Essential Du'a Prep for Hajj - The Post Nusuk Transition
TLDRIn this informative session, the speaker emphasizes the integral role of dua (supplication) in Islam, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan and during the Hajj pilgrimage. They outline the importance of dua as an act of worship that fosters a deep connection with Allah. The discussion offers practical tips for enhancing one’s dua practice, including the significance of beginning with praises of Allah, the need for sincerity, and the benefits of praying in one's own language. Additionally, the speaker encourages making dua for oneself before expanding it to include requests for others. Emphasis is placed on utilizing specific times and acts of worship, such as during fasting or in prayer, to optimize the chances that one's dua will be accepted. The session aims to enrich participants' understanding and approach to making dua in their spiritual lives.
الوجبات الجاهزة
- 💡 Dua is fundamental to worship and life.
- 🌙 Fasting enhances the effectiveness of dua.
- ❤️ Speak to Allah in your own language for sincerity.
- 🙏 Always begin dua by praising Allah first.
- 🌍 Include prayers for others, acknowledging collective needs.
الجدول الزمني
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
A reminder to stay calm and patient while waiting for Ramadan to finish; the speaker predicts that at least 50,000 visas were issued based on past statements.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Discussion on the significance of Dua (supplication) in the Islamic faith, emphasizing that life is ultimately meant for worship and submission to Allah.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Understanding that slavery to Allah is a form of freedom; true freedom comes from servitude and submitting to the divine will.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Dua is characterized by humility and obedience to Allah, and is fundamental to life as it symbolizes one's relationship with the Creator.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
The importance of recognizing Allah's graciousness in answering prayers, and the necessity of making Dua with sincerity and a deep connection to Him.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
How to approach Dua: through understanding, humility, and focusing on others' needs, not just one's own desires. Prayer should be heartfelt and genuine, initiated by praising Allah.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
Dua can take various forms, including asking for help and guidance, and it is encouraged to include specific supplications taught by the Prophet. The more you make Dua with intention, the more likely it is to be accepted.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Illustration of the Prophet's diligence in making Dua extended over long periods, showcasing that true worship includes lengthy supplication. This practice builds connection and sincerity with Allah.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Encouragement to express personal feelings and requests to Allah in one's own language while utilizing traditional prayers and supplications to enhance the experience.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:33
The concluding guidance on preparing for spiritual practices outside of Hajj, including engaging with prayer lists, writing personal prayers, and fostering communal awareness and concern for fellow believers.
الخريطة الذهنية
فيديو أسئلة وأجوبة
What should I do before making dua?
Start by praising Allah and sending salawat (blessings) upon the Prophet.
Is it okay to read duas from a list?
Yes, you can read duas from a list; it maintains the organic nature of your supplication.
How do I keep my dua sincere?
Speak from your heart in your own language, express your feelings, and articulate your needs clearly.
Why is fasting important for dua?
Fasting boosts the effectiveness of dua as it brings a person closer to Allah in humility and submission.
Can I make dua for others?
Yes, it's good to make dua for others after you've prayed for yourself.
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- 00:00:06everybody good afternoon uh pretty much
- 00:00:09to everybody because even the Yanks have
- 00:00:11entered into the uh
- 00:00:14afternoon and um we are not too far off
- 00:00:18inshallah I see a lot of stress and uh
- 00:00:21concern about um how long this is going
- 00:00:24to be people are worried about and
- 00:00:27getting enough time to eat come on guys
- 00:00:30chill out man you fasted all day you can
- 00:00:32fast another couple of hours no no I'm
- 00:00:34I'm actually only hoping for this to be
- 00:00:35about half an hour to allow some
- 00:00:37questions uh we don't need to do any
- 00:00:40kind of logistics and that's it nuk has
- 00:00:43closed its miserable self and um uh made
- 00:00:47its statements when under wiser they
- 00:00:50said that 50,000 visas were given out I
- 00:00:53think that my prediction of about 2 3
- 00:00:54weeks ago has actually come through that
- 00:00:57the statements that were being made
- 00:00:58about 20 or 19,000 being made available
- 00:01:01were actually including those mujam
- 00:01:03visas the ones that they give out uh
- 00:01:05complimentary so it looks like that I
- 00:01:07was proven right again Mystic Meg
- 00:01:09strikes again
- 00:01:11masallah um and uh which was obviously
- 00:01:15meaningless to us cost us in every way
- 00:01:18especially our American brothers and
- 00:01:20sisters but we pray Allah subh
