RSC 2010: Module III Research Design Appraisal Sample Assignment
TLDRÎn acest video, prezentatorul explică modul de completare a unui formular de evaluare a designului de cercetare adresat studenților. Se subliniază aspecte precum căutarea articolului în PubMed, generarea citării APA, identificarea scopului studiului și analiza informațiilor despre participanți. De asemenea, se discută despre metodele de colectare a datelor și despre importanța detaliilor în replicabilitatea studiilor.
- 📊 Folosiți formularul de evaluare pentru a structura analiza cercetării.
- 🔍 Corectați citările folosind funcția 'Cite' din PubMed.
- 📄 Obțineți o înțelegere detaliată a scopului studiului din introducerea articolului.
- 📝 Completarea formularului ajută la organizarea informațiilor esențiale.
- 🤔 Asigurați-vă că detaliile privind participanții sunt corecte și complete.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Introducerea modulului trei se concentrează pe utilizarea unui formular de evaluare a designului de cercetare pentru studii descriptive. Exemple de studii descriptive sunt cercetarea prin sondaj și cercetarea normativă. Se va folosi un articol de exemplu pentru a ilustra cum se completează formularul, facilitând astfel realizarea sarcinii alocate în săptămâna respectivă.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Forma de cercetare se va realiza accesând portalul online și căutând articole în baza de date PubMed. Utilizatorii vor învăța cum să obțină o citație în stil APA și să găsească informațiile necesare din articole, ilustrând procesul de căutare al unui articol specific, inclusiv eventualele probleme întâmpinate în accesarea textului integral.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Se discută despre identificarea scopului studiului, folosind informațiile din rezumatul și introducerea articolului selectat. Obiectivul studiului este detaliat, incluzând examinarea funcționării biopsihosociale a studenților în științele sănătății în timpul pandemiei COVID-19, evidențiind importanța unei înțelegeri cuprinzătoare a acestuia pentru formularea corectă a sarcinii.
- 00:15:00 - 00:24:24
Pe măsură ce se completează formularul, se abordează aspecte precum participanții studiului, numărul de chestionare trimise și rata de răspuns. De asemenea, se discută despre criteriile de includere și excludere ale participanților, modalitățile de recrutare, precum și instrumentele utilizate pentru colectarea datelor.
Care este scopul acestui video?
Scopul este de a ajuta studenții să completeze un formular de evaluare a designului de cercetare pentru studii descriptive.
Ce tipuri de studii descriptive sunt menționate?
Studiile descriptive menționate includ cercetarea prin sondaj și cercetarea normativă.
Unde pot găsi articolul necesar pentru evaluare?
Articolul poate fi găsit în baza de date PubMed.
Cum se obține citarea APA?
Se poate utiliza butonul 'Cite' din PubMed pentru a obține citarea APA.
Ce informații sunt necesare despre participanți?
Este necesară informația despre modalitatea de selecție a participanților și numărul acestora.
