Lec 17 | Abstract Algebra
TLDREl vídeo explora la classificació dels grups de simetria en matemàtiques, enfocant-se en les accions de grups i les seves implicacions en les estructures geomètriques. S'analitza com un operador gamma bar ha de preservar les característiques d'un subgrup i com les rotacions i reflexions influeixen en aquestes estructures. A més, es discuteix l'ús de les matrius relacionades amb angles de rotació i detallades equacions que determinen les accions de rotació. Es tracta la importància de l'acció transitiva i la classificació de xarxes de punts, així com la seva connexió amb la teoria de nombres, destacant el paper fonamental d'aquest tema en la matemàtica moderna.
- 🔍 Gamma bar és crucial per preservar subgrups.
- 📏 Les rotacions i reflexions tenen efectes significatius.
- 🔗 Les accions transitives connecten diversos punts en un conjunt.
- 🧮 L'equació característica determina les propietats de rotació.
- 📊 La classificació de xarxes és fonamental en geometria.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
La discussió tracta sobre les possibilitats dels subgrups generats per gamma bar, discutint les implicacions de preservar la distància i l'angle de rotació. Es posa èmfasi en les condicions necessàries per a l'existència d'un subgrup evident, ja que ha de ser simètric respecte a l'origen i la seva distància. Es conclou que la única rotació possible és un comptador o rotacions d'angle 0 o pi.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
S'analitzen les rotacions dins d'un grup i el seu impacte en les possibilitats de gamma bar, ressaltant la rellevància de la polinòmia característica d'ordres imposats per la rotació i subgrups. Això condueix a la classificació dels grups possibles segons la seva estructura i informació, revelant similituds amb estructures conegudes.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Es destaca que qualsevol relació d'angles relacionats amb rotacions ha de tenir en compte els valors de 2 cosinus theta, limitant així les possibilitats a valors enteros compresos entre -2 i 2. Aquesta restricció ajuda a establir el comportament del grup i la seva relació amb la geometria.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Es fa referència a la conservació de les xarxes en el context de gamma, discutint el seu impacte en la classificació dels grups i subgrups, i la proporció de vectors amb matrius respectives. Això configura una visió general de les possibles estructures que es poden observar en els diferents espais.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
El document continua explorant les accions de grup sobre espais, parlant sobre la necessitat d'escalar i rotar els vectors per obtenir les representacions apropiades. Estableix que les mides dels vectors i les seves direccions són crucials per les interaccions dins de les xarxes; així s'assegura la distinció entre els diferents grups.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
A mesura que la discussió avança, s'introdueix la noció de traducció i reflexió com a operacions essencials per mantenir els propòsits de grup i la seva congruència, amb l'objectiu d'una correcta classificació del subgrup de vectors. Aquesta reflexió és vital per establir les similituds que avancen el concepte de xarxes espontànies.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
S'observa la classificació dels grups d'acord amb les propietats de latituds complexes, amb un èmfasi en les relacions de simetria que es poden derivar d'aquestes accions. L'objectiu aquí és proporcionar una base per investigar les estructures i les seves possibles formes d'interacció en dimensions més altes.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
El professor es referència a les similituds amb patrons de paper pintat en art, conectant els conceptes matemàtics amb aplicacions pràctiques en la vida quotidiana i l'art que sorgeixen de la comprensió de patrons grupals. Aquesta analogia il·lustra la rellevància del tema dins del context més ampli de les matemàtiques i la seva interacció amb altres disciplines.
- 00:40:00 - 00:46:01
Finalment, es conclou que l'estudi de l'acció de grup i la seva classificació en espais de latitud és fonamental per a la comprensió dels moviments en R2 i altres dimensions, indicando que la matemàtica moderna busca confrontar amb objectes complexos a partir de les seves bases essencials.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
Què és gamma bar i com es relaciona amb els subgrups?
Gamma bar és un operador que ha de preservar les característiques d'un subgrup específic en el context de la simetria.
Com s'analitzen les rotacions i reflexions en el vídeo?
S'analitzen mitjançant l'equació característica associada i la seva influència en les configuracions geomètriques.
Què implica l'acció transitiva en un grup?
Una acció transitiva significa que cada punt del conjunt pot ser mapejat a qualsevol altre punt mitjançant una acció del grup.
Quina és la relació entre el vídeo i la teoria de nombres?
El vídeo explora com les accions de grups estan íntimament relacionades amb la teoria de nombres, mostrant la seva importància en les matemàtiques modernes.
Quina importància té la classificació de xarxes en matemàtiques?
La classificació de xarxes permet comprendre les estructures geomètriques i les propietats de simetria de manera més profunda.