- 00:01:22compensates them for their patience and
- 00:01:24for their inability to be able to make
- 00:01:26it this year keeps their intention firm
- 00:01:28and ready for next year sh inshallah and
- 00:01:31as you've seen I've posted in our
- 00:01:33channel the next uh steps um there's a
- 00:01:37lot of stuff going on I'm not going to
- 00:01:39regurgitate that for um for time
- 00:01:43purposes but it's all there and Chase it
- 00:01:46up inshallah also everybody now
- 00:01:48alhamdulillah is um uh roomed as such
- 00:01:52meaning everybody's got there and uh
- 00:01:54completed their forms and we'll be
- 00:01:56moving over to the new group soon um
- 00:01:59where we're going to start after Ramadan
- 00:02:01now getting people ready for Biometrics
- 00:02:03if necessary and then to receive visas
- 00:02:06and then of course the actual study uh
- 00:02:08itself anyway um what is our Focus for
- 00:02:12today's uh session today's session
- 00:02:15really is uh dual purpose the primary
- 00:02:19purpose is to just make people realize
- 00:02:23after the previous session that we did
- 00:02:24last week post nusk trans post nusk
- 00:02:28transition
- 00:02:30I guess lecture one um was about opening
- 00:02:34your eyes to just how dominant um the
- 00:02:39institution and that's the right word
- 00:02:40that the institution of Dua is to Haj
- 00:02:44and actually Dua is everything Dua is
- 00:02:47life right because if you start breaking
- 00:02:50it down to its bare fundamentals
- 00:02:56allahs so the only reason that we've
- 00:02:58actually even experiencing life the only
- 00:03:00the only reason that we're even alive
- 00:03:03right is to worship
- 00:03:07allaha I didn't create the Jin or the or
- 00:03:09mankind except to worship
- 00:03:13me worship me also from the root verb to
- 00:03:18submit and to enslave yourself and
- 00:03:22that's essentially what we all are and
- 00:03:24that's what our job role is to be slaves
- 00:03:27and to be good slaves to not just a
- 00:03:30slave master and an owner but an
- 00:03:33incredibly merciful uh owner and master
- 00:03:38and Lord who gives Beyond imagination
- 00:03:41however negative and depressed you may
- 00:03:43feel or think that you may feel being in
- 00:03:45this relationship it's actually the
- 00:03:47exact opposite sometimes we taste
- 00:03:50moments of Sweetness in our lives those
- 00:03:52are the moments where our Iman is High
- 00:03:54where the brain is connected properly
- 00:03:56and other times we're on a low and we
- 00:03:58become distant from Allah wa tala the
- 00:04:01interesting thing about this slavery
- 00:04:03contract is that we're never held
- 00:04:05accountable for it in the dun in the dun
- 00:04:08what do I mean by that that those that
- 00:04:10openly reject that slavery that reject
- 00:04:13that that submission that reject that
- 00:04:15deal that they've already agreed to uh
- 00:04:19before they were even brought onto this
- 00:04:20planet in front of Allah subh tala they
- 00:04:23already be a bore witness that they
- 00:04:25would be those good slaves that that
- 00:04:27Allah is their lord and then they turn
- 00:04:29their back on them as the kuf do Allah
- 00:04:32allows that to happen Allah does not you
- 00:04:35know uh if you think about it in some
- 00:04:38kind of slave movie context when you try
- 00:04:41to break free then the dogs are set
- 00:04:44after you and you're grabbed and and
- 00:04:45you're locked up in Chains No Allah will
- 00:04:47absolutely pull all the dogs back and
- 00:04:48allow no chains to be seen anywhere and
- 00:04:51will go and allow you to celebrate your
- 00:04:53freedom quote unquote um and so and and
- 00:04:57then hold you right royally accountable
- 00:04:59for it and here after so slavery and
- 00:05:01submission is our function and is our
- 00:05:03purpose and if we and I'm just building
- 00:05:06up a narrative here if we if you're
- 00:05:08agreeing with me every step of the way
- 00:05:10then you'll understand that along the
- 00:05:12way as slaves were told to do certain
- 00:05:15things which are non-negotiables and
- 00:05:16those are the obligatory aspects of
- 00:05:18Islam or the pillars of Islam ironically
- 00:05:21Hajj being one of them that has brought
- 00:05:23us together in this moment and in this
- 00:05:25Gathering um and if our slavery was to
- 00:05:29be characterized by something you could
- 00:05:32choose various things you could choose
- 00:05:34the acts of worship that we do you could
- 00:05:36choose the character of the slave and
- 00:05:39how they conduct themselves when they're
- 00:05:41in such a reality meaning that when you
- 00:05:43know you're a slave when you know that
- 00:05:45you're you owe everything to allaha
- 00:05:47arrogance and ego is then suppressed
- 00:05:50right obedience is then you know on a
- 00:05:52high there are certain characteristics
- 00:05:54that we could identify that that that
- 00:05:57that that that that life by but none
- 00:06:00would be better none would be more
- 00:06:02clearer and none would be more more
- 00:06:05profound than your state of Dua and the
- 00:06:08reason for that is because the prophet
- 00:06:10sallallah alaih wasallam
- 00:06:12said that if you want to actually
- 00:06:14understand what worship is at its core
- 00:06:16it's Dua and to understand that further
- 00:06:20you need to appreciate that Allah subhah
- 00:06:22wa taala is honored by the fact that
- 00:06:25he's the only one who's called upon and
- 00:06:27he's the only one that can give he's the