- 00:00:05hey everyone I wanted to give an example
- 00:00:07of the assignment that is going to be in
- 00:00:10module three um and so this is working
- 00:00:13with a research design appraisal form
- 00:00:16specific for descriptive research
- 00:00:18studies um we saw in the online lecture
- 00:00:22in this module that there are several
- 00:00:24different types of descriptive studies
- 00:00:26we can have survey research um we can
- 00:00:30have normative research um and other
- 00:00:33options um so I we have a form that
- 00:00:37we're going to use and I thought what I
- 00:00:39would do is share that form and go
- 00:00:41through a sample um and hopefully this
- 00:00:44helps you out um with your assignment
- 00:00:46this week all right so I'm going to
- 00:00:48share my screen so you guys can see so
- 00:00:51you will have access to the same
- 00:00:52research designed appraisal form and um
- 00:00:55again you'll be doing it on a different
- 00:00:57article for the assignment but we're
- 00:00:59going to do is go through it with a
- 00:01:01sample article um so what we're going to
- 00:01:04do is um go to the portal so you're
- 00:01:08going to log in through
- 00:01:11and again we are going to go over to the
- 00:01:16library and you know my favorite we're
- 00:01:18going to use Library quick links um
- 00:01:20we're going to go to databases a toz and
- 00:01:24we're going to go to p and find our
- 00:01:26PubMed
- 00:01:30and what we're going to do is search for
- 00:01:33the author's last name um we have a
- 00:01:37publication year and then um Co we're
- 00:01:41going to see what we can find oh and I
- 00:01:44have a filter here from last time so I'm
- 00:01:46going to open that up a little bit and
- 00:01:47this is actually the article that we're
- 00:01:49looking for um so the first task on the
- 00:01:54assignment form is to get the APA
- 00:01:57Citation and instead of having to type
- 00:01:59every everything out and look up those
- 00:02:01citation rules um which drives me crazy
- 00:02:05um we have an amazing button here in
- 00:02:07PubMed called site and if you click that
- 00:02:10um you can always change the form so if
- 00:02:13another instructor ever asks for a
- 00:02:15different type of form some of the most
- 00:02:17common ones are here but for this
- 00:02:19assignment we're looking for APA and you
- 00:02:22can just copy that citation and we're
- 00:02:25going to go back again to our form it's
- 00:02:29my lovely family and um we are going to
- 00:02:33paste that in so here we have the APA
- 00:02:36Citation and we don't have to worry
- 00:02:38about any problems I guess there's a
- 00:02:40small little problem there but it's an
- 00:02:42easy fix um so we already have the first
- 00:02:46um number done all right next we're
- 00:02:49going to be looking for the purpose of
- 00:02:52the study and so according to the
- 00:02:53authors what was the purpose of the
- 00:02:55study and we might be able to find that
- 00:02:58both from um this abstract area here
- 00:03:02looks like we do have some information
- 00:03:05here about the objective um but to be
- 00:03:08make sure that we have the full
- 00:03:10objective and for other parts of the
- 00:03:12assignment we're going to need to get
- 00:03:13the full text of this so I'm going to
- 00:03:16click on the first option here and see
- 00:03:18what we can find and it looks like this
- 00:03:21is directly through um the Journal of
- 00:03:24the American
- 00:03:25College of health and I'm pretty sure we
- 00:03:29can get a PDF here I'm searching
- 00:03:33around maybe you guys have found it
- 00:03:38in let's see Maybe not maybe
- 00:03:43we let's go back and take a peek at the
- 00:03:48other fex
- 00:03:50link sometimes they're not as
- 00:03:54straightforward and so then this will
- 00:03:55take us into the library system through
- 00:03:58Primo
- 00:04:07there we go all right I just need to
- 00:04:09sign into the library system through the
- 00:04:18portal and we are going to click on here
- 00:04:22and see if we can find
- 00:04:26this well that is not going well
- 00:04:35interesting all right well this is a
- 00:04:37great example so it looks like even
- 00:04:39though we get full text links this would
- 00:04:42not be accessible immediately but this
- 00:04:45is an example of how we can request it
- 00:04:47from another library and you could send
- 00:04:50this request in again remember you're
- 00:04:52never paying for an article um but I can