Ver mais resumos de vídeos
- 00:00:11would be into one reflection what could
- 00:00:16be running water
- 00:00:17the client or that's it possibilities
- 00:00:24for gamma bar anyway yesterday before
- 00:00:27the prove is easy think the line
- 00:00:30generated by a understanding here's to a
- 00:00:34as minus a 0
- 00:00:39now this subgroup has to be preserved by
- 00:00:43gamma bar so if I a family memoir when I
- 00:00:49applied hours a day what is the
- 00:00:51possibility can okay well it not to be
- 00:00:55an evident than a subgroup that's the
- 00:00:57first thing
- 00:00:57so for multiple vane and the second
- 00:01:00thing is and I thought the same distance
- 00:01:02from the origin as any because gamma is
- 00:01:05an element in Y orthogonal group right
- 00:01:08Reserve's distance now there are only
- 00:01:10two things are the same distance from
- 00:01:11the origin remain here and those are a
- 00:01:15minus a so this has to be plus or minus
- 00:01:30okay well that's it about us because if
- 00:01:33it were a rotation
- 00:01:36so to it then the identity so the only
- 00:01:47rotations in the group have water one or
- 00:01:49two because once you in relation can
- 00:01:52already take this element that tells you
- 00:01:53the angular rotation t 0 or pi and once
- 00:01:57I know what rotations are the group that
- 00:01:59restricts what run die so that says the
- 00:02:01only cyclic groups I could have a guess
- 00:02:02the only possible value for groups I
- 00:02:04could have is this is why I appeared I
- 00:02:06need to provide out rotation a different
- 00:02:08angle and in fact you can get the
- 00:02:10psychical group because we can also pick
- 00:02:12a minus ed by taking the reflection
- 00:02:15around this particular one right and
- 00:02:19that commutes with the rotation through
- 00:02:21for 180 degrees so the group leader just
- 00:02:25done it could be the rotation that we
- 00:02:27see - it could be the reflection around
- 00:02:30this line would you even 52 or it could
- 00:02:33be the Kline word remote from Haven
- 00:02:36reflect those possibilities thinking
- 00:02:39might say ok so once I know the lattices
- 00:02:43of this one the sub 1 guess I'm joking L
- 00:02:49plus B then the LT possibilities for
- 00:02:57gamma bar
- 00:02:57FC n to n where hands
- 00:03:02one two three four four six in the
- 00:03:07largest group people have got water 12
- 00:03:09water forward and I gave you up what
- 00:03:15proof of that based on what had a
- 00:03:18polynomial satisfied by the way my group
- 00:03:23last time I was saying now log is in
- 00:03:26down the bar in addition so again the
- 00:03:30proved essential you have to show 22
- 00:03:32stations in town I have order one two
- 00:03:35three four six because I have a
- 00:03:37different value throw group you will
- 00:03:38have locations of order n right D 2 n
- 00:03:41has a location water and so if I have a
- 00:03:44location I'm just have to classify that
- 00:03:46and I look at the characteristic
- 00:03:49polynomial or gamma it looks like x
- 00:03:58squared well I'll write it like this
- 00:04:00that doesn't make me even go on is 2
- 00:04:02cosine theta X plus 1 so there's the
- 00:04:07characteristic polynomial where theta is
- 00:04:09the angle of rotation so this number
- 00:04:15whatever it is is an absolute value less
- 00:04:17than or equal to 2 because cosine theta
- 00:04:20is
- 00:04:22- cosine theta less than two on the
- 00:04:28other hand since gala preserves this
- 00:04:31last that we can write down a matrix of
- 00:04:34gamma with respect to the bases a and B
- 00:04:37of this lattice and the 2x2 matrix
- 00:04:39analysis issues what the matrix a of
- 00:04:49gamma with respect to the basis maybe it
- 00:04:55is integral doesn't just have real-life
- 00:04:58things that has integer entries because
- 00:05:00it takes a will end your own mold a plus
- 00:05:02in your movie and easy to write
- 00:05:04therefore it's trace is a ganger so
- 00:05:09integral Chris so therefore whatever
- 00:05:15this angle is two cosine theta is some
- 00:05:18numbers between -2 and 2 which is an
- 00:05:20integer there are only five integers
- 00:05:22between minus 2 2 minus 2 minus 1 0 1 2
- 00:05:27and once I know what 2 cosine theta is
- 00:05:32cosine theta 2 minus 3 minus 1 0 1 or 2
- 00:05:38and that's definitely what cosine 8 is
- 00:05:40minus 1 minus 1/2 0 1 half and 1 I know
- 00:05:45that I know it's angle is and you find
- 00:05:48exactly these financials so that's the
- 00:05:51proof that you know yet those now you
- 00:05:55might want to know why do you get one
- 00:05:57root when you get the other so that's
- 00:06:02how I'm going to finish today
- 00:06:05if you want to you can finish reading
- 00:06:08all about the wallpaper patterns in art
- 00:06:10not a whole lot on that because when you
- 00:06:13think course in chemistry of the walls
- 00:06:15wallpaper patterns will also three
- 00:06:17dimensions which is your mortgage so if
- 00:06:20your general places what is the
- 00:06:24classification lattices well the
- 00:06:39classification have seen you might just
- 00:06:42ask for all subgroups of r2 but if
- 00:06:43you're trying to figure out what groups
- 00:06:45can act on them to determine what
