Essentials To ICT Market Structure
TLDREn aquest mòdul, s'explora l'estructura del mercat i les tècniques per identificar la direcció del comerç. El formador destaca la necessitat d'entendre els diferents períodes de temps, incloent mensual, setmanal i diari, així com la importància dels nivells de suport i resistència. S'expliquen diferents tipus de comerciants (posició, swing, a curt termini) i s'assenyala que els nouvinguts haurien de començar amb operacions a curt termini per obtenir confiança. A més, es recalca la importància d'una anàlisi de mercat estructurada, gestionant les operacions d'acord amb el període de temps més elevat i ajustant les entrades i sortides segons els canvis en l'estructura del mercat.
- 🕒 Coneix el teu període de temps.
- 📊 Identifica l'estructura del mercat.
- 💼 Adapta el teu estil de comerç.
- ⚖️ Prioritza les entrades i sortides.
- 🔍 Utilitza nivells de suport i resistència.
- 🎯 Focalitza't en la gestió del risc.
- 📈 Construeix una anàlisi estructurada.
- 💡 Aplica conceptes d'anàlisi tècnica.
- 🚀 Busca retroalimentació immediata.
- 🤔 Accepta la incertesa i viu en el gris.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
En aquest mòdul, ens centrarem en l'estructura del mercat i en com determinar la direcció del comerç. És essencial que els nous traders comprenguin els diferents marcs temporals i com n'hi ha d'un per a cada tipus de comerç que es vol fer, com ara posicions, swing trading o day trading.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
La clau per a un trading reeixit és conèixer el teu mar temporal. Els traders han d'identificar si són més adequats per a posicionar-se, fer swing trading, day trading o scalping. Es recomana començar amb el trading a curt termini per obtenir retroalimentació immediata i agafar confiança.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Per a traders de posició, utilitzaran marcs temporals mensuals, setmanals i diaris per analitzar l'estructura del mercat, mentre que els swing traders es centraran en els gràfics diaris, de quatre hores i d'una hora. Això ajuda a construir una idea clara sobre els possibles punts d'entrada i en la gestió del comerç.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Els traders de curt termini aplicaran el mar temporal de quatre hores per la seva direcció, la d'una hora per gestionar les seves operacions i el d'un quart d'hora per a les entrades. Entendre els marcs temporals és fonamental per a realitzar operacions informades i eficaces.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Els traders han d'identificar nivells de suport i resistència clau i analitzar la dinàmica del mercat en cada mar temporal. Coneixements sobre el suport i resistència són crucials per evitar punts de venda i operacions fallides, estructurant les operacions de manera efectiva.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
L'estructura del mercat implica preus que es mouen a través de diferents nivells de suport i resistència, i observar les consolidades serà essencial per anticipar els propers moviments del preu. La sincronització de l'entrada amb les condicions del mercat permet augmentar les possibilitats d'èxit.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
La clau és estar sempre a l'adveniment de les corredories i aguardar els moments mesures per entrar en el mercat en moments clau i amb el suport de les tendències més altes. Un cop obtinguda la direcció correcta, el trader pot executar la seva estratègia.
- 00:35:00 - 00:41:45
Finalment, els traders han de confiar en el procés i estar preparats per als accidents que poden succeir en el mercat. Els traders han de desenvolupar paciència i disciplina per gestionar les seves expectatives i prendre decisions alineades amb l'evolució del mercat.
Quina és la funció principal d'un operador de Forex?
La funció principal és trobar el camí a través del preu, analitzant els diferents períodes de temps per determinar la direcció del comerç.
Quins períodes de temps s'han de considerar?
Es poden considerar períodes com mensual, setmanal, diari, 4 hores, 1 hora, 15 minuts, 5 minuts i 1 minut.
Quina és la recomanació per a nous operadors?
Es recomana començar amb operacions a curt termini o de dia per obtenir retroalimentació immediata.
Quines són les claus per a l'anàlisi d'estructura de mercat?
Les claus inclouen identificar el període de temps més alt, gestionar les operacions segons aquest període i buscar nivells de suport i resistència.
- 00:00:12okay folks essentials to market
- 00:00:15structure and this module is going to be
- 00:00:17really based upon the premise of looking
- 00:00:20towards helping you educate yourself in
- 00:00:23determining trade direction this is
- 00:00:26probably one of the most reoccurring
- 00:00:29email inquiries and posts that you see
- 00:00:33in the forums on baby pips directed to
- 00:00:36me it's my goal obviously to share a
- 00:00:41little further amplification on some of
- 00:00:43the concepts that I use in determining
- 00:00:45trade direction and hopefully this will
- 00:00:48be insightful for you but what do we do
- 00:00:52when we sit down in front of the charge
- 00:00:54what's the primary function as a trader
- 00:00:56well you as a Forex trader you want to
- 00:01:01be finding your way through price and as
- 00:01:04a new trader I can understand how
- 00:01:05daunting this task may be because
- 00:01:08there's so many different timeframes you
- 00:01:10have your monthly weekly daily four-hour
- 00:01:12one hour fifteen minutes or five minutes
- 00:01:14our one minute chart you have tick
- 00:01:16charts all these different time frames
- 00:01:19it's very bewildering sometimes if you
- 00:01:21don't understand really what it is you
- 00:01:23need to be doing and breaking the down
- 00:01:25breaking down price in a uniform
- 00:01:28structured way so the first thing I'm
- 00:01:31gonna really counsel you on is your
- 00:01:33primary objective is to know your time
- 00:01:36frame that you're trading okay and it
- 00:01:38gets back to what type of trade are you
- 00:01:40going to be are you going to be a
- 00:01:41position trader you're gonna be a swing
- 00:01:43trader a short-term trader are you gonna
- 00:01:45be a day trader or a scalper I can't
- 00:01:47teach you how to find the correct style
