Earn Passive Income | Active V/s Passive Income Options



TLDRDans cette vidéo, il est question de l'importance de créer des revenus passifs pour éviter les crises financières personnelles que sont la "crise de la vie à la frontière" et la "crise de la quarantaine". Elle explique la différence entre le revenu actif, qui dépend de l'effort et du temps dédiés, et le revenu passif, qui génère des gains même en l'absence de travail actif. La vidéo encourage l'établissement de systèmes de revenus passifs, tels que l'ouverture d'entreprises ou l'investissement dans l'immobilier et les actions, pour atteindre la liberté financière. Elle illustre cela à travers une histoire d'entrepreneurs dans un village et des exemples personnels d'investissements fructueux de l'auteur. Il est également question de marketing de réseau et de l'importance d'avoir des compétences, notamment pour créer des contenus vidéo qui génèrent des revenus de manière continue. Enfin, une formation sur le marketing digital est proposée pour ceux qui souhaitent renforcer leur aptitude à générer des revenus passifs.


  • 💡 Importance de créer un revenu passif pour la liberté financière.
  • ⚖️ Différence entre revenus actifs et passifs.
  • 🏥 Exemple d'un médecin transformant son travail en revenus passifs.
  • 🚰 Histoire de Ram et Shyam sur la création d'un système passif.
  • 🏢 Investissements immobiliers comme source de revenus.
  • 📈 Investissement en bourse pour générer des gains passifs.
  • 🔗 Marketing de réseau comme opportunité sans besoin d'expertise initiale.
  • 🎥 Création de contenus vidéo pour des revenus passifs continus.
  • 💼 Diversification des investissements pour la sécurité financière.
  • 📚 Importance de la formation continue dans le marketing numérique.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    La vidéo discute de l'importance de créer une source de revenu supplémentaire pour éviter une crise de la vie à la frontière et au milieu de la vie. Il est essentiel de comprendre la différence entre le revenu actif, qui dépend de notre travail acharné et de nos efforts, et le revenu passif, qui génère des revenus même sans travail actif. Un exemple donné est celui d'un médecin qui, pour surmonter ses limites de temps, ouvre un hôpital et embauche d'autres médecins, transformant ainsi ses efforts en un système de génération de revenus passifs. L'objectif ultime de ce système est d'atteindre la liberté financière, ce qui permet de profiter pleinement de la vie sans se concentrer uniquement sur l'acquisition d'argent.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:13:00

    Une histoire est utilisée pour illustrer le concept de revenu passif : Ram et Shyam, deux amis, décident de vendre de l'eau dans leur village. Tandis que Shyam continue de travailler manuellement, Ram investit dans la création d'un pipeline pour automatiser le processus, illustrant comment un système bien conçu peut produire un revenu passif permanent. L'histoire souligne l'importance de créer un modèle de revenus passifs pour atteindre la liberté financière. L'orateur partage également son expérience personnelle en créant des instituts éducatifs, en investissant dans l'immobilier et des plateformes de e-learning, et en participant au marketing de réseau pour générer des revenus passifs. Il souligne qu'il n'est pas toujours nécessaire d'avoir de l'argent ou des compétences initiales pour démarrer, notamment grâce au marketing de réseau, et encourage les spectateurs à investir dans leur avenir financier en se concentrant sur la génération de revenus passifs.



  • Quels sont les deux types de revenus discutés dans la vidéo?

    Les revenus actifs et les revenus passifs.

  • Pourquoi est-il important de construire un revenu passif selon cette vidéo?

    Pour atteindre la liberté financière et profiter pleinement de la vie sans être limité par le temps de travail.

  • Comment un médecin peut-il générer un revenu passif selon l'exemple donné?

    En ouvrant un hôpital et en embauchant d'autres médecins pour travailler à sa place.

  • Quelle est la leçon de la fable de Ram et Shyam?

    L'importance de créer un système de génération de revenus passifs, illustrée par l'idée de construire une canalisation d'eau.

  • Quels investissements ont été mentionnés pour générer un revenu passif?

    Investissements en immobilier, en bourse, et réseau de marketing de réseau.

  • Quel est l'exemple donné concernant la multiplication d'un investissement boursier?

    Un investissement dans Burger King qui est passé de 60 à 192 en peu de temps.

  • Quel conseil est donné pour ceux qui n'ont pas beaucoup d'argent ou d'expertise?

    Considérer le marketing de réseau professionnel comme une opportunité de revenu passif.

  • Quelle approche générale est recommandée pour atteindre la liberté financière?

    Construire un modèle de revenus passifs et investir dans des domaines comme l'immobilier et la formation en ligne.

  • Comment la production de vidéos peut-elle contribuer aux revenus passifs?

    Les vidéos peuvent générer des revenus publicitaires constants sans travail actif continu.