- 00:06:54Calabar and see what what what work is
- 00:06:59that you can have if I change L and I
- 00:07:01act on our people I know that doesn't
- 00:07:05change the possibilities for gamma bar
- 00:07:07just conjugate down bar on going so then
- 00:07:11you l - L won't you just years
- 00:07:26down the bar I'm not I'm working Vala
- 00:07:30right now so you got a similar subgroup
- 00:07:33of Oh two similar finance on who
- 00:07:36provoked to Kate by no your goggles and
- 00:07:39also changing L to a multiple level
- 00:07:46let's say a see time detail is in our
- 00:07:49star doesn't change that and you just
- 00:07:59take anything if you go a lot of AD and
- 00:08:03you're scaling a to be out by the same
- 00:08:05fish scaler CA CB that anytime you have
- 00:08:10a rotation to preserve talent abruptly
- 00:08:12we preserve this because rotations
- 00:08:14commute with multiplication by scaling
- 00:08:17matrices so this just means take
- 00:08:19everything in elements here now so I
- 00:08:21really want to just classify lattices up
- 00:08:23the action on the space of lattices by
- 00:08:26Helena Senora gotta mental and scalars
- 00:08:29I'll tell you all asses up to the
- 00:08:32audience of the orthogonal group and
- 00:08:33scalars as the famous mathematical
- 00:08:35picture and then for each labs I'll tell
- 00:08:38you what the possibilities are
- 00:08:43now be the end of this so l up to action
- 00:08:51okay and tartar well we know that the
- 00:09:01lightest as a short is better right
- 00:09:04because get their vectors is the last
- 00:09:05part journey home to the origin this
- 00:09:07isn't a lot as the vectors we found away
- 00:09:09from each other okay
- 00:09:12used by action of scaling on black to
- 00:09:16make the shortest vector have length 1
- 00:09:18right that I can do yeah so the shorter
- 00:09:22Spector
- 00:09:31these arms are also sort inspector has
- 00:09:34length one and then then I'm really only
- 00:09:38need positive things with that but
- 00:09:40because you only have to scale by
- 00:09:42positive you get me one and then using
- 00:09:44hello you rotate Hey
- 00:09:50so that because does that wait one is
- 00:09:53actually equal to the vector one so by
- 00:09:57scaling my lattice and by rotating my
- 00:09:59shortest vector I can assume that the
- 00:10:01shortest vector arises Patridge the
- 00:10:04number one okay everybody agree the
- 00:10:07first thing I do is a scale that in
- 00:10:09short inspector on the circle and then I
- 00:10:11have unique put that left or even circle
- 00:10:13and I have unique rotation so that the
- 00:10:18shortest vector has length one
- 00:10:19I still have a reflection left and I
- 00:10:22still have a negative left for work okay
- 00:10:25now here is the second vector on which
- 00:10:27lacks well first of all the second
- 00:10:29vector has to be outside of this circle
- 00:10:31bless the vector B
- 00:10:40the first thing we know the absolute
- 00:10:42value will be has to be at least one
- 00:10:45okay and so it lies outside the circle
- 00:10:51and we can also replace V by minus BD
- 00:11:00which gives the same subgroup za plus ZB
- 00:11:03is the same thing and make sure the
- 00:11:05imaginary part is positive we know it's
- 00:11:08imaginary part is nonzero
- 00:11:09that's our it's been second coordinate
- 00:11:12and y coordinate is nonzero because in
- 00:11:19the y coordinate was hero would be
- 00:11:21linearly dependent with a but we know a
- 00:11:23B are linearly independent
- 00:11:25so whatever B is he going to love here
- 00:11:28or below here but it's not on this line
- 00:11:30so I'm part of placing it by minus B we
- 00:11:33can assume that the y coordinate is
- 00:11:34positive so it's in this it's outside of
- 00:11:43the circle up here somewhere and finally
- 00:11:47we got the same subgroup so this doesn't
- 00:11:51in fact are really interested in what
- 00:11:53this subgroup is we can also replace B
- 00:11:57by H multiple leg and we'll still get
- 00:11:59the same subgroup so replace B by a
- 00:12:02multiple day to shift it back so that
- 00:12:06gets x coordinate lies between 1/2 and
- 00:12:08minus am
- 00:12:22x-coordinate is between 1/2 and minus
- 00:12:261/2 is just a convention we could make
- 00:12:30it between 0 and 1 we could make it
- 00:12:32between 3 & 4 we can get an interval
- 00:12:35length one right by shifting by
- 00:12:38multiples overhead so I did it between a
- 00:12:40half of my setup which puts the in the
- 00:12:43following region it's the life time you
- 00:12:46got out - ahem then outside the circle
- 00:12:49and then the line going up and a half
- 00:12:51like that okay so B is somewhere in this
- 00:12:56region and gives us the same lies that
- 00:12:59we're interested in up through these
- 00:13:01locations and now it's no I really
- 00:13:03flexion that we could use so we can
- 00:13:05still reflect the lives around this line
- 00:13:07and that would take am I to say which we
- 00:13:11could replace it to and it would take me
- 00:13:12to the other change this on the other
- 00:13:13side of this region so really the
- 00:13:16classification of lattices is in this
- 00:13:18half of this region so the B's that live
- 00:13:23in the region classify the lattices that
