Data Lifecycle Strategy with MongoDB Atlas ft. Online Archive
TLDRIl video parla dell'importanza di MongoDB Atlas, una piattaforma di dati avanzata per sviluppatori che offre un servizio di database cloud con funzioni di automazione. Si descrivono le fasi del ciclo di vita dei dati: creazione, memorizzazione, utilizzo, archiviazione e scadenza. Viene introdotto l'Online Archive di Atlas, che consente l'archiviazione automatica e gestita di dati freddi su cloud per ottimizzare i costi e le prestazioni. Il video spiega come configurare il sistema di archiviazione, con pratiche ottimali per garantire prestazioni ottimizzate durante le query. Sono presentate nuove funzionalità dell'online archive, come i limiti di query e miglioramenti nelle metriche e nella telemetria. Tra i benefici, la riduzione dei costi di archiviazione, la gestione automatica dei dati e la facilità di accesso e query sui dati archiviati. Inoltre, si offre tempo per domande e risposte e si condividono storie di successo dei clienti.
- 🗄️ MongoDB Atlas offre un database cloud avanzato.
- 🔄 Gestione del ciclo di vita dei dati con fasi specifiche.
- 📦 Online Archive facilita l'archiviazione automatica dei dati freddi.
- ⚙️ Configurazione dell'archiviazione con pratiche ottimali.
- 🚀 Nuove funzionalità per migliori prestazioni e controllo dei costi.
- 💡 Consigli per scegliere i giusti campi di partizione.
- 🔍 Accesso facile ai dati archiviati con connessioni federate.
- 🔄 Miglioramenti nel servizio di archiviazione per efficienza delle query.
- 💼 Benefici per sviluppatori e aziende grazie alla riduzione dei costi.
- 🤝 Storie di successo di clienti con MongoDB Atlas.
Linha do tempo
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Oggi, daremo il via con un breve riassunto di MongoDB Atlas, parleremo delle diverse fasi della gestione del ciclo di vita dei dati, introdurre online archive e le sue funzionalità, discuteremo delle nuove funzionalità di online archive e condivideremo una storia di successo di un cliente.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
MongoDB Atlas è una piattaforma di dati per sviluppatori avanzata, famosa per le sue capacità di automazione e sicurezza, offrendo strumenti di ottimizzazione per garantire che le applicazioni possano adattarsi alle esigenze del mercato e il tuo database funzioni al meglio.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Il ciclo di vita dei dati include cinque fasi principali: creazione, archiviazione, utilizzo, archiviazione online e scadenza. Discutiamo particolarmente delle fasi di archivio e scadenza, cruciali per la gestione efficace dei dati in MongoDB.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Online Archive in MongoDB Atlas permette l'archiviazione dei dati in un archivio cloud gestito, riducendo i costi e mantenendo l'accessibilità. Offre archiviazione automatizzata, capacità di interrogare gli archivi e combinare i risultati dalle archiviazioni.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Durante la configurazione di un online archive, è cruciale configurarlo correttamente per prestazioni ottimali. Vengono offerte opzioni per criteri di archiviazione basati su data o personalizzati e selezione delle aree di archiviazione.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
La configurazione dei campi di partizione è fondamentale per prestazioni di query ottimali. I campi di partizione comunemente interrogati devono essere selezionati con attenzione poiché una volta impostati non possono essere modificati.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
MongoDB ha introdotto la gestione dei limiti di query per controllare i costi associati al consumo basato sull'archiviazione online, consentendo il perimetro di dati da interrogare per evitare picchi di fatturazione inaspettati.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Le nuove funzionalità di Online Archive migliorano le prestazioni delle query grazie a un servizio di archiviazione avanzato e una riduzione dei costi operativi migliorando al contempo la gestione della scansione delle partizioni e bilanciando il carico.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Sono stati aggiunti miglioramenti a livello di metriche e telemetria, con nuove dashboard che offrono informazioni dettagliate sulle dimensioni dei dati archiviati e sull'attività di archiviazione per facilitare la gestione dei dati.
- 00:45:00 - 00:52:03
I vantaggi per gli sviluppatori e le aziende nell'usare Online Archive includono una gestione semplificata e automatizzata dei dati, riduzione dei costi di archiviazione e possibilità di recuperare facilmente dati storici per ottenere insight rapidi.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de perguntas e respostas
¿Qué es MongoDB Atlas?
MongoDB Atlas es una plataforma de datos para desarrolladores que ofrece una base de datos en la nube avanzada.
¿Cuáles son las etapas del ciclo de vida de los datos mencionadas?
Las etapas incluyen la creación, almacenamiento, uso, archivo y expiración de datos.
¿Qué es el archivo en línea en MongoDB Atlas?
El archivo en línea permite guardar datos fríos en almacenamiento de objetos en la nube de forma gestionada y automatizada.
¿Es posible cambiar las reglas de archivo una vez creadas?
Sí, las reglas de archivo pueden ser cambiadas, pero no los campos de partición.
¿Cómo se gestionan los costes de consulta en el archivo en línea?
Se pueden gestionar estableciendo límites en las consultas a través de la pestaña de federación de datos.
¿Qué diferencias hay entre los archivos nuevos y los antiguos en MongoDB Atlas?
Los archivos nuevos incluyen mejoras en el rendimiento de consultas y métricas avanzadas que los antiguos no tienen.
¿Cómo se seleccionan los campos de partición para el archivo en línea?
Es importante seleccionar los campos que más se consultan y ordenarlos correctamente según su frecuencia de uso.
¿Qué beneficios tiene el archivo en línea para desarrolladores y negocios?
Facilita la migración automatizada de datos y reduce costes, permitiendo consultas eficientes y aumentando la productividad.
¿Cómo se puede acceder al archivo en línea para consultas de datos?
Se puede acceder mediante cadenas de conexión federadas o conectándose directamente al archivo en línea.
¿El archivo en línea está disponible en versiones gratuitas de MongoDB?
No, el archivo en línea está disponible a partir de las versiones M10 y superiores.
