- 00:20:59sulfur frin levels and deactivate
- 00:21:02sulfran nit trial the Sprouts have to be
- 00:21:05boiled to precisely 158° fah for exactly
- 00:21:0910 minutes boy was I schooled then while
- 00:21:11boiling the broccoli followed over a
- 00:21:13dozen pills for digestion B production
- 00:21:16blood sugar regulation prebiotics
- 00:21:18probiotics all the biotics you can
- 00:21:20imagine the scene was one of stressful
- 00:21:23simultaneity counting pills while
- 00:21:25fussing with the measuring stick while
- 00:21:27minding the temperature of the broccoli
- 00:21:29the irony was he hadn't slept enough the
- 00:21:31night before he hadn't worked out in a
- 00:21:32week he hadn't stretched or been out in
- 00:21:34nature that day and I realized then that
- 00:21:36sometimes biohacking involves majoring
- 00:21:38and minor things this nutritional
- 00:21:40Neurosis often makes Optimal Health
- 00:21:43infinitely more complex than it needs to
- 00:21:44be instead focus on three things the
- 00:21:47right macro intake for you calories and
- 00:21:50then the breakdown of fat carbs and
- 00:21:52protein the right micro inake through
- 00:21:54Whole Foods and avoiding foods that you
- 00:21:57are intolerant to and then finally
- 00:21:59avoiding foods that you're intolerant to
- 00:22:00or that don't make you feel good
- 00:22:02micronutrients come from nutrient-dense
- 00:22:04foods that give your body the
- 00:22:05nourishment it needs to function
- 00:22:07optimally to shortcut your micronutrient
- 00:22:10intake make yourself a micro bomb that
- 00:22:12is make a smoothie that's absolutely
- 00:22:14loaded with micronutrients keep a half
- 00:22:16dozen vegetables in your freezer at all
- 00:22:18times for this purpose but be sure to
- 00:22:19avoid common antinutrients like oxalates
- 00:22:22often put in smoothies found in foods
- 00:22:24like spinach berries cacao and nuts that
- 00:22:27way no matter what happens with the rest
- 00:22:29of your meals that day your bases are
- 00:22:31completely covered now having these
- 00:22:33three pillars in place fasting food
- 00:22:35timing and high flow meals made a world
- 00:22:37of a difference for me when I first
- 00:22:38hopped on the path of flow and Peak
- 00:22:39Performance and I've distilled all three
- 00:22:42of these pillars and principles into a
- 00:22:43single print out you can use to help you
- 00:22:45master putting flow before food to
- 00:22:48download it just click the link in the
- 00:22:49description now before I could fully
- 00:22:51realize the benefits of these three
- 00:22:53pillars of chronon nutrition there was
- 00:22:55something else I had to do first and
- 00:22:57that was to get lean after the food
- 00:22:59Facebook and Friends binging misery in
- 00:23:01my teenage years I was bogged down by
- 00:23:03all the weight that I'd gained this
- 00:23:05excess weight was messing with my
- 00:23:06insulin sensitivity and thus throwing me
- 00:23:09out of the blood sugar sweet spot for
- 00:23:11flow now common wisdom would intuitively
- 00:23:14tell you that it's better off to eat
- 00:23:16healthy food even if you're a little bit
- 00:23:17overweight but in reality it's not that
- 00:23:19simple if you actually look at research
- 00:23:21around excess body fat it can have just
- 00:23:24as much of a negative impact on your
- 00:23:26blood markers and thus health as eating
- 00:23:29unhealthy food now while neither is
- 00:23:31ideal being lean is a critical component
- 00:23:34in having good health just as important
- 00:23:36maybe more than actually eating clean
- 00:23:39now why is this well because leanness
- 00:23:41promotes flow proness and its opposite
- 00:23:43blocks it particularly excess weight
- 00:23:46exacerbates the flow blockers excess
- 00:23:47weight causes excess stress in the
- 00:23:49central nervous system and cognitive
- 00:23:51function including attention executive
- 00:23:53function decision-making learning and