- 00:13:26are possible up to the action in your
- 00:13:28boggle group and scale so this would be
- 00:13:33like a movie and reflected in a four
- 00:13:36percent reflection a we get minus a
- 00:13:39replaced by a cool one but this would
- 00:13:41look like the same class so the
- 00:13:44classification of lattices is really
- 00:13:46just the points in this bizarre region
- 00:13:48of space so he'll decison work it or ll
- 00:13:55be or be in the one where L of B is Z
- 00:14:04plus Z B because we're using the vector
- 00:14:06agent for fabric yes how do you know
- 00:14:12that when you add subtract multiples of
- 00:14:14a to get these exporters which we gave a
- 00:14:16half and a half then B still has trailer
- 00:14:20ah very good they have to translate it
- 00:14:24back up
- 00:14:24very good point maybe I could have
- 00:14:26started out here and then I could have
- 00:14:28translated it back in here and then I
- 00:14:31have to replace it by the vector on the
- 00:14:33other side of it you're absolutely right
- 00:14:35there's a so important in the
- 00:14:38translation of such elements you might
- 00:14:40end up inside at the circle in which
- 00:14:43case you're not going to replace the
- 00:14:44lattice by the last where you still
- 00:14:46again took that vector 2 1 and solver in
- 00:14:49vector a 1 but I'm asking you to believe
- 00:14:52that this process eventually lands you
- 00:14:55in this region is not completely obvious
- 00:14:56thank you that was the subtlety I was
- 00:14:59coming
- 00:14:59that's why is there element
- 00:15:04because in the translation you might
- 00:15:07have come to a short effect ah that's a
- 00:15:10good point
- 00:15:10very good point maybe if we started with
- 00:15:13a Becker in this region that if that's
- 00:15:17the answer to question budget lately we
- 00:15:21cannot buy any translation none of these
- 00:15:24factors are legally inside the circle
- 00:15:27because our assumption was that the in
- 00:15:29order to settle a stop so the game is
- 00:15:31the short effect therefore matter what
- 00:15:34vector we replace T by it's the last I
- 00:15:36have somebody figures in one so that if
- 00:15:39we in starting off with the last out
- 00:15:40here it went in a shorter vector than 18
- 00:15:44English translation especially the
- 00:15:47penguin we would have been with the
- 00:15:48incorrect recipe thank you but then by
- 00:15:51the same reasoning I'm just saying that
- 00:15:53other types more to little region
- 00:15:56honey's then prefer you can certainly
- 00:16:01choose to be in your region such that
- 00:16:05you get a problem you be in this region
- 00:16:09problem ah the all these beer what
- 00:16:13lengths water the end and any translated
- 00:16:17them has meant by arm are you
- 00:16:21considering be like a rotation no no be
- 00:16:25is a second okay so if the lattice would
- 00:16:28be generated by one and B and I claim
- 00:16:32the bow sizes are in equivalent of your
- 00:16:34pocket group and count the zl1 to none
- 00:16:37okay now there are two very special
- 00:16:40points of this region
- 00:16:43maybe this point here and this point
- 00:16:46here sort of boundary points in the
- 00:16:49region and if you can't be to be this
- 00:16:52point here then you've got a very famous
- 00:16:55letter
- 00:16:55it looks like this that one and drove an
- 00:16:59angle of 60 degrees but you'll figure
- 00:17:01out the value list 60 degrees for that
- 00:17:03big meets and then you have these
- 00:17:05vectors and there are six factors around
- 00:17:07the origin that have the same way the
- 00:17:09same 6.00 this is the famous exact
- 00:17:17analyze if you use this guy's the past
- 00:17:18years like putting a sphere in each set
- 00:17:22that were putting a circle in each
- 00:17:24lattice point
- 00:17:25a radius 1/2 sort of the spheres just
- 00:17:28punch each other one is can get the best
- 00:17:33packing of two-dimensional space if you
- 00:17:34can arrange with its peers covers the
- 00:17:37most of two-dimensional space but there
- 00:17:42are six peers six then I put seven lines
- 00:17:47here problem thank you
- 00:17:52there are six years around the origins
- 00:17:55here and it covers about 75% of states
- 00:17:59with circles and this is the most
- 00:18:02efficient way that would Sears a regular
- 00:18:04way into to space and it's the way that
- 00:18:06was discovered by the bees long before
- 00:18:09we would work so you have a nickel
- 00:18:11honeycomb and you like to make circular
- 00:18:13objects and you want to let the waste
- 00:18:15any space in your heart this is what you
- 00:18:17need okay
- 00:18:19the last the nice basis vector here is
- 00:18:23the same as rectangular lattice so they
- 00:18:25are four vectors of length one and
- 00:18:28orthogonal to each other and that's the
- 00:18:31maximum spacing you know we have this
- 00:18:34danger vise
- 00:18:36that's a nice vacuum but it's not
- 00:18:38sufficient is that exactly and the
- 00:18:41mountains and the L boxes that
- 00:18:43correspond to vectors along this little
- 00:18:45word line are the lysis where you have
- 00:18:47more than two factors of the same length
- 00:18:49but not in Nice angles like this here's