- 00:04:56guarantee you that the one for your
- 00:04:57assignment is going to be accessible I'm
- 00:04:59going to try one more time going into
- 00:05:01this full text link and see if I am
- 00:05:05missing something
- 00:05:08here aha full
- 00:05:12article sure enough and it is not happy
- 00:05:15with that so this is a great example of
- 00:05:18where the inter Library loan would be
- 00:05:20needed now I will tell you that I do
- 00:05:22have a copy of this article so we're
- 00:05:24just going to presume that you were able
- 00:05:26to grab that article um or you got it
- 00:05:29through inter
- 00:05:30loan and here we have the article and
- 00:05:33again we have information about the
- 00:05:36authors and the citation publication
- 00:05:39date um and here we have the main
- 00:05:42abstracts so as mentioned when we were
- 00:05:45out in PubMed the objective is here to
- 00:05:48understand the bioc psychosocial
- 00:05:49dimensions of University Health Sciences
- 00:05:52students experiences during the covid
- 00:05:54pandemic now the abstract is always
- 00:05:56going to have a little bit of a shorter
- 00:05:58objective though so I think it's really
- 00:06:00important to find the full objective and
- 00:06:03that is typically found in this first
- 00:06:05introduction or background information
- 00:06:08section and it's normally in one of the
- 00:06:10last paragraphs before the methodology
- 00:06:13starts out so let's keep um looking
- 00:06:16through here have some great background
- 00:06:19information on a variety of topics and
- 00:06:22then sure enough here we have the
- 00:06:24purpose of the study and it's in a lot
- 00:06:27more detail right so we have to examine
- 00:06:29Health Sciences students bioc
- 00:06:31psychosocial functioning during covid
- 00:06:34pandemic and then there's some distinct
- 00:06:37separate aims here describing and
- 00:06:39looking at associations among physical
- 00:06:42activity patterns mental health
- 00:06:44functioning and perceived covid-19
- 00:06:46threat and also describing
- 00:06:48characteristics of health science
- 00:06:50students is who change their commitment
- 00:06:52to the profession um during the covid-19
- 00:06:55pandemic so we have a much more detailed
- 00:06:58um purpose here I'm going to just do a
- 00:07:01little export of this back into
- 00:07:07word so that we can do some copying and
- 00:07:16pasting all right and so if we head here
- 00:07:20we can highlight this after this purpose
- 00:07:24statement there is a hypothesis from the
- 00:07:27authors um and some additional
- 00:07:30information but what we're going to do
- 00:07:32is we're going to copy that and we are
- 00:07:34going to insert that into here all right
- 00:07:38and number two is done all right so next
- 00:07:41then we are looking for information
- 00:07:43about the participants there are two
- 00:07:45questions here the first one always
- 00:07:47relates to more survey research and um
- 00:07:50the second question for the participants
- 00:07:53might be more about a study where
- 00:07:55participants are completing um different
- 00:07:58tasks or other things um so definitely
- 00:08:00take a look at both questions and base
- 00:08:03whichever one is more appropriate based
- 00:08:05on the descriptive study that you have
- 00:08:08we definitely have survey research
- 00:08:10though um because if we go back to our
- 00:08:14study um we go back to our assessment
- 00:08:18I'm sorry our abstract here says
- 00:08:20participants um completed a web-based
- 00:08:22survey so we know that this is survey
- 00:08:24research there were questions about
- 00:08:26depression anxiety physical activity
- 00:08:29Corona virus threat and career
- 00:08:31commitment um so what I'm going to do is
- 00:08:34I'm just going to go um back to our word
- 00:08:38version so it's a little bit easier and
- 00:08:40so again as a reminder we are looking
- 00:08:44for um how the survey hold on one second
- 00:08:48we're looking for how the authors
- 00:08:51acquired the names of potential
- 00:08:53participants for their survey
- 00:08:56research so it looks like here we go all
- 00:09:00information about the participants so
- 00:09:02now we've entered the methodology
- 00:09:05section and it says approximately 2,000
- 00:09:08undergrad and grad students um excluding
- 00:09:12incoming first year students studying at
- 00:09:14a h in a health science discipline at
- 00:09:17two private Midwestern universities were
- 00:09:20sent a link and completed the question