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- 00:00:00today where we will kick off with a
- 00:00:02brief recap about mongodb Atlas then
- 00:00:05we'll talk about the different stages of
- 00:00:07data lifecycle management after this we
- 00:00:10will introduce about online archive and
- 00:00:11its features we'll dive deep and talk
- 00:00:14about configuring online archive and
- 00:00:16some of the best practices we will talk
- 00:00:19about the new features of online archive
- 00:00:21including managing query limits and then
- 00:00:24the new and improved online archive
- 00:00:26following which we'll be talking about
- 00:00:28some more features that we introduced
- 00:00:30with online archive that includes
- 00:00:33improved metrics and Telemetry and then
- 00:00:35we'll cap it off by sharing some
- 00:00:38benefits and customer story and giving
- 00:00:40enough time for the Q a
- 00:00:43and with that said let us start with a
- 00:00:47recap about mongodb address
- 00:00:52mongodb Atlas is a developer data
- 00:00:56platform that we all know it's the most
- 00:00:58advanced Cloud database service on the
- 00:01:01market with its unmatched data
- 00:01:04distribution and Mobility across all
- 00:01:06Cloud platforms it has built-in
- 00:01:08automation capabilities for resource and
- 00:01:11workload optimization and so much more
- 00:01:13it hosts a ton of features that you're
- 00:01:16already aware where it intelligently
- 00:01:19automates critical operations to make
- 00:01:21sure your data is secure and your
- 00:01:23database is running as expected
- 00:01:25data stored in the atlas is instantly
- 00:01:28available to be used with the rest of
- 00:01:31the platform from Full text search to
- 00:01:33analytics to visualizations in addition
- 00:01:36we offer Advanced performance
- 00:01:38optimization tools so you always have
- 00:01:41the database resources you need to keep
- 00:01:43building
- 00:01:45why should you invest in mongodb Atlas
- 00:01:48because uh with mongodb's intuitive data
- 00:01:52model and query apis mongodb Atlas gives
- 00:01:55engineering organizations the
- 00:01:56versatility they need to build
- 00:01:58sophisticated applications that can
- 00:02:00adapt to changing customer demands and
- 00:02:02market trends not only is atlas a
- 00:02:06multi-cloud document database available
- 00:02:09it also delivers the most advanced
- 00:02:11security and data distribution
- 00:02:13capabilities of any fully managed
- 00:02:15service so you can get started in
- 00:02:17minutes and you can leverage intelligent
- 00:02:20automation to maintain performance at
- 00:02:23scale as your applications evolve over
- 00:02:25time
- 00:02:26so we focus on consistently shipping
- 00:02:30exceptional features and products with
- 00:02:33the most intelligent performance
- 00:02:35optimization tools we reduce complexity
- 00:02:39across systems with a simplified data
- 00:02:41architecture and API we scale your teams
- 00:02:45confidently with Atlas Best in Class
- 00:02:48infrastructure operations and also we
- 00:02:51run anywhere in the world with mongodb
- 00:02:53Atlas multi-cloud reach
- 00:02:57and here as you can see that we've
- 00:02:59invested as much if not more in building
- 00:03:01out our Cloud capabilities and
- 00:03:04capabilities alongside continuous
- 00:03:06innovation on our code database software
- 00:03:08so of course we've got a whole a bunch
- 00:03:11of features we've got rich querying
- 00:03:14capabilities charting and application
- 00:03:16client-side fee level encryption just to
- 00:03:19name a few and there's a lot more with
- 00:03:21mongodb Atlas
- 00:03:24now let us get into a little bit about
- 00:03:27understanding the data life cycle
- 00:03:29management and more specifically about
- 00:03:31online archive which the webinar is
- 00:03:34about
- 00:03:36there there are five stages of data
- 00:03:39lifecycle management to put it broadly
- 00:03:41it starts with the creation of data
- 00:03:44where the data entry is created and then
- 00:03:49data is acquired from different kinds of
- 00:03:52sources once the data is created data
- 00:03:54has to be stored and for data to be
- 00:03:58stored it requires a required security
- 00:04:00and backup measures data then gets
- 00:04:03utilized data is viewed and processed
- 00:04:06while the modifications are required as
- 00:04:09well so the first three stages deals
- 00:04:11with the creation storage and usage then
- 00:04:16we move on to the archival process where
- 00:04:19data once it's being used uh and once
- 00:04:23it's already used it moves to a cold
- 00:04:26storage tier for data clearing purposes
- 00:04:28but it needs to be archived and
- 00:04:30protected and available for use at a
- 00:04:32later stage and that particular stage is
- 00:04:34called the archival and after the
- 00:04:37archival process and once data remains
- 00:04:40in the archival stage for a period of
- 00:04:42time data gets expired from the archive
- 00:04:46itself and data gets purchased from the
- 00:04:49archiving area or the cold here so we'll
- 00:04:52talk about uh we'll talk about these
- 00:04:55stages especially the archival stage and
- 00:04:58the expiration stage within mongodb
- 00:05:00Atlas it is dealt with the product
- 00:05:03called as online archive which are also
- 00:05:05familiar about
- 00:05:08so introducing online archive
- 00:05:11as you know that online archive is
- 00:05:14automatically it archives data from the
- 00:05:17mongodb atlas clusters to fully manage
- 00:05:19Cloud object storage
- 00:05:21and with mongodb online archive you can
- 00:05:24not only tier your data to Cloud object
- 00:05:28storage at the same time you can access
- 00:05:30your data while optimizing on your
- 00:05:33course and performance as your data
- 00:05:35grows in mongodb Atlas so you can move
- 00:05:38your code data to fully manage Cloud
- 00:05:41object storage by mongodb it's
- 00:05:43completely automated and at the same
- 00:05:45time you have access to your cool data
- 00:05:50the key features of mongodb Atlas begins
- 00:05:53with automated data tiering so from a
- 00:05:57data tiering perspective you can set in
- 00:05:59very simple rules with mongodb online
- 00:06:02archive where you can archive age data
- 00:06:05to cheaper storage to ensure that your
- 00:06:09costs are optimized and at the same time
- 00:06:11you have access to the data has been
- 00:06:13required we give you the ability to
- 00:06:18query your archives as well and your
- 00:06:21data can be queried from your archive
- 00:06:24and also we give you the ability to
- 00:06:27Federate your queries through your
- 00:06:29archive and cluster and combine the
- 00:06:31results and get the combined results
- 00:06:34effectively from both of these places
- 00:06:36both from your hot tier which is your
- 00:06:39Atlas cluster and also your culture
- 00:06:41which is the online archive and it is
- 00:06:44fully managed which means that there is
- 00:06:46no need for the users to configure
- 00:06:48separate Cloud objects storage we
- 00:06:51completely do it from our side it is
- 00:06:55fully automated it's easy to use you can
- 00:06:57create update and pause archival rules
- 00:06:59using the atlas UI or the apis