- 00:06:29only one that response and he tells us
- 00:06:30again and he tells us again and he tells
- 00:06:32us again and that that that narrative
- 00:06:35that repeats itself throughout the Quran
- 00:06:37and throughout the Sunnah is not because
- 00:06:40he needs anything it's the exact
- 00:06:41opposite actually he has everything to
- 00:06:42give and he loves to give unlike humans
- 00:06:45and so what defines us is our desire and
- 00:06:49our need and what defines him is his
- 00:06:52giving and his continuous Mercy
- 00:06:54therefore the Mind shift the mindset
- 00:06:59shift that is needed is to stop thinking
- 00:07:03about Dua in human terms because when
- 00:07:06you start thinking about it in human
- 00:07:07terms that's when you start to struggle
- 00:07:11to maintain this relationship this this
- 00:07:13is this is when you uh struggle to be
- 00:07:17the right slave that you're meant to be
- 00:07:19but when you understand that Allah
- 00:07:21subhana tala is not in need of anything
- 00:07:25does not get tired of giving and
- 00:07:27actually this was far bigger than just
- 00:07:30material items when you appreciate that
- 00:07:33Allah subh is proud when you call upon
- 00:07:35him that Allah subh boasts to the angels
- 00:07:38when you call upon him because think
- 00:07:41about it when you're calling upon him
- 00:07:43you're not calling upon others who are
- 00:07:45not worthy and don't have the ability
- 00:07:47when you're calling upon others who
- 00:07:48don't deserve it and don't have the
- 00:07:50ability you're guilty of the only only
- 00:07:53sin that will not be forgiven you are
- 00:07:55guilty of the one thing that will put
- 00:07:56you in Hellfire forever which is shik
- 00:07:59it's so important to be able to break
- 00:08:00things down like that and Dean to break
- 00:08:03it down like that and worship to break
- 00:08:04it down like that because then you start
- 00:08:06to uh appreciate the things which are
- 00:08:10important in a natural organic sense it
- 00:08:12is part of your F to make Dua and
- 00:08:15therefore why why all this big
- 00:08:17introduction if you do not feel
- 00:08:19comfortable making Dua for hours there's
- 00:08:21something wrong there's something wrong
- 00:08:24if you identify the prophet sallallahu
- 00:08:26alaihi wasallam and his day and his
- 00:08:27night a large proportion of it is making
- 00:08:30Dua the prophet sallallah alaihi
- 00:08:32wasallam would go into s and the people
- 00:08:34would be you know behind him that would
- 00:08:36be
- 00:08:37praying they think something's wrong we
- 00:08:40have narrations from companions actually
- 00:08:41lifting their heads think about that for
- 00:08:43a second lifting their heads to make
- 00:08:45sure that everything's still okay and
- 00:08:46the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam is
- 00:08:47still in s we have some narrations more
- 00:08:50so in the Sunnah prayers in the na
- 00:08:52prayers than in the obligatory ones
- 00:08:54because it was not the way of the
- 00:08:55Prophet Sall Al wasallam to elongate the
- 00:08:56obligatory prayer but his individual
- 00:08:58prayer and when they were praying the
- 00:09:02the with him for example whether that
- 00:09:04was in public like in the nights of
- 00:09:06Ramadan which only happened three times
- 00:09:08or whether that was in private with him
- 00:09:10like Abdullah Abbas and so on and his
- 00:09:12wives we know that he would make S for a
- 00:09:16very very long time we have the Hadith
- 00:09:17actually which people are reading now
- 00:09:19for the first time the Hadi of the
- 00:09:22Hadith of when L was meant to be
- 00:09:24announced but the prophet Sall alaihi
- 00:09:25wasallam then didn't announce it and
- 00:09:27that Hadith narrates that the prophet
- 00:09:29was prostrating and prostrating and
- 00:09:31prostrating and then when he came up
- 00:09:32from his prostration the mud began to
- 00:09:34trickled down his face because it was
- 00:09:35raining the rain came through the the
- 00:09:37thatched roof and it was trickling down
- 00:09:39his face s alaihi wasallam now you may
- 00:09:42think that when a person is in s that
- 00:09:45they just making saying
- 00:09:48subh and that's good and that's also
- 00:09:50worship and that is also a form of Dua
- 00:09:52which I'll come to in a second and it's
- 00:09:54also a very important way of being and
- 00:09:56staying in the game however the prophet
- 00:09:58sallallah alaihi wasallam also said also
- 00:10:00said that you are closest to your lord
- 00:10:02when you're in SJ and when you're
- 00:10:04closest to your lord you call upon your
- 00:10:06lord and every call that you make upon
- 00:10:08your lord is a Dua even if there's not
- 00:10:10actually a request in it there are
- 00:10:13different categories of Dua for example
- 00:10:15what we think about Dua when we hear the
- 00:10:17word Dua is Du with the Dua of
- 00:10:20requesting something in the Salah we
- 00:10:22have two particular parts of the prayer
- 00:10:25which are dominated by du the S and
- 00:10:28before you you sayam that's why in the S
- 00:10:31you make every Dua that you can think of
- 00:10:34and you feel it because you just feel in
- 00:10:36that submissive subjective uh that that
- 00:10:40that state as a subject that that state
- 00:10:43as a slave you feel it more in s
- 00:10:46obviously and then at the end when you
- 00:10:48finish your which is a
- 00:10:51Dua muhamad and the best of duas by the
- 00:10:53way we'll come to that in a second as