- 00:23:55memory all vital for tapping into and
- 00:23:56maximizing Flow State and excess weight
- 00:23:59can also block long-term Peak
- 00:24:00Performance meta analyses show that
- 00:24:02obesity doubles the risk of Alzheimer's
- 00:24:04disease obesity in midlife predicts a
- 00:24:06greater risk of Dementia in later life
- 00:24:09which indirectly attacks the brain's
- 00:24:10ability to sustain Flow State now of
- 00:24:12course I didn't know that at the time
- 00:24:14and without an understanding of this
- 00:24:15science my teen years were plagued with
- 00:24:17a binge diet loop I heard from the
- 00:24:19online forums that eating eight meals a
- 00:24:21day was the best way to jack up your
- 00:24:23metabolism so I would have these
- 00:24:24miserable little tiny meals of canned
- 00:24:27tuna and raw veggies or grilled chicken
- 00:24:29with no sauce was horrible I was so
- 00:24:31hungry all the time the die was so
- 00:24:33strict that I was never able to eat a
- 00:24:34satisfying meal and reach any level of
- 00:24:36satiety so I'd fall off the wagon over
- 00:24:39and over binge eating a massive meal
- 00:24:41feeling like crap afterwards this was
- 00:24:43made so much worse because I couldn't
- 00:24:45exercise without exacerbating the
- 00:24:47symptoms of the head injury so it seemed
- 00:24:48the only way I was going to lose the
- 00:24:50excess weight I'd gained was to starve
- 00:24:52my way out it got so bad I once even had
- 00:24:54a Bic moment there's this horrible
- 00:24:56feeling if you overeat after having
- 00:24:59spent two three weeks or a month dieting
- 00:25:01and making progress where you feel like
- 00:25:03you've wiped away weeks and weeks of
- 00:25:05disciplined progress and one time it was
- 00:25:07so overwhelmingly painful that I
- 00:25:09actually made myself get sick I dealt
- 00:25:11with this kind of struggle for years but
- 00:25:13then I learned that I didn't need to
- 00:25:15exercise to get lean after all after
- 00:25:17finally better understanding the science
- 00:25:19and nutrition and Peak Performance I
- 00:25:21realized it's possible to get and stay
- 00:25:23lean in a far easier way than I was
- 00:25:25attempting to with these three things
- 00:25:27the first is simple 10,000 steps a day a
- 00:25:30study published in the Journal of
- 00:25:31obesity showed that participants who
- 00:25:33increase their step count to 10,000
- 00:25:35steps a day experience significant
- 00:25:37weight loss and improvements in
- 00:25:38cardiovascular health without
- 00:25:39necessarily changing their diet this
- 00:25:41suggests that regular moderate physical
- 00:25:43activity like walking Can Be an
- 00:25:45Effective component of a weight
- 00:25:46management strategy a metaanalysis of
- 00:25:49appetite perception showed that walking
- 00:25:51generally has a neutral or even appetite
- 00:25:53suppressive effect while also decreasing
- 00:25:56stress hormones like cortisol this
- 00:25:58creates a cal or mental environment more
- 00:26:00conducive to achieving Flow State and
- 00:26:02staying disciplined with food intake and
- 00:26:05it's a suitable way to burn calories
- 00:26:06without triggering overeating as a
- 00:26:08compensation mechanism this is
- 00:26:10contrasted to high-intensity exercise
- 00:26:12where you go out you sweat like crazy
- 00:26:14for an hour but then your appetite is
- 00:26:16spiked and you feel like you've just
- 00:26:17exerted a tremendous amount which
- 00:26:19justifies overeating psychologically now
- 00:26:22research also suggests that achieving
- 00:26:2310,000 steps a day isn't just about
- 00:26:25weight loss walking promotes blood flow
- 00:26:27to the brain andh neurotransmitter
- 00:26:29function and stimulates the growth in
- 00:26:30your brain cells all boosting the mental
- 00:26:32faculties we need for focus on the flow
- 00:26:34that follows and whether you eat a flow
