Syria Update - 1st December 2024
TLDREn su video si discurra de la situación compleja en Siria, una terra intorpiada in un conflixu intricatatu chi coinvolta diversi attorisi regiunales e internacionales. Venenu illustrados is interessus de dominiu de su território e su risultadu de sa pandeliade subseguente, puru cummentendi subra sa influentzia politica de paeses comente Tzérchìa, Iran e Rùssia, chi giogan totu unu ruolo istratègicu relevantzìa propia proposta. Su discurzu toccat su poderìu politicou, su pitzamientu religiosu, e sa dificultade a giungere a pazu a causa de sa infiltratzione de interessus estrangerusu.
- 🌍 La situazione in Siria è estremamente complessa e coinvolge numerosi attori internazionali.
- 🤔 I ribelli siriani sono visti sotto diverse luci: liberatori, terroristi o pedine di potenze esterne.
- 📉 Il regime di Assad è sostenuto da Iran e Russia, ma affronta critiche sia interne che esterne.
- ⚔️ La Turchia è profondamente coinvolta nel conflitto siriano, principalmente a causa dei curdi.
- 🎭 Gli attori regionali sfruttano le tensioni settarie per i loro scopi politici.
- 🔍 La manipolazione politica è endemica nella regione, con leadership che usano ideologie per mantenere il potere.
- ♟️ Il gioco di potere internazionale rende difficile una risoluzione rapida del conflitto.
- 🇷🇺 La presenza russa, sebbene critica per Assad, è vista come strategicamente onerosa per Mosca.
- ⛓️ Le dinamiche settarie sono aggravate da attori esterni che manipolano radici religiose locali.
- 🔄 Le prospettive di pace sono complicate e richiedono un'analisi attenta dei movimenti geopolitici.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Han analizzato gli eventi in Siria, distinguendo tra i diversi attori coinvolti: ribelli, combattenti per la libertà o terroristi. Critica coloro che credono ciecamente nelle dichiarazioni ufficiali, sottolineando l'arte politica come inganno nelle ultime centinaia di anni.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Riflette sulla percezione errata che i musulmani comuni hanno dei leader politici, confrontando la teoria e la filosofia islamica di governo con la realtà della leadership politica nel mondo occidentale, dove il potere è spesso il fine ultimo.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Discute la lotta per il potere tra varie fazioni, sottolineando che nelle strategie di potere l'obiettivo è consolidare il dominio con ogni mezzo. Cita Machiavelli e paragona l'Islam distorto di Oran con l'originario spirito islamico.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Sottolinea il pericolo di fidarsi ciecamente delle autorità religiose, asserendo che il diavolo utilizza ogni debolezza per creare dubbi spirituali e disorientamento, portando le persone a mettere in discussione le proprie convinzioni fondamentali sulla fede.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Sottolinea che in Siria non si tratta di un movimento spontaneo, ma piuttosto di una rivoluzione pianificata contro l'oppressione del regime di Assad. Parla della divisione settaria creata da forze esterne e della mancanza di un'ideologia strutturata tra i movimenti islamici in Siria.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Descrive le strategie di potere della famiglia al-Assad e dei loro legami con l'intelligence straniera, discutendo le relazioni complicate tra Stati Uniti, Arabia Saudita, Siria e altre nazioni coinvolte nei conflitti in Medio Oriente.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Analizza le motivazioni di vari attori politici, sottolineando il loro desiderio di mantenere il controllo e il potere e discutendo come le relazioni geopolitiche influenzano le mosse delle forze in Siria e altrove.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Discute della complessità politica della situazione siriana e dell'inganno implicato in molte relazioni internazionali, suggerendo che le azioni pubbliche spesso mascherano vere intenzioni segrete dietro le politiche dichiarate.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Esamina l'intervento russo in Siria e la complessità delle sue relazioni con Turchia e altre nazioni. Discute delle conseguenze politiche e militari di tali interventi e strategie.
- 00:45:00 - 00:53:56
Conclude con le osservazioni sull'imprevedibilità degli eventi futuri in Siria e su come le dinamiche geopolitiche possano cambiare rapidamente, inoltre esprime la necessità di prepararsi a risposte razionali e basate sull'analisi dei dati storici.
Qual è la situazione attuale in Siria secondo il video?
La Siria è coinvolta in un conflitto complesso con vari attori regionali e internazionali, ognuno con i propri interessi e obiettivi.
Chi sono i principali attori coinvolti nel conflitto in Siria?
Gli attori principali includono il regime di Assad, vari gruppi ribelli sostenuti da forze esterne, e stati regionali come la Turchia, l'Iran, e la Russia.
Cosa si dice sul ruolo dell'Iran nel conflitto?
L'Iran è accusato di avere una forte influenza nel conflitto, appoggiando il regime di Assad e manipolando le dinamiche settarie.
Come viene descritta l'influenza russa in Siria?
La Russia è descritta come un attore chiave, inizialmente coinvolto per supportare Assad, ma la sua presenza è vista come un peso strategico per Mosca.
Qual è la posizione della Turchia nel contesto siriano?
La Turchia è coinvolta per perseguire i propri interessi, specialmente per quanto riguarda i curdi, giocando un ruolo strategico influenzando i vari conflitti in Siria.
Quali sono le critiche alla leadership politica in Siria?
La critica si focalizza sulla manipolazione delle motivazioni politiche e religiose per mantenere il potere e la divisione tra i vari gruppi.
Come vengono influenzati i ribelli siriani dalle forze esterne?
I ribelli siriani sono visti come veicoli per gli interessi di forze esterne che sfruttano la situazione per destabilizzare ulteriormente il paese.
Cosa si suggerisce che la Turchia stia usando come strategia in Siria?
Si suggerisce che la Turchia stia sfruttando l'opportunità per favorire i propri interessi nazionali e allo stesso tempo gestire la sua relazione complessa con la Russia.
Qual è la situazione del popolo siriano secondo il video?
Il popolo siriano è descritto come intrappolato in un conflitto sottilmente manipolato da leader internazionali che lo utilizzano per i propri fini.
Il video affronta questioni relative alla pace in Siria?
Sì, il video discute le sfide alla pace causate dalle interferenze straniere e dalla complessità delle lotte politiche e settarie.