- 00:07:04here you can see a schematic
- 00:07:07representation of how online archive
- 00:07:08Works online archive works either based
- 00:07:12on a date based rule or a custom
- 00:07:15archival rule which means that you can
- 00:07:19select the number of days after which
- 00:07:22the data gets archived from your Atlas
- 00:07:25cluster to online archive and you can
- 00:07:28select a database rule anything older
- 00:07:31than a specific number of days it gets
- 00:07:34moved from the atlas cluster to online
- 00:07:37archive or you can provide a custom
- 00:07:40archival rule you can type in your own
- 00:07:45condition where it has to be met before
- 00:07:48data gets moved from the cluster to the
- 00:07:50cold tier and once the data is offloaded
- 00:07:54to fully manage object storage which is
- 00:07:57online archive you can query all of your
- 00:08:00data using a single endpoint so if
- 00:08:03there's a query that goes against both
- 00:08:05of these places there is a Federated
- 00:08:07connection string which gives you the
- 00:08:09ability to pull data not only from the
- 00:08:11cluster and online archive will combine
- 00:08:13the results together and it'll provide
- 00:08:16you results using this Federated
- 00:08:18connection string
- 00:08:20we'll get into the connection strings
- 00:08:22and I'll talk about how you can connect
- 00:08:24to the archive and also using the
- 00:08:27Federated connections string of the
- 00:08:29cluster and online archive in a bit uh
- 00:08:32but this is an overview about how you
- 00:08:34can connect using online archive and
- 00:08:37then query using online archive when the
- 00:08:39data is needed to be queried
- 00:08:43now we'll go through a step-by-step
- 00:08:45process of how to create online archive
- 00:08:48it's a simple set of sequence of steps
- 00:08:51that the users can easily go ahead and
- 00:08:56set it up if they have their data and
- 00:08:58the atlas clusters and if there's a need
- 00:09:00to Archive data using mongodb online
- 00:09:02archive
- 00:09:04so configuring archive this is a first
- 00:09:07place where the user can go in and
- 00:09:11create an online archive
- 00:09:13there's a tab called as online archive
- 00:09:17once you get into your cluster you have
- 00:09:19your cluster and you can see different
- 00:09:21tabs there's overview there's metrics
- 00:09:24and collections which you so widely used
- 00:09:26and there's the online artifact tab so
- 00:09:28choose this specific online archive tab
- 00:09:32from your cluster and then you can say
- 00:09:35configure online archive to get started
- 00:09:39once you click on configure online
- 00:09:42archive the first page describes about
- 00:09:46some of the best practices of how to
- 00:09:50create and configure the archive and it
- 00:09:52is important to pay close attention to
- 00:09:55the steps on this overview Tab and that
- 00:09:59is because it is important to set up
- 00:10:02your archive correctly for Optimal
- 00:10:05Performance of your online archive while
- 00:10:07querying it so you can pause or delete
- 00:10:10the online archive at any point in time
- 00:10:13but it's important it's important to
- 00:10:15know that online archive cannot be
- 00:10:18updated and individual documents cannot
- 00:10:21be deleted since online archive is read
- 00:10:23only the documents cannot be updated
- 00:10:25it's important to also configure online
- 00:10:28archive correctly to ensure that while
- 00:10:31querying your online archive it is best
- 00:10:34optimized for your query performance
- 00:10:38the very first step once you go through
- 00:10:41the best practices you move on to the
- 00:10:43next page and this is where the online
- 00:10:45archive we provide an information about
- 00:10:48from which namespace you want your
- 00:10:51online archive to get created so you
- 00:10:53have the database and the collection
- 00:10:55name that would have to be provided at
- 00:10:58the start which is the namespace and
- 00:11:01then there is a storage region this is
- 00:11:03the place where your entire data within
- 00:11:06the online archive will be hosted and
- 00:11:08this can be a different region from that
- 00:11:10of the cluster but by default from the
- 00:11:13drop down we provide the closest region
- 00:11:16or the same region as that of the
- 00:11:18cluster uh where where online archive
- 00:11:21can be stored so that's the default
- 00:11:23value that we provide but we do not
- 00:11:26mandate that you select only that region
- 00:11:28you can pick and choose or from all of
- 00:11:30our supported regions from the drop down
- 00:11:32and uh the ones that are marked the one
- 00:11:36that is marked the closest will be
- 00:11:37marked as with a star that you can see
- 00:11:41over here on your screen but it is
- 00:11:43important to note that once you
- 00:11:45designate a storage region you will not
- 00:11:47be able to change the storage region so
- 00:11:49it's important to pick and choose the
- 00:11:52storage region correctly and also to
- 00:11:55note that even if your cluster region
- 00:11:57changes or if the storage region of the
- 00:11:59of your cluster changes in the future
- 00:12:01your online archive storage region will
- 00:12:03remain the same
- 00:12:06uh from the next set of steps you can
- 00:12:09see that there's a date match criteria
- 00:12:12or there's a custom criteria which means
- 00:12:15that you can move online archive based
- 00:12:17on a date rule in this particular
- 00:12:20example we say after how many days data
- 00:12:24gets moved from Atlas to on an archive
- 00:12:27from your cluster to online archive in
- 00:12:30this case it is 34 days which means that
- 00:12:33anything older than 34 days and anything
- 00:12:36older than 34 days specified by the date
- 00:12:39field that we have in my case I have
- 00:12:41something called as example date field
- 00:12:43in your case it can be any field from
- 00:12:46your collection and the data that is
- 00:12:50more than 34 days based on a certain
- 00:12:52format gets moved to online archive if
- 00:12:55you have a custom criteria based on a
- 00:12:58condition uh you can you can go to
- 00:13:01custom criteria and set something up
- 00:13:03depending on if the condition is
- 00:13:05satisfied right then the data gets moved
- 00:13:07to online archive
- 00:13:10the next step is where we provide
- 00:13:14details about the scheduled archiving
- 00:13:16window and this is an optional uh this
- 00:13:20is an optional setting but it's
- 00:13:22important to note that if a schedule
- 00:13:24archiving window is not created then the
- 00:13:27data gets archived continuously it keeps
- 00:13:30archiving every five minutes uh although
- 00:13:33if the condition for the archiving is
- 00:13:36not met the archiving time period
- 00:13:39between the runs will expand it'll start
- 00:13:43with five minutes every archival runs it
- 00:13:45can expand to 10 minutes and it goes all
- 00:13:47the way up to four hours if the
- 00:13:50condition for archiving is not met but
- 00:13:52we highly encourage that you do schedule
- 00:13:54our archives because archiving will
- 00:13:58eventually move data from your cluster
- 00:14:00and in most to the archive it is and