- 00:09:23there um I'm just going to actually
- 00:09:26pull a bit of this information because I
- 00:09:29think we can use this for a couple of
- 00:09:32the next questions um so how did the
- 00:09:34authors acquire the names of the
- 00:09:37potential participants I'm just going to
- 00:09:40dump this into here um and it looks like
- 00:09:44um if you look back and actually take a
- 00:09:47peek at the authors um the authors are
- 00:09:50faculty at two private Midwestern
- 00:09:53universities um they are Marquette
- 00:09:56University and our own Concordia
- 00:09:58University Wisconsin
- 00:10:01um so these um students were most likely
- 00:10:04on
- 00:10:06um lists um
- 00:10:09within accessible um via enrollment um
- 00:10:13and that so from this information um
- 00:10:17we're going to just put um faculty
- 00:10:20obtained lists of current
- 00:10:24undergraduate and graduate students at
- 00:10:27to
- 00:10:29private Midwestern
- 00:10:32universities I guess a little bit more
- 00:10:34detailed information would be that these
- 00:10:37would be students um
- 00:10:41studying a health
- 00:10:43science
- 00:10:46discipline now you guys get to see me
- 00:10:48type have
- 00:10:50fun oh dear all right great um so it
- 00:10:55looks like we have some information
- 00:10:57about that I am going to cut this out
- 00:11:00because I think we might use some of
- 00:11:02this information in the next um how do
- 00:11:04the authors recruit the participants
- 00:11:06that's not the more applicable question
- 00:11:08um so we are just going to um leave that
- 00:11:11one blank and focus on the first one how
- 00:11:13many surveys were sent out and how many
- 00:11:16did they get back all right well from
- 00:11:18this information that I just cut um we
- 00:11:21had 2,000 students okay so we have
- 00:11:272,000 undergraduate and grad graduate
- 00:11:29students um those are the ones that
- 00:11:32actually received the survey okay um I'm
- 00:11:38going to delete this here and I think
- 00:11:40we're going to need to go back and see
- 00:11:43about the response rate how many were
- 00:11:44sent out and now we're looking for how
- 00:11:47many they got back so let's go back here
- 00:11:51and from that um I think we might
- 00:11:53actually um sometimes there's a
- 00:11:55flowchart um does not look like we have
- 00:11:58that we have information about the
- 00:12:00questionnaires um and I think we're
- 00:12:04going to actually pull into the results
- 00:12:06here so population characteristics is
- 00:12:09where we would look for this um so you
- 00:12:12can see of the 297 students who
- 00:12:15completed the questionnaire all right so
- 00:12:19297 is how many these researchers had as
- 00:12:24a response rate
- 00:12:29all right so
- 00:12:31297 out of
- 00:12:332000 you might be feeling like wow that
- 00:12:37seems like a really low response rate
- 00:12:40unfortunately four surveys though that's
- 00:12:44a pretty average response rate um
- 00:12:46sending out surveys um if you're looking
- 00:12:48for hundreds of responses you're going
- 00:12:51to need to send out many many um
- 00:12:54requests and sometimes even reminder
- 00:12:57requests all right so so again this
- 00:13:00second question isn't really applicable
- 00:13:02um we are going to skip that and we're
- 00:13:05going to go on to the response rate all
- 00:13:07right did the authors make an attempt to
- 00:13:09increase the response rate and if so
- 00:13:11what did they do um so we're going to
- 00:13:13have to dig a little bit and see if
- 00:13:15there's anything in their methodology
- 00:13:17here I'm going to go back to this
- 00:13:20participants right says they were sent a
- 00:13:23link okay um does say upon completion of
- 00:13:28the survey particip were given the
- 00:13:29option to enter a gift card raffle um
- 00:13:33but nowhere in here do we really have
- 00:13:35any information about the amount of
- 00:13:37emails that were sent um the spacing
- 00:13:41between those emails reminder emails
- 00:13:43things like that um just checking in
- 00:13:46here looks like these are more of the
- 00:13:49questions and like I said all of these
- 00:13:51relate to the questionaires so
- 00:13:54unfortunately for this study um I think
- 00:13:59think we have to say the authors did not
- 00:14:01report any attempts to increase the
- 00:14:06response
- 00:14:08rate with additional email reminders at
- 00:14:13any specific
- 00:14:16frequency now I do happen to know some