- 00:01:51trader that's within you that's all part
- 00:01:54of your personal makeup so this module
- 00:01:57much in the same capacity my other
- 00:01:58modules have been they're gonna speak in
- 00:02:01general terms okay but it's going to
- 00:02:04give you enough insight for you to be
- 00:02:05able to determine what it is that you
- 00:02:07need to be focusing on for you to find
- 00:02:09the most optimal way of trading for you
- 00:02:11yourself okay because each of us are
- 00:02:13going to be different as you grow and
- 00:02:16you mature as a trader you may be multi
- 00:02:19timeframe based in terms of trading in
- 00:02:22other words I consider myself a dynamic
- 00:02:25trader simply
- 00:02:25because I can trade any one of these
- 00:02:28time frames now I excel in the short
- 00:02:32term to swing trading area but I can de
- 00:02:36trade and I can scalp but I prefer not
- 00:02:39to it would be my advice to you is if
- 00:02:43you can try to work within the short
- 00:02:45term to day trading in the beginning
- 00:02:47because it's going to give you the most
- 00:02:48immediate feedback and it's going to
- 00:02:50give you the confidence you need to be
- 00:02:53you know sticking to a plan because
- 00:02:56obviously as a position trader you don't
- 00:02:59have a whole lot of opportunities
- 00:03:00materializing you that frequently swing
- 00:03:03trading again saying capacity it's going
- 00:03:05to be a little a little a little while
- 00:03:07between each setup so it's gonna be
- 00:03:08harder for a new trader looking to find
- 00:03:10themselves to wait between the signals
- 00:03:13and stick within that specific framework
- 00:03:16for trading so short term trading and
- 00:03:18day trading and scalping let's avoid
- 00:03:20that for now but we will talk about how
- 00:03:22you can utilize these concepts for
- 00:03:24scalping but again short term and day
- 00:03:26trades if you are brand-new to price
- 00:03:29action those are very rewarding because
- 00:03:32they give you the immediate feedback new
- 00:03:34traders sometimes need so let's talk
- 00:03:37about what the professional perspective
- 00:03:39is when we're applying market structure
- 00:03:41well obviously for position trades this
- 00:03:44is going to be anywhere between three to
- 00:03:46so much as six to eight six months to a
- 00:03:48year in terms of duration now I don't
- 00:03:51have a whole lot of types of trades like
- 00:03:53this but every three or four months in
- 00:03:56the marketplace whether it be in stocks
- 00:03:58or commodities or Forex there is a
- 00:04:02specific swing that manifests itself and
- 00:04:05we talked about that in other videos and
- 00:04:07other teaching I'm not going to cover
- 00:04:09that here but if you are that type of
- 00:04:10trader obviously the three time frames
- 00:04:14that you would utilize to break down
- 00:04:16market structure for your particular
- 00:04:18market would obviously be monthly the
- 00:04:22weekly and the daily okay monthly being
- 00:04:24your highest timeframe your weekly being
- 00:04:26your midline or mid-level
- 00:04:28timeframe and then you have your daily
- 00:04:30that would be your short-term now as a
- 00:04:33swing trader okay your premise for
- 00:04:36breaking down market structure will be
- 00:04:37comprised of a look
- 00:04:39at the daily the 4-hour and the one-hour
- 00:04:42chart okay
- 00:04:43your setup will be based upon what you
- 00:04:47see on the higher time frame the daily
- 00:04:48much in the same capacity for a position
- 00:04:51trade the monthly will be your position
- 00:04:53trade premise nor is if we are
- 00:04:55considerably overbought you know there
- 00:04:58should be some kind of a topping
- 00:04:59formation on a monthly chart you would
- 00:05:01look to see market structure breakdown
- 00:05:05on the weekly and daily they facilitate
- 00:05:07a short position well on a swing trade
- 00:05:10model you utilize that same measure of
- 00:05:14market structure by utilizing the
- 00:05:16highest timeframe for swing trades and
- 00:05:17this approach would be the daily chart
- 00:05:20and then breaking that down into 4-hour
- 00:05:24chart and then lesser price action study
- 00:05:28in the one-hour chart so you'll be
- 00:05:31timing on the one hour you will be
- 00:05:33managing on the four hour and the
- 00:05:36premise or the trade idea would be built
- 00:05:38upon the highest timeframe which would
- 00:05:40be the daily chart okay and the swing
- 00:05:42traders model here if you're a
- 00:05:45short-term trader obviously the duration
- 00:05:47of time for these types of trades could
- 00:05:49be anywhere between one day to as much
- 00:05:52as a week or so swing trading is about a
- 00:05:54week or more in terms of trade duration
- 00:05:57and I forgot to mention that but for
- 00:06:00short-term trades you'll be using the
- 00:06:014-hour chart for your trade premise or
- 00:06:04your directional bias and then on the
- 00:06:07one-hour chart that would be your trade
- 00:06:09management or mid-level time frame and
- 00:06:13then your 15-minute chart would be
- 00:06:15utilized for your timing for entry and
- 00:06:17possibly looking for early reversal
- 00:06:20signs that your trade may be petering
- 00:06:22out and it's time to take profits for
- 00:06:25day trades obviously yeah you can see
- 00:06:28it's the one in our chart and be a
- 00:06:30highest timeframe you would be managing
- 00:06:32your trade on the 15-minute time frame
- 00:06:33and your five-minute chart would be
- 00:06:36utilized to enter now it's not to say
- 00:06:40that you can't use a 5-minute chart on
- 00:06:42the short-term swing and position trades
- 00:06:45for entry okay I'm giving you the
- 00:06:48framework for at least having three time
- 00:06:52frames across
- 00:06:52the spectrum of your training and how
- 00:06:56you break down market structure over
- 00:06:57these three specific time frames for
- 00:07:00each individual trading model will give
- 00:07:03you again the building blocks to flesh
- 00:07:08out what you need to see in terms of
- 00:07:10directional bias okay so let's take a
- 00:07:14look at a closer look at price action
- 00:07:18and market structure now the keys to
- 00:07:22multiple time frame market structure