- 00:14:04it's a heavy operation that needs quite
- 00:14:07a bit of resources so it's best that you
- 00:14:09schedule it during a Time window where
- 00:14:13you you can archive and then move the
- 00:14:17data accordingly within the time window
- 00:14:19so we see that most users they run their
- 00:14:23archives during off-peak hours that is
- 00:14:26they run during weekdays uh during
- 00:14:29midnights or any other time so that it
- 00:14:32does not affect their main schedules and
- 00:14:36also note that if you're scheduling a
- 00:14:38Time window between 12 am to 6 a.m as
- 00:14:42it's mentioned over here the archiving
- 00:14:44does not abruptly stop at the indicated
- 00:14:47time the archiving can extend beyond 6
- 00:14:50AM it depends on the last job that is
- 00:14:53running so if the last job were to run
- 00:14:55at 555 am and it runs for 10 minutes
- 00:14:59then the archiving continues till 605 am
- 00:15:03so the last job will continue running
- 00:15:05and we do not abruptly end at 6am or we
- 00:15:08do not fail the jobs the archiving will
- 00:15:11continue to run but it will run maybe a
- 00:15:13few minutes after 6am
- 00:15:19the next part of the step is to select
- 00:15:23the partition fields and it is important
- 00:15:26that the partition fields are configured
- 00:15:30correctly now partition fields are
- 00:15:33what's called as the commonly queried
- 00:15:35fields from on an archive uh once you
- 00:15:39create your online archive it is
- 00:15:41important to note that the partition
- 00:15:42Fields cannot be changed
- 00:15:45the partition fields are completely
- 00:15:47Frozen so in this case I have an example
- 00:15:51date field I have field a and field B
- 00:15:54and I cannot change this once I create
- 00:15:57the online archive I cannot change uh
- 00:16:01the partition fields and it's important
- 00:16:03to note that uh
- 00:16:06the most queried field
- 00:16:08will be preferred to be there at the
- 00:16:12first layer of partitioning which means
- 00:16:15that I have an example date field field
- 00:16:16day and field B and I am going with my
- 00:16:20assumption that example date field I'm
- 00:16:22always going to be querying based on the
- 00:16:25date field hence I am having date field
- 00:16:28as the top of my partition it is at
- 00:16:30position number one then I move on to
- 00:16:33the second and the third field
- 00:16:35uh note that for a date based rule the
- 00:16:40date field is automatically selected as
- 00:16:43a partition field and if you do not want
- 00:16:45your date as a partition fee if you're
- 00:16:48not going to be querying as often with
- 00:16:51your date field you can select the move
- 00:16:53down option right next to the archive
- 00:16:56date field so that way it moves down or
- 00:17:00it lesser it lesser your priority of
- 00:17:03your date field while field day and
- 00:17:06field B can be pushed on top
- 00:17:09for a custom criteria however that there
- 00:17:12are a maximum of two fields that can be
- 00:17:15selected or your two most commonly
- 00:17:17queried fields for your online archive
- 00:17:19if it's a date based criteria then we
- 00:17:23allow you to select three partition
- 00:17:25Fields including the date field that we
- 00:17:29see over here on the screen
- 00:17:33uh some of the do's and don'ts with
- 00:17:36respect to selecting the partitioning
- 00:17:39strategies the dues is that choose your
- 00:17:42most frequently query Fields as your
- 00:17:45partition Fields this is uh this cannot
- 00:17:48be stressed enough because once the
- 00:17:50archive is created you cannot go and
- 00:17:53edit your partitions you cannot go and
- 00:17:55edit and say I need a point of something
- 00:17:57else so it's important to select your
- 00:17:59most queried Fields if you're going to
- 00:18:02be only querying on let's say a name and
- 00:18:05an age you want to only have name and
- 00:18:08age uh as your partition Fields you do
- 00:18:11not want to pick something else and it's
- 00:18:13important to check the order of the
- 00:18:15partitioning Fields as much as the most
- 00:18:18commonly queried fields are being set up
- 00:18:21the order is also extremely important
- 00:18:24because if you are querying
- 00:18:27more on the date field you would have
- 00:18:29date field as the first in order if if
- 00:18:32not if date field is the least queried
- 00:18:35field then you would want to move down
- 00:18:37and rather have field a or field B at
- 00:18:39the top uh because it's important for
- 00:18:42the ordering to be exactly correct so
- 00:18:44these are the do's and the don'ts is we
- 00:18:47suggest not to add irrelevant Fields as
- 00:18:50partitions especially if you're not
- 00:18:51going to be querying something because
- 00:18:53in the back end we manage storage of our
- 00:18:56online archive in such a way that
- 00:18:59depends completely on your partition
- 00:19:01Fields so if you're not going to be
- 00:19:03querying it it would best to not have
- 00:19:05those fields as partitions if you're
- 00:19:07just querying just based on a date field
- 00:19:09you need not feel that you'll have to
- 00:19:13fill in fields two and three you can
- 00:19:16just leave them as blank as you see here
- 00:19:18that the second field and the Third
- 00:19:20Field are completely optional uh so if
- 00:19:23you're only querying your archive based
- 00:19:26on a date you can just have the date and
- 00:19:28you can just leave Fields two and three
- 00:19:31are blank and finally don't ignore the
- 00:19:33move down option for date fields by
- 00:19:36default the date field is going to be
- 00:19:38the first uh
- 00:19:40field that is specified but if your date
- 00:19:44is not queried often you have to move it
- 00:19:47down because it's important to pick and
- 00:19:50choose the most relevant field as your
- 00:19:53partition field and number one in the
- 00:19:56list so do not ignore the move done
- 00:19:58option especially if it suits your use
- 00:20:00case
- 00:20:02finally before doing it before selecting
- 00:20:06and confirming and beginning archiving
- 00:20:09you can check whether all your
- 00:20:13information that you've entered there be
- 00:20:14it your namespace your storage region
- 00:20:16your your archive field and age limit
- 00:20:18and there's something called as a
- 00:20:20deletion age limit deletion age limit is
- 00:20:23365 days which means that data gets
- 00:20:25deleted from the archive after 365 days
- 00:20:29this is completely an optional field
- 00:20:32this is not a mandatory field it is set
- 00:20:37it is set up depending on your use case
- 00:20:39and if you want data to be deleted from
- 00:20:41your archive directly so you can even
- 00:20:44review this as well note that namespace
- 00:20:47storage region and age limits these are
- 00:20:50all mandated Fields including
- 00:20:53partitioning Fields while the deletion
- 00:20:55age limit and your archiving window
- 00:20:57these are completely optional so
- 00:21:00depending on your use case you can uh
- 00:21:02you can either set it up or just leave
- 00:21:05it as blank and ensure that your
- 00:21:07partitioning feels exactly in this order
- 00:21:10I see that there's a date field and I
