Blockchain - Distributed Ledger Technologies
TLDRDieses Webinar gibt einen ausführlichen Überblick über den Masterstudiengang (MSc) in Blockchain an der Dublin City University (DCU). Der Kurs wurde entwickelt, um eine Lücke in den Fähigkeiten im Bereich der Blockchain-Technologie zu schließen, die sowohl national als auch international erkannt wurde. Die Präsentatoren heben hervor, dass Blockchain nicht mehr nur als vielversprechende Technologie gilt, sondern ein integraler Bestandteil der organisatorischen Innovation ist, wie aus der Deloitte 2020 Global Blockchain Survey hervorgeht. Der zweijährige, teilzeitbasierte Online-Kurs richtet sich an Berufstätige und umfasst Themen wie Kryptografie, Blockchain-Basics, Cloud-Systeme, Blockchain-Skalierbarkeit und Computersicherheit. Das Programm beinhaltet auch einen praktischen Block, in dem die Studenten Prototypen von Blockchain-Softwaresystemen entwickeln. Andrew aus dem ersten Kursjahr und ein Branchenexperte erörtern die praktischen Anwendungen von Blockchain und die Karrieremöglichkeiten, die der Kurs bietet. Trotz regulatorischer Herausforderungen wird ein Wachstum in der Blockchain-Nutzung, besonders im Finanzsektor, erwartet.
- 📊 Blockchain wird zunehmend von Unternehmen angewendet.
- 🎓 DCU bietet den ersten MSc in Blockchain in Irland an.
- 🖥️ Der Kurs ist berufsbegleitend und online.
- 🔑 Kryptografie ist ein essentieller Bestandteil des Programms.
- 💼 Blockchain bietet vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten.
- 🇮🇪 Teilnehmende können finanzielle Unterstützung erhalten.
- 💡 Der Kurs hilft, eine erkannte Fähigkeitslücke zu schließen.
- 👥 Programm beinhaltet Zusammenarbeit mit Technologiepartnern.
- 📘 Studierende entwickeln praktische Blockchain-Prototypen.
- 🌐 Programmeinsatz fördert internationale Blockchain-Adaption.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
In diesem Webinar geht es um den MSc in Blockchain, der von der DCU angeboten wird. Es beginnt mit der Präsentation von Statistiken aus einer Deloitte-Umfrage von 2020, die zeigt, dass Blockchain zunehmend in die Produktion integriert und als strategische Priorität anerkannt wird. 82 % der Befragten haben Pläne, in den nächsten 12 Monaten Fachkräfte im Bereich Blockchain einzustellen.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Der MSc-Studiengang in Blockchain wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Industrie entwickelt und von Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet mitfinanziert, um dem Fachkräftemangel entgegenzuwirken. Der Kurs ist als zweijähriges, teilzeitliches Online-Programm konzipiert, das Flexibilität für Berufstätige bietet. Die Kursinhalte werden hauptsächlich asynchron online bereitgestellt.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Für die Gestaltung des Kurses werden Plattformen wie die GCU Vision Learning Environment und FutureLearn genutzt. Der Unterricht ist flexibel, aber es gibt synchrone und face-to-face-Komponenten, hauptsächlich für Prüfungen. Die pandemiebedingte Umstellung auf Online-Prüfungen verlief erfolgreich. Der Kurs betont flexible Lernzeiten, um die Vereinbarkeit mit beruflichen Verpflichtungen zu gewährleisten.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Der Kurs hat einen strukturierten Lehrplan mit verschiedenen Modulen, die Fähigkeiten wie Forschungskompetenzen, Kryptografie, Blockchain-Grundlagen und Cloud-Systeme abdecken. Schwerpunkt ist die Blockchain Practicum, in der die Studenten Blockchain-Prototypen entwickeln. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit einem akademischen Betreuer ist vorgesehen.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Die Module eines Blockjahres umfassen Forschungsfähigkeiten, Kryptografie, Blockchain-Basics, Cloud-Systeme und Sicherheitsprotokolle. Kryptografie wird als zentraler Bestandteil der Blockchain-Technologie hervorgehoben. Ein praktisches Modul konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung von Blockchain-Anwendungen mit Ethereum und Hyperledger.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Die Kursstruktur umfasst die kontinuierliche Bewertung (CA) und abschließende Prüfungen. Die Vorauswahl für den Kurs erfolgt auf Basis eines Bachelor-Abschlusses in Informatik oder verwandten Bereichen, aber relevante Berufserfahrung kann ebenfalls berücksichtigt werden. Der Kurs ist durch Finanzhilfen gefördert, die die Gebühren reduzieren.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Das Interesse am Kurs wächst, Bewerbungen für das kommende Studienjahr sind ab sofort möglich. Studenten erhalten umfassende Kenntnisse über Blockchain und verwandte Technologien. Ein Teilnehmer teilt seine Erfahrungen und hebt die beruflichen Vorteile hervor, die er durch den Kurs erlangt hat.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Blockchain wird als verteilt geführtes Hauptbuch beschrieben, das durch Kryptografie gesichert ist. Es gibt öffentliche und private Netzwerke; die Fintech-Industrie sieht großes Potenzial in der Blockchain-Technologie, insbesondere für transparente und effiziente Prozesse. Unternehmensimplementierungen und die Entwicklung von dApps werden als bedeutende Trends genannt.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Im Fintech-Bereich erweist sich Blockchain als treibende Kraft für Transparenz und Effizienz. Trends umfassen Blockchain als Service, stabile Coins und die Integration in soziale Netzwerke. Die Einbeziehung in Universitätslehrpläne ist ebenfalls ein signifikanter Schritt zur Ausbildung zukünftiger Blockchain-Experten.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:00
Die Diskussion behandelt die Vielseitigkeit der Blockchain-Anwendung, von der Verbesserung der Sicherheit in der Finanzbranche bis zur Optimierung der Lieferkettenprozesse. Blockchain für IoT und die Rolle der Universitäten in der Ausbildung qualifizierter Fachleute werden ebenfalls hervorgehoben.
- 00:50:00 - 00:56:10
Zum Abschluss des Webinars werden Publikumsfragen zu Anwendungsfällen, regulatorischen Herausforderungen und den erforderlichen Programmierkenntnissen beantwortet. Es herrscht Konsens darüber, dass Blockchain ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz ist, die vermehrt die Zusammenarbeit von Entwicklern mit Fachleuten aus anderen Bereichen erfordert.
Was ist der MSc in Blockchain?
Es handelt sich um einen Masterstudiengang in Blockchain und Distributed Ledger Technologies, der von der DCU in Zusammenarbeit mit Technologiepartnern angeboten wird.
Wie lange dauert das MSc-Programm in Blockchain?
Das Programm dauert zwei Jahre und wird als Teilzeit-Online-Kurs angeboten.
Welche Themen werden im MSc-Blockchain-Kurs behandelt?
Zu den behandelten Themen gehören Kryptografie, Blockchain-Basics und -Anwendungen, Clouds-Systeme, Blockchain-Skalierbarkeit und Computersicherheit.
Welche Statistik wurde in der Präsentation zur Einführung verwendet?
Statistiken von Deloitte's 2020 Global Blockchain Survey wurden vorgestellt, die aufzeigen, dass Blockchain zunehmend in die Produktion integriert wird.
Wie wird der MSc in Blockchain-Studiengang organisiert?
Es handelt sich um einen flexiblen, nicht synchron stattfindenden Online-Kurs, der auf der Loop-Plattform und FutureLearn läuft.
Welche Fähigkeiten sind für den Kurs erforderlich?
Programmierkenntnisse sind für den Kurs hilfreich, insbesondere für das Verständnis von Cloud-Systemen und das Entwickeln von Blockchain-Anwendungen.
Gibt es Fördermöglichkeiten für das MSc-Programm?
Ja, förderfähige Kandidaten können finanzielle Unterstützung zur Senkung der Studiengebühren erhalten.
Was macht ein Blockchain-Ingenieur bei Blockdaemon?
Ein Blockchain-Ingenieur entwickelt und verwaltet Nodes als Service und arbeitet mit verschiedenen Blockchain-Protokollen.
Welche Karrierechancen bietet der Kurs?
Der Kurs bietet Karrierechancen in Bereichen wie DevOps, Datenanalytik, Blockchain-Architektur und Sicherheit.
Wer kann am Programm teilnehmen?
IT-Fachleute mit einem Bachelor-Abschluss in einem relevanten Bereich und Berufstätige im öffentlichen oder privaten Sektor in Irland.