- 00:26:35meal or ritual meal here's a rule to
- 00:26:37keep the flow going simple walk after
- 00:26:40eating always walking after a meal
- 00:26:42improves digestion increases energy
- 00:26:44levels and lowers blood sugar the
- 00:26:46lowgrade physical activity of walking
- 00:26:47can also lead to transient
- 00:26:48hyperfrontality a temporary
- 00:26:50downregulation of the prefrontal cortex
- 00:26:52which is a neurological characteristic
- 00:26:54of Flow State this can make it easier to
- 00:26:56get back into flow after eating now
- 00:26:58second you want to eat veggie bows one
- 00:27:00of the biggest levers we have in
- 00:27:02determining how much weight we gain or
- 00:27:03lose is calories in calories out of
- 00:27:05course the way your body metabolizes
- 00:27:07certain types of calories your caloric
- 00:27:09burn rate and other factors play a role
- 00:27:11too but the biggest lever we can pull is
- 00:27:13simply getting the balance of calories
- 00:27:14in right versus calories out make it
- 00:27:17easy to track your calories by eating
- 00:27:18roughly the same amount of calories per
- 00:27:20fuel meal this is important because it's
- 00:27:22easy to over or UND eat tracking caloric
- 00:27:25intake mitigates binging and prevents
- 00:27:27diet related stress because even if we
- 00:27:30eat poorly we can still stay within a
- 00:27:32calorie range it limits black or white
- 00:27:34All or Nothing thinking where you spill
- 00:27:36on your diet a little bit and then think
- 00:27:38okay the day is Ru I'm going to throw
- 00:27:40the baby out with the bath water so
- 00:27:41instead determine your daily calorie
- 00:27:43intake by tracking and gauging your
- 00:27:45weight now for context a pound of fat is
- 00:27:473600 calories so to lose a pound a week
- 00:27:50you need a deficit of this weekly about
- 00:27:52500 calories a day to make this even
- 00:27:54easier ensure what you eat is a high
- 00:27:57volume food and is where we get back to
- 00:27:58the point of eating veggie BS high
- 00:28:00volume low calorie foods stabilized
- 00:28:02blood sugar preventing the crashes and
- 00:28:04energy dips that disrupt focus and
- 00:28:06derail flow for example a big bowl of
- 00:28:08veggies research from Pennsylvania State
- 00:28:10University published in the American
- 00:28:12journal of clinical nutrition found that
- 00:28:14high volume low energy density Foods
- 00:28:17lead to Greater satiety and reduced
- 00:28:18calorie intake high volume foods are
- 00:28:21those that have large volumes of size
- 00:28:23relative to their calorie content like
- 00:28:25delicious salads and plates and
- 00:28:26vegetables and Whole Foods they're
- 00:28:28typically low in calories but high in
- 00:28:30water and fiber which gives them the
- 00:28:32ability to fill up the stomach and
- 00:28:33create a feeling of fullness while
- 00:28:35consuming fewer calories do this and the
- 00:28:37pounds will disappear and you'll be able
- 00:28:39to access previously inaccessible levels
- 00:28:42of Peak Performance what I like to
- 00:28:44optimize for is the best ratio of chew
- 00:28:47time chewing the food to calories
- 00:28:49consumed the more chewing the less
- 00:28:51calories the better it is
- 00:28:52psychologically and from a satiety
- 00:28:54perspective now if you eat healthy
- 00:28:56unprocessed Foods you'll feel more
- 00:28:57satiated whereas we are evolutionarily
- 00:28:59driven to gorge on fat and sugar which
- 00:29:02drives overeating eating clean leads to
- 00:29:04more energy which leads to more calories
- 00:29:06burned which leads to the benefits of
- 00:29:08being lean which leads to the desire to
- 00:29:10continue to eat clean so a virtuous
- 00:29:12cycle gets created so avoid foods that
- 00:29:14are easy to binge or that are super high
- 00:29:16in calories but low in satiety like many
- 00:29:18oils now one of my first jobs in La was
- 00:29:20when I worked at a surf shop on the