- 00:21:13have a field day and field B and I
- 00:21:16ensure that the exact ordering is
- 00:21:18correct and once the partition fields
- 00:21:21are ordered correctly and the storage
- 00:21:23region and everything is fine then you
- 00:21:25can go ahead and begin archiving
- 00:21:28for connecting to the archive notice
- 00:21:31that we provide three connection strings
- 00:21:34of course there's one connection string
- 00:21:37in the middle which says connect to the
- 00:21:40cluster but there are two other
- 00:21:42connection strings that we provide
- 00:21:43either you can connect to your online
- 00:21:46archive directly which means that you
- 00:21:48only go to the archive and then you only
- 00:21:51pull in data from the archive but also
- 00:21:54we give you if Federated connection
- 00:21:55string which goes both to the cluster
- 00:21:58and online archive so let us consider
- 00:22:00this use case that you are setting your
- 00:22:03archival rule to after 100 days or
- 00:22:06approximately three months
- 00:22:08okay so if you need data which is older
- 00:22:12than 100 days let's say you need data
- 00:22:15which is from a year or even two years
- 00:22:18down the line then you can use your
- 00:22:20online archive only connection string
- 00:22:23with that connection string you're just
- 00:22:25going into the archive and fetch the
- 00:22:28data from the archive but let's say that
- 00:22:30you need data from both places you need
- 00:22:32data anywhere from 90 to 110 days which
- 00:22:37means it's going to your cluster between
- 00:22:39these 90 to 100 and then it's going to
- 00:22:43the archive from Days 100 to 110. so in
- 00:22:47this case you can use the first
- 00:22:49connection string which would Federate
- 00:22:50against both your cluster and online
- 00:22:52archive and it's going to pull results
- 00:22:54from both your cluster and online
- 00:22:56archive together and it's very important
- 00:22:59to note that by default the connection
- 00:23:02string that you have available is
- 00:23:04connect to Cluster and online archive
- 00:23:06it's important to note that only if you
- 00:23:09need a Federated connection string then
- 00:23:11we recommend that you choose the
- 00:23:12connection string however you're going
- 00:23:14to be querying often from the archive
- 00:23:16and you're querying often from the cold
- 00:23:18storage then you can use the online
- 00:23:20archive only connection string uh this
- 00:23:23would ensure that you do not Federate
- 00:23:27from both places unless required
- 00:23:32we'll talk about some of the new
- 00:23:34features that we introduced this year
- 00:23:36starting with managing your query limits
- 00:23:40now managing this querying limits is
- 00:23:43something uh that we introduced because
- 00:23:46online archive is uh is consumption
- 00:23:50based pricing which means that if you
- 00:23:53are not querying your archive often then
- 00:23:56we will not bill you for the queries
- 00:24:00because you do not have any queries
- 00:24:01executed on the archive but at the same
- 00:24:04time it might be important to manage
- 00:24:06your costs for your online archives so
- 00:24:10this can be done by clicking on the data
- 00:24:12Federation tab that you see on the left
- 00:24:15part of your screen this will open up a
- 00:24:18page where you see there is a tab called
- 00:24:22as manage query limits and this managed
- 00:24:26query limits it affects the data
- 00:24:29processing costs very specifically and
- 00:24:31not so much as data retrieval or
- 00:24:33transfer or even storage but the
- 00:24:36processing cost is where the data is
- 00:24:38being processed and data is being
- 00:24:40fetched to give you your respective
- 00:24:43results so to manage this you can select
- 00:24:46the manage querying limits and once you
- 00:24:48click on this little tab that you see on
- 00:24:51the right side of the window it says
- 00:24:53manage query limits it takes you to this
- 00:24:56page where by default we have a 100
- 00:25:00terabyte limit
- 00:25:02for online archive which means that if
- 00:25:06there is excessive querying that happens
- 00:25:08uh the the queries there's a cap limit
- 00:25:12of 100 terabytes so after a few thousand
- 00:25:15queries that might result to 100
- 00:25:17terabytes it wouldn't it wouldn't give
- 00:25:20you the option to query any further
- 00:25:22because this is the default limit of
- 00:25:24course this default limit can be changed
- 00:25:26and you can go ahead and edit this at
- 00:25:28any point in time so that you know
- 00:25:30exactly how much has to be queried in
- 00:25:34that sense you can control how much your
- 00:25:37billing pertaining to online archive
- 00:25:39amounts to on a monthly basis
- 00:25:41uh if you need to go and set a limit you
- 00:25:45can obviously set a limit for a project
- 00:25:46or an instance and you can not only
- 00:25:49limit the amount of data in terms of on
- 00:25:54a daily basis on a weekly or monthly
- 00:25:56basis but also on a querying basis so
- 00:25:58this way you're ensuring that you're not
- 00:26:01doing complete collection scans of your
- 00:26:03archive your archive sizes can be huge
- 00:26:05it can be terabytes of terabytes or even
- 00:26:07hundreds of terabytes so you want to
- 00:26:09ensure that your querying limits are
- 00:26:13there and added appropriately so that uh
- 00:26:16you do not encounter some kind of
- 00:26:18billing spikes especially if you're
- 00:26:20quitting your archive which might be
- 00:26:23quite unnecessary uh depending on your
- 00:26:25use case so you can go ahead and add
- 00:26:27these querying limits and these can be
- 00:26:29added for a project or for instance and
- 00:26:33it's very easy to do that and at the
- 00:26:35same time you can go ahead and edit
- 00:26:37these querying limits at a later stage
- 00:26:39so that if there's a change needed and
- 00:26:42if you need to query often more you can
- 00:26:44go and adjust this at any point in time
- 00:26:46and there's also the option to terminate
- 00:26:48the queries which means the queries are
- 00:26:52terminated immediately once uh once the
- 00:26:55limit has been reached of course if
- 00:26:57you're not going to set select that
- 00:26:59option then we do not terminate the
- 00:27:01queries we just let the queries run
- 00:27:07now we are going to talk about mongodbs
- 00:27:10new online archive which uses a new
- 00:27:14storage service that will enhance the
- 00:27:16querying performance this is a feature
- 00:27:18that we introduced a few months before
- 00:27:21and it's extremely uh beneficial to the
- 00:27:25customers and we're just going to dive
- 00:27:26deep into how online archives a new
- 00:27:29feature will benefit you for your
- 00:27:32different use cases
- 00:27:34so with the new online archives we
- 00:27:39improve your querying performance so we
- 00:27:43have an enhanced storage service which
- 00:27:46has Rich metadata that is completely
- 00:27:48optimized which will help you to fetch
- 00:27:51your data in targeted and fewer
- 00:27:53partition scans so you don't have to
- 00:27:55wait a longer time just to fetch your
- 00:27:57data from the archive we have analytical
- 00:28:01storage which will which will improve