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- 00:00:00there are certain interesting events
- 00:00:02happening in Syria and people are
- 00:00:04realizing right and left and Center who
- 00:00:07is behind this movement of the so-called
- 00:00:09some people call them Rebel some people
- 00:00:11call Freedom Fighter some people call
- 00:00:13terrorist over thisan obviously this
- 00:00:15proxy and access
- 00:00:18of uh who having many mouthpieces who
- 00:00:21are I think the majority are sincere I
- 00:00:23don't think they sincerity but they are
- 00:00:25again Gible and simple minded why they
- 00:00:28are Gible and simp because they take
- 00:00:30statement of regimes and states and
- 00:00:34certain entities at face value believing
- 00:00:36that what they are saying must be true
- 00:00:39and this is a major mistake why
- 00:00:41especially in the recent 500 years of of
- 00:00:44this of that human life on Earth because
- 00:00:47since M politics has become the art of
- 00:00:50the possible and art of cheating and is
- 00:00:53not they think they still common Muslim
- 00:00:56thinks a leader of a state is supposed
- 00:00:58to be responsible for the country is
- 00:01:00supposed to be caring for the country
- 00:01:01that's the theory that's the Islamic
- 00:01:03Theory and that's the philosophical
- 00:01:04theory of government but that's not the
- 00:01:07reality of politics and leadership in
- 00:01:09the Western World which have infected
- 00:01:11the rest of the world it is not going
- 00:01:14this way it is how to get power and
- 00:01:17cement power what is the purpose of
- 00:01:18power is not relevant because they say
- 00:01:21the prince must be the ruler must be for
- 00:01:23power strengthening the
- 00:01:25power defending anyone attacking his
- 00:01:28power establishing himself with more
- 00:01:30strength that's the purpose who this
- 00:01:32power maybe he satisfied with the power
- 00:01:34maybe he want to serve a certain purpose
- 00:01:36maybe he want to do a crusade or
- 00:01:38Conquest is irrelevant but you have face
- 00:01:40to focus on getting the power with all
- 00:01:42possible
- 00:01:44means and enforce it that's mvan
- 00:01:47politics which is just I think that's
- 00:01:51what Oran believes and applies because
- 00:01:54his understanding of Islam is deficient
- 00:01:55he thinks Islam
- 00:01:57is which is a very mutilated
- 00:02:00defun image of Islam but still can be
- 00:02:03regarded under J headline as Islam in
- 00:02:06comparison to the CER of Europe but
- 00:02:08that's all that's not the IDE Islam not
- 00:02:10even reasonably practical Islam the fact
- 00:02:13that it's F his interational even
- 00:02:16practically successful Islam but that's
- 00:02:19what Alan is thinking
- 00:02:21about so all
- 00:02:23utterances by such people even with what
- 00:02:26you think is an and and
- 00:02:30Muslim and the advisor of supreme
- 00:02:33advisor of the Revolution and Al some I
- 00:02:38remember a good man an academician
- 00:02:41University ofan in higher studies he was
- 00:02:44described as the shadow of Allah on
- 00:02:48Earth and they commented say I think
- 00:02:50he's the he the shadow of the devil on
- 00:02:52Earth and everyone there over there who
- 00:02:55knows me contact me please withraw this
- 00:02:58do something about
- 00:03:00I told them wait wait for a few months
- 00:03:02you will see who is the shadow of the
- 00:03:05devil first there's no
- 00:03:10Shadow
- 00:03:12Quan's least established abud forget
- 00:03:17about that that's the shadow of Allah
- 00:03:19Earth that's
- 00:03:21it that's it that's all way where you
- 00:03:23find Allah on Earth that's
- 00:03:25it that's it no human being except a
- 00:03:29messenger at his time because he's
- 00:03:31unable so you could see he's somehow the
- 00:03:33Shadow or the vi of Allah broadcast on
- 00:03:36Earth that's only but is gone will not
- 00:03:39come something like that
- 00:03:40until it's not going to happen forget
- 00:03:43about
- 00:03:44that but independent even if you believe
- 00:03:48that then you are wrong and the result
- 00:03:50of that you're trusting what this guy
- 00:03:52say because he's Alle the shadow of
- 00:03:53Allah show that you are the and if you
- 00:03:57backfire there is a possibility that
- 00:03:59devil will come you say you see the
- 00:04:00shadow of Allah has betrayed you or
- 00:04:03turned out to be not the shadow of Allah
- 00:04:05maybe your old belief and believe in the
- 00:04:07messenger that the imams is wrong from
- 00:04:09the beginning maybe something is f maybe
- 00:04:11Allah does not exist the devil will come
- 00:04:13and tell you that trust me the devil is
- 00:04:16skiled and he goes from any any any gab
- 00:04:18in your mind or any belief or or any
- 00:04:20point you think the evidence is not that
- 00:04:22compelling he will come and shake it and
- 00:04:25he will start shaking with pereral
- 00:04:26issues and goes to the deeper one until
- 00:04:28he shakes even your belief in what Allah
- 00:04:31has forsaken you are not you are not
- 00:04:33related to Allah yes you are not you
- 00:04:36supped to be Serv Allah you have certain
- 00:04:38commands to excute you do not excuse
- 00:04:40them is not an obligation to support you
- 00:04:43unless you fulfill the
- 00:04:46conditions otherwise you end like the
- 00:04:48Jews now one one Jew it is time for God
- 00:04:52to show some kindness to his own people
- 00:04:55meaning he still think that they are
- 00:04:57Allah God's Own people
- 00:05:01the people you are living in a
- 00:05:03bubble all that has happened to history
- 00:05:06and Exile and so on they still not
- 00:05:08getting it they still getting
- 00:05:11it breaking Covenant and fabricating the
- 00:05:14Covenant had been instituted which has
- 00:05:15not and then another expanation another
- 00:05:18kick in the butt and they not getting we
- 00:05:20are God's Own people now please show
- 00:05:22kindness why are forsaking us wake up we
- 00:05:26go the same with Muslim
- 00:05:28go only those who do the
- 00:05:33commands only those who when they
- 00:05:35establish Earth they establish prayer
- 00:05:38they assistant pay zakat and command
- 00:05:40good and forbid evil account
- 00:05:43holders these are the better of the
- 00:05:45humanity the best of humanity instead
- 00:05:47they can claim they are God's people but
- 00:05:49they are the one most likely the one to
- 00:05:51have support Allah and him standing by
- 00:05:55their
- 00:05:57side okay so philosophy enough as a side
- 00:06:00go back now what's happening in Syria
- 00:06:03is it seems to be this is in preparation
- 00:06:06for a long time definitely it's can
- 00:06:07having that spontaneous that's this
- 00:06:09would be stupid to think that and it
- 00:06:11seems to be this is what the move of
- 00:06:13So-Cal Rebels let's call them the the
- 00:06:16Revolutionary that's they are the
- 00:06:18Revolutionary because they are a
- 00:06:19revolution against asset are they
- 00:06:23penetrated by Foreign forces are the
- 00:06:25Israeli inated maybe maybe that's all
- 00:06:27possible as such and the majority of
- 00:06:30them believe that they are opposing to
- 00:06:31the Assad regime for a for oppression
- 00:06:35Injustice but also maybe because they
- 00:06:37are and could not rule or because they
- 00:06:42are or if you arei Wabi brain dead as is
- 00:06:48expected from Wabi then you think you
- 00:06:49have to find them because the sh
- 00:06:52whatever the motivation they are
- 00:06:53fighting
- 00:06:55because reason they think is a prop
- 00:06:58reason but it's initiated as against the
- 00:07:01operation and the the the the tyranny of
- 00:07:05ha in
- 00:07:072011 that's how it initiated and then
- 00:07:10certain forces in the area they
- 00:07:13succeeded in diverting that into
- 00:07:15sectarianism and things like that and
- 00:07:17compounded that benefiting that the
- 00:07:19common people in
- 00:07:21Syria Unfortunately they are bit
- 00:07:23sectarian and they are simpleminded they
- 00:07:26have not been educated properly because
- 00:07:29Islamic movement the biggest one Muslim
- 00:07:33are not really having any structural
- 00:07:36ideology I'm not not claiming you have
- 00:07:38adopted DET points that will be too