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- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:09hello everyone
- 00:00:10you are all very welcome to today's
- 00:00:12webinar on the msc
- 00:00:14in blockchain i hope you are all keeping
- 00:00:16well and adjusting to the
- 00:00:17new norm that we find ourselves in so i
- 00:00:20decided to
- 00:00:21start my presentation today uh
- 00:00:25with the statistics um presented by
- 00:00:28deloitte deloitte 2020 global blockchain
- 00:00:31survey from promise
- 00:00:33to reality uh some of the results from
- 00:00:36their surveys presented
- 00:00:38[Music]
- 00:00:39here their survey included
- 00:00:42responses from about 1 500
- 00:00:46senior executives and basically suggests
- 00:00:49that
- 00:00:49initial doubts about the blockchain are
- 00:00:52finding
- 00:00:53and is not seen anymore as just simply
- 00:00:56promising
- 00:00:57technology but this integra is an
- 00:01:00integral part to organizational uh
- 00:01:02innovation you can see
- 00:01:04uh from some of the stats presented here
- 00:01:07that 39
- 00:01:08of the respondents already brought
- 00:01:11blockchain into production
- 00:01:12quite a leap there as compared to the
- 00:01:142019 where
- 00:01:15there were only 23 uh percent
- 00:01:19um of the respondent bringing the
- 00:01:22blockchain into the production
- 00:01:24um 55 percent of the respondents stated
- 00:01:27that
- 00:01:28blockchain is the top five uh priority
- 00:01:30so uh
- 00:01:31strategic uh priority
- 00:01:35um it's not that much different as
- 00:01:37compared to 2019 it's still an increase
- 00:01:39but it's quite a considerable difference
- 00:01:40as compared to 2018 quite a considerable
- 00:01:43increase there and another interesting
- 00:01:46statistic especially in the context of
- 00:01:48this presentation
- 00:01:49um it's about the hiring so
- 00:01:52the respondents said that they are
- 00:01:54currently having a plan to
- 00:01:56uh hire uh within uh next uh
- 00:01:5912 months um
- 00:02:03staff with expertise in blockchain 82
- 00:02:06of the responders say that they intend
- 00:02:08to do uh
- 00:02:11to do this
- 00:02:15the next um i'm going to dive into my uh
- 00:02:18presentation about the
- 00:02:19msc in blockchain a master that is
- 00:02:23delivered provided by dcu and is
- 00:02:25co-founded by technology island ict
- 00:02:27skillnet
- 00:02:28the full name of the
- 00:02:32master is msc in the computing
- 00:02:35blockchain distributed
- 00:02:36ledger technologies as because we felt
- 00:02:40that it has the longest currency for the
- 00:02:43graduates and it's a valid title even in
- 00:02:4630 plus
- 00:02:46years from from now on but it's
- 00:02:49obviously
- 00:02:50a master that is strongly branded to be
- 00:02:53an amazing blockchain master so from now
- 00:02:54on i'm simply going to refer to it as an
- 00:02:57msc in blockchain uh master
- 00:03:00it's the first msc blockchain i
- 00:03:02[Music]
- 00:03:03from in ireland and it was created as a
- 00:03:06response to a skills gap that was
- 00:03:08identified by
- 00:03:10uh technology island ict skill in
- 00:03:12collaboration with the
- 00:03:14blockchain uh island so they uh
- 00:03:18stated surveys were carried on and um
- 00:03:21there was a
- 00:03:22it was identified the lack of blockchain
- 00:03:24skills at the national
- 00:03:25but that's an international um level
- 00:03:29um so in order uh
- 00:03:32for the blockchain in order to progress
- 00:03:34the blockchain adoption and development
- 00:03:36the
- 00:03:37uh iron will require obviously software
- 00:03:39developer with
- 00:03:40the requisite blockchain knowledge and
- 00:03:43development skills
- 00:03:44has its master that is co-funded by
- 00:03:47technology
- 00:03:47island ict skillnet the curriculum was
- 00:03:51developed
- 00:03:52uh in collaboration with the industry so
- 00:03:54it was a
- 00:03:55collaboration between ecu and other
- 00:03:59industry uh
- 00:04:00partners um in order to make sure that
- 00:04:04um we need we meet the needs of the
- 00:04:07uh industry the master is
- 00:04:11supposed to last for two years so the
- 00:04:13two years online
- 00:04:14part-time course
- 00:04:18that was developed considering
- 00:04:21or that
- 00:04:25we need to help provide flexibility for
- 00:04:27the working professionals to be able to
- 00:04:29learn while they are working obviously
- 00:04:32full time
- 00:04:34so the master the delivery of the master
- 00:04:37is an asynchronous online delivery there
- 00:04:40are very few synchronous component and
- 00:04:42face-to-face component that i'm going to
- 00:04:44talk about
- 00:04:44uh next um
- 00:04:48so obviously being nothing for this
- 00:04:51delivery
- 00:04:52this means that there are no timetabled
- 00:04:54hours
- 00:04:56the people coming on the course
- 00:05:00can learn at their own pace
- 00:05:03we use uh for delivery two main
- 00:05:06platforms so the gcu
- 00:05:08vision learning environment which is
- 00:05:09loop this is mainly used for
- 00:05:12the forum discussions for the submission
- 00:05:15of the assessment this is where
- 00:05:17the lecturers are usually uploading this
- 00:05:19uh the
- 00:05:21assessment and the students also
- 00:05:23operating
- 00:05:25the assessments futureland platform is
- 00:05:29used to deliver the content the content
- 00:05:32is developed by the academics in
- 00:05:33collaboration with the learning
- 00:05:34technologies to make sure that
- 00:05:37we provide the best learning experience
- 00:05:39possible
- 00:05:41um we we use other tools as well such as
- 00:05:44zoom for instance for the synchronous
- 00:05:45elements so for instance if a lecturer
- 00:05:47has a presentation component for one of
- 00:05:50the
- 00:05:50assessment uh the lecture will organize
- 00:05:53some
- 00:05:53uh we'll use probably zoom or maybe some
- 00:05:56other tool
- 00:05:58um for a remote uh meeting
- 00:06:01so the learner can present um uh the
- 00:06:06work
- 00:06:07uh he's done um as i said the
- 00:06:10assignments
- 00:06:10are submitted uh mainly online um
- 00:06:14said that he said there may exist a kind
- 00:06:17of a presentation uh component but that
- 00:06:20we provide the learners with many
- 00:06:22options
- 00:06:24to book a time slot for their
- 00:06:27presentation
- 00:06:30uh as i said we have face-to-face um
- 00:06:34face-to-face and synchronous components
- 00:06:36these are mainly
- 00:06:37the exams most of the modules
- 00:06:40on the program have a terminal uh
- 00:06:42examination
- 00:06:44and that was designed to happen
- 00:06:47in campus uh however in the past
- 00:06:50academic year
- 00:06:51the may june exams uh and also the
- 00:06:53august exam
- 00:06:54are designed uh um at work and are could
- 00:06:57be designed for
- 00:06:58to happen online due to this um uh
- 00:07:02copied 19 circumstances uh it went
- 00:07:05uh very well um so no complaints um
- 00:07:09um there
- 00:07:15now i said that um um the working
- 00:07:18professional can learn at their own pace
- 00:07:21uh there are no timetabled um classes
- 00:07:24but uh in the beginning of the semester
- 00:07:26we provide
- 00:07:27the timetable for the assessment
- 00:07:30to make sure that um they keep on track
- 00:07:33with their uh
- 00:07:34uh learning um we make sure to schedule
- 00:07:38the deadlines for the assessment
- 00:07:40apart so not to be too many deadlines in
- 00:07:42the same
- 00:07:43week for instance um and um
- 00:07:48also we make sure that we state
- 00:07:52uh the the
- 00:07:55content that the learners needs to cover
- 00:07:58in order to be able to complete
- 00:07:59their assessment
- 00:08:04um so the program structure of of this
- 00:08:07master
- 00:08:08um is a total of 90 ect as the
- 00:08:11credit uh the european credit transfer
- 00:08:13accumulation system is
- 00:08:14used here in general we
- 00:08:18have two modules per semester 7.5
- 00:08:21ects credits each with the exception of
- 00:08:23the second year
- 00:08:25where throughout the uh both semesters
- 00:08:28and also in the summer period
- 00:08:30um those that are coming on the program
- 00:08:34they need to
- 00:08:35uh do their blockchain practicum which
- 00:08:38is a 30 ecps
- 00:08:39credits module in line with all the
- 00:08:43blockchain practicum that we have on all
- 00:08:46our master
- 00:08:48programs
- 00:08:52basically the blockchain practicum
- 00:08:54requires the
- 00:08:55learners to develop prototype blockchain
- 00:08:57software systems to solve a real work
- 00:08:59uh problem or to analyze blockchain
- 00:09:01subsystem and propose uh improvements we
- 00:09:04are quite flexible with the topic um
- 00:09:07proposed um we have lecturers that
- 00:09:10have proposed some um uh some projects
- 00:09:14but
- 00:09:15we strongly encourage uh the learners to
- 00:09:18come with their own
- 00:09:19ideas we are also open to uh
- 00:09:22projects that are supposed to be
- 00:09:24developed in an industry setting so for
- 00:09:26instance if
- 00:09:27they want to develop the project in the
- 00:09:29context of their
- 00:09:30own workplace this can be uh discussed
- 00:09:34um every student will have um uh will be