- 00:18:53my memories now the general axe is
- 00:18:58inside of David then the only
- 00:19:01possibility for Delabar is like we did
- 00:19:03in the gum inside a ring actually in
- 00:19:16sake but not on this boundary point not
- 00:19:19on this boundary Circle not on this
- 00:19:21boundary point then only possibility or
- 00:19:29gamma bar is one or
- 00:19:37yes correct in situ just means minus the
- 00:19:41identity minus the identity that
- 00:19:43preserves any - because it takes a - - a
- 00:19:46video - but there are no rotations that
- 00:19:49preserve the map because these any
- 00:19:51location without if a - a vector of the
- 00:19:53same way as a and so this group is
- 00:19:57really the group I sure hope sorry yeah
- 00:20:02the only way the only vector of the same
- 00:20:05thing today is my name and the
- 00:20:08reflection doesn't work because they see
- 00:20:10out of this region son see if these were
- 00:20:16bottom of it so your lattice looks like
- 00:20:19this so that would be a vector for this
- 00:20:25one then to get out of R equal to 1 C -
- 00:20:35but you can also have the reflection
- 00:20:38around this line with it e to minus B
- 00:20:40and likewise around
- 00:20:42within a 2 minus a but you can also have
- 00:20:45the group which contains those two
- 00:20:50reflections the two orthogonal
- 00:20:51directions okay or it could be a
- 00:20:57separate would be work would be one of
- 00:20:58the reflections and none have that
- 00:21:00rotation and the all those glasses
- 00:21:07Nestor rotations in them are these two
- 00:21:11lexes from this last we have never bar
- 00:21:14equal to 1 C 2 and there's also rotating
- 00:21:17work or or and go to eat or 88 and this
- 00:21:24led us the hexagonal eyes and have down
- 00:21:26a bar the wanting rotation water 3 C 3 C
- 00:21:326 or a pigeon were six thanks inspector
- 00:21:35back after 26 and those these are all
- 00:21:40the two lattices which you can get a
- 00:21:42larger we've gotta mark work
- 00:21:43okay season oh yeah of course yeah
- 00:21:48Portugal's
- 00:21:51likewise but not before okay so these
- 00:21:58are the possibilities for down apartment
- 00:22:00I analyzed these the possibilities for
- 00:22:02gala bar in the square lattice these are
- 00:22:04the possibilities for Gaby barkay have
- 00:22:06with eigenvectors and here's the
- 00:22:08possibilities for generalize then you
- 00:22:11have to say okay if I have Li have down
- 00:22:13bar what can I say Val gamma because it
- 00:22:16that's an argument exactly like exactly
- 00:22:28right exactly mainly we prove that if we
- 00:22:32have a location in the last half water
- 00:22:34two three four or six okay here the
- 00:22:38obligations of one or two that's easy to
- 00:22:42spread lies its effect of tonight's
- 00:22:44event but if we are a rotation of water
- 00:22:47three we have to have this vector in the
- 00:22:49lines right given the back of beyond
- 00:22:51vector one we have this second allows if
- 00:22:54you add one to it you get this vector in
- 00:22:57the last so we're already in the
- 00:22:58hexagonal lattice case if you have a
- 00:23:00rotation Waterford likewise if you
- 00:23:02engine or six and we have a location to
- 00:23:04work for and we have one of the last we
- 00:23:06have that this vector device okay
- 00:23:10when I write one I should be writing I'm
- 00:23:12sorry I should be writing one zero
- 00:23:14keep writing why because I'm thinking of
- 00:23:16this playing as the complex point that's
- 00:23:20the thick of all this really and yet do
- 00:23:22this we do complex now successive
- 00:23:26addition so we can complex like I'm
- 00:23:28sorry I keep like this I I think this is
- 00:23:31a perfect unity
- 00:23:35it is and this is the element of trace
- 00:23:38to cosine theta is minus 159 0 7 a
- 00:23:47displaced okay so this is a combination
- 00:23:50of our classification alliances here and
- 00:23:53our description of wonderful
- 00:23:56possible rotation okay that one is but I
- 00:24:01promise you as you guys go long and you
- 00:24:03study it turns out that this region is
- 00:24:05central to the study of moment here and
- 00:24:07what we'd really like to know is what
- 00:24:09that region is arises in our a and we
- 00:24:13know it for all the way up to about
- 00:24:15eight dimensions and then just a
- 00:24:19statements so we very much like that a
- 00:24:21classification of all glasses is t1 plus
- 00:24:27I am inside our end up to ceiling and
- 00:24:33boy that's one of the most central
- 00:24:37objects in modern mathematics and we
- 00:24:40know this for Emma
- 00:24:42you know what this region was like
- 00:24:44what's the ecology looks like everything
- 00:24:46and this that it's I would say may no
- 00:24:50reflection in number theory so you
- 00:24:53should at least be exposed to within our
- 00:24:55people this is related to work on the
- 00:25:00sphere of mapping and they know that
- 00:25:03Professor L bees in the department and
- 00:25:05big breakthrough about five years ago
- 00:25:09constructing during dense appear packets
- 00:25:11of high the internal space as I said the
- 00:25:14hexagonal packing is the best type of
- 00:25:15knowing two-dimensional space it's going