- 00:07:41narrow will not be suff good to attract
- 00:07:43the masses to you but in the fundamental
- 00:07:46points it should be clear what you
- 00:07:49regard as Muslim to Islamic commitment
- 00:07:51as relation to genuine foreign K and
- 00:07:54based on that you deduce mus have never
- 00:07:57developed something unfortunately that's
- 00:07:59very clear like in Iraq for
- 00:08:02example after the invasion of the
- 00:08:05Americans most of them did not find any
- 00:08:08problem in joining the government and
- 00:08:09the American mean they didn't understand
- 00:08:12the meaning of cooperating with the c
- 00:08:15har so we cannot expect these people to
- 00:08:17understand how the the struggle with
- 00:08:19with with with the with the B regime I
- 00:08:23call the
- 00:08:25bime they claim they are because they
- 00:08:27belong to the it's simple mind the sh is
- 00:08:31simp you are buying in the trick of the
- 00:08:33regime regime is using these tools to
- 00:08:36give itself certain cover and now the
- 00:08:40regime is playing the game in some
- 00:08:42cities to EV this telling the Christian
- 00:08:44to get away as if the Christian is an
- 00:08:46issue there as if as if the people will
- 00:08:49Slaughter Christian nobody will touch
- 00:08:50the Christian you will see just wait and
- 00:08:52see take my word
- 00:08:54for they if anyone touches the who claim
- 00:08:57to be Muslim but a or something that's
- 00:08:59that's the nature of sarian
- 00:09:02mindset will not be
- 00:09:04touched we have that even tell you f
- 00:09:07joke in
- 00:09:11time scholar they were traveling with a
- 00:09:14gr of his students on to bagad from
- 00:09:17somewhere inasan or inan these areas and
- 00:09:21then along the way they follow safe
- 00:09:23roads but obviously they were at that
- 00:09:26time especially the people of and others
- 00:09:29raing the rad from time to time this
- 00:09:32quite well protected so they saw in the
- 00:09:34Horizon some coming said I think these
- 00:09:35are don't talk pretend you don't know
- 00:09:39Arabic I know the most people ham or
- 00:09:43something let me talk and then when they
- 00:09:46came say who are you because they test
- 00:09:48the people are you with Ali or om that's
- 00:09:52say we are people of the book we
- 00:09:54Christian and we are invited to bdad for
- 00:09:56a debate and things like that and we are
- 00:09:59afraid we he that there's some Highway
- 00:10:02robber and some other sexs fighting and
- 00:10:05so on uh we don't know how to get
- 00:10:08protection but you are Muslim you belong
- 00:10:11to this country says so you are obliged
- 00:10:13according to the Ayah in the Quran if a
- 00:10:15mus ask you for for for protection give
- 00:10:18him Protection security so you are
- 00:10:21obliged according to your Quran to give
- 00:10:23us protection and accomp US Toad and
- 00:10:26then you get we have already arrangement
- 00:10:28to do so okay they give him protection
- 00:10:31until
- 00:10:34bad it's not that they did the wrong
- 00:10:36thing there but the way knew their
- 00:10:39mentality if he said we are
- 00:10:41Muslims they deserve protection Because
- 00:10:44unless they say and Ali are both or
- 00:10:47something like that or Theif in is a or
- 00:10:50something otherwise your neck is
- 00:10:53struck see how how your mindset and
- 00:10:57looking to the reality can twist your
- 00:10:58behavior
- 00:11:00completely now that they give them
- 00:11:02company they show that they respect the
- 00:11:03Quran they have the Quran the command of
- 00:11:06Allah they did not understand they read
- 00:11:09the Quran but they don't digest it don't
- 00:11:11understand properly it doesn't go to the
- 00:11:12to the chest to the place of knowledge
- 00:11:14that's the
- 00:11:16mean but then back to so what we have is
- 00:11:19this situation the majority in there one
- 00:11:22time another we have those who believe
- 00:11:26inan following and so on but they are
- 00:11:29like donkeys they read the Quran without
- 00:11:31digesting it and these a very good a
- 00:11:35very good group of people for tyrant
- 00:11:38like Saudi Arabia and Emirates and to
- 00:11:40hijack for the why didn't Saudi Arabia
- 00:11:42hijack at the time many people say
- 00:11:45because motivated by the CIA and so on
- 00:11:47to to to bash and so on because of
- 00:11:50Revolution no no that's
- 00:11:53not they hijacked that to get direct in
- 00:11:56Direction which make the revolution
- 00:11:58fails
- 00:11:59look at Saudi Arabia for examp how many
- 00:12:02of you know that that that the family of
- 00:12:04Al Assad have deep relation with the
- 00:12:07wing of theic British Wing especially
- 00:12:12abdah is married to the sister of the
- 00:12:14wife
- 00:12:18of deeply
- 00:12:20penetrating so how come that Saudi
- 00:12:22Arabia is supporting some salafi groups
- 00:12:25and so who came forward and so because
- 00:12:28they recognized most likely discussion
- 00:12:31with with with and
- 00:12:33also became hostile to the Americans he
- 00:12:36was convinced the American want to mean
- 00:12:39the military complex not the oligarchic
- 00:12:42section but he Iden sophisticated enough
- 00:12:45to go difference but he believed Britain
- 00:12:47and France are the friends America is d
- 00:12:49That's knife and he said that in to to
- 00:12:52Universal Pro we're discussing with him
- 00:12:54various issues America want to destroy
- 00:12:56us we have to we have to confront him
- 00:13:00everywhere I did not cooperate with any
- 00:13:02American investigation against the
- 00:13:03bombing over so and he blocked
- 00:13:05everything until the
- 00:13:0711 11 September 11 then he was forced
- 00:13:11under the huge pressure and the fear of
- 00:13:13the American punishment and so on a
- 00:13:15little bit
- 00:13:18comate most likely ABD we have to escape
- 00:13:21now then I is that our NE has play the
- 00:13:24anyway when that happened most like
- 00:13:26there were a communication through the
- 00:13:27usual back channels possibly with
- 00:13:29isation
- 00:13:31between
- 00:13:34and Wing abdah ABD say the forces
- 00:13:39against us are enormous and the people
- 00:13:41are taking encouragement from what
- 00:13:43happened in Egypt or happened in Libya
- 00:13:45what's going on in
- 00:13:47Libya how you can help the only thing we
- 00:13:49can help we know there are some donkeys
- 00:13:51called salafi we can ride them like
- 00:13:52donkeys we have ridden them now for 300
- 00:13:54years we can write them and move them
- 00:13:59to confront you under the banner these
- 00:14:01are Shia these arei and they have to
- 00:14:04attack the graves and they have to
- 00:14:05attack the Shia then things will
- 00:14:10go and his Co and the old God they said
- 00:14:13great idea we this will be also good
- 00:14:16then we tell the Iranian look they are
- 00:14:18against the Shia they're slaughtering
- 00:14:19the Shia and they demolishing the graves
- 00:14:22of the IM we have to protect the graves
- 00:14:24of the for
- 00:14:27S that's it I'm making
- 00:14:29Mak it like a joke but that's what
- 00:14:31that's essentially what has happened it
- 00:14:33has been discussed more sophisticated
- 00:14:35than that no we know that but I'm
- 00:14:37giving this way we help you so that's
- 00:14:40not that they there to to they went
- 00:14:43there to toble the revolution diverted
- 00:14:45and destroy it and they did that also in
- 00:14:47Egypt if you think
- 00:14:52that and so on are because they are back
- 00:14:56and the Agents that they are simple
- 00:14:58minded and we come to matter of power
- 00:15:00and how to buy and sell people and how
- 00:15:03to grab power and is all Filthy fix to
- 00:15:06get power then you are gely mistaken
- 00:15:08they are master in this area maybe they
- 00:15:10are more Master than their American and
- 00:15:12British Masters especially the American
- 00:15:14Master they have such huge musle nuclear
- 00:15:17muscle they can't take Liberties and
- 00:15:19behaving like stupid cows the British
- 00:15:22less than that they are more cunning but
- 00:15:24these
- 00:15:26rulers they have a special nose and and
- 00:15:29for
- 00:15:31power they recognize where is the power
- 00:15:33and how to play the game and they are