- 00:09:37allocated um
- 00:09:38um supervisor an academic supervisor and
- 00:09:42he can discuss uh
- 00:09:44all these ideas and the setting of the
- 00:09:46project and everything with the
- 00:09:48with the supervisor and decide on the
- 00:09:50course of
- 00:09:51action um i presented here
- 00:09:55an overview of the of the modules um
- 00:09:58structure per year and the semester
- 00:10:02we provide modules you can see the first
- 00:10:04uh one first module there in year one
- 00:10:06semester one research method and
- 00:10:07professional skills
- 00:10:08it's again um a module that is uh
- 00:10:12uh profile is delivered on all our
- 00:10:15master
- 00:10:15uh modules uh is introducing the
- 00:10:19uh learners to uh research mentions
- 00:10:22method professional uh uh skills
- 00:10:25uh law and compliance um uh ethics
- 00:10:29um and so on so forth it's a highly
- 00:10:32important
- 00:10:32um they are highly usually highly
- 00:10:34important skills acquired
- 00:10:36uh during this uh module and we have
- 00:10:39quite a
- 00:10:40good feedback in relation to the content
- 00:10:42of this module including from the first
- 00:10:43cohort of the
- 00:10:45msm blockchain students from
- 00:10:48a past academic year they were quite
- 00:10:51happy with it
- 00:10:53then we have two cryptography modules
- 00:10:58one in uh first year semester one then
- 00:11:01in
- 00:11:01uh second year semester one cryptography
- 00:11:03and number two with respect to
- 00:11:04republican photography and security
- 00:11:06uh protocols obviously cryptography is
- 00:11:09an integral part of the
- 00:11:10inner workings of blockchain technology
- 00:11:12publicly encryption services
- 00:11:15basis for blockchain transactions
- 00:11:17cryptography hash functions provide the
- 00:11:18trade of immutability so it's very
- 00:11:20important um
- 00:11:22they are very important modules um
- 00:11:25in the context of the blockchain
- 00:11:27technology
- 00:11:30blockchain basics and applications is a
- 00:11:32module that
- 00:11:33introduces the student to blockchain
- 00:11:35technology and how it can
- 00:11:37be used in applications um
- 00:11:40cloud systems uh it was introduced uh
- 00:11:44considering that um
- 00:11:45uh one of the major ways to use
- 00:11:47blockchain is blockchain as a service
- 00:11:49for instance so
- 00:11:50we felt that um
- 00:11:54the students coming on the program we
- 00:11:55need to have
- 00:11:57we need to have an understanding of the
- 00:11:58cloud systems as well
- 00:12:01uh blockchain scalability will give the
- 00:12:04learner's knowledge of the many
- 00:12:05technologies that underpin distributed
- 00:12:07ledger implementations and smart
- 00:12:09contract architectures and how they
- 00:12:11uh scale developing blockchain system is
- 00:12:15a highly practical modules about
- 00:12:17developing blockchain applications using
- 00:12:18this
- 00:12:19ethereum and hyperledger
- 00:12:23uh computer security um it's quite an
- 00:12:26important module um
- 00:12:28uh when studying any kind of mastering
- 00:12:29uh computing but also
- 00:12:32uh especially when studying um
- 00:12:35on a mastering blockchain it's uh aimed
- 00:12:38to
- 00:12:39provide a total understanding of the
- 00:12:41theory and practice of computer security
- 00:12:44and um i think it's quite important from
- 00:12:47the
- 00:12:47um from the learner studying the
- 00:12:50blockchain
- 00:12:50to have a good understanding of security
- 00:12:53especially
- 00:12:55uh because um there is this uh kind of
- 00:12:58false sense of
- 00:12:59security among the or they can be
- 00:13:02uh this kind this fourth sense of
- 00:13:04security among the
- 00:13:06blockchain developers that you know
- 00:13:08blockchain is
- 00:13:09technology is considered to be a highly
- 00:13:11secure technology
- 00:13:13which is true but when developing smart
- 00:13:16contracts we still need to
- 00:13:18implement secure development standards
- 00:13:21and practices to make sure that our code
- 00:13:23is secure recent attacks um
- 00:13:26for instance um exploited the
- 00:13:30vulnerabilities in code
- 00:13:31that could have been avoided with the
- 00:13:34uh with simple secure coding uh
- 00:13:38practicing
- 00:13:39practices uh so this is pretty much
- 00:13:43uh and you see i edited the blockchain
- 00:13:45practicum in
- 00:13:46semester one and semester two of year
- 00:13:48two uh
- 00:13:49and the work is planned to be finalized
- 00:13:52during the summer so basically the
- 00:13:54examination
- 00:13:55uh of the project of the blockchain uh
- 00:13:58practicum
- 00:13:58will happen uh in august um
- 00:14:03you also can see that i added there uh
- 00:14:07between the brackets uh for instance for
- 00:14:09the research method and professional
- 00:14:11skills 40
- 00:14:12ca ca comes from continuous assessment
- 00:14:14uh so basically
- 00:14:16the assessment that they learn how to
- 00:14:18support to do during the semester and
- 00:14:20then um
- 00:14:20uh sixty percent uh uh it's
- 00:14:24um the terminal exam
- 00:14:27so that those are basically the
- 00:14:29weightings
- 00:14:30uh in calculated the overall mark for
- 00:14:34for the module
- 00:14:38the eligibility for this machine
- 00:14:40blockchains
- 00:14:41so all the i.t professionals in
- 00:14:44employment in the public violence
- 00:14:45registered
- 00:14:46companies are eligible for this masters
- 00:14:49once they have a level 8
- 00:14:50honors degree
- 00:14:54a minimum of age to 2 or higher in
- 00:14:57computer science
- 00:14:59computing computer applications or
- 00:15:01related
- 00:15:02disciplines if the applicants don't have
- 00:15:06or don't meet the century requirements
- 00:15:08we can still consider
- 00:15:10them if they can demonstrate the
- 00:15:11previously obtained competence
- 00:15:12equivalent to the entry
- 00:15:14requirements for instance if they have
- 00:15:15extensive
- 00:15:18experience in industry experience
- 00:15:21etc so we can still consider this
- 00:15:25application um
- 00:15:28the the fees so the eligible candidates
- 00:15:31can avail of funding to reduce course
- 00:15:33fees to
- 00:15:34uh two thousand uh uh 750 per
- 00:15:38annum uh who are these eligible
- 00:15:40candidates well
- 00:15:41they're those who weren't in the place
- 00:15:43by the college and who are working in
- 00:15:45private or commercial semi-state
- 00:15:46organization in uh
- 00:15:48republic of uh uh ireland
- 00:15:52uh the next steps if you are interested
- 00:15:54and hopefully you are interested
- 00:15:55uh to applying uh to apply uh uh to
- 00:15:58study on this program
- 00:16:00is to go uh to this link uh hit the
- 00:16:03skeleton
- 00:16:04training msc in a blockchain and apply
- 00:16:06online there
- 00:16:07uh the first step is to submit um to
- 00:16:09download the brochure
- 00:16:10to see more details submit a cv
- 00:16:14and it's important to say that the
- 00:16:15applications are being taken now for the
- 00:16:18next academic year the 2021 academic
- 00:16:22academic year okay so my name is andrew
- 00:16:26i'm currently halfway through the
- 00:16:28blockchain
- 00:16:29masters program in dcu um so we've
- 00:16:32completed year one
- 00:16:33and i was asked to just give a little
- 00:16:34bit of information on what i'm currently
- 00:16:36working on and also how the course kind
- 00:16:38of
- 00:16:38helped me in my career so
- 00:16:41i have a couple of uh things i'm going
- 00:16:43to talk about just a very brief slide on
- 00:16:45blockchain
- 00:16:46a little bit about the company i work
- 00:16:47for block demon and then a little bit
- 00:16:49about the course
- 00:16:50and the kind of activities we got up
- 00:16:51throughout the year
- 00:16:53so first what is a blockchain uh i won't
- 00:16:55dwell on this too much a lot of people
- 00:16:57already
- 00:16:57are familiar or have some some ideas but
- 00:16:59basically it's a ledger
- 00:17:01a distributed ledger of data that's
- 00:17:03shared among
- 00:17:05nodes or computers that are connected to
- 00:17:07the internet it's secured by
- 00:17:09cryptography
- 00:17:10which we'll touch on a little bit in a
- 00:17:11while and then there's a couple of
- 00:17:13different ways that that cryptography is
- 00:17:14enforced
- 00:17:15so the kind of leading implementations
- 00:17:18that we have in the industry now
- 00:17:19are proof of work which involves mining
- 00:17:21and hashing algorithms and then we also
- 00:17:23have proof of stake which is
- 00:17:25another kind of incumbent technology
- 00:17:27that's starting to gain a lot of
- 00:17:29traction with
- 00:17:29the newer protocols so the main thing
- 00:17:32that a blockchain does is it keeps
- 00:17:34track of information so you've got like
- 00:17:35accounts and transactions and assets and
- 00:17:38the kind of
- 00:17:38how those move around the network and
- 00:17:40get passed around between different
- 00:17:41participants
- 00:17:42so back in 2009 bitcoin was the first
- 00:17:46um protocol that kind of pioneered this
- 00:17:48technology
- 00:17:49uh it was a cryptocurrency i'm sure many
- 00:17:51people have heard about it