- 00:29:22beach for this really lovely woman who
- 00:29:23set me up with the gig at the time
- 00:29:25though she was trying to watch what she
- 00:29:27ate and trying to lose weight by
- 00:29:29shrinking her portion size however she
- 00:29:31ritualistically drank 16 full sugar cans
- 00:29:34of Coca-Cola every single day that's 140
- 00:29:37calories each totaling 2,000 calories in
- 00:29:39a day if all she did was switch those
- 00:29:42cans to Coke Zero she would have lost
- 00:29:44weight at a rapid rate so the rule here
- 00:29:47is don't drink calories this is easy to
- 00:29:49do with soda coffee and alcohol third
- 00:29:52you want a 6-hour daily feeding window
- 00:29:54narrowing your feeding window reduces
- 00:29:55opportunities for overeating increases
- 00:29:58TIY and gives you peace of mind because
- 00:30:00when you do eat you get to eat as if
- 00:30:01you're not on a diet you get to have a
- 00:30:02standard or even large meal so
- 00:30:05psychologically the association with
- 00:30:06food and abundance is still present
- 00:30:09although on a 24-hour cycle your calorie
- 00:30:11intake is limited now long fasts
- 00:30:14periodically can also be really helpful
- 00:30:16to reduce your total monthly calorie
- 00:30:18intake to keep you lean for example if
- 00:30:20your base intake for staying lean is
- 00:30:213,000 calories per day and you do a 48
- 00:30:24hour fast twice a month you're saving
- 00:30:2612,000 calories worth of food month as a
- 00:30:28huge bonus a narrower eating window
- 00:30:30limits constant food related decisions
- 00:30:32freeing up cognitive resources for
- 00:30:34focused work and entry into flow now in
- 00:30:36short to get and stay lean for flow walk
- 00:30:3910,000 steps a day and eat high volume
- 00:30:41satiating flow meals within a 6-hour
- 00:30:44time frame and avoid anything high
- 00:30:46calorie and high palatability from
- 00:30:49drinking soda to Scoops full of peanut
- 00:30:51butter now bear in mind our bodies are
- 00:30:53evolutionarily adapted for flow our
- 00:30:55prehistoric ancestors survival h on it
- 00:30:58brains laser focused on each spear
- 00:31:01thrust senses heightened to subtle
- 00:31:03signals in the brush those who achieve
- 00:31:05flow would have been better at acquiring
- 00:31:07and mastering skills which would then
- 00:31:09pass down to their kin activities like
- 00:31:11hunting foraging and Tool making all
- 00:31:13required intense Focus quick decision-
- 00:31:15making and skillful execution all of
- 00:31:17which are enhanced by Flow State now
- 00:31:20consider the quality of your
- 00:31:21Consciousness and the frequency with
- 00:31:23which you determine the quality of your
- 00:31:24Consciousness by food over your lifetime
- 00:31:27this amounts to a sign ific alteration
- 00:31:28of your Consciousness from food choices
- 00:31:31Alone by putting flow before food you
- 00:31:33retain control over your Consciousness
- 00:31:36rather than letting the food you eat and
- 00:31:38the unintentionality around the
- 00:31:40decisions of what to eat determine the
- 00:31:42State of Consciousness you're in when
- 00:31:44you choose flow before food you flip the
- 00:31:45script that runs most dopamine Glutton
- 00:31:48instead of the body being a burden it
- 00:31:49becomes your biggest lever on
- 00:31:50productivity creativity an
- 00:31:52accomplishment now food is one way to
- 00:31:54amplify or hinder flow but there's
- 00:31:55another substance something many of us
- 00:31:57consume every single day that if used
- 00:31:59well can directly trigger flow while if
- 00:32:01misused can lead to a downward spiral of
- 00:32:04suboptimal performance to learn how to
- 00:32:05master usage of this substance click on
- 00:32:08the video on screen now
- krononæring
- flowtilstand
- intermitterende faste
- flydmåltider
- blodsukker
- kognitiv funktion
- ydeevne
- walk
- døgnrytme
- fokus
- ritualmåltider
- energiniveau