- 00:15:36satanic they don't hesitate to abuse
- 00:15:38everything to sell even their own
- 00:15:41mothers no family of is Grand aunties or
- 00:15:46aunties using the soft power of the
- 00:15:49thing no need to men the name
- 00:15:53again keep that in mind then you will
- 00:15:55analysis will be correct whatever small
- 00:15:57mistakes here and there the General
- 00:15:59headline be clear so based on that then
- 00:16:02the regime enforced itself was able to
- 00:16:07to to move various faction against other
- 00:16:09so they fighting against more than
- 00:16:11against the regime and then the regime
- 00:16:13inflame things more like the the Iranian
- 00:16:17intelligence I think behind the M behind
- 00:16:21the mid most likely I don't think the
- 00:16:22mid that they penetrated some some some
- 00:16:27soal not
- 00:16:29and so on penetrate them and move them
- 00:16:31to bomb
- 00:16:33the the IM shes in in s and there very
- 00:16:37good information that minister of
- 00:16:40interior at that time I don't remember
- 00:16:42his name is behind that what's the
- 00:16:44purose what's the pur of that these
- 00:16:46people these s people like bah wing and
- 00:16:49Iran and so on they don't care about
- 00:16:51anything like that if you bom the
- 00:16:54shrines you can declare all of these
- 00:16:57anti-American forces all of are fighting
- 00:16:59the American presidents and fighting
- 00:17:01also the Iranian presidents they want to
- 00:17:03demolish shis and demolish so he move
- 00:17:06the Shia in in Iraq against them not
- 00:17:09only that tell the sh you will be
- 00:17:11slaughtered by them the only protection
- 00:17:14you have from whom from us Iran because
- 00:17:16the Shia in Iraq they don't like Iran
- 00:17:18they don't accept Iranian leadership but
- 00:17:20they this way they force them in their
- 00:17:23Embrace using tools like that no
- 00:17:26problem we are dealing with people of
- 00:17:29satanic background people who take
- 00:17:32Liberty in
- 00:17:34Bloodshed in honor in cor
- 00:17:38everything if you put that as a rule
- 00:17:40this kind of rule we have with few
- 00:17:42exception maybe some mash and so on they
- 00:17:44got hearted but simple-minded maybe but
- 00:17:46the overwhelming majority are just sell
- 00:17:49out Stater and
- 00:17:50parant then your anal will be correct
- 00:17:53that's how it started and then it will
- 00:17:55became then a civil war everyone killing
- 00:17:57each one and soone got busy with each
- 00:17:59other but slowly some reasonable
- 00:18:02Movement Like Ed and we advising them we
- 00:18:04have a daily broadcast at the time we're
- 00:18:07discussing with them advising them they
- 00:18:08were listening
- 00:18:10partly but they are also again coming
- 00:18:12from the belly of Muslim Brotherhood and
- 00:18:14so on and the only movement which could
- 00:18:16have that some reasonable contribution
- 00:18:18if they came in Unfortunately they were
- 00:18:20just opening their mouth not knowing to
- 00:18:22do that did not come forward all they
- 00:18:25did from time to time to have a
- 00:18:26demonstration in or something with a
- 00:18:29banner of that's all what they have they
- 00:18:31were not able to do anything
- 00:18:32unfortunately even when D came and we
- 00:18:35wared everyone is nothing than an a
- 00:18:39foreign or apparent protrusion or anex
- 00:18:43of the Syrian party intelligence yeah
- 00:18:47believe it or not we are following them
- 00:18:49since the establishment Iraq the
- 00:18:52establish through z a man who is
- 00:18:54mentally dered we knew that later at
- 00:18:57that time there was some doubt we have
- 00:18:59that doubt but not to strong level not
- 00:19:01sufficient strong level should make us
- 00:19:03immune from from advising him and
- 00:19:06cooperating with him in general
- 00:19:07philosophical sense is that he came from
- 00:19:11the prisons with Mak and you know Mak is
- 00:19:13a is a simple minded man and Jord
- 00:19:17intelligence which the one of the most
- 00:19:18sophisticated intelligence much more
- 00:19:21sophisticated why because it's built and
- 00:19:24structured and trained by whom by
- 00:19:26MI6 one of the oldest and most vicious
- 00:19:29organization in the world so this there
- 00:19:32was a question mark about him and at
- 00:19:34this organization penetrated by these
- 00:19:36guys
- 00:19:38when when he took leadership in the
- 00:19:41resistance and so
- 00:19:42on then by remot most
- 00:19:45likely he was advised he will never be
- 00:19:49able to get leadership and do whatever
- 00:19:52you have in your mind except if you
- 00:19:55swear allegiance to AQ so he forced
- 00:19:57himself in the to change his name from
- 00:20:00and J that not the name and
- 00:20:03J titles
- 00:20:06to in country of
- 00:20:08RA made the major BL to accept that they
- 00:20:11didn't accept say yes publicly but they
- 00:20:14didn't object so everyone assum that
- 00:20:16they they join the they member of the
- 00:20:19they were never member of and the Never
- 00:20:21accepted them wholeheartedly but they
- 00:20:23did not dare at that time again looking
- 00:20:26at benefit and harm and increasing very
- 00:20:29the the
- 00:20:30satanic the TR of Satan they should have
- 00:20:34at that time and I was able to go
- 00:20:37through CH and give them a communication
- 00:20:38that this will be a death trap you have
- 00:20:40to denounce these people and we stick to
- 00:20:43this and these principle otherwise we
- 00:20:44will have nothing to do with you they
- 00:20:46don't do it because they don't want to
- 00:20:47split the camp of the they want to
- 00:20:52split and that was a catastrophe
- 00:20:55soon the syrial intelligence started
- 00:20:58penetrating with via the savak and Iran
- 00:21:01intelligence and also the B the Iraqi B
- 00:21:04usually more simpleminded and more low
- 00:21:07level of intelligence than the Syrian
- 00:21:09one tried to penetrate but the main
- 00:21:11penetration was the the Iranian and the
- 00:21:13Syrian intellig and they diverted them
- 00:21:16to fight against Shia fight against this
- 00:21:18fight against Tri sh ultimately fight
- 00:21:22against everyone except against the Real
- 00:21:24Enemy the invading C Army
- 00:21:28and this
- 00:21:29government with the result you have seen
- 00:21:32then they added ins to in by
- 00:21:33establishing Islamic State of
- 00:21:38Iraq and
- 00:21:40then they encroached on on
- 00:21:43Syria when the Revolution was there
- 00:21:46motivated and pushed to that direction
- 00:21:48by by the Syrian
- 00:21:51intelligence they sent first Jani and
- 00:21:54his grou
- 00:21:55and and then the themselves they went
- 00:21:58there Jani rebell did not we don't know
- 00:22:01what his motivation is it a matter of
- 00:22:02power or recognize these people are not
- 00:22:04sincere there's a question big two three
- 00:22:07the big question mark about jilani the
- 00:22:10main problem with him at the time is
- 00:22:11clear to my statement that what he says
- 00:22:13is that he's aab background he will
- 00:22:16never have the revolution with but at
- 00:22:18least he confronted Das and we advised
- 00:22:20everyone
- 00:22:22especially at that time just
- 00:22:25quickly don't accept Das
- 00:22:28don't let them have control at any point
- 00:22:31they take control of any point extend
- 00:22:33them with the sord and then the whole
- 00:22:35world erupted har but mostly M and
- 00:22:38British agent in London living from the
- 00:22:41money of the queen of the queen money of
- 00:22:44the
- 00:22:45queen attacks the mujah and ask to shed
- 00:22:48their blood don't listen to this agent
- 00:22:51this traitor this sell
- 00:22:53out and they took point after point the
- 00:22:55moment they take a point they slau to
- 00:22:58and they say oh that was a mistake some
- 00:22:59people in the field they made a mistake
- 00:23:01they are stupid let us sit in a in a in
- 00:23:04a in a in a med mediation group and then
- 00:23:08they postponing the mediation for
- 00:23:09several months until they take another
- 00:23:11points and so on until it become very
- 00:23:13obvious but it was too late they
- 00:23:14controlled everything and started
- 00:23:18slaughtering barely fighting against