- 00:17:52um during the course you learn a lot
- 00:17:54about it which is very interesting as
- 00:17:56well
- 00:17:57um so there's two types of networks that
- 00:17:59are kind of doing
- 00:18:00um that are working through the industry
- 00:18:01at the moment you've got the public
- 00:18:03permissionless networks like bitcoin and
- 00:18:05ethereum and then you've got the kind of
- 00:18:07private networks that are
- 00:18:08um kind of more industry uh developed
- 00:18:11or suitable for industry development and
- 00:18:15a good example of this would be
- 00:18:16something like hyperledger fabric which
- 00:18:17is
- 00:18:18um mostly developed by a consortium of
- 00:18:21different companies
- 00:18:22ibm being one of the leading leading
- 00:18:24companies in that consortium
- 00:18:27so there's kind of a few different
- 00:18:28places where where crypto
- 00:18:30and blockchain technology is used um
- 00:18:33we're starting to see a lot of interest
- 00:18:34in
- 00:18:35enterprise use cases and certainly with
- 00:18:37the company i work for we're getting a
- 00:18:38lot of interest from enterprises
- 00:18:40some of the good examples would be
- 00:18:42something like supply chain um tracking
- 00:18:44of data
- 00:18:45um and and supply chain um components as
- 00:18:48they move throughout
- 00:18:50the world and get shipped and and things
- 00:18:53like this
- 00:18:54and then there's another emerging thing
- 00:18:55that is starting to gain a lot of
- 00:18:57traction as well and this is um
- 00:18:58gaps or decentralized applications which
- 00:19:01run on
- 00:19:02smart contract technology and deployed
- 00:19:04to blockchains like ethereum
- 00:19:06or algorithm so what do i do
- 00:19:10um so i'm the lead engineer a blockchain
- 00:19:14engineer in a company called blockdemon
- 00:19:16we do
- 00:19:17blockchain nodes as a service so we have
- 00:19:20a lot of different
- 00:19:21protocols that we've onboarded onto our
- 00:19:23platform and you can call us at
- 00:19:24blockchain as a service company or a
- 00:19:26node as a service company
- 00:19:28currently we've about 20 protocols maybe
- 00:19:31a few more
- 00:19:32we try and work with most of the big
- 00:19:34protocols out there a lot of
- 00:19:36our customers are either developers or
- 00:19:40industry kind of people who want to
- 00:19:42experiment with certain protocols
- 00:19:43we work a lot with large investment
- 00:19:45funds
- 00:19:46and we also run our own public validator
- 00:19:50nodes on these networks
- 00:19:52so we have quite a lot of nodes i think
- 00:19:55over a thousand nodes
- 00:19:57running in a multi-cloud environment
- 00:19:59distributed all
- 00:20:00across the different regions and
- 00:20:01different clouds in the world we also
- 00:20:03have
- 00:20:04a data center with some dedicated
- 00:20:05machines for various
- 00:20:07um secure features that we have to
- 00:20:10implement with a lot of these protocols
- 00:20:12and then we also have a couple of other
- 00:20:14projects that we're working on so we
- 00:20:15have
- 00:20:15ubiquity which is a data api that kind
- 00:20:18of
- 00:20:19uh sits across multiple blockchains and
- 00:20:22offers
- 00:20:22a unique uh sorry um a consistent
- 00:20:26api experience across multiple
- 00:20:28blockchains so we do
- 00:20:29all the heavy lifting of converting to
- 00:20:31the different apis that each of the
- 00:20:32blockchains use
- 00:20:34and we're currently nearing
- 00:20:37production readiness for that and we
- 00:20:39also have another
- 00:20:40um project called the blockchain package
- 00:20:43manager or bpm as we like to call it
- 00:20:45internally
- 00:20:46the idea here is that a developer or an
- 00:20:48organization
- 00:20:49can use a um a tool similar to
- 00:20:53npm for the node.js ecosystem but to
- 00:20:56deploy
- 00:20:57blockchain infrastructure either on
- 00:20:58their laptop or in their own data center
- 00:21:01or
- 00:21:01in their own cloud servers and the idea
- 00:21:03there is to have a unified experience
- 00:21:05across multiple blockchains
- 00:21:07so currently we have a lot of
- 00:21:11employees in ireland but i say a lot we
- 00:21:12have several employees in ireland
- 00:21:14we're the european base um and uh we're
- 00:21:16currently hiring for a lot of positions
- 00:21:18uh and it's essential for us to have a
- 00:21:20skilled resource tool where we continue
- 00:21:23to um to bring
- 00:21:26developers in who can contribute to to
- 00:21:29what we need
- 00:21:30so that's kind of what i what i
- 00:21:31currently work at
- 00:21:33but how does this relate to the
- 00:21:34blockchain masters course so
- 00:21:40the msc course is a well-rounded course
- 00:21:42so the students who participate in it
- 00:21:44get a lot of exposure to a lot of
- 00:21:45different technologies
- 00:21:46and a lot of different topics and as
- 00:21:48irene showed earlier there's multiple
- 00:21:50different
- 00:21:51experi different modules throughout the
- 00:21:54year
- 00:21:55and the ones that we basically that i
- 00:21:57participated in this year were
- 00:21:58cryptography
- 00:21:59uh distributed ledger technologies cloud
- 00:22:01systems and data processing
- 00:22:03and then some professional skills and
- 00:22:05ethics ethics and law
- 00:22:07so this is one of the more interesting
- 00:22:09topics throughout my career i've never
- 00:22:11really considered ethics with the
- 00:22:14systems i've been building
- 00:22:15and also uh the laws um you know this
- 00:22:18the
- 00:22:18my previous software experience was in a
- 00:22:20well-defined industry in the travel
- 00:22:21industry
- 00:22:22um and you know as an engineer i didn't
- 00:22:24really have to think of
- 00:22:26the my the code i developed could you
- 00:22:28know have some
- 00:22:29law that i wasn't aware of um so this is
- 00:22:31very interesting and certainly for
- 00:22:34the students that are coming up through
- 00:22:36the ranks working in
- 00:22:37the this emerging technology space of
- 00:22:40blockchain and cryptocurrencies it's
- 00:22:41very good that they have
- 00:22:42an understanding of the law and also the
- 00:22:45professional ethics associated with the
- 00:22:47systems they may build
- 00:22:48um some other interesting things that we
- 00:22:49did throughout the year was we worked a
- 00:22:51lot with the cloud
- 00:22:52so we built some systems that worked in
- 00:22:54aws or google
- 00:22:57uh using technologies like docker and
- 00:22:59kubernetes that allowed us to
- 00:23:02build some applications and deploy them
- 00:23:03using the the skills that we learned in
- 00:23:05the class
- 00:23:07it's also beneficial for us to under to
- 00:23:10understand
- 00:23:11and and also to play around with some of
- 00:23:13the cryptographic
- 00:23:14systems that underpin the whole
- 00:23:16blockchain space throughout my career
- 00:23:18um i've not come from a cryptography
- 00:23:20background i've come from a software
- 00:23:22engineering
- 00:23:22and devops background so to actually
- 00:23:25understand the cryptography that holds
- 00:23:27all the blockchain
- 00:23:29software that i work with every day
- 00:23:30together was very important for my
- 00:23:32career
- 00:23:33and gave me a good foundation of the
- 00:23:35understanding of the integral parts of a
- 00:23:36blockchain cryptosystem
- 00:23:39um yes so throughout the course you get
- 00:23:42to experience a lot
- 00:23:43uh experiment a lot with some of the
- 00:23:45innovative technologies uh like i said
- 00:23:47the docker and kubernetes and these are
- 00:23:49essential to um
- 00:23:51kind of moving the blockchain system
- 00:23:52forward as as systems that
- 00:23:54the engineers build become kind of uh
- 00:23:57you know
- 00:23:58part of the standard software developer
- 00:24:01stack going forward
- 00:24:02um and the msc course will hopefully
- 00:24:06produce a lot of
- 00:24:07talented engineers that have a lot of
- 00:24:08experience in the
- 00:24:10not just blockchain but also the
- 00:24:12surrounding
- 00:24:14technologies associated with it so
- 00:24:17here's an example of one of the
- 00:24:18the assignments that we worked on um so
- 00:24:20this was a data processing assignment
- 00:24:22that i built
- 00:24:23using different data processing
- 00:24:26techniques that i'd learned throughout
- 00:24:27the course
- 00:24:28um basically it was a it scraped the
- 00:24:30data set from the internet
- 00:24:32of the covet 19 cases did some
- 00:24:34processing on it
- 00:24:35and then you know built a dashboard
- 00:24:37technology that served up kind of real
- 00:24:39time
- 00:24:40information and then basically automated
- 00:24:43how it all worked
- 00:24:43so this was a great assignment to work
- 00:24:45on and data processing is not something
- 00:24:47i've done in my career today
- 00:24:48so it's very interesting to use um cloud
- 00:24:51technologies
- 00:24:52uh data processing uh technologies
- 00:24:55and uh you know uh things that i had a
- 00:24:57lot of experience with was which was web
- 00:24:59technology
- 00:25:00so very interesting and going forward in
- 00:25:02the blockchain space it's
- 00:25:03you know the blockchains are full of