- 00:10:55well and Then followed up by the the the
- 00:10:58the the ra of duas that you will have
- 00:11:00memorized your parents would have told
- 00:11:02you taught
- 00:11:06you your parents would have told
- 00:11:09you this is when you weren't so may be
- 00:11:11educated about your Salah when you do
- 00:11:14study your Salah you realize that
- 00:11:16actually these two have not been
- 00:11:16narrated from the Sunnah but are
- 00:11:18completely allowed to say but rather
- 00:11:20from the Sunnah is
- 00:11:31these are the duas that you learn from
- 00:11:32the
- 00:11:35prophet all of these duas that speak
- 00:11:37about your mental state physical
- 00:11:42state oh Allah protect me from being
- 00:11:44miserly from being a coward oh Allah
- 00:11:46protect me from dementia from cility
- 00:11:48don't allow me to return back to a
- 00:11:49useless age which is where I can't
- 00:11:51remember or see
- 00:11:53anything I have wronged myself Ya Allah
- 00:11:56a huge wronging I have done a crime
- 00:11:58against myself and you're the only one
- 00:12:01who forgives
- 00:12:03sins and forgive me because you are the
- 00:12:05only one who forgives this is you asking
- 00:12:07for whatever you want and it's an open
- 00:12:09session it's an open session after your
- 00:12:12you can go on and on and on and on
- 00:12:14because this is a time of Dua the
- 00:12:17prophet Sall alaih wasallam said in
- 00:12:18theith that this is a time in which you
- 00:12:19should be making Dua for whatever you
- 00:12:21want this is a statement that we he
- 00:12:23repeat it also after thean the prophet
- 00:12:25Sall alaihi wasallam said that after you
- 00:12:26have done Muhammad after you hear thean
- 00:12:30and then after you have uh uh made the
- 00:12:33uh uh the Dua for the sh of the Prophet
- 00:12:36Sall alaihi wasallam which he actually
- 00:12:37asked the Believers to do make this Dua
- 00:12:40for me so that I receive
- 00:12:42this this uh uh this uh raised status
- 00:12:45with Allah subh which is why we
- 00:12:50say once you finish that what did the
- 00:12:52prophet in Hadith he said then let him
- 00:12:55ask for whatever he wants that's when
- 00:12:57you have this Sunnah act where person is
- 00:12:59starting to make Dua for what they want
- 00:13:02themselves it's their time now so the
- 00:13:04first part was sending salams upon the
- 00:13:05Prophet wasallam this after thean when
- 00:13:07you hear the MU the second part was
- 00:13:09making Dua for the prophet Sall alhi
- 00:13:11wasallam and be given a special status
- 00:13:13that he deserves the third is all you
- 00:13:15the third is all you and I can be as
- 00:13:17long as you want the prophet sallallah
- 00:13:18alhi wasallam is natural day I'm just
- 00:13:20talking about the daytime what about the
- 00:13:21night time the night time he would stand
- 00:13:23for hours hours hours the Salah is there
- 00:13:26making Dua making Dua in line with the
- 00:13:28state of of the in which Allah subh says
- 00:13:32that he descends in a man which perits
- 00:13:34his majesty to the lowest heavens and is
- 00:13:36there saying who is asking so I may I
- 00:13:38may give who is seeking forgiveness so I
- 00:13:41may forgive them this is happening all
- 00:13:42the time we all ignored it we all
- 00:13:44carried the sleeping we all thought that
- 00:13:46this was some kind of game the prophet
- 00:13:47sallallah alaihi wasallam didn't the
- 00:13:49prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam life
- 00:13:50is characterized by Dua because Dua is
- 00:13:52the very best of your worship and so my
- 00:13:53brothers and sisters if you are not
- 00:13:56making continuous Dua and you're like
- 00:13:58everybody else which is when the Dua
- 00:13:59starts the hands go like this then it's
- 00:14:00like that then it's like this then it's
- 00:14:02all about you know blah blah blah and
- 00:14:03everyone gets bored and starts looking
- 00:14:05around and and and the like and it's the
- 00:14:07same Dua that your mom has taught you
- 00:14:09and your dad has taught you and it's on
- 00:14:10autopilot and you're not letting go in
- 00:14:13essence you're not actually connecting
- 00:14:15with Allah subh you're not taking the
- 00:14:17request seriously right this is a
- 00:14:21warning sign to you that you don't even
- 00:14:23have your Dua right in the previous
- 00:14:25session that we did it was me waking you
- 00:14:26up to the fact that Haj is full of Dua
- 00:14:29right now I'm waking up to the fact that
- 00:14:31you're not even making Dua outside of
- 00:14:33Haj you're not even doing it properly
- 00:14:35outside of ha and this is because of
- 00:14:36fundamental misconceptions about how
- 00:14:38important Dua is for us and how much
- 00:14:41Allah subh appreciates it the next stage
- 00:14:44that would come from there first of all
- 00:14:47now you need to understand just how
- 00:14:48fundamental it is that D is something
- 00:14:50that Allah loves get the humanness out
- 00:14:52of it remove the human factor from Allah
- 00:14:54subhana tala you come to me ask me for
- 00:14:56something I'm turning the other way then
- 00:14:58another person comes I see a mile I
- 00:14:59think oh my God what's he want I'm going
- 00:15:01that way that's a human response Allah
- 00:15:03subh is saying more of you come more of
- 00:15:05you ask anyone else needing anything
- 00:15:07it's the exact opposite right he loves
- 00:15:10to give and forgive as we as the Nashid
- 00:15:13says right so um the that wasn't very