- 00:07:24okay are rather simple where is your
- 00:07:28focus your focus should be on the
- 00:07:30highest of the three time frames trades
- 00:07:32will be managed by the highest or mid
- 00:07:35time frames okay in other words if you
- 00:07:38are a swing trader you're going to be
- 00:07:42utilizing that daily time frame to
- 00:07:45manage or the 4-hour chart to manage
- 00:07:49your trade okay but the daily is going
- 00:07:51to be utilized to facilitate the trade
- 00:07:54premise in other words that's going to
- 00:07:56give you your directional bias
- 00:07:58okay the market structure that is one
- 00:08:00the daily chart that's framing your
- 00:08:02swing trades okay once you get into a
- 00:08:06trade you would be managing that trade
- 00:08:08on a four hour time frame and you would
- 00:08:10just use the respective time frames we
- 00:08:12just talked about in the previous slide
- 00:08:13and then your one hour chart would be
- 00:08:17used for timing purposes okay so the
- 00:08:20shortest time frame in that regard for
- 00:08:22swing trading would be the 60-minute
- 00:08:24chart so your entry signals would be
- 00:08:27derived from having studied the market
- 00:08:31structure on the daily and the four-hour
- 00:08:34then your one-hour chart was facilitate
- 00:08:38the specific entry point okay so you
- 00:08:41know what you would do your entry
- 00:08:42concepts and techniques on the one-hour
- 00:08:45chart for swing trades the highest
- 00:08:48probability trades are made in the
- 00:08:51higher time frame direction okay now
- 00:08:53there are going to be instances where
- 00:08:55the higher time frame premise may be
- 00:08:59bullish but you're approaching a key
- 00:09:01resistance level so that may be trumped
- 00:09:04so that's where we're gonna go back to
- 00:09:07the core essentials to technical
- 00:09:09analysis that being support resistance
- 00:09:12trumps everything okay without the
- 00:09:15understanding of key support resistance
- 00:09:17levels you're not going to get to a
- 00:09:20directional bias regardless of what
- 00:09:22trading model you're using position day
- 00:09:25trading whatever it is if it's not
- 00:09:27framed on the premise of keys for
- 00:09:29resistance levels it's probably going to
- 00:09:31be a struggling point for you as well
- 00:09:33okay so you have to go back to the core
- 00:09:36essentials to my concepts and just sound
- 00:09:39trading all together key support
- 00:09:41resistance levels are where it's all at
- 00:09:44okay without those all of these lines
- 00:09:46and all these procedures that we're
- 00:09:49going to be covering here and what we've
- 00:09:50covered in previous videos and such is
- 00:09:52going to do no good to you okay so you
- 00:09:54have to understand what is a keys of our
- 00:09:56resistance level so if you are looking
- 00:09:58at the highest timeframe for your
- 00:10:00particular model that will hopefully
- 00:10:04draw your attention to whatever key to
- 00:10:07support resistance level at that point
- 00:10:10in price action obviously you can always
- 00:10:12go out to a daily and weekly just as a
- 00:10:14you know a catch-all as far as whatever
- 00:10:19time frame you're trading if you just
- 00:10:20look at a daily and weekly in terms of
- 00:10:22support resistance those will be helpful
- 00:10:24to you now the market profiles will also
- 00:10:28assist you in market structure analysis
- 00:10:30concepts that means I'll be in a
- 00:10:31trending market are we in a reversal
- 00:10:33pattern or formation or that type of
- 00:10:36profile in the market place and are we
- 00:10:38in a consolidation preparing for a
- 00:10:41breakout scenario okay so market
- 00:10:43profiling is essential to helping you
- 00:10:48and assisting you in measuring what the
- 00:10:52current market structure is okay now are
- 00:10:54we bullish or bearish
- 00:11:00all right when we're looking at market
- 00:11:03structure we're referring to market
- 00:11:05structure what are we speaking about
- 00:11:08what's the what is the work trying to
- 00:11:10get at okay well if you look at a price
- 00:11:15rally up and then price hitting a major
- 00:11:20resistance level we're going to assume
- 00:11:23for a moment that this is your higher
- 00:11:25time frame okay and I'm going to keep it
- 00:11:27generic because that way you can apply
- 00:11:29it to whatever your higher time frame is
- 00:11:30based on the model trade it you are
- 00:11:33aiming to be as price rallies up into
- 00:11:38what we perceive as a higher level key
- 00:11:42resistance level price never moves in a
- 00:11:45straight line
- 00:11:46okay so there's going to be a
- 00:11:48consolidation a price move up another
- 00:11:50consolidation a price move up and then
- 00:11:52as price makes it into this resistance
- 00:11:55level then we'll be anticipating a
- 00:11:58reversal so when markets start to break
- 00:12:01down
- 00:12:01taking out the short-term swing lows in
- 00:12:06here
- 00:12:06this short-term swing low on the highest
- 00:12:09timeframe for your particular trading
- 00:12:11model once that breaks this would be the
- 00:12:14catalyst for you to say okay this is
- 00:12:16probably going to be an optimal trade
- 00:12:18entry based on the higher time frame
- 00:12:21chart of your profile okay so for an
- 00:12:26example let's just say that this is a
- 00:12:29monthly chart and you're looking for a
- 00:12:32position trade okay if the monthly hits
- 00:12:34a key resistance level like this and it
- 00:12:36comes down takes out a short term low
- 00:12:38and the monthly we know now that market
- 00:12:40structure has broken okay so we have a
- 00:12:42market structure shift right here okay
- 00:12:46now we don't know what price is doing
- 00:12:49over here this is all in the future
- 00:12:50we're anticipating these types of events
- 00:12:52in terms of price action but until we
- 00:12:54actually get that and starts trading we
- 00:12:56can't deal with that yet so it's all an
- 00:12:58anticipation and our anticipated
- 00:13:01anticipatory model as far as our
- 00:13:04framework and thinking about price
- 00:13:06action this is what we would expect to
- 00:13:09see once this structure has been broken
- 00:13:11okay