- 00:14:19of these authors and I do know that that
- 00:14:21happened um but that was not published
- 00:14:23in the study um so that is um definitely
- 00:14:28a ique that we could have all right um
- 00:14:31within the response rate we do want to
- 00:14:33make sure do both of these questions
- 00:14:36apply um to the aspect that we're
- 00:14:38looking at um so for this one it is
- 00:14:40appropriate to answer the second
- 00:14:42question so what were the inclusion and
- 00:14:45exclusion
- 00:14:46criteria um so again let's go back to
- 00:14:49our study and we have a few of these
- 00:14:53things that we used um before so I'm
- 00:14:55going to copy this again um and we're
- 00:14:59going to add in some information
- 00:15:08here all
- 00:15:12right okay so it looks like they had to
- 00:15:17be one of our first criteria is an
- 00:15:21undergraduate or graduate student right
- 00:15:24because you don't have to be both um you
- 00:15:28would not I would say no fall 2020
- 00:15:32incoming first year
- 00:15:35students um the
- 00:15:38students must
- 00:15:42study a health science
- 00:15:45discipline
- 00:15:47um the students must
- 00:15:51attend one of two private Midwestern
- 00:15:57universities um
- 00:16:00and I think that might be it I though I
- 00:16:02would also say I think we should talk um
- 00:16:05and add in about the participants being
- 00:16:08greater than or equal to 18 years of age
- 00:16:11um so that would mean that they are all
- 00:16:13adults um and that also makes us realize
- 00:16:18that the consent was a adult consent
- 00:16:21process again if they would have
- 00:16:23included participants who were under the
- 00:16:24age of 18 there would have had to been
- 00:16:28uh child ascent and a parental consent
- 00:16:32process all right so I think we have
- 00:16:35everything that we need here
- 00:16:39um all right the raffle really is in
- 00:16:44appropriate and looks like they all did
- 00:16:46do informed consent electronically so
- 00:16:49here we have our inclusion and our
- 00:16:52exclusion
- 00:16:54criteria for the rest of number five all
- 00:16:58right
- 00:16:59and next the survey psychometrics what
- 00:17:02efforts did the authors make to ensure
- 00:17:04their survey tool was ready to send and
- 00:17:08psychometrically sound so let's take a
- 00:17:11peek
- 00:17:17at one second here all right so we do
- 00:17:21have some demographic information that
- 00:17:24was gathered okay participants had the
- 00:17:27options to skip so we're just going to
- 00:17:29pull some of that information into our
- 00:17:32Word document um so we
- 00:17:35know that they completed demographic
- 00:17:39information okay and then I know there
- 00:17:42was a few other surveys so let's take a
- 00:17:44peek at what those surveys
- 00:17:46were we have the gotten Leisure Time
- 00:17:51exercise questionnaire okay we have the
- 00:17:55patient Health questionnaire 9 or the
- 00:17:58phq9
- 00:17:59we have the generalized anxiety disorder
- 00:18:037 and the perceived Corona virus threat
- 00:18:06questionnaire and the revised career
- 00:18:09commitment scale so all of these are
- 00:18:12standardized questionnaires um so it's
- 00:18:14not like the researchers were making up
- 00:18:16a survey on their own certainly that is
- 00:18:18an option in survey research it just
- 00:18:21takes a few additional steps so it is
- 00:18:24appropriate that these were all used now
- 00:18:28we don't need all of this information um
- 00:18:30but I'm just going to pull it so that we
- 00:18:32can have a little bit of that um to
- 00:18:37remember as we type in our response
- 00:18:41here oh who wrong way sorry not driving
- 00:18:45good today all right so we're going to
- 00:18:48insert that all in there and again this
- 00:18:50is going to be way more than what you
- 00:18:51really need for that response um but
- 00:18:54we're talking about um so I would say
- 00:18:57you know this demograph graic
- 00:18:59information that's pretty basic
- 00:19:01information um so we could comment about
- 00:19:04this is standard information to provide
- 00:19:09Baseline um
- 00:19:11descriptives about the
- 00:19:16population and the other questionnaires
- 00:19:19that they used so this
- 00:19:22Goen
- 00:19:23this right all of these are standardized
- 00:19:27questionnaires
- 00:19:29so we can take that
- 00:19:32information
- 00:19:35and kind of pull this out
- 00:19:38here and I would say here the
- 00:19:42researchers used