  • 00:00:00
    in our latest video, we talk about if you don't want to be stuck between border life crisis and midlife
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    crisis then you have to build an additional source of income and today in this video we
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    are talking about when you are understanding income then you need to understand that Income
  • 00:00:19
    is of two types one is active income and one is passive income now what is active and
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    passive income and why to build passive income is important and how you can build it this
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    you are going to learn in this video when we are going to talk about Income I know you
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    have interest about income and how to grow it so if you like this video do share this
  • 00:00:41
    video so that we can help a lot more people so that they could build up passive income
  • 00:00:46
    now let's start with active income that what is this active income basically
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    means that Income which we earn by our hard work the income which is dependent upon our
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    efforts if we will do the work first then we will get the income then that Income is active
  • 00:01:05
    income somewhere or the other to earn this active income with our time means time equals
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    to money if we give it a 2 hours then we get money according to us if we give it 4 hours
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    then we earned according to 4 hours this is called active income but here there is a shortcoming
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    if a person is good for example if your world's best doctor you could see maximum of 10 patients
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    but for instance, if you get 1000 patients in a day then can you give treatment to 1,000
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    patients the answer is no because you have limited time so if you want to be able to
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    give treatment to 1000 people so the fees you would have been charged from them you
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    won't get that hence you won't get the money also now when people understood
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    this concept they knew they have to build passive income also so if you don't work also
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    then also you would on income means a doctor can't see 1000 patients then what he can do
  • 00:02:02
    thinking that is important because they need money so here above skills and time there
  • 00:02:08
    is concept leverage means that even if you don't work then also your work is happening
  • 00:02:15
    now what doctor did he opened up a hospital and hired another doctors he started giving
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    them salary started to charge from people and an ecosystem was made you see it as a
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    hospital but if I talk about business terms then I say the passive income generation system
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    now this passive income generation system is launched by the person in life can do what
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    he can achieve freedom and Life goal is not earning money Life goal is enjoying life and
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    the person can do only when he has passive income when he has financial freedom because
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    I know that to achieve financial freedom it is very important that is why I want to train
  • 00:03:03
    you that you become financially free and for that understand passive income passive income
  • 00:03:08
    means that even if you don't work there is money and in simple language even if you are
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    sleeping and then also you are getting money that means you are getting passive income
  • 00:03:21
    so how you can build passive income that is a very interesting topic so to explain you
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    this income model there is a small story this story is about Ram and Shyam both are friends
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    but both do a very important work that they don't do anything they waste time so they
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    think they need to do something as they are growing up they need to earn money so what to do now they
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    live in a village thinks what to do so Ram says that in this village women get water
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    from above the hill from the stream they take the pot and bring it back so there is
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    a very much need of water in our village so why not we sell water filled in pots in
  • 00:04:03
    a village we have to go up above the hill only so we will do this and we will start
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    getting income now they start that but after some days Ram gets tired Ram says that I can't
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    go again and again we have to make a system so that water itself come into the village
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    so he goes to a potter and sees that he has a tube in which there is a pipe and with that pipe, as he opens
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    up he gets water so he thinks if the pipe is this long can it reach from the mountain
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    to the village when he asks that potter then to Ram potter says that it is possible
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    but it would take time Ram says that I am ready to take time just help me now he ask
  • 00:04:52
    Sham that is he is interested now Sham says how is it possible to make such big pipe line
  • 00:05:00
    I will do which I am doing Shyam does not help Ram but in Ram one thing was clear that
  • 00:05:07
    when it would come itself our efforts would be for the life so why not take some
  • 00:05:12
    months and make a pipeline now he works with the potter many months are gone by
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    but after that pipeline is ready and the day the pipeline is ready business of sham is off because
  • 00:05:25
    as with the pipeline he opens up the tap the water comes in to fill up as many pots as you
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    want so here the concept is that he spread the pipeline with which water is coming properly
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    now the water is coming properly so you can sell as many pots as you want this is
  • 00:05:41
    called a passive income generation system now how you can do this story I had in
  • 00:05:48
    9th standard when I was in 9th standard at that time I went to a network marketing seminar
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    and there I got to know that people earn passive income like this I heard this passive income
  • 00:06:01
    word in 9th standard now I came from 9th to 12th and after 12th when I started doing this
  • 00:06:06
    work then I started teaching I used to teach communication skills and personality development