- 00:28:03the performance of the queries that you
- 00:28:05typically run which can include either
- 00:28:07pointed queries find find some data
- 00:28:11which is very specific to a point in
- 00:28:13time or it can even be range based
- 00:28:15queries where find data between uh a
- 00:28:19couple of dates in a Time range between
- 00:28:21certain dates and you pull in data from
- 00:28:24this specific date range so online
- 00:28:27archive is designed right now to improve
- 00:28:29the performance for these types of
- 00:28:31queries and more
- 00:28:33we also have the auto rebalancing and
- 00:28:36sorting techniques uh which will ensure
- 00:28:38that as your data is growing within the
- 00:28:41online archive your performance is uh
- 00:28:45still very good especially when there's
- 00:28:47a lot of data in the archive it might be
- 00:28:50needed to fetch the data back within a
- 00:28:54reasonable amount of time so we are we
- 00:28:56have ensured that our storage service is
- 00:28:59completely optimized not only is it
- 00:29:01optimized for querying performance uh
- 00:29:04because of the targeted and fewer
- 00:29:05partition scans it'll also reduce your
- 00:29:08overall cost because the data scan
- 00:29:10behind the scenes is significantly less
- 00:29:12it is still important to know that you
- 00:29:15have to set your partition Fields
- 00:29:17correctly because if you do not set your
- 00:29:19partition Fields correctly and you're
- 00:29:21querying completely on a non-partition
- 00:29:23field it will still be a complete
- 00:29:25collection scan so that's where the
- 00:29:28configuration of online archive is
- 00:29:30extremely important so you set it up in
- 00:29:32a right way and once it's set up in the
- 00:29:35right way we have drastically improved
- 00:29:38the performance and while querying the
- 00:29:40archive the the costs are considerably
- 00:29:42lower as well and also note that we have
- 00:29:47storage in the same region as compute
- 00:29:49which means that there are no data
- 00:29:52transfer is not required between the
- 00:29:55storage and compute tiers once you pick
- 00:29:58and choose a storage region we even
- 00:30:00process the data in the same region
- 00:30:03especially when you're issuing a query
- 00:30:06against your online archive so overall
- 00:30:09we improve the query performance and
- 00:30:13ensure that your costs are
- 00:30:16significantly reduced when it comes to
- 00:30:18online archives query
- 00:30:21we also added some improved metrics and
- 00:30:24Telemetry which I'm going to be talking
- 00:30:25to you about
- 00:30:26starting with the fact that uh you can
- 00:30:30see a little bit of a dashboard once you
- 00:30:32create your online archive so in this uh
- 00:30:35specific case I have seen I have a
- 00:30:38particular archive where where I have
- 00:30:411.4 terabytes of total data archived I
- 00:30:45see that my archive field is a start
- 00:30:49time field and I have an age limit of 90
- 00:30:52days which means that anything more than
- 00:30:5590 days will be archived from my Atlas
- 00:30:58cluster to my online archive I do not
- 00:31:01have any date deletion limit which means
- 00:31:05that data will not be deleted from the
- 00:31:07archive it'll be marked as not
- 00:31:09applicable one thing to note is that
- 00:31:12this dashboard that you're seeing is
- 00:31:16applicable for new online archives so
- 00:31:19beginning June of this year is where you
- 00:31:22can see this dashboard for the newly
- 00:31:24created archives existing archives uh
- 00:31:27which are the old archives will not have
- 00:31:31the total data archived or it will not
- 00:31:33have the total document size as well the
- 00:31:36total number of documents as well uh
- 00:31:38because those are older archives and
- 00:31:41eventually we are going to be migrating
- 00:31:43the older archives
- 00:31:44through our backend mechanisms to the
- 00:31:47new storage service the older archives
- 00:31:51will be marked as not applicable so
- 00:31:53instead of 1.48 terabytes if you have an
- 00:31:56older archive that was created last year
- 00:31:58or the year before it's going to be
- 00:32:01shown as not applicable but eventually
- 00:32:03once we migrate over all of your old
- 00:32:06archives which we will be doing
- 00:32:08completely from mongodb side you will
- 00:32:11still see the total data archived and
- 00:32:13the other details
- 00:32:15in addition to the statistics you can
- 00:32:18also see the partition Fields here you
- 00:32:20can see the Min date field and the max
- 00:32:22date field so you're going to see a date
- 00:32:25range within the archive which means
- 00:32:27that I have my archival data from 2021
- 00:32:31of February to 2022 of September so I
- 00:32:35can see this date range here you know
- 00:32:37exactly the date range within your
- 00:32:40archive what it constitutes how much
- 00:32:43data is there and if I go on to the next
- 00:32:45page if I hover on
- 00:32:48if I hover on the total data size I will
- 00:32:51also see the number of documents in the
- 00:32:54archive so this is the estimated uh
- 00:32:57documents that are present in the
- 00:32:59archive in addition to it I can hover on
- 00:33:02The Last Arc I will run I see the last
- 00:33:04few archival runs I see the time it ran
- 00:33:07and how much how much of data was
- 00:33:10archived during H archival run so this
- 00:33:12is very helpful in understanding how uh
- 00:33:16when how and when data is getting
- 00:33:17archived and how many how much of data
- 00:33:21is being archived during the last few
- 00:33:23archival runs so these are important
- 00:33:25operational statistics with respect to
- 00:33:28online archive that is very helpful for
- 00:33:30you
- 00:33:30so also note that uh some of the future
- 00:33:35improvements are something that you're
- 00:33:37gonna also see uh the next Arc I will
- 00:33:40run and that is something which we are
- 00:33:42going to be introducing in the future uh
- 00:33:45where in addition to the past or
- 00:33:47archival runs you can also to see the
- 00:33:49next archival run so you know exactly
- 00:33:51when your next archival run will take
- 00:33:54place of course if you're set a specific
- 00:33:57time window of archiving then the
- 00:33:59archiving only happens within the time
- 00:34:01window if you have not set up a time
- 00:34:03window then the archiving happens uh 24
- 00:34:06hours but with an interval of five
- 00:34:08minutes that I've mentioned in the
- 00:34:09previous slide
- 00:34:11uh happy to be sharing some of the
- 00:34:15benefits and the customer story of
- 00:34:17online archive here so starting with why
- 00:34:20it is good for developers from a
- 00:34:23developer perspective it's a very easy
- 00:34:26for automated hearing purposes
- 00:34:29especially to move your cool data to
- 00:34:31online archive and eliminate the manual
- 00:34:34data migration process which can be a
- 00:34:37bit tedious as you've seen before in the
- 00:34:40presentation it just takes a few clicks
- 00:34:42to create online archive and it's
- 00:34:45completely automated and you can
- 00:34:46schedule windows and you can schedule
- 00:34:48configurations uh very quickly instead