- 00:13:12but as price starts to rally up we don't
- 00:13:15anticipate seeing a breakthrough this
- 00:13:19resistance level okay if we arrive this
- 00:13:22as a possible resistance level we would
- 00:13:25expect a retracement for a little trade
- 00:13:26entry but then we would zoom in in this
- 00:13:28area right here okay I want a weekly
- 00:13:31timeframe to hone in on more key shorter
- 00:13:35term timeframe price levels and then by
- 00:13:38zooming in okay we would possibly see a
- 00:13:43shorter term optimal trade entry or
- 00:13:45respective cell pattern to you know
- 00:13:50convince us even further that this is
- 00:13:52probably going to be a sell scenario and
- 00:13:54if we move down into a daily and see
- 00:13:56something even similar to that okay you
- 00:13:59would have all these nesting confluences
- 00:14:01of implied resistance levels once a hard
- 00:14:05time frame market structure is broken
- 00:14:07down and then we would be able to
- 00:14:08position ourselves in sync with a
- 00:14:11top-down approach with market structure
- 00:14:14okay and then as price starts to trade
- 00:14:17down this is the gray area all these
- 00:14:19areas where there's missing gaps
- 00:14:22okay that's intentional okay we don't
- 00:14:25know what's going to take place between
- 00:14:27the time where we see an entry point and
- 00:14:30where we expect to see price get to in
- 00:14:32terms of our targets and we'll talk more
- 00:14:33about that later on but this is the gray
- 00:14:36area where you have to be comfortable
- 00:14:37with okay because you don't know what's
- 00:14:39gonna happen from we our entry point and
- 00:14:42you're expected exit point okay you
- 00:14:44don't know if it's going to go down
- 00:14:45there okay you don't know if it's gonna
- 00:14:46reverse and take you out of the tree
- 00:14:48okay but the overall framework okay or
- 00:14:51price structure okay this is how market
- 00:14:55structure is built okay this is a price
- 00:14:57rally and a decline okay we have
- 00:15:02consolidation if we expect to see some
- 00:15:05kind of a rally in here something's
- 00:15:06bullish that we would expect to support
- 00:15:08at as price starts to rally up okay we
- 00:15:12could be utilizing our mid-level
- 00:15:14or shorter term level timeframes tick to
- 00:15:18see bullishness okay we want to see
- 00:15:22support being held resistance being
- 00:15:24broken
- 00:15:25okay and every time price starts to pull
- 00:15:28back and retrace in here the market
- 00:15:30structure concept that you would be
- 00:15:31utilizing it would be to simply look for
- 00:15:33optimal trade entries okay for buys you
- 00:15:37would be looking for reflections to buy
- 00:15:39you would be looking for type to trend
- 00:15:42falling bullish scenario so in other
- 00:15:44words in all this area here you'd be
- 00:15:46looking for price finding support and
- 00:15:50resistance being broken okay so that
- 00:15:52it's that simple that's the whole
- 00:15:54framework behind market structure and as
- 00:15:57price rise up into another shorter term
- 00:15:59or a me it's from resistance level in
- 00:16:01here price will hopefully find some
- 00:16:05support okay but if it does start to
- 00:16:07break down be comfortable with price
- 00:16:10coming back and blowing out previous
- 00:16:13lows in here okay there may be an
- 00:16:15important load that's taken place and
- 00:16:18trailing stop loss orders would be
- 00:16:20trailed up below that particular point
- 00:16:21okay so as price dips back down all
- 00:16:24that's going to do is give you another
- 00:16:25opportunity to get long okay now again
- 00:16:29let's think for a moment this is the
- 00:16:31higher time frame premise okay this is
- 00:16:33the highest time frame chart when we
- 00:16:36start seeing this consolidation here and
- 00:16:38we see the higher level resistance
- 00:16:39though because these are all known in
- 00:16:41advance this is why we have support
- 00:16:43distance studies done this is all part
- 00:16:46of our top-down analysis seeing where
- 00:16:48price may be reaching for so if we start
- 00:16:51seeing price rally up in here and in
- 00:16:52consolidate again and this is another
- 00:16:55higher level key resistance level if
- 00:16:57price continues to maintain support and
- 00:16:59breaks above all of these short-term
- 00:17:02highs in here
- 00:17:03the market structure implies that we
- 00:17:06could possibly see a leg from this low
- 00:17:09or whatever low would form back here to
- 00:17:11this high duplicated on the retracement
- 00:17:14here from this low to this high
- 00:17:21the same thing could be said with market
- 00:17:24declines and reversals going along every
- 00:17:28time we see a consolidation
- 00:17:30consolidation is you want to study these
- 00:17:32for shorter term more dynamic support
- 00:17:36resistance levels these areas are more
- 00:17:39easily tradable because they have
- 00:17:41discernible price levels they're very
- 00:17:44clear we don't know how it's going to
- 00:17:47take price from these consolidations to
- 00:17:50the next consolidation we don't know
- 00:17:52that we anticipate that gray area that's
- 00:17:55missing these little pieces of market
- 00:17:57structure that's missing I left that out
- 00:17:59because I want you to think like this
- 00:18:01okay it's if it's a little confusing now
- 00:18:05I understand but if you apply this same
- 00:18:08general I don't want to say profile but
- 00:18:13this diagram okay in other words in
- 00:18:16terms of how I have price lows
- 00:18:19illustrated here if you look at how
- 00:18:21price declines actually materialized
- 00:18:24you'll start to see these lows form like
- 00:18:28this and inside of those consolidations
- 00:18:30and in every swing low deforms there's
- 00:18:33going to be a discernible hostile trade
- 00:18:37entries or reflection patterns or
- 00:18:39generally fractal patterns okay so you
- 00:18:42would apply these concepts okay with all
- 00:18:46the other concepts which you previously
- 00:18:49discussed but looking at obviously a
- 00:18:53higher level key support level down here
- 00:18:55as a catalyst okay so as price moves
- 00:18:59from a consolidation down into a new