- 00:23:21against the regime forces it was clear
- 00:23:24that they came in to finish the
- 00:23:26revolution which was about to Ed despite
- 00:23:29of all the Sai imati andaran Chief and
- 00:23:34they give the death
- 00:23:36stroke to to Revolution pushed it back
- 00:23:40now the almost 10 years and hiding and
- 00:23:43so on and later on then the Turkish came
- 00:23:47online motivated by their own interest
- 00:23:49and so on and uh playing games because
- 00:23:53Oran is a master is a master mavian
- 00:23:58is he a Muslim in the first place maybe
- 00:24:01but a Muslim ofman
- 00:24:05persuasion Turkish persuasion with a
- 00:24:07mutilated vision of Islam and also his
- 00:24:09vision about power and is essentially
- 00:24:12the vision of an authoritarian that's
- 00:24:14not an Islamic Vision although he gained
- 00:24:17power through election and so on but
- 00:24:18still his mindset is like the the the
- 00:24:21Turks Orman power and using the sword
- 00:24:25that's not the way Islamic governments
- 00:24:26were and it will never produce and a you
- 00:24:29civilization and but anyway is better
- 00:24:31than theor one in that sense in that
- 00:24:34sense and maybe Allah is using him as a
- 00:24:36tool for for for one step forward and
- 00:24:40he's maybe the suitable tool that he
- 00:24:42offered himself a tool for that and
- 00:24:44Allah is at Liberty to use any tool he
- 00:24:46wants we are not at Liberty to use he is
- 00:24:49at Liberty he's
- 00:24:50the and that's
- 00:24:54what I'm saying this Allah support
- 00:24:57ReliOn with the Rebellion old the
- 00:24:59transgressive
- 00:25:00man commenting on man's killing four at
- 00:25:04of theer
- 00:25:06of which is a devastating strike to
- 00:25:09poish and he was dying the sah came
- 00:25:12congratulating him that he's going to
- 00:25:13Paradise he Paradise Paradise May
- 00:25:17Paradise of of Wheat and grass there no
- 00:25:19Paradise I was fighting for the honor of
- 00:25:21my
- 00:25:23people so his father he's not a Believer
- 00:25:26then we he does expect anything from
- 00:25:31Allah but his action was support for the
- 00:25:34de of Allah that's the way Allah works
- 00:25:36in the universe does not mean that we go
- 00:25:38and get aan and fight under his or
- 00:25:41something no does not allow that no
- 00:25:44Allah can't do that by his subtle and
- 00:25:48penetrating control of the universe
- 00:25:50that's for him he's the S he's the owner
- 00:25:52we are the slaves we have to oby the
- 00:25:55command not play Allah it's not the way
- 00:25:59it works doesn't work this
- 00:26:01way we are obliged to follow the
- 00:26:04commands no more no less that's
- 00:26:08it so it seems to be this movement now
- 00:26:11is odan he prepared for that for a long
- 00:26:13time he recognize that that the Kurdish
- 00:26:17are dangerous for the for the Turkish
- 00:26:20State whatever state concept he has in
- 00:26:22his mind a national state Orman state or
- 00:26:25Islamic State whatever it is they are
- 00:26:27dangerous right part of the danger
- 00:26:29because the way are treated by the Tani
- 00:26:32and by the at G is a nationalistic
- 00:26:34racist way it could have resulted if he
- 00:26:37would go back to Islam and get invite
- 00:26:39International Conference of the Muslim
- 00:26:41thinker to offer the solution how to
- 00:26:43deal with minorities with races and so
- 00:26:45on he would got a good Islamic solution
- 00:26:48which have marinized the Communist and
- 00:26:49the leftist and theist and so on from
- 00:26:52that and then the majority would be with
- 00:26:53him of the Turks he could have done that
- 00:26:56but he didn't do it because he's I don't
- 00:26:57think he's having the capacity mental
- 00:26:59capacity to do that or the WN that but
- 00:27:01independent they are now definitely an
- 00:27:04and they want to reach that the sea the
- 00:27:07Mediterranean and they want to separate
- 00:27:09turkey from from Syria and they for this
- 00:27:11they are cooperating to the utmost
- 00:27:12extreme with the
- 00:27:14isra and also the so called Syrian
- 00:27:17Democratic forces is thef they are
- 00:27:19clearly with America and the American
- 00:27:21supporting their military operation and
- 00:27:23even doing air raid synchronizing their
- 00:27:26command and control with them doing a to
- 00:27:28support their action and these guys
- 00:27:30notice this point
- 00:27:32SDF announced that they will be with the
- 00:27:34regime against the so-call
- 00:27:36terrorists and they tried to take the
- 00:27:39airport of Hal but they were fa pushed
- 00:27:41away does not mean they pushed away they
- 00:27:42would go forever no they would try to
- 00:27:44come back and forth the Americans supp
- 00:27:47this this invite us to say how come that
- 00:27:50these guys are are announcing publicly
- 00:27:54and interfering in support of the Assad
- 00:27:57regime there must be something fishy how
- 00:28:00come the American are now suddenly
- 00:28:02showing another face toward the regime
- 00:28:03dictated by necessity
- 00:28:05obvious keep that in mind this
- 00:28:08point and keep other points in mind
- 00:28:12anyway these revolutionary or the bells
- 00:28:15or whatever you call them they were s
- 00:28:17they were very successful in in sweeping
- 00:28:20halab and now they are near Hama maybe
- 00:28:23they have only taken hamama now and they
- 00:28:25seem storm one things which help with
- 00:28:27the storming seems to be that inside
- 00:28:29Damascus there was a dispute between the
- 00:28:31Army and the soal Republican Gods I mean
- 00:28:35the Army is theoretically part of the
- 00:28:38army but a certain division allocated to
- 00:28:41guard the president the Republic is
- 00:28:43headed by Mah think the brother of
- 00:28:47Bashar obviously he he's from the gang
- 00:28:51not from the old God from the new God
- 00:28:54the new promising generation which is
- 00:28:56supposed to take power and the rest of
- 00:28:58Army have recognized that things are
- 00:29:01getting out of control the regime may be
- 00:29:04collapsing and then we lose lose all our
- 00:29:06privileges who lose what we have
- 00:29:07achieved in power because most of them
- 00:29:09are again the essential functions and
- 00:29:12command position is the hand of
- 00:29:14no cath
- 00:29:16C but they were able to get big roots in
- 00:29:20the society and the state the guys are
- 00:29:23there for now 50 years almost 40 years
- 00:29:25at least since the 80 no since the 70
- 00:29:29but since 80 they absolute power so in
- 00:29:33that the whole states you do everything
- 00:29:36you own and you have the shape this the
- 00:29:38whole state and the administration so
- 00:29:40called Deep State Administration you can
- 00:29:42shape them in New Image and they that's
- 00:29:44what they did so we have that but Pasar
- 00:29:47is unable people are moving against
- 00:29:50Pasar and operation if we remove him
- 00:29:53take matter in our hand then we can
- 00:29:56negotiate with the something and make
- 00:29:58like a join for that we Join the
- 00:30:00Revolution late but better late than
- 00:30:03never and then make some kind of a
- 00:30:05coalition so we can keep having the
- 00:30:07power keep our fingers in the belly of
- 00:30:09the of the beast called Syrian State and
- 00:30:14these are newcomer whatever power they
- 00:30:16share in in ministers and things like
- 00:30:19that no problem we know how to so that's
- 00:30:22most like most likely the motivation
- 00:30:24some people say maybe they are motivated
- 00:30:25by is no why is should motivate Asad
- 00:30:28isra M wake up to this reality don't be
- 00:30:32fooled by resistance front and all these
- 00:30:34blah blah blah blah if if Assad has
- 00:30:37anything to do with genuinely with this
- 00:30:39except using its name and using the open
- 00:30:42Channel between Iran
- 00:30:45and to give him credential that he's of
- 00:30:47resistance if that said then the has
- 00:30:51shown that did he fire even one
- 00:30:55bullet did even one one one uh one drone
- 00:30:59came from Syria did any action came from
- 00:31:02Syria and Sy regime oh he's only say I
- 00:31:05am busy with this Rebellion I have to
- 00:31:07control otherwise we lose and they will