- 00:19:46standardized
- 00:19:49questionnaires that were
- 00:19:52valid and
- 00:19:54reliable for the current
- 00:19:59participant population right so it's
- 00:20:03really important that researchers make
- 00:20:05sure that they're not just pulling
- 00:20:07scales out um that really aren't
- 00:20:10appropriate right we wouldn't want to
- 00:20:12use a pediatric questionnaire if we're
- 00:20:15studying adults or vice versa or we
- 00:20:18wouldn't want to use a questionnaire for
- 00:20:20patients with Parkinson's disease if
- 00:20:22we're really studying patients with
- 00:20:25obesity all right so um ready to send um
- 00:20:30and psychometrically sound so that helps
- 00:20:32us with that um I think we can skip this
- 00:20:37because the research tools we talked
- 00:20:38about above here that was all of our
- 00:20:41questionnaires and then we're going to
- 00:20:42pull in let's see what we got here we
- 00:20:45have our data collection methods I'm
- 00:20:47just going to move this onto the next
- 00:20:49page so describe the specific methods of
- 00:20:51data collection employed in this study
- 00:20:54and then do you feel the author has
- 00:20:56provided enough detail to promote trans
- 00:20:58transparency and
- 00:21:00replicability all right so let's take a
- 00:21:03peek at what happened all here um we
- 00:21:07know that they were sent this survey
- 00:21:09link and they completed the
- 00:21:11questionnaire at two different time
- 00:21:13points okay so 297 students
- 00:21:19completed and we know they were entered
- 00:21:23for a gift raffle gift card raffle um
- 00:21:31and we also have some very detailed
- 00:21:34information about statistical analysis
- 00:21:38um and there's information about
- 00:21:40statistical analysis over here we have
- 00:21:42some information that's qualitative in
- 00:21:44nature and then we also have some other
- 00:21:48information about um some quantitative
- 00:21:51information so there's a lot of great
- 00:21:54descriptives here that would help us use
- 00:21:57these same survey instrument and also
- 00:21:59complete the statistical analysis in the
- 00:22:01same way um so this is actually a really
- 00:22:05quite detailed statistical analysis
- 00:22:08section um before we get to the results
- 00:22:11so let's pull some of this information
- 00:22:13in here all right so I'm going to
- 00:22:15transfer so
- 00:22:17297 participants completed the
- 00:22:20questionnaire um including um
- 00:22:25demographic and several
- 00:22:30standardized
- 00:22:32questionnaires um detailed
- 00:22:35information was given about the
- 00:22:39quantitative and qualitative statistical
- 00:22:46analysis okay I can't spell today
- 00:22:51statistical all right and then this is a
- 00:22:54little bit for you guys to think about
- 00:22:56So based on what we were given here
- 00:22:59do you feel that we have enough detail
- 00:23:01to promote transparency and
- 00:23:03replicability do you feel like you
- 00:23:04really know what they did and do feel
- 00:23:07like if you were to recreate this at a
- 00:23:10different University or maybe with a
- 00:23:14just a new time point at the same
- 00:23:16universities would you be able to
- 00:23:18replicate it from there so I'm going to
- 00:23:20leave that one a little open-ended um
- 00:23:22and give you some evaluative thoughts on
- 00:23:25of your own um to complete so what
- 00:23:29you're going to do then is complete this
- 00:23:31and then um once you have all of your
- 00:23:34answers I highly recommend um dumping
- 00:23:36them into the word document first and
- 00:23:38then you can open up the um assignment
- 00:23:42and it's going to be a short answer free
- 00:23:44text where you can copy and paste these
- 00:23:46in the questions are the exact same um
- 00:23:49it just be that you'll enter them into
- 00:23:51the learning management system um a
- 00:23:53little bit for easier um grading um and
- 00:23:57just having everything in one place
- 00:23:58place instead of being on different
- 00:24:00uploaded documents which can sometimes
- 00:24:02be problematic so if you have questions
- 00:24:05about this please feel free to reach out
- 00:24:07remember you're going to be doing it on
- 00:24:09the article that's indicated in the
- 00:24:11assignment um so you're not doing it on
- 00:24:14this this was just as an example I hope
- 00:24:17your assignments go well and reach out
- 00:24:18with any questions
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