- 00:15:18clever I completely forgot
- 00:15:20about the
- 00:15:22um being in the new office I need to get
- 00:15:25used to a few things um so I want you to
- 00:15:29appreciate brothers and sisters just how
- 00:15:31important Dua
- 00:15:34makes a Dua belongs and defines our
- 00:15:38actual life okay our normative life then
- 00:15:43Allah subhana wa tala through his
- 00:15:44generosity gives us special bonus
- 00:15:46moments I've already mentioned a few for
- 00:15:49example the for example at the end of
- 00:15:50the prayer before you
- 00:15:52say for example in the uh moments after
- 00:15:56you hear thean and you repeat after the
- 00:15:57MU for example every single night of any
- 00:16:01night of the year at all times likewise
- 00:16:03another time that a person should do the
- 00:16:07Dua now Dua not just being done but also
- 00:16:10being rewarded handsomely yeah being
- 00:16:14given a much higher status and more CH
- 00:16:16greater chance of being accepted in
- 00:16:18addition to that of course is the time
- 00:16:21that we are in right now and the reason
- 00:16:24that I speak about this now is is I said
- 00:16:26the two objectives behind this session
- 00:16:28today is a to make maximum use of this
- 00:16:30time that we are in right now but also
- 00:16:32as practice for when we need it for HJ
- 00:16:34because as a reminder of the previous
- 00:16:35session if you didn't get to see it and
- 00:16:36it's on the YouTube channel you can see
- 00:16:38it the HJ with a YouTube uh uh thing
- 00:16:41it's above in the channel as well this
- 00:16:43telegram Channel
- 00:16:45too is that the Hajj process the process
- 00:16:49the process is just packed full of hours
- 00:16:53upon hours of Dua and for that you need
- 00:16:56strategy for that you will need a to be
- 00:16:58motivated and to know that this is what
- 00:17:00I do and you need to be having the
- 00:17:01stamina to do it then it's the actual
- 00:17:03things that you do right so this these
- 00:17:07are the the two objectives the first one
- 00:17:09then we are fasting the prophet
- 00:17:11sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that the
- 00:17:12Dua of the one uh at the time ofar is
- 00:17:16not rejected meaning that just in the
- 00:17:19next hour or two for many of you uh uh
- 00:17:22uh just before you break your fast this
- 00:17:24is a time where Allah subhah wa taala is
- 00:17:27at his most generous appreciating that
- 00:17:29people are right on the very cusp and
- 00:17:31the maximum of their physical ability
- 00:17:34they are tired they are they are thirsty
- 00:17:36they are hungry if you are living the
- 00:17:38fast properly a lot of people seem to
- 00:17:40hibernate during fasting this is not the
- 00:17:42Sunnah y during fasting you sleep less
- 00:17:46you work the same you increase things a
- 00:17:49lot of people take the time off I'm not
- 00:17:51going to hate on people taking time off
- 00:17:53but I want you to know that this is not
- 00:17:55sustainable you will not always be able
- 00:17:56to get time off you will not always be
- 00:17:58able to have free time what you have to
- 00:18:00develop is to mine your current time
- 00:18:03more it needs means that you've got to
- 00:18:05dig deeper and make yourself even more
- 00:18:06tired in the environment that you're in
- 00:18:08at that moment and so I want you to
- 00:18:10appreciate that you effectively trying
- 00:18:14to just empty yourself out from every
- 00:18:16other obligation is not the natural way
- 00:18:19and and frankly it will not leave you
- 00:18:23the knacked ill tired stressed state in
- 00:18:26which Allah subh has greater pity upon
- 00:18:28you yes
- 00:18:29because Dua is improved and boosted by
- 00:18:34certain characteristics and qualities
- 00:18:36one of them being broken one of them
- 00:18:38being tired one of them being sad one of
- 00:18:40them being stressed one of them being in
- 00:18:43a state of humility and humbleness where
- 00:18:45you realize that I'm not in control and
- 00:18:47I don't have always the ability to get
- 00:18:49time off and I'm not as senior as I
- 00:18:51think I am and and and and and there is
- 00:18:53such a a complex kind of relationship
- 00:18:57between how Allah
- 00:18:59sees us when we make Dua and how we
- 00:19:01think that we should be and one of the
- 00:19:05beautiful things about the Haj and and
- 00:19:07of course this will come later in our
- 00:19:09studies as well is that even if you are
- 00:19:12the most powerful and the richest and
- 00:19:14whatever it's almost like Allah subhana
- 00:19:16tala in the way that he has ordained the
- 00:19:19acts of the of the Hajj and the
- 00:19:22appearance of the is suppressing
- 00:19:24that ego and suppressing that money and
- 00:19:27suppressing that power
- 00:19:29and obviously certain things they pop
- 00:19:32out if a person's walking around with
- 00:19:34bodyguards a person for example is
- 00:19:35wearing a 1 million pound watch Person
- 00:19:37only living in a certain Tower you know
- 00:19:40during the hjj days there are certain
- 00:19:42things that are going to not make that
- 00:19:45humbling process easy and it is going to
- 00:19:48make you stick out amongst the people
- 00:19:49when everybody is meant to look the same
- 00:19:51and be all burnt and be all tired and
- 00:19:54famished and and so thirsty and the like
- 00:19:57which create that that zone that that
- 00:20:00situation because HJ and in itself
- 00:20:03intrinsically is no more extra rewarded
- 00:20:05or more powerful for your Dua than you