- 00:31:09take over such excuse reason to say you
- 00:31:13still should have being able to attack
- 00:31:15some say was attacking what were they
- 00:31:17attacking attacking Iran revolutionary
- 00:31:21God were attacking Iranian Embassy
- 00:31:23facility
- 00:31:25attacking facilties and so on but they
- 00:31:27were barely touching Assad and his
- 00:31:30regime look at that more carefully to
- 00:31:33analyze so my I don't think the people
- 00:31:37behind the Cuda it failed by the way it
- 00:31:38seems to be failed now that these people
- 00:31:42are are motivated by by no they're
- 00:31:45motivated most likely by self interest
- 00:31:47we have to save
- 00:31:48ourselves and power and whatever
- 00:31:51longterm agenda if they have have any
- 00:31:54except just enjoying power and wealth
- 00:31:56and control just aan
- 00:31:58like EXA Egyptian Army the egyp Army
- 00:32:00took make Alle to liberate Palestine
- 00:32:04Alle to liberate the the Egyptian people
- 00:32:07from British Alle to naiz and at least
- 00:32:11after ABD they showed their face they
- 00:32:13want just to join power and control
- 00:32:15every M now they only 60% of the economy
- 00:32:18they become Feud the Lords over the wor
- 00:32:21side military f f Lords that's it and
- 00:32:26all their interest is to keep themselves
- 00:32:28power for that they sacrific Palestine
- 00:32:31and think because there's an American
- 00:32:33couple of billions coming year and going
- 00:32:38there that's it it's s perpetuating
- 00:32:40institution what Max say the ultimate
- 00:32:44bureaucrat he imagine the building of
- 00:32:46bureaucracy it's orig established for
- 00:32:49example to to study let's say to to to
- 00:32:52make Roary pass and then that
- 00:32:56Administration needs a Department of
- 00:32:58salaries and
- 00:33:00for becomes bigger then another
- 00:33:02department of inspection for all these
- 00:33:04two and another department for this and
- 00:33:07then at the end it becomes such a big
- 00:33:08building it's on one building imagining
- 00:33:11that
- 00:33:12doesn't at
- 00:33:14ultimately the original function of this
- 00:33:17part that that original part was just
- 00:33:19just doing the the the repairs and
- 00:33:23Street repairs shrinks until becomes
- 00:33:25completely ineffective doesn't do
- 00:33:27anything and the whole body is
- 00:33:29demonstrating itself someone doing the
- 00:33:31account for the others other doing the
- 00:33:32account for this and so is a closest
- 00:33:34society and this is then called the
- 00:33:36ultimate bureaucrat is managing itself
- 00:33:39managing nothing
- 00:33:40else that's Max ultimate
- 00:33:43bureaucrat that's the Egyptian Army
- 00:33:47now and similarly most likely the the
- 00:33:49Syrian Army is on the way or maybe
- 00:33:52already there so they doing for self
- 00:33:54interest most likly some people say
- 00:33:56Russian behind that I don't know the
- 00:33:58Russian situation there is very obscure
- 00:34:00yes they did some a strike against some
- 00:34:02some called Rebels few and far between I
- 00:34:06don't think they do see but recently
- 00:34:08there's certain strange phenomena one
- 00:34:10strange Phenom phenomenon is
- 00:34:15that recently now not not very just now
- 00:34:19these few days they removed the
- 00:34:21commander of the the forces of Russia
- 00:34:24from his
- 00:34:25post claiming that he failed to to do
- 00:34:27his duty and think that and he's called
- 00:34:29back to Moscow for the
- 00:34:32briefing that's what was announced but
- 00:34:35as we said all current R in the world
- 00:34:37are from the school of MAV is not from
- 00:34:40the school of Christ or M no no no they
- 00:34:43don't announce what they really me they
- 00:34:46announce what they want you to think to
- 00:34:48take you for a
- 00:34:51ride so I may have various speculation
- 00:34:54one of it is that
- 00:34:58he failed because he not get an
- 00:35:00instruction most like he communicated
- 00:35:02they are moving should we should I bom
- 00:35:03say no don't bomb let us see what we
- 00:35:06have Bashar here in in in Russia we
- 00:35:08discussing with him wait until you make
- 00:35:10a decision and then after that they
- 00:35:12announced that he failed to do his duty
- 00:35:13and called him debrief him debrief him
- 00:35:16is really just to put him somewhere and
- 00:35:19some people commented that the
- 00:35:20commanding position syia is just a place
- 00:35:22where they put failing commander of
- 00:35:24Ukraine there just so they have a salary
- 00:35:27if that's true see it's true meaning
- 00:35:30that the commander of the Syrian power
- 00:35:32army is just like a honorary position to
- 00:35:34get a Sal it has no real function it's
- 00:35:36just for for for show for parade and
- 00:35:39things like that that's it that's are
- 00:35:41here that's all it has no real function
- 00:35:43so they don't put the best generals
- 00:35:45there no way either way I think this is
- 00:35:48all fake I think he may have been
- 00:35:51ordered by Putin just stand stand back
- 00:35:55we don't want to get involved more with
- 00:35:57weol now because our past involvement
- 00:36:00tend out to be bad for
- 00:36:02us and genuinely like that let me tell
- 00:36:04you why I there may possibility I
- 00:36:07imagine the following has happened
- 00:36:09that's only imagination it may have
- 00:36:11happened this way because I cannot make
- 00:36:13it be behind behind Oran and Putin to be
- 00:36:17as mischievous and can as that
- 00:36:20Oran want to control t or control it at
- 00:36:24least the to get to Damascus and they
- 00:36:27will depend for him for many
- 00:36:29years good for whatever for Islam for
- 00:36:33the devil for turkey National don't
- 00:36:37care okay but the presence of Russia
- 00:36:41there is a problem you have to fight the
- 00:36:43Russian and this is dangerous issue we
- 00:36:46are member of NATO and you have a
- 00:36:49complicated relation with Russia so he
- 00:36:52waited until Russia needed recently
- 00:36:55Russia decided we have to settle the
- 00:36:57issue is nowhere to go and the best way
- 00:36:59to settle is to have a landing
- 00:37:02operation in Odessa take Odessa then
- 00:37:05Ukraine is landlocked not only the
- 00:37:08landlocked now in the long run they
- 00:37:10barely survivable but what most
- 00:37:12importantly most weapon deliveries
- 00:37:15massive wom deliveries are coming
- 00:37:16through the Black Sea ples and bring a
- 00:37:19little bit trains bring some from Europe
- 00:37:21yes but who cannot compare 100 trains
- 00:37:25with with one ship one country
- 00:37:29it's massive the
- 00:37:31real huge tube flowing with equipment
- 00:37:35and facilities and is coming from the
- 00:37:38sea
- 00:37:41Whata so what to do occupy Odessa and
- 00:37:44shielded so the the ships of the NATO
- 00:37:47and the other countries America cannot
- 00:37:49come because you are occupying there and
- 00:37:52if they come to the through the national
- 00:37:54Waters you can attack them and bomb them
- 00:37:59blow unless they go directly to war and
- 00:38:02then they will be
- 00:38:03smashed so he want to Center the the the
- 00:38:07fleet in in the Black Sea is not good
- 00:38:11enough for that it didn't have Landing
- 00:38:12operation but the fleet in the Baltic of
- 00:38:15considerable Landing ships and
- 00:38:16Facilities ready to go if necessary so
- 00:38:19he asked he wanted to ask or even send
- 00:38:22the ships hoping that they can through
- 00:38:23the or they answer no they will not go
- 00:38:25through because you know for the
- 00:38:27Bosphorus is under the Turkish
- 00:38:30sovereignity they can't civilian ship
- 00:38:33yes they are not allowed exp certain
- 00:38:34condition but military ships of any
- 00:38:36Nations except the Turkish one are not
- 00:38:39allowed to go through without explicit
- 00:38:42permission from Turkey that's a big part
- 00:38:43of the loan agreement a century
- 00:38:47ago I guess now thatan told him him May
- 00:38:52for L I would love that you take with
- 00:38:55this s
- 00:38:57SM the NATO but please get out of Syria
- 00:39:02let me do my business there what do you
- 00:39:04need in Syria it's a danger for
- 00:39:06you sucked you in a swamp you're in a