- 00:25:18to be proved pretty soon that we know
- 00:25:19the best patents about the eight
- 00:25:21dimensions and in twenty four
- 00:25:23dimensional space with the best Packer
- 00:25:24stores and the other space two packs
- 00:25:28ears and since we don't know the
- 00:25:29dimension the universe this will be
- 00:25:31within
- 00:25:33even in three-dimension it was only
- 00:25:35recently proved that the packing of
- 00:25:37spheres that you see on engine to
- 00:25:39England come where they stack
- 00:25:41cannonballs by first thing to the
- 00:25:43hexagonal packing in one layer and then
- 00:25:45stack the walls on the holes and not
- 00:25:47later when stacked balls on the holes of
- 00:25:49math ledger so that's also the way to
- 00:25:51find oranges stack that cannot hit the
- 00:25:53best the best packing of spheres in
- 00:25:563-space so that's been known since the
- 00:25:5815th century but no improve did not
- 00:26:01matter there's a horrible prove out
- 00:26:03there which I'm variants unhappy but
- 00:26:06it's approved its uses the computer to
- 00:26:07analyze thousands and thousands of
- 00:26:09possible cases turns it into the linear
- 00:26:12programming problem will be extremely
- 00:26:14nice a nice anyhow professor Elvis has
- 00:26:23got this great method where you know
- 00:26:25determine the best packing of spheres in
- 00:26:27a dimensional space okay now let me go
- 00:26:33on with a little bit of language
- 00:26:35you can use it all the time study the
- 00:26:38action of the group G which is hard to I
- 00:26:41hope to emotions on r2 now aren't you is
- 00:26:49just a set the set of points now you
- 00:26:53might want to study group actions on a
- 00:26:55set as the general group t happy actions
- 00:27:02and general set s and develop some
- 00:27:08language for because it's country comes
- 00:27:10up all the nine eleven so a group action
- 00:27:12of the set is a mapping from he cross s
- 00:27:15context without a helmet and a pair and
- 00:27:18here s the constant to what the element
- 00:27:22moved on to yelled into the set and it
- 00:27:25has two basic properties the identity
- 00:27:27proof is the identity map of the set so
- 00:27:30here s s and its associated if you take
- 00:27:37th and you find s FG up
- 00:27:42if so when you look at this group of
- 00:27:49motions on our to this takes effect of s
- 00:27:51going to the vector a s plus B where you
- 00:27:56have the LM a mess S Plus T conditions
- 00:28:02but with a difference X here we can also
- 00:28:05take the action the concoction of cheese
- 00:28:10on the set
- 00:28:13align L in RT because if you have a
- 00:28:19points of r2 by the group emotion to
- 00:28:21preserve lives is actually preserves
- 00:28:22points on the lot
- 00:28:24let's do another one or we could then
- 00:28:27yeah I'll cheese on the set of triangles
- 00:28:36they are key because if they are a
- 00:28:39triangle as you get the image of a and
- 00:28:44the image of the inhibitive see those
- 00:28:46are three points this one is taken to
- 00:28:48the line through it
- 00:28:49so goes to another time in this case the
- 00:28:56different images of this are all
- 00:28:57triangles congruent to that in the plane
- 00:28:59because remember deep reserves including
- 00:29:02Iran the distance aside to the final the
- 00:29:07converse classic triangle you going to a
- 00:29:10comma
- 00:29:11okay now some terminology we call all
- 00:29:17the messes it s defined to set what is a
- 00:29:22subset of s or the order and the other
- 00:29:30is a subgroup of G of s so OS are all
- 00:29:42points that he takes s to so this is the
- 00:29:457 F prime equal G of s some GD and the
- 00:29:53stabilizer is the something that bitch's
- 00:29:55ass
- 00:30:01so those things are used all the time
- 00:30:03for true vacuum the two most important
- 00:30:05things to do for each point you're going
- 00:30:07to warm it and you have to stabilize now
- 00:30:09let's take a look at some orbits and
- 00:30:11stabilizers if we take the normal action
- 00:30:15of this group on the plane
- 00:30:19what is the ordinate of zero what points
- 00:30:28can you take to zero everything warm is
- 00:30:34zero here is Audrey because I think
- 00:30:37white United translates if I want to get
- 00:30:39zero too because you translation might
- 00:30:41be and what's the stabilizer of zero
- 00:30:49that's the group of two
- 00:30:52those are the linear transformations and
- 00:30:54experiments no translation fixes it but
- 00:30:57everything in here this okay now a very
- 00:31:02interesting question is if I think so if
- 00:31:04I look at this action and I fix a line
- 00:31:06through the origin and you just line
- 00:31:10what's the orbit of that line under the
- 00:31:14group of motions of the plane and woodsy
- 00:31:17this is a hard question anyone see what
- 00:31:20the orbit is this line what would be the
- 00:31:21orbit under the rotation any time
- 00:31:26through the origin right because if I do
- 00:31:29the origin of some fixed angle from the
- 00:31:30origin rotating by that
- 00:31:32you go there so we have over over to
- 00:31:34your everyone
- 00:31:38Oh L is equal to s because if I have any
- 00:31:47line there I can translate it to a line