- 00:34:52of writing complex complicated scripts
- 00:34:54and then moving data manually it's also
- 00:34:56easily queryable which means that you're
- 00:34:59not only querying data from the archive
- 00:35:02which is called here you can combine
- 00:35:04data from your cold tier and your
- 00:35:07cluster together using that Federated
- 00:35:09connection endpoint and so data has come
- 00:35:11line it gives you your hot data and cold
- 00:35:13data together depending on your use case
- 00:35:16and it's fully managed because there's
- 00:35:18no need to have a separate configuration
- 00:35:21in Cloud object storage and do all the
- 00:35:23backend work behind the scenes we manage
- 00:35:26it for you it completely managed and we
- 00:35:28automate the entire process behind the
- 00:35:31scenes that is moving data from your
- 00:35:34Atlas cluster and moving data to Cold
- 00:35:37Storage which is online archive we
- 00:35:39completely manage the process end-to-end
- 00:35:41for you
- 00:35:43from a business perspective automated
- 00:35:45tiering would save significantly on cost
- 00:35:48especially if you're having cool data
- 00:35:51that you're not querying as often in
- 00:35:53your cluster sitting over there instead
- 00:35:55of that you would want to move to cost
- 00:35:57efficient storage and increase
- 00:35:59productivity so not only is data just
- 00:36:02sitting there in the archive will give
- 00:36:05you the ability to query from the
- 00:36:07archive which means that you can combine
- 00:36:09data in real time for faster insights
- 00:36:12you can combine data from your hot and
- 00:36:14cold tiers as well using the Federated
- 00:36:17connection string and it's fully managed
- 00:36:19and this this means that you wouldn't
- 00:36:23have to manage anything especially when
- 00:36:26it's something to do with moving data
- 00:36:28constantly or maintaining data in your
- 00:36:31cold storage so we manage it for you
- 00:36:33it's just a few simple clicks of
- 00:36:36configuring the rules and then setting
- 00:36:39up your online archive
- 00:36:41uh finally we will look at why do we
- 00:36:44think the archival this is a customer
- 00:36:47story that we'd like to share uh from a
- 00:36:50savings perspective it is quite
- 00:36:52significant because uh this is one of
- 00:36:55our customers from nesto software they
- 00:36:58didn't mention that they were able to
- 00:37:00save significantly when it's relating to
- 00:37:03data storage costs and Cloud backup
- 00:37:04costs so this is just by a few clicks of
- 00:37:07online archive and that overall database
- 00:37:10spend was to reduce significantly and uh
- 00:37:13the these are some of the common uh
- 00:37:17patterns and observations which we
- 00:37:19receive and the positive feedback we
- 00:37:21receive from our customers especially
- 00:37:22When selecting online archive which may
- 00:37:24be very pertinent to their use cases so
- 00:37:27uh just by a few clicks you might be
- 00:37:30able to save significant amount of money
- 00:37:33on your data storage or your cloud
- 00:37:36backup costs and your overall Atlas
- 00:37:38database pen as well by configuring our
- 00:37:41online archive and then me and then we
- 00:37:44do the maintenance for you so
- 00:37:47um with that said uh I would like to
- 00:37:52open the floor for any questions but
- 00:37:54before that
- 00:37:56I'd like to pass it over to either
- 00:37:58Sabina or nia to talk about mongodb
- 00:38:02local which might be at some place which
- 00:38:07is closer to you so you can learn more
- 00:38:09about mongodb products if they like to
- 00:38:12tell more about mongodb.local they can
- 00:38:15mention this over to USB Arena
- 00:38:18and Nia
- 00:38:19yes thank you Prem for your presentation
- 00:38:26before we get into the Q a section we're
- 00:38:30going to drop the poll
- 00:38:32so please make sure you answer the poll
- 00:38:34questions and share your feedback with
- 00:38:36us today on how you thought the
- 00:38:38presentation went and while you're
- 00:38:40answering the poll questions I want to
- 00:38:42invite you to attend one of our DOT
- 00:38:43local events which might be coming to a
- 00:38:45city near you the next events will be in
- 00:38:48Boston Dallas and Atlanta
- 00:38:51um when you attend you will have the
- 00:38:52chance to meet with peers from this
- 00:38:54webinar with you like Prem or Sabina who
- 00:38:57is answering your questions in the Q a
- 00:38:58section make sure to visit
- 00:39:02local to learn more when you register
- 00:39:04enter code webinar 50 to save 50 percent
- 00:39:09and while you are doing that and
- 00:39:12registering for a DOT local and
- 00:39:13answering the poll questions I will hand
- 00:39:15it off to Prem and Sabrina to answer the
- 00:39:18questions within the Q a section
- 00:39:26happy to answer some of the questions
- 00:39:28that we have so one of the questions was
- 00:39:32um Can a Federated string be used if a
- 00:39:35private endpoint on a private endpoint
- 00:39:38connection string yes absolutely so
- 00:39:40private endpoint is a separate setting
- 00:39:43for mongodb online archive and if you're
- 00:39:46using private endpoint you can still be
- 00:39:47using your Federated connection strings
- 00:39:51there is another question that talks
- 00:39:54about can you change your archival rule
- 00:39:58yes you can change your archival rule at
- 00:40:00any point in time uh so if you have a
- 00:40:04database rule you can go and modify it
- 00:40:07at any point in time where if you've set
- 00:40:10it up for something like a hundred days
- 00:40:12and then you would want to change it you
- 00:40:14can do it but what you cannot change is
- 00:40:16like a partition field partition field
- 00:40:19or your most commonly queried fields
- 00:40:22that cannot be changed uh but your rules
- 00:40:26that you have set it up uh for your
- 00:40:28archive those can be changed
- 00:40:34feel free to ask any questions on the Q
- 00:40:37a or in the chat section and then we can
- 00:40:40answer
- 00:40:45uh okay there's a question on the chat
- 00:40:48which says does online archive work the
- 00:40:51same way on all versions and all cluster
- 00:40:54tiers uh yes it works on the same way on
- 00:40:58all version and on cluster tiers but it
- 00:41:01depends on when your online archive was
- 00:41:04created we have the older online
- 00:41:07archives that were created before June
- 00:41:10of this year which will not have some of
- 00:41:14the performance optimizations that were
- 00:41:16mentioned before and some of the metrics
- 00:41:19and Telemetry uh that is that is because
- 00:41:22only the new archives created after a
- 00:41:25cutoff date which is June 7th to be
- 00:41:28precise so any online archive created
- 00:41:30after that will have these performance
- 00:41:32improvements will have the metrics and
- 00:41:36other details as you can see but
- 00:41:38eventually over the next several months
- 00:41:40we will be migrating your older created
- 00:41:42archives to the new store service we'll
- 00:41:46be doing this completely in the back end
- 00:41:47so you do not have to do anything from
- 00:41:49your side and we will be moving data and
- 00:41:52once that happens all online archives