- 00:39:09swamp bear you're was your what they
- 00:39:11doing there for God's sake maybe
- 00:39:14initially in
- 00:39:1520154 the the habad
- 00:39:18Lich oligarchy which is extremely zionis
- 00:39:21had major influence in Russia and and
- 00:39:24Putin needed to comply with their
- 00:39:26demands at we did it maybe to support
- 00:39:28aide because you know and I know that
- 00:39:31that Assad is pro is we know that we
- 00:39:33don't need we know we know the
- 00:39:35background we know that but now you are
- 00:39:38an enemy of the habish and the Zionist
- 00:39:41who are trying to undermine you bring
- 00:39:43you down and defeat you in your pain you
- 00:39:44know that so why are staying there for
- 00:39:47God's sake just move gently maybe if
- 00:39:52necessarily accuse the general there
- 00:39:54that he's
- 00:39:55inefficient order him not to interfere
- 00:39:57because he's inefficient and take him
- 00:39:59and then slowly get
- 00:40:00out and they do my business there and
- 00:40:02you do business in did it have like that
- 00:40:06I would have done that if I were Oran as
- 00:40:08a opportunistic no it doesn't need to be
- 00:40:11opportunistic if even if I leader of
- 00:40:13turkey and I think that my Islamic Duty
- 00:40:16oiz me to help in Syria and the problem
- 00:40:19with the Russian is the real problem I
- 00:40:20would manage it this
- 00:40:22way you go there I'll give you that I
- 00:40:24give you leway that's all do I not fight
- 00:40:27with you you don't fight with me but
- 00:40:29just leave that area and they leave you
- 00:40:32that
- 00:40:33area if that happened this means that
- 00:40:37arogan is a master of of constructing
- 00:40:41intrigues and so on and if that
- 00:40:45happened will the regime will be
- 00:40:47collapsing quite soon in a few days
- 00:40:50because without the Russ Russian
- 00:40:51Boogyman bear sitting there terrifying
- 00:40:53everyone have L protection Iran can very
- 00:40:57much Iran has shot itself in the feet
- 00:41:00all the police is that playing games and
- 00:41:02so on if it was playing game or the
- 00:41:04previous if they were sincere but they
- 00:41:06coward they coward this they have to pay
- 00:41:08the price now
- 00:41:09for if you enter in such such a
- 00:41:12confrontation with major Powers with the
- 00:41:14Zionist structure all over the world
- 00:41:17with the with with the people who love
- 00:41:18Supernatural things with the fil with
- 00:41:21the Antichrist and you have to be up to
- 00:41:23the standard or just go I'm not up to
- 00:41:26the standard now me build my country
- 00:41:28don't involve me don't want to cheat you
- 00:41:31right you that's the way to go not this
- 00:41:33way whatever it is if that happened for
- 00:41:37would be a master
- 00:41:38stroke but is completely Justified to do
- 00:41:41that it would be stupid to say actually
- 00:41:43it was stupid from day one when invited
- 00:41:47to but he played on the feeling first
- 00:41:50all he
- 00:41:52pretended the Socialist Arab Revival
- 00:41:55party socialist the played on the
- 00:41:57emotion that we are socialist essenti
- 00:42:00maybe you're not communist and socialist
- 00:42:02so from your Camp ideologically secondly
- 00:42:05you have to have a Bas in the
- 00:42:07Mediterranean
- 00:42:08inia for the and the Russ at the time
- 00:42:12being feeling under siege with with the
- 00:42:15American they thought having a B in the
- 00:42:17mediterran is a good idea so that at
- 00:42:19least bit of the SI is broken actually
- 00:42:22it was a bad idea at that time because
- 00:42:24that base in will be taken up to 5
- 00:42:26minutes by
- 00:42:28it's
- 00:42:28useless the dominance in the in the
- 00:42:31Mediterranean absolute dominance is for
- 00:42:33NATO until now it may be removed but
- 00:42:36it's no it's a it's a Roman it is a
- 00:42:39European uh European American sea for
- 00:42:43the time being they will take you your
- 00:42:46forces are better off in the Baltic or
- 00:42:49or in in the Black Sea not here but the
- 00:42:53Russian involved in in the ' 80s being
- 00:42:56feeling under decision of the American
- 00:42:58encircled having problems everywhere
- 00:43:01struggling in Afghanistan and so they
- 00:43:04thought this is a good idea so he got
- 00:43:06them in the swamp of Syria this way no
- 00:43:08cost to him he's getting some protection
- 00:43:11getting the Russian had are obliged to
- 00:43:14defend and help doing this doing that
- 00:43:16and he's paying nothing but he may be
- 00:43:18getting money may be getting a rental
- 00:43:20for the
- 00:43:21this so it's not good for Russia this
- 00:43:23space not for the Soviet Union even but
- 00:43:25leave theion there another World another
- 00:43:28situation another mentality but now for
- 00:43:30Russia is absolutely useless it's a
- 00:43:32danger for
- 00:43:34Russia but does Putin see that and act
- 00:43:37accordingly I think so because he's now
- 00:43:39busy def defending Mother Russia itself
- 00:43:43you know that the the NATO wants to
- 00:43:45penetrate Mother Russia destroy it take
- 00:43:47all resources take what they call gas
- 00:43:50station
- 00:43:51fors and enslave the the slavish people
- 00:43:54for them the slav people are slaves
- 00:43:56slaves
- 00:43:58that's it to arant the West European
- 00:44:01they look down on the SLS as second
- 00:44:03class human beings so he should focus on
- 00:44:06that and focus on UK and get out of
- 00:44:09Syria I'm just
- 00:44:11speculating if if Putin will ask me he
- 00:44:13would never ask obviously of advice I
- 00:44:15advise him to do that but make a deal
- 00:44:17with what for what you do whatever you
- 00:44:19want but let me let me pass with my
- 00:44:22ships and make a landing in and take O
- 00:44:24thisa then
- 00:44:27the NATO can do whatever they want the
- 00:44:29only thing they can do to prevent that
- 00:44:30is go to nuclear war and this they will
- 00:44:32never startop
- 00:44:34that they are increasing now and trying
- 00:44:36knowing that Russia will not start a
- 00:44:38nuclear war because devastating everyone
- 00:44:40and knowing that they have sufficient
- 00:44:41nuclear to but initiating nule war is
- 00:44:46deadly and
- 00:44:47devastating so they won't go to that
- 00:44:50extent they will think POS the problem
- 00:44:52to the Future until they find some cure
- 00:44:55for the nuclear weapons or for the
- 00:44:57Hy personic ballistic which they don't
- 00:45:00have a so they are not ke to do that
- 00:45:03now so that's what's happening there now
- 00:45:07maybe maybe Hamad has F but mean they
- 00:45:10will continue possibly I don't think by
- 00:45:13the way also there was a massive massive
- 00:45:15cyber attacks
- 00:45:17against bashar's army or Syrian
- 00:45:21government Army uh so that they were
- 00:45:23blinded their equipment were not working
- 00:45:25and things that and most people I think
- 00:45:28it's is an axiomatic that the Turkish
- 00:45:31Army is behind that yes definitely
- 00:45:32Turkish Army definitely my grandmother
- 00:45:35is not behind that so who else is
- 00:45:38there there's no way that has done that
- 00:45:42it would be bad to her their friend
- 00:45:45Bashar their secret friend Ultra secret
- 00:45:49friend Iran whatever the situation there
- 00:45:52will never do that nobody else is in
- 00:45:55area is capable of that except America
- 00:45:57and so on but they clearly care about
- 00:45:59about bash although publicly they say
- 00:46:02otherwise and some of they think see
- 00:46:05that America is going to to or not to to
- 00:46:08because they're misreading what has
- 00:46:09happened histor according to my own view
- 00:46:11I'm claiming not claiming this is a
- 00:46:13revelation or facts this is analysis
- 00:46:16based on following things for 40 years I
- 00:46:20think there's more reliable and than one
- 00:46:21who is following the things for since 10
- 00:46:24years so it's Turkish Army so if that's
- 00:46:27so meaning the Turkish armies claim you
- 00:46:29are not involved and so on okay claim
- 00:46:31that that's no problem but give the
- 00:46:32necessary support and they will be able
- 00:46:34to get to Damascus maybe Damascus will
- 00:46:36be resist and the and the Republican