- 00:20:08just being at home right now about to
- 00:20:10break there's no evidence to suggest
- 00:20:13that um all Dua specific duas yes like
- 00:20:16for example freedom from the fire the
- 00:20:18prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam has a
- 00:20:19very specific Hadith on the day of that
- 00:20:21that is the one that where it happens
- 00:20:23most but also Ramadan has that
- 00:20:25Excellence as well right there does not
- 00:20:28have the Excellence of for example and
- 00:20:31at the same time if a person a
- 00:20:35misconception any of these last 10
- 00:20:37Nights by the way not just the 27th it
- 00:20:39could have been last night 23rd big
- 00:20:40shout right 25th Monday night big shout
- 00:20:43Wednesdays a big shout the 29th big
- 00:20:45shout right these odd nights like the
- 00:20:49prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam said
- 00:20:50seek it therein my opinion is that it
- 00:20:51moves every year you don't know which
- 00:20:53one it is but then there's another point
- 00:20:55you need to know about the time that
- 00:20:57we're in that you are meant to not know
- 00:21:00which one it is because you're not meant
- 00:21:02to be a gambler Muslims are not gamblers
- 00:21:05where it's like just throw it out there
- 00:21:06and hope it sticks hope that it lands no
- 00:21:09you're meant to be a person that has a
- 00:21:11base level of worship and a base level
- 00:21:15of worship does not then fall into the
- 00:21:17risk of missing out so if you're
- 00:21:19maintaining a certain level of Dua all
- 00:21:22the way through your life you're going
- 00:21:23to be covered in your in the last 10
- 00:21:26nights and then if you are a intelligent
- 00:21:29Muslim and you know that I have a high
- 00:21:31level of Base my default is high because
- 00:21:35that's how the believer is meant to be
- 00:21:37but in the last 10 nights I read that
- 00:21:39the prophet wasam tied his waist wrapper
- 00:21:41this common phrase that you hear again
- 00:21:43again again which basically means he
- 00:21:44became really he knuckled down he became
- 00:21:46super serious he up upgraded everything
- 00:21:48boosted everything isolated himself in a
- 00:21:50Masjid for it once you start doing that
- 00:21:53in the last 10 then you're also going to
- 00:21:55increase that level more right and
- 00:21:59whatever happens whatever night it falls
- 00:22:01upon you're going to be covered now
- 00:22:03here's the thing everyone says it is a
- 00:22:06it is a a
- 00:22:08night that's better than a thousand
- 00:22:10months bro that's only something of
- 00:22:14value if you spend your months doing
- 00:22:18good if your default position in the the
- 00:22:22nights and the months is not worshiping
- 00:22:25Allah subhana tala at all or very very
- 00:22:28little then what's the point of 100,000
- 00:22:31months it's not and people think when
- 00:22:33they see the Ayah that it is better than
- 00:22:36a thousand months of worship that it is
- 00:22:38the a thousand months of worship of the
- 00:22:40Prophet Sall alaihi wasallam it's not
- 00:22:42it's not the prophet sallallah alaihi
- 00:22:44wasallam worship yes there's some Hadith
- 00:22:46that will indicate that the the the
- 00:22:50power of the night is linked to a and
- 00:22:53the Hadith are not very very clear and
- 00:22:55that's why you shouldn't try to make
- 00:22:57this your your your uh what's the word
- 00:23:00your the B the base for your
- 00:23:02understanding that it is the best level
- 00:23:05of worship that any of the most
- 00:23:07righteous people can do and that it will
- 00:23:08be applied to you that is its potential
- 00:23:12but if you are a person who doesn't
- 00:23:14actually make any effort for the rest of
- 00:23:16the time then even a night that's equal
- 00:23:18to a thousand months of your worship is
- 00:23:22not going to be as rewarding as you may
- 00:23:25think and so again I just want to say
- 00:23:27and the reason I I the reason I
- 00:23:28mentioned this is that don't think that
- 00:23:32just going to H and om is going to be
- 00:23:34that's it I'm clocked it I've smashed it
- 00:23:36all my duas going to be accepted no h
- 00:23:39and are creating a set of conditions
- 00:23:42that are going to make your Dua more
- 00:23:44likely to be answered and likewise
- 00:23:47Ramadan is creating a set of conditions
- 00:23:50that make your Dua more likely to be
- 00:23:52answered the primary one of them is
- 00:23:53fasting the prophet sallallahu alaihi
- 00:23:55wasallam why did he fast every Thursday
- 00:23:57he actually told us I fast every
- 00:23:59Thursday because that is the day in
- 00:24:00which the Deeds are presented to Allah
- 00:24:02subhana wa ta'ala and I love that my
- 00:24:04Deeds are presented to Allah subh and I
- 00:24:06in a state of obedience and Allah loves
- 00:24:09out of the states of obedience that I
- 00:24:11fast such a state of obedience such an
- 00:24:14act of worship that he doesn't even
- 00:24:16mention the reward he says I reward
- 00:24:18fasting personally it's a private thing
- 00:24:20I'll deal with it you know that's the
- 00:24:22kind of guarantee that you want from
- 00:24:23Allah subhana tala you know if you go
- 00:24:25into a if you're going into a shop and
- 00:24:27you're trying to buy something and
- 00:24:29you're arguing about the price and the
- 00:24:30guy goes and the guy turns to you and
- 00:24:32you don't know him to be someone who
- 00:24:34offers massive discounts or anything