- 00:25:05data so it's important that we can
- 00:25:07use the tools and systems like this to
- 00:25:09aggregate data present them
- 00:25:11and and show them to uh you know people
- 00:25:13who need to
- 00:25:14perform some analytics or have some
- 00:25:16interaction with the blockchain
- 00:25:18so block i guess you know coming out of
- 00:25:21the course
- 00:25:22what kind of things could you expect to
- 00:25:24work on um using
- 00:25:26my the company i work for a blockchain
- 00:25:27as an experience we're constantly
- 00:25:29looking for engineers who have
- 00:25:31devops experience data analytics
- 00:25:33experience architects who can kind of
- 00:25:35envisage how
- 00:25:36these new blockchain systems can all
- 00:25:38work together with existing software
- 00:25:39stacks
- 00:25:40and as irene said earlier uh security
- 00:25:43security is a very important part of
- 00:25:44blockchains
- 00:25:45especially if there's a financial
- 00:25:47implications uh like bitcoin or
- 00:25:50ethereum or any um value associated with
- 00:25:53the systems that are being built
- 00:25:55and there's a lot of document documented
- 00:25:57cases of hacks or
- 00:25:59exploits where people have uh left the
- 00:26:01back door open and
- 00:26:02funds or something like this have been
- 00:26:03trained from a system um
- 00:26:05and then obviously there's a lot of
- 00:26:06legal things that need to be considered
- 00:26:08so it's very good that a lot of people
- 00:26:10can have uh you know it's not all
- 00:26:12technical roles in blockchain companies
- 00:26:14and there's jurisdiction uh have
- 00:26:16different rules
- 00:26:17and you know um globally one rule in
- 00:26:20america might not be the same as in
- 00:26:21europe
- 00:26:22um so the industry from my experience is
- 00:26:24expanding rapidly i think we're in
- 00:26:25another growth phase at the moment
- 00:26:27and i think coming out of this course uh
- 00:26:29next year and in the next few years is
- 00:26:31going to be
- 00:26:32a very good time and there'll be a lot
- 00:26:34of positions that will be
- 00:26:36required to be filled by uh engineers
- 00:26:39who have or even
- 00:26:40uh students who've had kind of an
- 00:26:42introduction to a lot of the things
- 00:26:44associated with
- 00:26:45with blockchain technology um it's not
- 00:26:48all about cryptocurrency as well a lot
- 00:26:50of people enter the space like myself
- 00:26:52through the the eyes of bitcoin and
- 00:26:54getting getting rich but
- 00:26:55um from my experience a lot of the
- 00:26:57projects that are being built or
- 00:26:59industries uh figuring out things like
- 00:27:01supply chain or
- 00:27:03you know digital identity or voting
- 00:27:04systems there are just a few examples
- 00:27:06but
- 00:27:07there's a lot of innovative disruptive
- 00:27:09projects being built
- 00:27:11and i think smart contracts and and
- 00:27:14private blockchains and things like
- 00:27:15these are going to have a lot more
- 00:27:17impact over the next few years
- 00:27:19so i think yeah i think we're going to
- 00:27:22see a lot more um
- 00:27:24wave of engineers and and building on um
- 00:27:27systems
- 00:27:28uh over in the near future companies
- 00:27:30like blockchain we're mostly in the
- 00:27:32infrastructure and data side of things
- 00:27:34but uh developers can you know obviously
- 00:27:37utilize systems that we build
- 00:27:39to um you know build the next generation
- 00:27:41of decentralized applications
- 00:27:44so that's pretty much um all that that i
- 00:27:47have uh thanks for your time
- 00:27:48um yeah so i just must say that the
- 00:27:51course is very interesting looking
- 00:27:52forward to year two and currently
- 00:27:53thinking of
- 00:27:55um the the next you know the blockchain
- 00:27:57practicum
- 00:27:59uh so i'm gonna hand over now to the
- 00:28:01next presenter
- 00:28:02david thank you very much uh and welcome
- 00:28:05again to today's webinar and the msc and
- 00:28:08blockchain and dcu
- 00:28:10and my name is david roach i'm with
- 00:28:11america and
- 00:28:14for the last 10 years and it's a great
- 00:28:16pleasure to be involved here today
- 00:28:18um i have
- 00:28:22had a lot of experience in the fintech
- 00:28:25industry
- 00:28:26and the tech fin industry
- 00:28:30over the last number of years so my
- 00:28:31presentation today will be based on the
- 00:28:34fintech industry uh in blockchain
- 00:28:38um i consider at this moment time
- 00:28:41i suppose there's three types of
- 00:28:42blockchain there is blockchain
- 00:28:45for business or for the industry there's
- 00:28:48blockchain
- 00:28:49in cryptocurrency and there is
- 00:28:50blockchain in research
- 00:28:52and um so my presentation today is
- 00:28:56really about the industry
- 00:28:58everyone realizes that there is uh
- 00:29:01blockchain has become a commonplace now
- 00:29:04and people are starting to believe in
- 00:29:06the benefits of solving real problems
- 00:29:09um in the last presentation andrew
- 00:29:13gave a quick definition of what
- 00:29:15blockchain the features of blockchain
- 00:29:17i suppose in a nutshell on the bottom
- 00:29:20right hand corner of this particular
- 00:29:22slide
- 00:29:22i created the acronym of seo sss
- 00:29:27which really means secure efficient open
- 00:29:29scalable
- 00:29:30synchronized and smart and i believe
- 00:29:33this is what the
- 00:29:34industry in fintech is looking for and
- 00:29:37that is why i believe in the next number
- 00:29:39of years blockchain
- 00:29:40particularly in the financial industry
- 00:29:42will accelerate um
- 00:29:44massively uh if you were to
- 00:29:47have a quick look today in governments
- 00:29:51uh blockchain
- 00:29:54connecting with governments worldwide
- 00:29:57and
- 00:29:57as we all know governments are highly
- 00:29:59decentralized and often without
- 00:30:01efficient means of knowing what they
- 00:30:03have spent money on or
- 00:30:04what um they are funding in the future
- 00:30:08and what outcomes have been achieved if
- 00:30:11you were to look at private enterprises
- 00:30:13as an example
- 00:30:14many affected industries will be those
- 00:30:17that have large
- 00:30:18sets of business relationships with
- 00:30:20networks of suppliers
- 00:30:22these are businesses that are driven by
- 00:30:24complex relationships across
- 00:30:25many layers of suppliers so blockchain
- 00:30:27will have enormous effect there
- 00:30:29if we were to look at the food
- 00:30:31production
- 00:30:33sector for example producers and exports
- 00:30:36are able to control what happens during
- 00:30:38food
- 00:30:39production process or as part of onshore
- 00:30:42processing
- 00:30:43blockchain allows effectively and
- 00:30:47efficiently to certify those products as
- 00:30:50uh
- 00:30:50it passes through the entire supply
- 00:30:52chain
- 00:30:53and if we're looking at the telecoms or
- 00:30:55the technical sector
- 00:30:56i mean industry leaders country leaders
- 00:30:58like spain germany and the uk they have
- 00:31:01jointly
- 00:31:02finalized a trial for blockchain
- 00:31:05solution on
- 00:31:06the settlement of roman charges and
- 00:31:08roaming settlement agreements reducing
- 00:31:10capital costs
- 00:31:12for telcos and supporting
- 00:31:15a faster revenue recognition so
- 00:31:19that is really a brief on the sectors
- 00:31:23outside of the financial services but i
- 00:31:24wanted to concentrate today on the
- 00:31:26fintech services sector
- 00:31:27on blockchain as we all know blockchain
- 00:31:30is empowering
- 00:31:31enterprises today to drive greater
- 00:31:33transparency and traceability
- 00:31:35and operational efficiency for a
- 00:31:37multitude of businesses
- 00:31:39and financial services are exploring now
- 00:31:42how to fully benefit from
- 00:31:44deploying blockchain identifying product
- 00:31:46opportunities
- 00:31:47regulatory concerns and the difficulties
- 00:31:49identifying and setting risks
- 00:31:52so if in a nutshell blockchain is a
- 00:31:56digital ledger
- 00:31:56verifying transactions shared amongst
- 00:31:59distributed network of computers
- 00:32:01and some of the areas that we have seen
- 00:32:03of late like securitization like
- 00:32:06payments and settlements inter-company
- 00:32:08settlements smart
- 00:32:09contract testing syndicate
- 00:32:12syndicated loans and digital assets
- 00:32:15custodian custodians
- 00:32:17these are from design to delivery and
- 00:32:21if we were to move on to where we are
- 00:32:23today in the
- 00:32:24area of digital assets in the area of
- 00:32:26smart contracts in the area of digital
- 00:32:28identity
- 00:32:29and distributed ledger hyperledger and
- 00:32:31distributor of apps
- 00:32:33this is where i see the industry going
- 00:32:36and i suppose in the next
- 00:32:40number of months in the next year we
- 00:32:43would look at
- 00:32:44some of the trends that are going to
- 00:32:46happen uh
- 00:32:47in in in blockchain um
- 00:32:51i suppose where i would probably put as
- 00:32:54number one would be the whole area of
- 00:32:56blockchain as a service
- 00:32:57uh by big uh tech companies
- 00:33:00um this is really if you were to look at