  • 00:06:12
    training and when people used to come to me for personality development I got many students
  • 00:06:19
    now the same thing that doctor got patients I also got many students so what I did I open
  • 00:06:24
    the open Institute and in that Institute I used to sit in my director cabin used to see
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    from the camera that teachers are teaching and are the teaching good or not know if teachers
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    are teaching good then am I doing hard work no I am not doing hard work I did hard work
  • 00:06:39
    was to build up the system and then teacher started to teach then what I get passive income
  • 00:06:45
    when I understood that I am getting passive income I opened four Institute when I was
  • 00:06:50
    18 years old then from 18 years old I am building a passive income what I did I can give you
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    options so I opened the multiple Institute even if I was not working I was getting money
  • 00:07:05
    this is the first concept of passive income after that what I did the money I earned with
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    that I invested in online online e learning platform if today I am getting students near
  • 00:07:17
    by me but the student who is living in Chennai or Gujarat or Kolkata if he also wants training
  • 00:07:24
    then how would he get it so for that we decide the online platform with that my students
  • 00:07:30
    increased now even if I am sleeping at night then also I am getting enrollment now this
  • 00:07:37
    is also passive income now when I earn the money I started to invest in real estate
  • 00:07:43
    for example, I give property on rent so the rent I'm getting is passive income so I again
  • 00:07:50
    got passive income along with it I did a network marketing I understood network marketing and
  • 00:07:55
    build up a team as the team started to work even if I wasn't doing the work I was getting
  • 00:07:59
    the money when I was in college then only I had a team of thousands of people below
  • 00:08:02
    me so think at that time when people were confused about their career at that time I
  • 00:08:08
    was building a passive income earned money I started to invest in stocks recently in
  • 00:08:14
    last month how I did it in double and trouble within weeks I will show you with proof I
  • 00:08:21
    invested in Burger King there price was 60 rupees when Burger King IPO was launched
  • 00:08:30
    than today it is of 190 in how many time within weeks so here from 60 to 192 can see the money
  • 00:08:39
    is tripled now I have financial knowledge that is why I am not saying everyone's money
  • 00:08:43
    get tripled the person who gets a second example I invested in bectorfood which is cremica
  • 00:08:49
    company you would have eaten biscuits so I knew that this would grow for that I researched
  • 00:08:56
    and I invested my money so I knew that their money would get double and exactly that happened
  • 00:09:01
    if 250 rupees price get 500 then it is called double after IPO you can see the price it is 500 Plus so here's
  • 00:09:10
    what I did it was doubled now for this double what did I do I just invested but I got passive
  • 00:09:16
    income because here I had money that is why I invested so what I am doing in that what
  • 00:09:24
    you can do today if I have multiple books the when they are sold the royalty from them
  • 00:09:33
    do I work from them that is again my passive income I have online courses then also what
  • 00:09:39
    is it passive income so in life I have learnt one thing that work actively until you don't
  • 00:09:46
    get passive income you have to make a passive income model when I have invested in multiple
  • 00:09:51
    business model but as a silent partner now silent partner means that even if I am not
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    working those people are working those who are my business partner and if our profits
  • 00:10:01
    coming then I am getting the profits so I am getting the profit as a silent business
  • 00:10:05
    partner again what is this this is passive income so I told you things which practically
  • 00:10:11
    I have done in my life today you are watching this YouTube video this would be running whole
  • 00:10:16
    life on this YouTube ads if you are watching ads on Facebook then also I am getting the
  • 00:10:20
    money Indian passive income so in life I understood one thing that you have to do the work that
  • 00:10:24
    even if I am not doing the work then also I would get the money because if we would
  • 00:10:28
    keep on doing the work we would be tired we need to live the life to fullest then you
  • 00:10:32
    need to build passive income and all the business that I did and from where ever I get the passive
  • 00:10:37
    income there you can see two things that what two things you need for this from money makes money
  • 00:10:45
    is made for real estate investing you need the money for business for stock investment
  • 00:10:49
    you need money but where you don't need money that
  • 00:10:53
    is you need expertise to make videos you need expertise you need to have knowledge and skills
  • 00:10:59
    you need to know how to speak if you have skills then also you can earn money but there
  • 00:11:04
    is one field that I would recommend you through my career there is one field where even if
  • 00:11:11
    you don't have money and even if you don't have expertise then also you can enter when
  • 00:11:16
    in my career starting chose network marketing professional at that time I saw that in this
  • 00:11:22
    profession people don't need a lot of money a lot of expertise so why not here you see
  • 00:11:29
    this as a passive income opportunity once you build up the team that team is multiplying
  • 00:11:36
    and you are getting the turnover and with that turnovers percentage you are getting
  • 00:11:40
    as a passive income so why not to build passive income so why not do you want to build passive
  • 00:11:46
    income if yes then contact the person who has shared this video so that you could start
  • 00:11:54
    understanding passive income and earning along with this if you're in in network marketing
  • 00:11:59
    you use online digital marketing do recruitment you want to make your chatbot lead generation
  • 00:12:08
    to automatic joining process so there is a learning process that I would recommend you
  • 00:12:11
    whose name is the digital marketing revolution right now this course you are getting and
  • 00:12:16
    pre-launch offers for starting 300 participates you will get a pre-launch discount so you
  • 00:12:23
    can get a pre launch discount offer on this course and if you get this course so your
  • 00:12:27
    growth could not be stopped by anyone so what you are required to do just call on this number
  • 00:12:33
    shown on your screen ask that if there are seats in pre-launch offer if yes then join
  • 00:12:38
    and finally, you start to focus on passive income and build passive income as much as
  • 00:12:43
    you want for the details of this course there is a link in in this direction and comment
  • 00:12:48
    box send hi to me I would send you the brochure so just send me a hi and finally share this
  • 00:12:54
    video so that you could teach many people that how to build passive income is so much important
  • revenu passif
  • revenu actif
  • liberté financière
  • investissement immobilier
  • marketing de réseau
  • création de contenu
  • système de génération de revenus
  • formation en ligne
  • diversification
  • compétences financières