- 00:24:35like that and the guy goes listen just
- 00:24:37trust me the price that I charge you at
- 00:24:40the end of this job that I come and I go
- 00:24:42and do your build building work whatever
- 00:24:44what not I will look after you You' be
- 00:24:47like well excuse me I'd rather you just
- 00:24:49tell me the price right now because I
- 00:24:51can't trust you be looking after me
- 00:24:53right that's a human reaction you would
- 00:24:56never ever trust anyone that says that
- 00:24:58and if you did you're silly because they
- 00:25:00can islamically not allowed you must
- 00:25:02agree terms beforehand from a
- 00:25:04contractual point of view because you're
- 00:25:05going to get done afterwards so
- 00:25:08afterwards when they come out and say
- 00:25:10that now this is it you can't argue now
- 00:25:12you're the one who messed up but you
- 00:25:13know who you would trust to say that to
- 00:25:15you Allah subhana wa tala if Allah says
- 00:25:18don't worry about it I'm going to deal
- 00:25:19with it you'll be like you know what
- 00:25:20100% I'll take that that's what fasting
- 00:25:23is so fasting super boosts everything
- 00:25:25that you do especially your Dua and then
- 00:25:27when Allah
- 00:25:28it descends in a manner which he does
- 00:25:30sends the Angels down praises the one
- 00:25:32who's standing in the last 10 nights
- 00:25:34you're being boosted Hajj will be the
- 00:25:36same in Hajj what did the prophet
- 00:25:38sallallah alaihi wasallam describe what
- 00:25:40to the rest of the companions when what
- 00:25:42they were observing was a person that
- 00:25:44their Dua was very likely to be
- 00:25:45responded to he said that he
- 00:25:54lifts the prophet Sall alaih wasallam
- 00:25:56described this person who came full of
- 00:25:58dust broken tired yeah you know dirty
- 00:26:02everything you know he his ego gone he
- 00:26:04looks so so so humble he looked so
- 00:26:07broken he looked so much ready to
- 00:26:09receive and
- 00:26:12and and he lifts his hands out
- 00:26:14desperation to disguise this like like
- 00:26:16this which is rarely very rarely
- 00:26:19narrated from the prophet sallallahu
- 00:26:20alaihi wasallam only a couple of times
- 00:26:21is this and at the battles when the
- 00:26:24situation was very very bad did the
- 00:26:25hands come up this high so that the
- 00:26:27armets could be shown
- 00:26:31his voice is broken desperate voice
- 00:26:34desperate desperate point this person's
- 00:26:36Dua by the way didn't get accepted we'll
- 00:26:38come to that another time but the reason
- 00:26:41that the prophet emphasized all these
- 00:26:43points and in the Allah subh emphasized
- 00:26:46these points is because that is how you
- 00:26:48are expected to present yourself these
- 00:26:51are the things and the characteristics
- 00:26:53of a person's Dua because of practice
- 00:26:55because of a person really feeling it
- 00:26:57because of a person being connected
- 00:26:58conected to that Dua because that person
- 00:27:00realizing how much they're in need and
- 00:27:01so they turn to Allah that's what helps
- 00:27:04your Dua don't rely intrinsically upon
- 00:27:07the location or the place or the moment
- 00:27:10if your mindset is not in if your
- 00:27:12actions are not the ones that are
- 00:27:14becoming of a person who's in need if
- 00:27:16you don't fulfill other conditions as
- 00:27:18well then do not expect just the the the
- 00:27:22position and the time and the moment to
- 00:27:24carry you through it will do a lot for
- 00:27:26you that's from the generosity of Allah
- 00:27:28but that's not the way that the believer
- 00:27:30presents himself in that situation don't
- 00:27:32be a person that acts like a gambler but
- 00:27:34be a person who prepares and so to
- 00:27:36finish off this session I want you to
- 00:27:38make sure that you practice as much as
- 00:27:40possible before you break your fast and
- 00:27:42then during these nights and I don't
- 00:27:44mean 10 minutes I mean half an hour 1
- 00:27:46hour two hours building up so by the
- 00:27:4827th by the 29th you're comfortably able
- 00:27:51to make hours of Dua and here are our
- 00:27:54following few tips the first of them is
- 00:27:57that when you make Dua you start by
- 00:27:59praising Allah subhana wa taala just
- 00:28:01like we do in fat if you look at fa this
- 00:28:04is the biggest and strongest and most
- 00:28:06powerful Dua in the prayer it is also
- 00:28:09one of the suras which is the strongest
- 00:28:10and most powerful suras in the Quran the
- 00:28:13praise of Alat by the prophet is
- 00:28:16unparalleled and what is it essentially
- 00:28:18it's a Dua and where is the Dua it's not
- 00:28:21at the beginning it's right at the
- 00:28:24middle but look what comes before it
- 00:28:27it's the it's the the setup it's the
- 00:28:29intro it's the it's the it's the gifts
- 00:28:33it's the Sak before you ask Allah subh
- 00:28:37for something it's the prayer before you
- 00:28:38start praying afterwards it's the
- 00:28:40praising of Allah subh tala
- 00:28:48alhamdulillah five specific individual
- 00:28:51praising praising praising praising
- 00:28:53praising Ya Allah please give me that is
- 00:28:55the way that the believer presents
- 00:28:58that's like anything in any Walk of Life
- 00:29:00in any situation when you go and you
- 00:29:02need something you give something first
- 00:29:05this is ad this is normal in the Salah
- 00:29:07we even have another one before it when
- 00:29:09you learn