- 00:31:50through the origin as a base at home and
- 00:31:52I wrote a delta that and so this is a
- 00:31:56case where on the page line at any other
- 00:31:58line in this case I can't make every
- 00:32:01triangle to every other triangle because
- 00:32:04I might a triangle like this I'm going
- 00:32:06to take it into a triangle like that
- 00:32:07they're not tied with each other so the
- 00:32:10ordinate here happens to be the prime is
- 00:32:12confidence I'm not going to prove that
- 00:32:14so sometimes your dick is a subset of s
- 00:32:17and sometimes the orbit is all elements
- 00:32:19if the orbit is all of s we call the
- 00:32:22action transitive
- 00:32:37so these are three cute
- 00:32:39terminology points in trust a point that
- 00:32:42can be taken at any point and the action
- 00:32:44is changing so this action is transit
- 00:32:46the action of o2 on points is not
- 00:32:50transitive
- 00:32:51because it preservers distance so if you
- 00:32:53have just the action of o2 on the plane
- 00:32:56you could about at this point this
- 00:32:58vector into this egg because resistance
- 00:33:02okay so some actions are transitive so
- 00:33:04heart let me give you a very general
- 00:33:07transitive action that you don't need a
- 00:33:09space for you honking anything if you
- 00:33:10start with any group so this is in some
- 00:33:16sense a model case a transitive action
- 00:33:29and GB your group any group - they H any
- 00:33:33subgroup G any something and let s be
- 00:33:43the set up left Cossacks that's a
- 00:33:50perfectly nice set the G option is by
- 00:33:54left translation
- 00:34:05it has some by Death Eater code sent to
- 00:34:09the translating coaster that is the
- 00:34:12identity preserves all the protest and
- 00:34:14its associated I claim this is
- 00:34:17transitive
- 00:34:25No
- 00:34:27well I just have to find one goes there
- 00:34:29that I committed anything and if I think
- 00:34:33it goes that age and I want to take you
- 00:34:35to the Cosette aah I just translate my
- 00:34:37Jane
- 00:34:44on you go from edge any other code sent
- 00:34:47by the school battery so before middle
- 00:34:50age okay
- 00:34:55what is the stabilizer in this case
- 00:35:06the set of elements in G then fixes the
- 00:35:10Cosette so this is the 7 cg sub CGH once
- 00:35:18then so then if I want to make a
- 00:35:26transitive action internally from the
- 00:35:28group I think any suburb i1l exactly you
- 00:35:31are far from I take the set if you the
- 00:35:35set of all concepts I did the action if
- 00:35:38you love transitive let love translation
- 00:35:40this is transitive and the stabilizer
- 00:35:42retirements myself ok what is the
- 00:35:48stabilizer of another poster well it's
- 00:35:57the set of G such the GA
- 00:36:10so I claim that this is a and any
- 00:36:14interest right if you workout this again
- 00:36:21you just say you know your body but also
- 00:36:23it's easy to see
- 00:36:26x age right age and those that hate even
- 00:36:33to anything and students cancel a
- 00:36:41converse anything of that point to
- 00:36:43Johnson's so it's a conjugate of the
- 00:36:49original subgroup and that happens in
- 00:36:52any transaction or generally more
- 00:37:01general gene acts transitively on X and
- 00:37:12G sub s and you want to compare and she
- 00:37:18said as bride
- 00:37:19so saying G of s is like s prime so I'm
- 00:37:24fine 2.2 s and we find a g2 takes us
- 00:37:29from s to s prime and we want to know
- 00:37:32what the stabilizer of s prime is in
- 00:37:34terms of the stabilizer s is gonna hit
- 00:37:37vs inside so the stabilizers are
- 00:37:43conjugate
- 00:37:51this is a turkey Allegan you work it out
- 00:37:54I just see it so suppose I have
- 00:37:56something that stabilizes X so here's an
- 00:37:58elevation GS and I see that an element
- 00:38:02of this form stabilizes s Prime
- 00:38:04well G inverse takes s prime to s that I
- 00:38:07know that could stabilize desk then I go
- 00:38:10back at s prime Y T so it's clear that
- 00:38:13this is contained in the stabilizers s
- 00:38:15prime then you have to show them
- 00:38:17something of s Prime when you conjugate
- 00:38:18it can't analyze your best which is the
- 00:38:20same argument backers in fact this is
- 00:38:29really no more general this is a
- 00:38:39surprising thing I want you to take out
- 00:38:40of this lecture so we have this very
- 00:38:42general notion in the G action on set
- 00:38:45and when we have a G action on a set it
- 00:38:49breaks the set up into orbit
- 00:38:50o as
- 00:38:55and each one of these orbits we have a
- 00:38:57transitive action so if you want to
- 00:39:03break up any actions broken into a bunch
- 00:39:05of trans interactions so the key is to
- 00:39:07understand what a transitive action
- 00:39:09looks like and here's an example of a
- 00:39:11transient action on this process of a
- 00:39:13sudden and the reason that this result
- 00:39:17is no more general than this result is
- 00:39:21that any transitive action is isomorphic
- 00:39:24to the action on the coast that's an
- 00:39:26assumption what if the acts and Ridley
- 00:39:35on s and s and s and stabilizer piece of
- 00:39:46s then there is it ejection of G sets