- 00:46:39Republican God house Jami will be able
- 00:46:43to resist for some long time but if they
- 00:46:46reach the outskirt of the moscos the
- 00:46:47regime is s gone by the way in the south
- 00:46:50of the Jan border again revolutionary or
- 00:46:53Rebel groups or salafi groups or Shan
- 00:46:55groups are now starting to move and
- 00:46:58attacking the regime
- 00:47:00facilities I don't think the regime will
- 00:47:02maybe next week in when we
- 00:47:04meet the regime will be either in Siege
- 00:47:07in the mosc or maybe it will have maybe
- 00:47:10some faction of the Republican God
- 00:47:13recognize our neck would be cut who the
- 00:47:16hell with bash every let's bail
- 00:47:20out or maybe Bashar recognized The Bleak
- 00:47:24The Bleak situation coming along the way
- 00:47:26both his plan and leave we don't know
- 00:47:29all of these possibilities are possible
- 00:47:31now what is this what does this have
- 00:47:32import for for for for the for
- 00:47:35Palestines our more important thing at
- 00:47:37the
- 00:47:38moment immediately it will put Iran
- 00:47:41Under Pressure it may or may be wake up
- 00:47:44there's a real danger coming to our neck
- 00:47:46now but the problem is that you have to
- 00:47:48see that and to see that you have to
- 00:47:51have good
- 00:47:52Iman both the conviction side and the
- 00:47:55knowledge side and overcome your natural
- 00:47:59every human being is a coward in the
- 00:48:01nobody loves death we know that but
- 00:48:03overcome that and know that you cannot
- 00:48:06gain Glory you can get Victory you can
- 00:48:09get dominance except by sacrificing or
- 00:48:12make a decision I don't want dominance I
- 00:48:14Victory I don't honor I just want to
- 00:48:17survive and eat then why did you start
- 00:48:19the home say sorry guys I was a mistake
- 00:48:21apology forgive me I have nothing to do
- 00:48:24with Palestine P yourself out
- 00:48:27that's the way there's no other way and
- 00:48:30I don't think they will be able to do
- 00:48:31the second one because the just suicide
- 00:48:34then there will be erupting Revolution
- 00:48:35inside the country and the most of the
- 00:48:37mulas will be hung on on on trees
- 00:48:40because the
- 00:48:43B and the ex communist and so on the
- 00:48:45boiling of anger and revenge that's not
- 00:48:49so they have to do the first one and the
- 00:48:51first one is do a preemptive strike
- 00:48:53against is take the initiative not ser
- 00:48:57forget abouta let's say go to hell don't
- 00:48:59waste any energy there you have wasted
- 00:49:01enough energy
- 00:49:03there do the head of the snake right
- 00:49:07because whatever Syria have been even
- 00:49:09betrayal having in the back they are not
- 00:49:11the head the snake the head the snake is
- 00:49:13isra and America or America and isra or
- 00:49:16both because they are the same thing
- 00:49:18it's just essentially one of the States
- 00:49:22United States America implanted the
- 00:49:23Middle East but for technical reason
- 00:49:25International reason so on they cannot
- 00:49:27declare the state number 52 that's it
- 00:49:29but it is I one most important state is
- 00:49:32as important as New York and and
- 00:49:35California without it the UN state will
- 00:49:37not be able exercising this dominance
- 00:49:40and strength in the Middle East and
- 00:49:42hence her effect the effects of the
- 00:49:44United States the Western the east in
- 00:49:47the main old world to the old continents
- 00:49:51anything outside the Americas will will
- 00:49:53be reduced by 80 90% maybe down
- 00:49:57to 100% no more effect there will be
- 00:50:00gone so is is crucial for the survival
- 00:50:03of the Empire and the empires will not
- 00:50:05give up so easily unless they have their
- 00:50:07back is broken is not broken it but a
- 00:50:10good strike of as I describ area against
- 00:50:13Israel done by Iran will start breaking
- 00:50:16their neck at least and getting them in
- 00:50:19major trouble getting them in in in
- 00:50:22Palestine up to the water of the border
- 00:50:24of nuclear war which is out of question
- 00:50:27there but even Ukraine which is also out
- 00:50:30of question there so they have to
- 00:50:31retreat now swallow their pain and think
- 00:50:34how we can fix the situation in two
- 00:50:36three four years in two three four years
- 00:50:38Allah will make enough things in the
- 00:50:40universe which may work for them or for
- 00:50:42us depending what Allah has decided and
- 00:50:44depending on how much we are complying
- 00:50:46with Our obligation to to fight for the
- 00:50:48cause of Allah and liberate Muslim
- 00:50:50countries that's Our obligation and
- 00:50:52Allah does in the invers what he wants
- 00:50:54he is The Sovereign he's the owner you
- 00:50:56have to do do we are the slaves we have
- 00:50:57to obey do what we are supposed to do
- 00:51:00and that's it that's the way to go but
- 00:51:03us way the in Sy is very interesting
- 00:51:05just watch carefully collect as many
- 00:51:07information put in in Enterprise
- 00:51:09whatever videos and interviews and
- 00:51:11things my I have inter with a gentleman
- 00:51:13I don't know his name doctor something
- 00:51:15with a long black beard he's obviously
- 00:51:18believing in in the blah blah blah of
- 00:51:20the soal existance front especially
- 00:51:22Syria and so and still use the terrorist
- 00:51:24and things like that but that is because
- 00:51:26people get brainwashed and his age show
- 00:51:29that he may have started being
- 00:51:30interested in politics maybe 15 20 years
- 00:51:33back so he's he's a boy compared to an
- 00:51:35old man like myself who's watching
- 00:51:37things in the 60 and Counting things day
- 00:51:40by day analyzing day by day does not
- 00:51:43mean that his analysis is wrong and mine
- 00:51:45is the right one with absolute certainty
- 00:51:47but the highest probability is that my
- 00:51:48analysis is closer to the reality than
- 00:51:50his analist just taking all these
- 00:51:53historic information waiting them and
- 00:51:55developing them in a consist
- 00:51:57scheme is
- 00:51:59notable but it's much better than these
- 00:52:03uh people who have been taken Ride by So
- 00:52:05resistance front either by people who
- 00:52:07are mischi using that for their own
- 00:52:09political agendas which have through
- 00:52:12Palestine most lik the bah wi in IR or
- 00:52:15those dsh and and and Gible symolon Mash
- 00:52:20who are still not in the real world
- 00:52:22they're still living in in the Ivory
- 00:52:24Tower waiting for the M coming through
- 00:52:26the tunnel or something like that that's
- 00:52:28that's is that's the best situation of
- 00:52:31the world at the moment I hope this will
- 00:52:33be guide us to to analyze and discuss
- 00:52:36things more thoroughly and more
- 00:52:38accurately but the events will will will
- 00:52:41offer them and we'll see we'll see
- 00:52:44what's going on by the way just a small
- 00:52:46note before I say conclude with the
- 00:52:49Salah the M of his family is that mammad
- 00:52:55mbz Z
- 00:52:57the Shan of the Emirates contacted Assad
- 00:53:00and announced that he's supporting the
- 00:53:02Assad gim against these Rebels and so on
- 00:53:06and most likely this is this is really
- 00:53:09what he is because these guys know that
- 00:53:13such regimes when they go they will be
- 00:53:15gone they know what's the deal is what
- 00:53:17what's for situation how the underground
- 00:53:19is boiling but they want to do such
- 00:53:21tricks and machination that they prolong
- 00:53:23their life or direct in the wrong
- 00:53:25direction this getting things by Divine
- 00:53:28inter intervention I believe into the
- 00:53:31direction which will unse them so they
- 00:53:33are scared now and they they rally with
- 00:53:36ass all of them Saudi Arabia on which
- 00:53:39people accused in time past they wanted
- 00:53:40to unseat him in 2011 no they
- 00:53:44don't they wanted to help him by the
- 00:53:47veteranary PO Revolution into a sarian
- 00:53:50Warfare which he can then play and do
- 00:53:52his mischief and he did
- Siria
- conflitto
- ribelli
- influenzia esterna
- Turchia
- Iran
- Russia
- Assad
- ribellione
- politica
- potere