- 00:33:03the likes i would say that microsoft
- 00:33:05are at the amazons of this world and
- 00:33:09they are are hugely involved in in all
- 00:33:12this aspect
- 00:33:14and the whole area of federated
- 00:33:15blockchain which is a really an upgraded
- 00:33:17form
- 00:33:18of the original blockchain the area of
- 00:33:20stable coins would become much more
- 00:33:23visible
- 00:33:24uh i mean in 2008 2009 2010
- 00:33:27using bitcoin as an example of
- 00:33:29cryptocurrencies
- 00:33:31uh was highly volatile in nature at the
- 00:33:34time
- 00:33:35so there is an opportunity for others to
- 00:33:37come on board
- 00:33:38and as as of now stable coins are in
- 00:33:41their initial phase
- 00:33:42and it is predicted that 2020 will be
- 00:33:44the year where blockchain saver coins
- 00:33:46will achieve their all-time high
- 00:33:48so moving on uh if you were to look at
- 00:33:51social networking
- 00:33:53uh social networking i was saying there
- 00:33:56was around 2.8 billion of social
- 00:33:59media users around the globe in 2019 so
- 00:34:02the introduction of blockchain in the
- 00:34:04social media world will be able to solve
- 00:34:06problems related to
- 00:34:08all the stories notorious scandals uh
- 00:34:13privacy violations data control and
- 00:34:17content all of that area will be much
- 00:34:20more secure onto the
- 00:34:21blend with blockchain and
- 00:34:25if we move on to the interoperability
- 00:34:28uh whereby the ability to share data
- 00:34:32across
- 00:34:33multiple black uh black blockchain
- 00:34:35systems and networks
- 00:34:37and the area that probably is the area
- 00:34:40where i'm coming from is the whole area
- 00:34:41of the economy
- 00:34:42and finance and how that will lead
- 00:34:46blockchain applications unlike other
- 00:34:49traditional businesses the banking and
- 00:34:50financial
- 00:34:51industries don't need to introduce
- 00:34:53radical transformation to the process
- 00:34:55for adopting blockchain technology
- 00:34:57after it was successfully applied for
- 00:34:59the cryptocurrency finance institutions
- 00:35:02began
- 00:35:02seriously considering blockchain
- 00:35:04adoption for
- 00:35:06for their traditional banking uh
- 00:35:08operations
- 00:35:09and this is where the cost saving will
- 00:35:11be uh
- 00:35:12quite dynamic in in the near future
- 00:35:16uh i mentioned earlier on about the
- 00:35:18governments and the blockchain
- 00:35:19integration with government agencies
- 00:35:21this is really
- 00:35:22an area affecting and how to make
- 00:35:25data management more effective and more
- 00:35:27efficient
- 00:35:29and then the last three areas here where
- 00:35:32i believe are are massively
- 00:35:36uh important to the development and the
- 00:35:38growth
- 00:35:39of blockchain in the very near future
- 00:35:41it's the whole area of blockchain with
- 00:35:42iot
- 00:35:44billions of devices connected worldwide
- 00:35:48means that iot is a target for
- 00:35:51cyber attacks and cyber security
- 00:35:53associated with iot is massive
- 00:35:56so this is an imperative in my opinion
- 00:35:58where you will see huge growth in the
- 00:35:59blockchain
- 00:36:01arena the blockchain space sector over
- 00:36:03the next uh
- 00:36:05short while and finally what's very apt
- 00:36:08for today's
- 00:36:09um webinar is the whole area of
- 00:36:14universities and how we can get
- 00:36:17universities to create the experts of
- 00:36:19the future
- 00:36:20i've always believed and i've always
- 00:36:22been a strong believer in recognizing
- 00:36:24our talent within universities
- 00:36:26so i'm delighted to see the msc in
- 00:36:28blockchain and dcu
- 00:36:29as i believe in the near future this is
- 00:36:32the way
- 00:36:33we would be able to
- 00:36:36look after the talent that we existently
- 00:36:38have and
- 00:36:39upskill it accordingly to become
- 00:36:41blockchain experts at this moment of
- 00:36:43time we've only got a few percentage
- 00:36:45skilled blockchain um technologies uh
- 00:36:48here and if we wanted to fly the flag
- 00:36:52in a much more uh center of excellence
- 00:36:54we will need blockchain experts
- 00:36:57so moving on in giving you a a brief
- 00:37:00description of where
- 00:37:01the advantages are in blockchain for
- 00:37:04businesses in
- 00:37:05in industry if you look at the top of
- 00:37:08the clock
- 00:37:09it'll become more secure big banks are
- 00:37:11vulnerable to hacking so
- 00:37:13big financial institutions really that
- 00:37:15should be um
- 00:37:17and blockchain will make it far more
- 00:37:19secure
- 00:37:21there'll be a high level of reliability
- 00:37:23and
- 00:37:24it'll be very reliable it'll eliminate
- 00:37:27the
- 00:37:28ability to see off cheats
- 00:37:31it will increase the whole network of
- 00:37:34transparency
- 00:37:35it will remove intermediary fees and i
- 00:37:38say that
- 00:37:39because i believe there's a huge amount
- 00:37:41of
- 00:37:43lack of transparency attached to
- 00:37:44intermediary fees in relation to
- 00:37:46custodian asset management wealth
- 00:37:48management world will increase
- 00:37:50the frequency and the efficiency of
- 00:37:52trades and increase the access to
- 00:37:53diverse populations as well
- 00:37:55and locations just as we see now will
- 00:37:58allow more people
- 00:37:59and businesses to trade globally
- 00:38:03and it'll be of greater ability to
- 00:38:06customize
- 00:38:07so the whole blockchain networks as we
- 00:38:09all know at this moment of time can be
- 00:38:11public or
- 00:38:12are private uh with restricted
- 00:38:15membership
- 00:38:16so overall a faster way to conduct
- 00:38:18transactions
- 00:38:20so if we were to move on to a quick
- 00:38:22summary i would see the four areas that
- 00:38:24would determine the growth
- 00:38:26as digital currency record-keeping
- 00:38:29securities and smart contracts and
- 00:38:32if you look at digital currencies you
- 00:38:33see the way e-commerce includes
- 00:38:35global payments and remittance has gone
- 00:38:38in the last
- 00:38:40while if you look at the whole area of
- 00:38:43record-keeping
- 00:38:44in relation to health care title records
- 00:38:46ownership voting intellectual property
- 00:38:49is massive and the whole area of the
- 00:38:51securities world
- 00:38:52where equities private markets debt
- 00:38:56crowdfunding derivatives all that market
- 00:38:58and sector is massive in
- 00:39:01in asian securities and smart contracts
- 00:39:03whilst they're at the
- 00:39:05tail end of pocs at the moment and
- 00:39:07that's going to grow massively
- 00:39:09also so
- 00:39:12moving on i wanted to talk a little bit
- 00:39:15about the opportunity and the wheel of
- 00:39:17opportunity that surrounds blockchain
- 00:39:19sometimes blockchain is seen as a demand
- 00:39:23whereby it is far away and not yet
- 00:39:26landed but there's
- 00:39:28huge amount of opportunities in the
- 00:39:30individual areas within the blockchain
- 00:39:32wheel of opportunities and i just
- 00:39:34brought a few of them there to pair
- 00:39:36today
- 00:39:37and if you look at the top of the clock
- 00:39:39you have the information security
- 00:39:41analyst you have the project manager and
- 00:39:44and the project manager doesn't have to
- 00:39:46be uh
- 00:39:48sort of fluent in blockchain he can work
- 00:39:49as a collective
- 00:39:51uh understanding the straight to
- 00:39:53processing
- 00:39:55opportunities that are arrived at in
- 00:39:58many many um fintech projects
- 00:40:02the research analyst the development
- 00:40:05representative
- 00:40:06the technical recruiter and the intern
- 00:40:09you know
- 00:40:10we have seen so many opportunities over
- 00:40:12the years
- 00:40:13uh working with universities industry
- 00:40:16working with universities
- 00:40:17and collaborating with universities in
- 00:40:19order to get interns
- 00:40:21into the into the business
- 00:40:24and this is something i believe that
- 00:40:27as long as universities portray the
- 00:40:30opportunity to develop
- 00:40:32mse's our degrees in blockchain we will
- 00:40:34see more and more interns
- 00:40:36and the whole arena of data analytics
- 00:40:39data science
- 00:40:40data mining um huge
- 00:40:44there a huge market demand there and
- 00:40:47the marketing specialists um
- 00:40:50to understand the whole overseeing and
- 00:40:52development of marketing campaigns
- 00:40:55um if you look at the designer
- 00:40:59the person who is going to concentrate
- 00:41:01on web sites and the user interfaces
- 00:41:03the legal consultants the quality
- 00:41:05engineer the developer and the
- 00:41:06blockchain engineer
- 00:41:08obviously these are very um
- 00:41:11significant opportunities within the
- 00:41:14circle of blockchain and i just thought
- 00:41:16i'd bring
- 00:41:17a number of them today to give you the
- 00:41:19opportunity to see
- 00:41:21um where the growth plan is coming from
- 00:41:24within the blockchain sector
- 00:41:28moving on and that really is just a text
- 00:41:31slide allowing you when the slides are
- 00:41:33shared to understand what i have