- 00:39:58concepts with the G action the things
- 00:40:00that we're looking at now between s and
- 00:40:03the cosets of GS g GS is by technically
- 00:40:09identified to this it takes an element
- 00:40:12here and it knocks it to the l a-- g of
- 00:40:16s now you see now that only the members
- 00:40:21Cosette
- 00:40:22Monti s because if I define modified
- 00:40:25Jeep I was
- 00:40:27fix's s this element is still well
- 00:40:30determined right first like why L didn't
- 00:40:33fix and s like stay in s that I find G
- 00:40:35so this is well the fun has only begins
- 00:40:48on rosette ggs if you get every element
- 00:40:56in s this way it's a surjective Mac
- 00:40:58because the action is transient so if I
- 00:41:00want to get to some s prime I find some
- 00:41:02gg-good things has to s prime it's a
- 00:41:04transitive action so it's surjective a
- 00:41:07be always the fist and yeah and this and
- 00:41:13it's also injected the things that hate
- 00:41:15the take a co set the inverse image of
- 00:41:20each point here is exactly constant and
- 00:41:24then if you use the left action of G of
- 00:41:26this set by left multiplication of the
- 00:41:28normal action G is there converted to
- 00:41:30each other so that we can identify all
- 00:41:33transitive actions with this kind of
- 00:41:37action a transitive action determines a
- 00:41:40subgroup the stabilizer before and once
- 00:41:44you know that subgroup the action on the
- 00:41:48it really doesn't determine uh something
- 00:41:49pontifical on it because they get this
- 00:41:51piece of s we have to pick a point in
- 00:41:54the second right if we chose a different
- 00:41:57point in the set the defining stabilizer
- 00:42:00we get it conjugates eyes so that's the
- 00:42:04real moral of transactions in Trinity
- 00:42:13rationalism
- 00:42:23and so in every time we have an action
- 00:42:27of G on a set we break into orbits and
- 00:42:32each word rate you get a conjugacy class
- 00:42:34of submarines up to the orbit is
- 00:42:35identified in the action on code sense
- 00:42:40now so far we haven't had too many
- 00:42:44interesting actions but we're going to
- 00:42:45get a ton of interesting actions coming
- 00:42:47up if by the way G is a finite group and
- 00:42:52s is a finite set then we know G and s
- 00:42:59papaya that we conclude from this of the
- 00:43:04order of G is you our best time to be
- 00:43:08ordered a watch because the number of
- 00:43:11elements in this set is the same key
- 00:43:13element of s we already proved that the
- 00:43:1590 subgroup before 10 times its index is
- 00:43:17your energy so we get a little for
- 00:43:20counting formula now we're going to use
- 00:43:26counted for nodes like this for all
- 00:43:28kinds of interesting G actions so let's
- 00:43:31say that this left translation is a
- 00:43:34stupid action but we could have G icon
- 00:43:37itself as an example of interesting that
- 00:43:40you forgive all kinds account
- 00:43:41one of those yes SCP by conjugation and
- 00:43:51we have go to GS universe your board is
- 00:43:57our economist Alexis and we're going to
- 00:44:04want to count and G sub s is to
- 00:44:07centralize your less elements in the
- 00:44:13group so we're going to count communist
- 00:44:19classic elements in the conjugacy class
- 00:44:21by calculating what their centralizes
- 00:44:23are etc and we'll be using this kind of
- 00:44:26coordinate formula throughout the rest
- 00:44:28of the talk the residence of our group
- 00:44:30theory you're going to leave your
- 00:44:31committee emotion we're going to go into
- 00:44:33the abstract theory of finite groups
- 00:44:35counting conjugation classes what are
- 00:44:38called the seal off the herbs predicting
- 00:44:39the existence of subgroups in certain
- 00:44:41order and actually take us another two
- 00:44:44weeks of group here before we go into
- 00:44:46race okay I didn't go into the complete
- 00:44:50wall paper designs I say this is a
- 00:44:52fascinating subject it's a bun or
- 00:44:54disinterested chemists not just into
- 00:44:57this but in three steps because if you
- 00:44:59can imagine the same problem in 3-space
- 00:45:01when you look for lattices under the
- 00:45:03orthogonal group of mention three of the
- 00:45:06translation questions that might
- 00:45:08uniforms of molecules kind of segmented
- 00:45:14complete classification the discrete
- 00:45:17circles in motion groups in free space
- 00:45:19that allows them to forget how various
- 00:45:23things going on I will do some things
- 00:45:25about the fact that we may want to
- 00:45:28classify this treat something to this
- 00:45:30oak tree like we did press on - they
- 00:45:33were all cyclic Brussels three you've
- 00:45:35got some very interesting discrete
- 00:45:36groups in particular a by can all fit
- 00:45:39any move on five letters here's on the
- 00:45:41comedic street some so3 and that group
- 00:45:44which recently been promoted as the
- 00:45:45model for the universe which I think we
- 00:45:47are around so I think I will tell you
- 00:45:50about 85 the
- grups de simetria
- accions de grup
- gamma bar
- subgrups
- rotacions
- reflexions
- classificació de xarxes
- teoria de nombres
- matrius de rotació
- acció transitiva