- 00:19:01consolidation much in the same capacity
- 00:19:04we just saw with the bullish move
- 00:19:06reaching up into a higher level
- 00:19:07resistance level we could be seeing a
- 00:19:10consolidation in here with this higher
- 00:19:12level reason support level down here
- 00:19:14this would be where price may be
- 00:19:16reaching for so if it's consolidating
- 00:19:19here we could look for a move from
- 00:19:21whatever high forms here to this low
- 00:19:23okay duplicated from this high or
- 00:19:26whatever high forms in this area down to
- 00:19:28this low okay so while this diagram is
- 00:19:32fragmented okay
- 00:19:34think of in terms of the market maker
- 00:19:37profiles that I just recently shared
- 00:19:39with you guys this year you see that
- 00:19:41same premise here as well I don't need
- 00:19:45to draw the lines in here you can
- 00:19:46actually probably remember by the way
- 00:19:47the profile was given to you you can
- 00:19:50actually see it in here okay so as
- 00:19:53prices engineered to go lower down into
- 00:19:56a support level ultimately to trade
- 00:19:58higher this is the building blocks that
- 00:20:00we work with okay now because we have to
- 00:20:05live in the gray area and not expect a
- 00:20:09simple black and white premise to
- 00:20:12trading when we see a consolidation here
- 00:20:14and price move down to a new area
- 00:20:16consolidation and price moves down to a
- 00:20:17new cup area consolidation and then we
- 00:20:19have short term breaks on market
- 00:20:22structure okay in other words we have a
- 00:20:23shift in Marcos trucker right here as
- 00:20:25price trades down the net support level
- 00:20:27again this is all assuming this is the
- 00:20:29highest level of your three time frames
- 00:20:31that you're trading with for your
- 00:20:33particular trading model when you see
- 00:20:35this shift in market structure here we
- 00:20:38would anticipate seeing a bullish move
- 00:20:40higher but here's where we enter a new
- 00:20:42level of gray when we move into this new
- 00:20:47consolidation in here this may not
- 00:20:49always translate into even higher prices
- 00:20:52going out like we have here implied it
- 00:20:55could be just reaching up to go back to
- 00:20:57this range from this old high to this
- 00:20:59look remember inside the range concepts
- 00:21:01okay so you have to have that in mind so
- 00:21:04that's why if you're going to be getting
- 00:21:05long down here you'll expect to see some
- 00:21:09type of profit taking here right and you
- 00:21:13would be able to see that utilizing your
- 00:21:15mid-level chart okay for your swing
- 00:21:18projections okay we'll talk about that
- 00:21:21more as we go on but generally as you
- 00:21:24see price come down in here every time
- 00:21:26price retraces and gives you new optimal
- 00:21:28trade entries that's what you're looking
- 00:21:30for you want to see price holding
- 00:21:32support breaking resistance okay on this
- 00:21:35side of the support level being found
- 00:21:39but as we're trading down into that
- 00:21:41support level we're anticipating market
- 00:21:43structure to break lows and in find
- 00:21:46resistance break lows
- 00:21:48fine resistance break lows fine
- 00:21:50resistance okay so every new
- 00:21:52consolidation if we're expecting price
- 00:21:55reaching down to our higher level
- 00:21:57support level okay on a highest level
- 00:22:00chart that's why we do our analysis on
- 00:22:02the highest level because you want to
- 00:22:03see where price is probably reaching for
- 00:22:05and by seeing where the highest level
- 00:22:08chart in our particular trading model is
- 00:22:10reaching for again we don't know for
- 00:22:14certain that they're always going to get
- 00:22:15there but if you look in these higher
- 00:22:17level charts it's going to give you the
- 00:22:19highest probability in terms of success
- 00:22:21if price doesn't get to these particular
- 00:22:24points and we start seeing early market
- 00:22:27shifts in March structure this could be
- 00:22:31a catalyst for you know another type of
- 00:22:33trade okay we could possibly get along
- 00:22:36in here and maybe even reach up into the
- 00:22:38range from the high to this low here
- 00:22:39that may be a means of profitability it
- 00:22:42should be a good reward to risk scenario
- 00:22:46here okay you know three to one could
- 00:22:49still exist within that front at that
- 00:22:51framework of price action okay but again
- 00:22:55even if that happens we can still take
- 00:22:58some short-term trades in here
- 00:23:00but that may be a very very short-term
- 00:23:03bias only taking you up to a higher
- 00:23:07level bias to get lower support levels
- 00:23:12here taken out okay in other words it
- 00:23:15used the you're gonna have to blend some
- 00:23:16concepts here the inside the range
- 00:23:18concepts simply looking at lower lows
- 00:23:22and lower highs okay if we do get a
- 00:23:25short term bounce in here between the
- 00:23:27high that's formed here and the low here
- 00:23:31just could be creating another awesome
- 00:23:33trade entry to get that fulfillment of
- 00:23:35this lower level support level down here
- 00:23:42now again we've seen this diagram before
- 00:23:47assuming that we have a high up in here
- 00:23:50reaching into resistance as price breaks
- 00:23:53this short term low here the market
- 00:23:55structure is broken so as price starts
- 00:23:59to retrace every time retraces we're
- 00:24:01looking for new selling opportunities
- 00:24:03but if we see a previous swing as we see
- 00:24:07here see this price swing here okay if
- 00:24:10this level is taken out here if we get a
- 00:24:15retracement or another additional sell
- 00:24:17signal this is where we use swing
- 00:24:20projections just on price we're not
- 00:24:23using Fibonacci you can but just looking
- 00:24:25at simple price action alone this low to
- 00:24:29high once it's broken
- 00:24:30you can start taking this same
- 00:24:32measurable swing from this point here
- 00:24:35down to that same level and project it
- 00:24:39lower okay and you get somewhere in this
- 00:24:42area here now I purposely allowed the
- 00:24:44diagram to be a little bit farther