- 00:41:35actually been saying at the last number
- 00:41:38of slides
- 00:41:39and obviously i wanted to put a
- 00:41:42structure i want to put a slide in place
- 00:41:44that would show you the
- 00:41:46the three-tier structures that are
- 00:41:48associated today with blockchain for
- 00:41:50business
- 00:41:51the applications and solutions
- 00:41:52associated
- 00:41:54with blockchain and just take one of
- 00:41:57them there the whole
- 00:41:58area of exchanges payments and
- 00:41:59investments and the merchants the
- 00:42:02brokerage the trade finance the
- 00:42:04financial data
- 00:42:05and you know right across to retail
- 00:42:08banks corporate banks and money services
- 00:42:11and so that is just one uh one
- 00:42:14one one pillar and then you've got the
- 00:42:17pillar of middleware and
- 00:42:18services um obviously you have the
- 00:42:22services software development
- 00:42:23with the apis special apis the platforms
- 00:42:27and the smart contracts
- 00:42:28and then the infrastructure and the base
- 00:42:30protocols under
- 00:42:32public private payments and minors so
- 00:42:34let's just give you an overview on one
- 00:42:36slide
- 00:42:37of the the three pillar approach
- 00:42:40thank you very much and it's been great
- 00:42:43to be involved
- 00:42:44and we welcome everyone to a q a session
- 00:42:47i think we have one there uh are there
- 00:42:49any small medium enterprise companies
- 00:42:51using
- 00:42:51blockchain from my perspective from my
- 00:42:54experience there's a couple of companies
- 00:42:55that we've been working with i
- 00:42:56i can't actually name the names but
- 00:42:58there's some large enterprises we've
- 00:42:59been working with um
- 00:43:00working in the oil space uh who asked us
- 00:43:02to do some prototype work for them
- 00:43:04um so that project is still ongoing so
- 00:43:06there's another question there do we
- 00:43:08have any real
- 00:43:10any real cases for enterprise blockchain
- 00:43:12i guess one thing that might be useful
- 00:43:14for uh
- 00:43:15enterprise blockchain is a lot of
- 00:43:17companies who need to work together but
- 00:43:18don't necessarily have
- 00:43:19systems that are integrated could use a
- 00:43:22permission blockchain where they let
- 00:43:23each other
- 00:43:24participate in their network and give
- 00:43:27each other
- 00:43:29i guess access to the systems whether it
- 00:43:31be for sharing documents or sharing data
- 00:43:33or some sort of supply chain system we
- 00:43:36have another one there can you give some
- 00:43:38examples of blockchain applications yeah
- 00:43:41so there are lots of application
- 00:43:43examples of blockchain navigation it's i
- 00:43:45think david shows
- 00:43:46um in a comprehensive slide there
- 00:43:49there will be application in the in the
- 00:43:52i o team
- 00:43:53in the insurance in terms of claim
- 00:43:55processing for instance
- 00:43:58smart appliances in in healthcare
- 00:44:02supply chain so there are quite a lot of
- 00:44:06use cases for for the blockchain yeah i
- 00:44:09think a lot of the smart contract
- 00:44:10technology is only really starting to um
- 00:44:13to to kind of see its cc developer
- 00:44:16um using it and i think you'll see a lot
- 00:44:19of innovative applications over the next
- 00:44:20couple years as people start to
- 00:44:22figure out exactly how they can use
- 00:44:23these decentralized apps
- 00:44:26yeah there are a lot of research going
- 00:44:28on in the context of smart cities for
- 00:44:30instance the concept of
- 00:44:31how to secure the uh with the blockchain
- 00:44:36the the self-driving vehicles
- 00:44:41um etc so there are a lot of interesting
- 00:44:44use cases
- 00:44:45uh for the blockchain and many more
- 00:44:47coming as i said
- 00:44:48david any thought on the well do you see
- 00:44:51other blockchain technologies such as
- 00:44:52bitcoin going in the future taking the
- 00:44:54conversation that you are the
- 00:44:55finance guy well i
- 00:44:58i have followed bitcoin uh since 2008
- 00:45:02uh and it's real dominance uh
- 00:45:05right i think up to about 2017 then it
- 00:45:08fell off a little bit and
- 00:45:09now there are many other stable coins in
- 00:45:12the marketplace including
- 00:45:13ether um i i suppose it depends a lot on
- 00:45:18uh governments themselves whether they
- 00:45:21want to
- 00:45:22uh become part of the whole
- 00:45:24cryptocurrency field and the world of
- 00:45:26blockchain
- 00:45:27and and i think um it is probably
- 00:45:31regulation and governments are the two
- 00:45:34worrying aspects
- 00:45:35uh as to where the growth will come in
- 00:45:38uh the future of cryptocurrencies
- 00:45:40um at this point in time i i don't see
- 00:45:43it as
- 00:45:45as as a uh as active as is
- 00:45:48uh as his professors to be uh you get
- 00:45:51other people who are making comments
- 00:45:53about cryptocurrencies that they would
- 00:45:54never buy them as part of their
- 00:45:56asset management funds so i think once
- 00:45:59regulation comes in and once governments
- 00:46:01participate you will see a different
- 00:46:02angle towards cryptocurrency
- 00:46:06i think following on from that um uh
- 00:46:08currently i work a lot with lightning
- 00:46:10labs who are developing the
- 00:46:11the second layer solution called um the
- 00:46:14on the lightning network for bitcoin
- 00:46:15and there is a massive there's a massive
- 00:46:18um uh
- 00:46:19thing brewing in this in that space at
- 00:46:21the moment so the ability to send
- 00:46:23value on on chain or off chain on the
- 00:46:26second layer
- 00:46:27for the equivalent of one satoshi which
- 00:46:29is a millionth of a bitcoin
- 00:46:31um as your transaction fee is really
- 00:46:32innovative and you're gonna see a lot of
- 00:46:34stuff in the next year that is gonna
- 00:46:37hit hit the markets i think um yeah like
- 00:46:40i said i'm working with a lot of these
- 00:46:41guys and they actually are building
- 00:46:43a lot of stuff that other protocols
- 00:46:45aren't even considering yet
- 00:46:46so um i think yes for the financial side
- 00:46:49of things but the lightning network will
- 00:46:50have
- 00:46:50a massive change yeah that's why
- 00:46:54and that's why i felt there was three
- 00:46:56types of blockchain i i i genuinely
- 00:46:58believe there's blockchain for business
- 00:47:00and industry
- 00:47:01i think there's a blockchain for
- 00:47:02cryptocurrency and i think it's
- 00:47:04blockchain for research
- 00:47:05and obviously they do integrate and they
- 00:47:07do interconnect
- 00:47:09and they're they are very um forceful
- 00:47:12in relation to when they can
- 00:47:14interconnect but at this point of time i
- 00:47:16just feel
- 00:47:17there is there is a regulation issue on
- 00:47:19a government issue in relation to all
- 00:47:21three
- 00:47:22um but a lot of the blockchain
- 00:47:24enterprises at this moment of time
- 00:47:26i have proof of concepts that are just
- 00:47:28uh at the end of the proof of concept
- 00:47:30stage
- 00:47:31and you will probably see a massive
- 00:47:33development in the whole blockchain
- 00:47:35world
- 00:47:35in 2021 when proof of concept
- 00:47:38turns into commercialization so there's
- 00:47:40another question there um
- 00:47:41what programming skills are necessary to
- 00:47:43be successful in blockchain
- 00:47:45so from from my experience there's a lot
- 00:47:47of libraries that work with most
- 00:47:49most protocols so for instance golang
- 00:47:51java javascript
- 00:47:53uh you know there's a lot of python
- 00:47:56python is a big one and these are very
- 00:47:58common languages and a developer can
- 00:48:00easily use those to interface with
- 00:48:01blockchain
- 00:48:03so if you know one of them it's very
- 00:48:06easy to transition to another one um
- 00:48:07with regards to the smart contracts
- 00:48:09most of these are in kind of new
- 00:48:12languages that are very specific to the
- 00:48:14blockchain that they work on
- 00:48:16yeah they just uh solidity for instance
- 00:48:19but that would be anyway thought from
- 00:48:21scratch uh on the
- 00:48:23program so uh in general it's good to
- 00:48:25have a
- 00:48:26programming uh background because uh as
- 00:48:29andrew notice once you know uh
- 00:48:31thoroughly a programming language is
- 00:48:32quite easy to transition to
- 00:48:34another uh to learn another programming
- 00:48:37uh language simple class releases is
- 00:48:40also very useful java as uh and you
- 00:48:43mentioned and all the other specific
- 00:48:45languages such as solidity
- 00:48:46that this is mainly used on the course
- 00:48:49will be taught from scratch what sort of
- 00:48:52time commitment will the court generally
- 00:48:55um require um
- 00:48:59well it's like uh for in total like for
- 00:49:03a
- 00:49:03module for 7.5 uh credits
- 00:49:07we kind of estimated a total of 180
- 00:49:09hours
- 00:49:10of work so it is
- 00:49:13it is you know quite a strong commitment
- 00:49:15but it is a level 9 uh
- 00:49:18degree so it is the highest
- 00:49:21kind of degree that you can get of
- 00:49:23course except for the phd which is the
- 00:49:25level 10.