- 00:41:54will behave in the exact same way
- 00:41:59um please go to the next slide
- 00:42:04thank you
- 00:42:12if there's any more questions uh Sabina
- 00:42:15you can
- 00:42:16direct it to me either from the chat or
- 00:42:19from you can type in your question in Q
- 00:42:21a
- 00:43:02please everyone continue to fill out the
- 00:43:05poll while Sabina will ask Prem a
- 00:43:08question and she'll also drop the
- 00:43:09question in a webinar chat so you guys
- 00:43:11can remember the question that is being
- 00:43:13asked
- 00:43:33okay so there's another question if you
- 00:43:35have a free version of Atlas can you
- 00:43:37test uh online archive yeah online
- 00:43:40archive is available for M10 and about
- 00:43:45clusters so this is something uh yeah
- 00:43:49not on the free version uh for M10 and
- 00:43:53above is something where you can go
- 00:43:55ahead and create online archive
- 00:44:32there's another question that says can
- 00:44:35you have multiple rules on the same
- 00:44:37collection
- 00:44:38well uh there you can only have an
- 00:44:42online archive on a specific namespace
- 00:44:46so if there are multiple online archives
- 00:44:50on the same namespace only one online
- 00:44:53archive can be active uh others will
- 00:44:57have to they'll have to be inactive
- 00:44:59which means they'd have to be paused or
- 00:45:01they have to be deleted uh so online
- 00:45:04archive is essentially moving data from
- 00:45:06your collection and it moves to cold
- 00:45:09tier so even if there are multiple rules
- 00:45:12uh well you can have multiple rules but
- 00:45:15only one of them will be active
- 00:45:32okay we'll give it a couple more minutes
- 00:45:35if we have no questions from the host
- 00:45:38and no questions from the attendees
- 00:45:41today we thank you all for joining but
- 00:45:44we'll still give it a couple of minutes
- 00:45:46and keep it open since we do have some
- 00:45:48more time we would love your questions
- 00:45:50Sabina a prime if you have any other
- 00:45:53information to add to the presentation
- 00:45:55from today that will be helpful to the
- 00:45:56attendees
- 00:45:58please share
- 00:46:04yes this webinar will be record this
- 00:46:07webinar is being recorded and will be
- 00:46:09shared um this Friday
- 00:46:11um so please stay tuned for an email
- 00:46:13with the recording and any other
- 00:46:15information to help continue your
- 00:46:16mongodb journey
- 00:46:23Ram there are a couple other questions
- 00:46:24in the chat
- 00:46:26yeah I can take the I can take another
- 00:46:28question on
- 00:46:30hottest mongodb delete the documents
- 00:46:34uh yeah how we how we do that is this is
- 00:46:38behind the scenes we have a job where we
- 00:46:42move data in in bulk and uh we would do
- 00:46:47in increments of two gigabytes which
- 00:46:49means that a job can at the maximum uh
- 00:46:54taken two gigabytes amount of data at
- 00:46:58every single archive will run and once
- 00:47:01that is done it takes the documents and
- 00:47:04it goes and inserts into the archive
- 00:47:06together and once the documents are
- 00:47:09present in the online archive those
- 00:47:11documents are deleted back uh from the
- 00:47:14cluster so that way you just have a
- 00:47:16single copy of the data but it is moved
- 00:47:18from one place to another and it's in
- 00:47:21increments of two gigabytes
- 00:47:26um there's another question which is
- 00:47:28about if the date is based upon
- 00:47:32uh date is within a field of data when
- 00:47:35the data was created
- 00:47:37uh no it's based on a field uh within
- 00:47:41your collection which means that you
- 00:47:44have a specific collection it's not
- 00:47:45based on the creation date of your data
- 00:47:48uh within uh Atlas it it hap it is very
- 00:47:52specific to uh it is very very specific
- 00:47:56to a field that you select and that
- 00:47:57field would have to be configured by you
- 00:47:59at the time of archival
- 00:48:01there's another question about
- 00:48:04encryption address well uh as far as
- 00:48:08encryption address is concerned like we
- 00:48:12provide encryption address bought with
- 00:48:15mongodb manage keys if you're very
- 00:48:18specifically asking for your own case
- 00:48:21that you'd like to manage that is
- 00:48:23something which we would be doing it's
- 00:48:24on our roadmap uh sometime in the future
- 00:48:27so that is something that we'll be
- 00:48:30adding in the future
- 00:48:49there's another question that talks
- 00:48:52about what happens to the data if
- 00:48:53mongodb cluster
- 00:48:55becomes unhealthy when it's archiving uh
- 00:49:00I'm not sure if if you're referring to
- 00:49:03the
- 00:49:05clusters and the load capacity on the
- 00:49:07cluster so that is something uh would
- 00:49:11have to be managed by you using the
- 00:49:13scheduled window that we have which
- 00:49:15means that within a specific time window
- 00:49:19there is the data that is being moved
- 00:49:22but of course if there are other
- 00:49:25important uh there are other important
- 00:49:28activities which are going on in the
- 00:49:30cluster you would not want to be
- 00:49:31scheduling your archive at that time to
- 00:49:34ensure that there's no resource
- 00:49:35contention or uh you know the queries on
- 00:49:39the database itself is getting affected
- 00:49:41so you do not want to schedule at a time
- 00:49:44where it is uh where there's a lot of
- 00:49:47activity going on
- 00:49:52foreign
- 00:50:12just a few more minutes longer please
- 00:50:15send your questions in and thank you
- 00:50:16everyone for answering the poll
- 00:50:19um this webinar recording will be shared
- 00:50:22via email on Friday and don't forget to
- 00:50:25sign up for our DOT local events that
- 00:50:27will be happening in Boston Dallas and
- 00:50:29Atlanta if that is a city near you but
- 00:50:32please keep
- 00:50:34um track on our local
- 00:50:38to see if there is an event near you
- 00:50:41with experts on these webinars
- 00:50:45also if you have any other questions
- 00:50:47outside of this topic please ask the
- 00:50:50questions in our mongodb community
- 00:50:52forums check the slack for check the
- 00:50:55chat for the link
- 00:51:00and Sabina also dropped a resource to
- 00:51:03learn more about online archive this
- 00:51:06resource will also be included via email
- 00:51:08but please take a look ahead of time if
- 00:51:11you have any questions
- 00:51:19thank you for joining thank you Prem for
- 00:51:22a wonderful presentation
- 00:51:24and Sabina for answering the questions
- 00:51:27in Prem as well
- 00:51:35thank you so much thank you so much uh
- 00:51:37on behalf of Nia Sabina and myself Prim
- 00:51:41uh have a great day ahead and if
- 00:51:44anything uh if you need any more
- 00:51:46questions and feel free to reach out uh
- 00:51:49using our community forums that were
- 00:51:51shared before and also learn more about
- 00:51:53online archive using the links shared as
- 00:51:56well thank you so much
- 00:51:59thank you everyone hope you have a great
- 00:52:01rest of your day
- MongoDB Atlas
- Gestione dati
- Online Archive
- Automazione
- Ottimizzazione costi
- Query
- Archiviazione dati
- Cloud storage