- 00:24:46because I teach to exit on the trade
- 00:24:50before the actual objective is met okay
- 00:24:53so every time we see a broken swing okay
- 00:24:57this is a swing that's broken here in
- 00:25:00other words this low here or whatever
- 00:25:01load would have formed in here I'm
- 00:25:03assuming that you can see this as this
- 00:25:06as a swing when it's broken right here
- 00:25:10we went below here if we retrace back
- 00:25:13into it okay I've also purposely drew
- 00:25:16this a little bit past what would be
- 00:25:18expected as resistance I've purposely
- 00:25:22allowed this to move beyond this low
- 00:25:25here to illustrate how support
- 00:25:27resistance can be gray as well it's not
- 00:25:31black and white you're going to have to
- 00:25:33allow some flexibility with price so
- 00:25:35when it starts to pull back deeper
- 00:25:37okay this still could set up the optimal
- 00:25:39trade entry okay and while this isn't
- 00:25:42the exact level price was able to stave
- 00:25:45off a rally it still was working with in
- 00:25:47the previous range here and this pie
- 00:25:51here as well so we're still within
- 00:25:53bearish market structure so don't be
- 00:25:57lulled into thinking this is going to be
- 00:25:58a long to go higher assuming again this
- 00:26:00is a higher level of resistance level
- 00:26:03and again every little short-term
- 00:26:05retracement here could be a catalyst for
- 00:26:08an additional entry using our smallest
- 00:26:10of the three time frames again this is
- 00:26:13all modeling off of the highest time
- 00:26:15frame okay and then assuming once we get
- 00:26:18this broken down this swing low here
- 00:26:21broken we could utilize the mid-level
- 00:26:23chart for additional entries and or
- 00:26:26managing of a position that's already
- 00:26:28been assumed based on the highest of the
- 00:26:30three time frames now as price also
- 00:26:34breaks down these swings just swing up
- 00:26:37once it's broken
- 00:26:38okay this is an engineered swing okay
- 00:26:41you see this in price action all the
- 00:26:43time okay it's a measured move it's very
- 00:26:46simple taking this low to this high
- 00:26:49whatever that range is subtracted from
- 00:26:52that same point here and project it
- 00:26:54lower okay
- 00:26:55that's the measured swing here is a
- 00:26:59measured leg move you have the high down
- 00:27:02to a low here price starts region
- 00:27:04retrace in here we could see this as an
- 00:27:07intermediate term price swing okay or
- 00:27:10price leg so we have a measureable swing
- 00:27:14here that we can use for projections
- 00:27:15then we also have a measurable lake okay
- 00:27:19so we have the first leg and price down
- 00:27:21here and when we trace back utilizing
- 00:27:25the framework that's based on this swing
- 00:27:27up okay so we're blending two concepts
- 00:27:29here a swing that's broken okay and
- 00:27:33within a bearish market structure then
- 00:27:36we also have a retracement back into a
- 00:27:37previous support broken it should act as
- 00:27:41resistance okay and notice how this low
- 00:27:45here I try that more less imply that
- 00:27:47price could be reaching for even a
- 00:27:48shorter term support that's broken as
- 00:27:51resistance so what might look real clear
- 00:27:53and discernible on the charts it may not
- 00:27:55be as clear-cut as that but we would
- 00:27:59expect this to be an enemy in term
- 00:28:01retracement for a new leg down and
- 00:28:04that's when you would you expect to see
- 00:28:06the high to
- 00:28:06here on this Lake repleted repeated and
- 00:28:10protected from this highway of reforms
- 00:28:12here down here and that would look
- 00:28:15similar to what we'd expect when you see
- 00:28:19and we had some highs and lows enemy
- 00:28:21term high is obviously a high that has
- 00:28:24lower highs on either side of it okay
- 00:28:28and any return low is a low that has two
- 00:28:31higher lows on either side of it so it's
- 00:28:34very easy to see it's simply looking at
- 00:28:37your candles and your bars on your
- 00:28:40respective time frames and when you see
- 00:28:42these note them okay and by noting them
- 00:28:46you'll have whatever ways you want to
- 00:28:48have it
- 00:28:49I'm delineating and denoting that with
- 00:28:52these little circles here it could be
- 00:28:54anything on your charts you could have
- 00:28:56stars you can you just you know type
- 00:28:58enemy in term high whatever you can put
- 00:29:00the little arrows on it whatever it is
- 00:29:02that you use to identifying that that's
- 00:29:04your way of doing it but it's important
- 00:29:07you understand where they're at and when
- 00:29:10they start to nest out like this okay
- 00:29:12you can classify enemy a term too now
- 00:29:15long term because if we have lower highs
- 00:29:18on either side of it okay this would
- 00:29:20classify this is a long term high that
- 00:29:22would also allow you to expect to see
- 00:29:26much longer term price swings okay so by
- 00:29:30nesting out and marking off your swing
- 00:29:34highs and swing lows on your respective
- 00:29:37time frames you start to build a
- 00:29:39framework that's needed to be able to
- 00:29:40discern if you're in an area term or
- 00:29:42short term price swing and within your
- 00:29:45market structure now that leg that we
- 00:29:50were talking about earlier can be seen
- 00:29:52here by having that mu term High Noon
- 00:29:55'add so this is a mu term price leg and
- 00:29:58then here's your ne a term retracement
- 00:30:00okay and then you would see obviously
- 00:30:03the next leg down would be replicated so
- 00:30:05you can see the range between this low
- 00:30:07to high is exactly what you see here
- 00:30:10causing you to expect or anticipate
- 00:30:12price movement back here if you're in a
- 00:30:15trade still once you've retraced you can
- 00:30:18expect a hold on to that trade to get
- 00:30:19back down to these low
- 00:30:20here which would obviously hopefully be
- 00:30:22a higher level support level to also
- 00:30:24converge and have a confluence of
- 00:30:27reasons to expect to take some profits
- 00:30:28there
- 00:30:35now by having all these things in the
- 00:30:38forefront of your mind and having