- 00:49:26um maybe and you can give an insight
- 00:49:30from his perspective yeah so i i will
- 00:49:33say there is there is a considerable
- 00:49:35amount of
- 00:49:36dedication you need to put into the
- 00:49:37course if you want to really um
- 00:49:39get the benefit out of all the content
- 00:49:41that is that is provided
- 00:49:42and because it's online it's great so
- 00:49:44you can kind of
- 00:49:46work on it when you feel like you can or
- 00:49:48when you have time to do it so for
- 00:49:49instance i'm quite busy with my
- 00:49:50employment working in a startup
- 00:49:52so a lot of my time would be you know
- 00:49:56i guess in the evening or or maybe at
- 00:49:58weekends so uh it's up to you how you
- 00:50:00want to manage your time
- 00:50:01but they're when you when you have to do
- 00:50:04some assignments there are there is you
- 00:50:05know
- 00:50:05a dedication to them if you really want
- 00:50:07to uh
- 00:50:09use the the information that's thought
- 00:50:11and get a good mark
- 00:50:13there's an interesting question there
- 00:50:14from a person who's doing
- 00:50:18a bachelor's in commerce and masters in
- 00:50:21fintech
- 00:50:22and they basically have concentrated on
- 00:50:24their experiences in finance and
- 00:50:26accounting
- 00:50:27and they have zero knowledge in i.t how
- 00:50:29is it possible for me to proceed ahead
- 00:50:30of this
- 00:50:31with this course and i think it's very
- 00:50:33possible and the reason why i say that
- 00:50:35is because i don't think blockchain
- 00:50:37engineers would work in isolation
- 00:50:39anymore i think what's going to happen
- 00:50:41is there will be
- 00:50:42blockchain projects and there will be
- 00:50:44people with all different skills
- 00:50:46required
- 00:50:47in order to get blockchain over the line
- 00:50:50so while she might have experience in
- 00:50:52finance in the accounting and may not
- 00:50:53have
- 00:50:54experience in it you will be able to
- 00:50:56work accordingly together in order to
- 00:50:57ensure blockchain
- 00:50:59is um a secure part of the project
- 00:51:02so you don't have to become a specialist
- 00:51:05i'm not sure would you agree in that
- 00:51:07andrew but i i believe
- 00:51:08it's very much a question of
- 00:51:10collaboration nowadays assisting from
- 00:51:12isolation
- 00:51:13i i think with regards to industry then
- 00:51:15definitely that is the case
- 00:51:16um like for instance our company has a
- 00:51:18lot of engineers but we don't have a lot
- 00:51:20of discipline
- 00:51:20in finance or or accounting you know so
- 00:51:23we need to we need to onboard people who
- 00:51:25are familiar with that to work in our
- 00:51:26blockchain
- 00:51:27space with regards to the course um
- 00:51:29there are a couple of challenging
- 00:51:31assignments that require
- 00:51:32some coding experience with regards to
- 00:51:36the cloud stuff
- 00:51:37a lot of this is taught to you through
- 00:51:39the subject so you
- 00:51:40you should be okay with that the
- 00:51:42concepts obviously are taught to you
- 00:51:45but as i said there is a couple of
- 00:51:46subjects with with challenging
- 00:51:49coding um maybe irene you could uh
- 00:51:52provide some extra information on what a
- 00:51:54student might need
- 00:51:56yeah i see some challenges there in
- 00:51:59relation to the
- 00:52:01even cloud system i think it will be
- 00:52:03challenging to do that
- 00:52:04module without any prior coding
- 00:52:07experience
- 00:52:08and probably in the developing
- 00:52:13blockchain systems module but again
- 00:52:16many of the especially the specific the
- 00:52:20specifics for the blockchain the
- 00:52:21specific languages will be
- 00:52:23taught from scratch however and uh
- 00:52:26i would suggest uh to the person who
- 00:52:28asked this question
- 00:52:29i think um to try to do um
- 00:52:34a course in maybe java or programming
- 00:52:36language to try to learn a programming
- 00:52:38language from scratch and see how that
- 00:52:40how how easy or difficult uh can be but
- 00:52:43definitely like
- 00:52:45um programming skills will be required
- 00:52:47on the course
- 00:52:48um i i don't see it possible for
- 00:52:51instance the final
- 00:52:52the blockchain practicum without the
- 00:52:54programming skills to be done and
- 00:52:56motorcycle systems modular developing
- 00:52:58blockchain systems some programming
- 00:53:00elements will be
- 00:53:01also in the security protocols
- 00:53:04and the the
- 00:53:08computer security won't be heavy
- 00:53:10programming elements it's more about the
- 00:53:12most about the understanding of the code
- 00:53:16reviewing the code trying to identify
- 00:53:18their secure coding practices
- 00:53:20involved or not how to how to modify the
- 00:53:23code to take into consideration
- 00:53:25the secure accounting standards and
- 00:53:27practices um
- 00:53:29but yeah it is a bit challenging so i
- 00:53:31think
- 00:53:33um this is my advice to kind of
- 00:53:36try to learn a programming language from
- 00:53:38scratch and he
- 00:53:39see how well anyway it will be from
- 00:53:41scratch so he see how that
- 00:53:43goes definitely uh
- 00:53:46you will need to get up to speed with
- 00:53:48your programming skills on the course
- 00:53:51um and just to follow on from that with
- 00:53:53regards to the question we answered
- 00:53:55about time constraints
- 00:53:56if you are learning from scratch that
- 00:53:58will also add to the amount of work
- 00:54:00into the course yeah that's a good point
- 00:54:03um there's an interesting one there
- 00:54:04question and i think in the forums we
- 00:54:06debated this a lot during the course
- 00:54:08how will blockchain get around law
- 00:54:09regulation in the future in different
- 00:54:11locations
- 00:54:12um so i'll leave that to the guys if
- 00:54:14they want to chime in but i know i
- 00:54:15debated this a lot with my
- 00:54:16class colleagues i i don't have a lot of
- 00:54:20information on that where it is at the
- 00:54:22present time i just feel
- 00:54:24as part of european law and as as part
- 00:54:27of
- 00:54:28regulation attached to each particular
- 00:54:30country
- 00:54:31i think um it's going to be a a
- 00:54:34difficult scenario to have
- 00:54:36a law that's different in europe we say
- 00:54:38that
- 00:54:39compared to we'll say that law might be
- 00:54:41different in that of the us
- 00:54:43so um our our law in israel are a law
- 00:54:47in in some of the far eastern
- 00:54:50and so it's going to be quite difficult
- 00:54:52i think this is something that will be
- 00:54:53probably sorted out in the next 15
- 00:54:55months
- 00:54:56two years and you will see a huge
- 00:54:58development in blockchain
- 00:55:00because of it um
- 00:55:03at this moment of time i see regulation
- 00:55:06as one of the
- 00:55:07the hurdles that has to be overcome uh
- 00:55:10i don't think it's going to be an
- 00:55:12obstacle i just think it'll be a hurdle
- 00:55:13that has to be overcome
- 00:55:15there's also a lot of work going on
- 00:55:17under standardization and now it's kind
- 00:55:18of
- 00:55:19currently under the development and some
- 00:55:21of these aspects are discussed at uh
- 00:55:23that level um as well
- 00:55:26i think if we had a person from the
- 00:55:28legal world here who has been
- 00:55:30through some of the proof of concepts to
- 00:55:32understand how smart contracts for
- 00:55:34example are going to work with right
- 00:55:35with regulation you would probably get a
- 00:55:38very concise
- 00:55:39answer but unfortunately my expertise is
- 00:55:41not in the legal world
- 00:55:43i'll just say thanks thanks for
- 00:55:44attending anyone who's uh who's
- 00:55:46participated
- 00:55:48hopefully you enjoy the course and thank
- 00:55:50you very much
- 00:55:52again thanks for watching
- 00:55:55if you enjoyed this webinar please
- 00:55:56follow us on twitter and linkedin to be
- 00:55:58kept up to date
- 00:55:59with all our news events and programs
- 00:56:02you can also subscribe to our youtube
- 00:56:04channel for more videos like this one
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