- 00:30:40specific price legs and price swings and
- 00:30:42how they nest together it's important
- 00:30:48you understand that the framework of
- 00:30:49your market structure is derived from
- 00:30:51the highest level the three time frames
- 00:30:53you're trading with that's where your
- 00:30:55the framework or the or the basis of
- 00:30:58your trade is built upon your mid-level
- 00:31:02chart is used to zero down into a
- 00:31:05smaller time frame expecting to find
- 00:31:08support resistance levels that may not
- 00:31:11be discernible on your highest time
- 00:31:12frame then your lowest time frame is
- 00:31:14used for your entry and we're going to
- 00:31:16talking about that specifically here
- 00:31:17assuming we've built the premise of
- 00:31:20market structure and assuming that it's
- 00:31:23bullish okay everything we're talking
- 00:31:25about here would be obviously reversed
- 00:31:28for selling scenarios but assuming we
- 00:31:30have a bullish market structure okay
- 00:31:32where a swing trader let's say for a
- 00:31:35moment that our highest timeframes
- 00:31:38suggest that we have a bullish March
- 00:31:40structure underway we've traded off of a
- 00:31:42higher level support level and price has
- 00:31:46given us a broken market structure to
- 00:31:49the upside okay so there's been a market
- 00:31:51structure shift short-term highs have
- 00:31:53been broken on our highest level time
- 00:31:55frame chart our mid-level time frame has
- 00:31:58allowed us to zero in and find a key
- 00:32:01support resistance level now we have
- 00:32:04this higher level key support resistance
- 00:32:06level that's also converging with our
- 00:32:08mid-level support resistance level okay
- 00:32:10in that same support resistance level
- 00:32:12may be a confluence of maybe it be a
- 00:32:15pattern that overlaps with that specific
- 00:32:17that level okay and we now have a bias
- 00:32:23okay this bias is bullish it does not
- 00:32:29mean every single day you're going to
- 00:32:32get a trade that's gonna materialize as
- 00:32:35a bullish move and see profitability if
- 00:32:37it was if it was just that simple guys
- 00:32:40everybody would be multimillionaires and
- 00:32:42be it we'd be we don't you know we'd all
- 00:32:45be Warren Buffett's
- 00:32:47super-rich so obviously you know it's
- 00:32:49it's not that easy you have to have some
- 00:32:52discernment and it allow for some you
- 00:32:56know failure because it's going to
- 00:32:58happen but assuming that we have that
- 00:33:00that premise
- 00:33:01okay our bias is to buy it doesn't mean
- 00:33:04that traders can't make money going
- 00:33:06short this specific day or timeframe
- 00:33:08okay it just means that you are gonna
- 00:33:11stick to being a bull at this particular
- 00:33:15day or a particular timeframe okay so
- 00:33:18with that and with that in mind we
- 00:33:21always go back to our key premise of
- 00:33:23trading within kill zones
- 00:33:25okay so you want to be doing your
- 00:33:26entries and your kill zone times London
- 00:33:29open New York open London close or Asia
- 00:33:32okay but assuming we have already
- 00:33:34arrived at our time of day when we're
- 00:33:37going to be trading okay we already
- 00:33:40understand that the kill zone when it's
- 00:33:41going to begin we already have our key
- 00:33:44supporting resistance level already
- 00:33:46identified and we know where price
- 00:33:48should get to before we do anything and
- 00:33:50that's going to be basically this little
- 00:33:52area right here so when we're going to
- 00:33:53be seeing price hopefully at some point
- 00:33:56moved down to that level here this is
- 00:33:58our action point this is where we take
- 00:34:00action we do the entry here and it could
- 00:34:04be on a limit basis or it could be a
- 00:34:05market order but we're utilizing time
- 00:34:08and price theory okay so this is what it
- 00:34:10looks like in in your mind there's
- 00:34:14nothing happening yet you anticipate
- 00:34:16these events unfolding within a specific
- 00:34:19time of day with a specific bias in mind
- 00:34:23okay you want to see these things line
- 00:34:26up and I think what happens is you guys
- 00:34:28send me emails you talk about on the
- 00:34:30internet posting on baby pips forums you
- 00:34:32know I don't know what the bias is for
- 00:34:34today here's here's the secret every day
- 00:34:37the bias is both directions every day
- 00:34:40the bias is both directions think about
- 00:34:43that
- 00:34:43there's traders making money going long
- 00:34:46and short that day but you have to
- 00:34:49decide on what it is that you're trading
- 00:34:52based on your time frame in your profile
- 00:34:54like as a trader are you a short trend
- 00:34:56trader swing trader are you a position
- 00:34:57trader and
- 00:34:58you're looking for the bias that you're
- 00:35:01holding to line up with price action
- 00:35:04okay
- 00:35:05you can't force price action to do what
- 00:35:08you want it to do you can only get
- 00:35:10yourself in sync with what price may be
- 00:35:12doing and allowing you a ride okay so
- 00:35:15with that assumption we're looking at
- 00:35:17price here and with the bullish premise
- 00:35:20that we would be expecting to see higher
- 00:35:22prices if we get down to this support
- 00:35:24level okay so we've established at the
- 00:35:27higher time frame of the three time
- 00:35:28frames we used for market structure
- 00:35:30study is now bullish okay we assumed
- 00:35:33that we have a very respectable support
- 00:35:37level down here okay so if price trades
- 00:35:39back down to that level within a kill
- 00:35:41zone we're going to be taking action
- 00:35:42here to buy okay and always simply do at
- 00:35:44that point is you wait you wait until
- 00:35:47the kill zone starts and when price gets
- 00:35:49that specific point you use whatever
- 00:35:51entry technique or concept you're going
- 00:35:52to be utilizing for your trade entry it
- 00:35:54could be optimal trade entry it could be
- 00:35:56reflection it could be a Grail it could
- 00:36:00be a stinger it could be any any one of
- 00:36:03the trading patterns that you're
- 00:36:04utilizing but it's happening at a key
- 00:36:06support resistance level with the higher
- 00:36:08time frame of the three front timeframes
- 00:36:11you use for market structure giving you
- 00:36:13your bias so when you have that this is
- 00:36:15your action plan this is what you do you
- 00:36:18don't do anything else okay this could
- 00:36:20be a sell pattern here okay for someone
- 00:36:22that's a very short term trader okay and
- 00:36:24trades down in date they've made money
- 00:36:27from this point here here
- 00:36:28that's not your trade okay so don't try
- 00:36:33to force more out of the concept than
- 00:36:36its intended okay you're just simply
- 00:36:38looking for a bias for your style of
- 00:36:41trading okay it doesn't mean that you're
- 00:36:44gonna be right all the time
- 00:36:45okay so take that out of the equation
- 00:36:47all you're doing is looking to get
- 00:36:49yourself in sync with whatever price
- 00:36:50action is doing based on your premise or
- 00:36:53your style of trading
- 00:36:59all right obviously this is a very
- 00:37:04simple approach to dealing with
- 00:37:05directional bias but it's meant to help
- 00:37:09you avoid deal for complication that
- 00:37:11tends to happen with traders okay and
- 00:37:14it's usually the new traders to try to
- 00:37:16add all these things to it and squeeze
- 00:37:18all the tools into giving them a
- 00:37:20directional bias with the expectation
- 00:37:22falsely albeit that they're gonna always
- 00:37:25know what direction the parts going to
- 00:37:27move every single day and I'm going to
- 00:37:29tell you guys off they're not doing this
- 00:37:31almost 20 years and I don't get it right
- 00:37:34every single day okay
- 00:37:37you know the secret is to my trading I
- 00:37:39simply wait until everything lines up
- 00:37:42that I'd like to see where the majority
- 00:37:44of all my tolls not all of them the
- 00:37:47majority the things that I'd like to see
- 00:37:48based on my understanding what markets
- 00:37:52suggesting to me in other words or what
- 00:37:54profile are we in are we overall ripe
- 00:37:57for reversal are we in a trending
- 00:37:59condition
- 00:38:00are we in a consolidation area where you
- 00:38:02know I don't want to be taking any kind
- 00:38:04of trading you know with the expectation
- 00:38:07that we're going to have a trending type
- 00:38:10of event unfold because we're gonna be
- 00:38:12working within a large consolidation I
- 00:38:14use that as my building blocks and then
- 00:38:18by using the market profiling to give me
- 00:38:20the initial clue as to where we may be
- 00:38:22trading then I start looking at actual
- 00:38:25individual market structure concepts on
- 00:38:26the three time frames that I use for
- 00:38:28whatever type of trading I'm doing at
- 00:38:30the time because I am dynamic I move
- 00:38:33from one time frame or profile trading
- 00:38:36to another one week I may be simply a
- 00:38:38day trader in other weeks I'll be a
- 00:38:41short trend trader and I wish there's a
- 00:38:44way for me to teach that premise from
- 00:38:47moving from one dynamic to another I
- 00:38:50can't so it may be disappointing to you
- 00:38:54but this is a limitation on me as a
- 00:38:56mentor I just I don't know how to
- 00:38:58communicate that but I can give you
- 00:39:01concepts and approaches to do specific
- 00:39:03styles of trading and you just have to
- 00:39:05wait for the opportunities where price
- 00:39:07action gives you that sweet spot in
- 00:39:10terms of being able to apply it
- 00:39:12okay so by selecting a directional bias
- 00:39:15this does not guarantee profitability
- 00:39:18it's very important you understand that
- 00:39:19nor does it guarantee accuracy in either
- 00:39:22your trade direction and/or your trade
- 00:39:24results one traders bias may be bullish
- 00:39:27okay and they're looking for bias and
- 00:39:29that may exist inside the realm of
- 00:39:31another traders sell bias they both can
- 00:39:34be correct and make money and even see
- 00:39:37both their respective profit objectives
- 00:39:39achieved they both can be wrong and make
- 00:39:43money despite their respective profit
- 00:39:45objectives not being achieved again it's
- 00:39:47not being about being quote-unquote
- 00:39:51correct
- 00:39:51it's about being profitable however they
- 00:39:54both could simply lose money and neither
- 00:39:56trade idea come to fruition there is no
- 00:39:59black and white it's very important you
- 00:40:00understand that as a trader you must
- 00:40:03enter the gray and be comfortable with
- 00:40:05the less than perfect visibility trades
- 00:40:08with the the foresight that you're
- 00:40:11expecting don't exist nobody has a
- 00:40:14crystal ball I don't have it I'm still
- 00:40:16trading on the probabilities not the
- 00:40:19perfect scenario there's no perfect
- 00:40:22scenario okay you as a trader will see
- 00:40:26trades and materialize that will provide
- 00:40:28you plenty of profit taking potential
- 00:40:30live there don't expect 100% it's not
- 00:40:34gonna happen okay I guarantee you the
- 00:40:36only thing 100% is going to happen is
- 00:40:38you're going to go nuts expecting an
- 00:40:40impossibility find your timeframe as a
- 00:40:45trader determine the market structure
- 00:40:47given for that time frame trade within
- 00:40:50that respective market structure and
- 00:40:51perform your targeting on the highest
- 00:40:54and mid-level time frames and I promise
- 00:40:56you you'll have more than enough trades
- 00:40:58laid at your feet
- 00:41:00but it's not about trading every day and
- 00:41:03it's not about capturing a thousand pips
- 00:41:05a month okay it's about consistently
- 00:41:08harvesting profits out of the
- 00:41:09marketplace keeping risk low and your
- 00:41:12action level low
- 00:41:14don't try to trade a whole lot keep your
- 00:41:17trading controlled that way you're going
- 00:41:20to control your emotions your
- 00:41:21expectations will be kept realistic and
- 00:41:24you're going to live comfortably
- 00:41:26in the gray
- 00:41:28[Music]
- 00:41:36[Music]
- estructura del mercat
- direcció del comerç
- periodes de temps
- operacions a curt termini
- nivells de suport
- nivells de resistència
- comerciants
- anàlisi
- estratègies de comerç
- preus