- 00:29:14your what is this this is again praising
- 00:29:17Allah subh before you start
- 00:29:23asking you're asking asking asking
- 00:29:25asking asking to be protected from being
- 00:29:27punished from being protecting from
- 00:29:28being aware of the on the on the on the
- 00:29:30way of the curse for being on the way of
- 00:29:32the guided not not on the way of the the
- 00:29:35Christians and the Jews to be upon the
- 00:29:37path of those that Allah is happy with
- 00:29:39who are those people the people the
- 00:29:41prophets the sh the uh the the truthful
- 00:29:45the the the Mars the truthful ones these
- 00:29:48are who Allah is happy with you are
- 00:29:50asking a lot but you give a lot
- 00:29:52beforehand as well and look at what the
- 00:29:55Allah says in every time you Praise Him
- 00:29:58the prop Allah said Allah SS to the
- 00:30:00angels did you see that my pray my
- 00:30:06slave did you see that my slave just
- 00:30:08praised me my slave just exulted me my
- 00:30:10slave just thanked me each time so happy
- 00:30:13then then when you start asking Allah
- 00:30:16attends to the angels and says give my
- 00:30:18slave whatever he asks for and so
- 00:30:20therefore when you're making Dua always
- 00:30:22start by praising allaha secondly always
- 00:30:25invest in the prophet sallallah alaihi
- 00:30:26wasallam you will never spend more time
- 00:30:28in your Dua sending salams upon the
- 00:30:30prophet except they will come back
- 00:30:32tenfold every time you send Salam upon
- 00:30:34the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam you get
- 00:30:35rewarded 10 times your your status is
- 00:30:38increased 10 times your you get Salam
- 00:30:41sent upon you by the Angels by Allah
- 00:30:43subh which is to be mentioned and to
- 00:30:45have peace and blessings set upon you
- 00:30:47just for sending Salam upon the prophet
- 00:30:49sallallah alaihi wasallam that's just
- 00:30:50the intrinsic rewards for say saying s
- 00:30:52alaihi wasallam at any time but in a Dua
- 00:30:54the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam said
- 00:30:55that the Dua as it's raised to Allah to
- 00:30:57be responded if you don't have salaat
- 00:31:00upon it in it muham Muhammad in its
- 00:31:04short form or
- 00:31:07Allah in its long form if it's not there
- 00:31:11then it it remains hanging it is not
- 00:31:14complete it it is suspended the Hadith
- 00:31:17is not the strongest but the meaning is
- 00:31:18absolutely the the case when the prophet
- 00:31:21sallallah alaihi wasallam was asked by a
- 00:31:22companion how much should I dedicate to
- 00:31:25you in my Dua in sending salams upon you
- 00:31:28the prophet said keep going a quarter a
- 00:31:30half three quarter all of it whatever
- 00:31:32you do you will never invest more in Dua
- 00:31:37in one thing being the prophet Sall alhi
- 00:31:38wasallam and it will pay back as much as
- 00:31:41it does everything that you say for the
- 00:31:43prophet will come back more for you so
- 00:31:45this is another thing to remember the
- 00:31:47third is to be humble is to not be
- 00:31:50mindless is to be clear about what you
- 00:31:52want to say and what you want to do now
- 00:31:54this I want to split into two things
- 00:31:56this requires prep and requires
- 00:31:58creativity the prep is to make sure that
- 00:32:00you memorize those duas that you love
- 00:32:03and that you know
- 00:32:08like duas that you know that were stated
- 00:32:11by the prophet Sall alaih wasallam or
- 00:32:12are mentioned by Allah in the Quran and
- 00:32:14every time that you use a authentic
- 00:32:17Hadith Sunnah of the Prophet Sall alaihi
- 00:32:19wasallam Dua and every time that you use
- 00:32:21an ay you are worshiping as well at that
- 00:32:24same time you are getting extra reward
- 00:32:26and you are boosting your Dua even
- 00:32:27further
- 00:32:28and so I want you to appreciate that you
- 00:32:31using these duas and memorizing them and
- 00:32:34even using them in a rot kind of manner
- 00:32:37that's from the preparation that you
- 00:32:38should be doing right now which will
- 00:32:40build up then for your Hajj andah as
- 00:32:43well the second is the creativity
- 00:32:45because when you memorize something in
- 00:32:47another language especially as a
- 00:32:49non-arab you're going to struggle to
- 00:32:51connect at a really really close level
- 00:32:53but you know what you won't struggle
- 00:32:54with your mother tongue your English
- 00:32:56language your uddu language and you know
- 00:32:58what you won't struggle with you you do
- 00:33:00not struggle with you you know yourself
- 00:33:02best and so when you're speaking in a
- 00:33:05way where you're expressing your need in
- 00:33:06the way that only you know best in a way
- 00:33:08which you yourself feel comfortable with
- 00:33:11oh Allah I'm standing in front of you
- 00:33:13and I am fully fully
- 00:33:16uh cognizant and and I fully recognize I
- 00:33:20don't deserve to be here in this
- 00:33:22situation in this opportunity You' given
- 00:33:23me but I am here Ya Allah and I'm not as
- 00:33:26good as what everybody else here is and
- 00:33:28I'm not as Pious as what I should be and
- 00:33:30I have made more mistakes than my fair
- 00:33:32share but I also know that you're the
- 00:33:34only one that can help me in this
- 00:33:35situation you know when you open up your
- 00:33:37heart and you start speaking naturally
- 00:33:39to Allah this is the absolute most
- 00:33:40powerful of Dua remember that Allah
- 00:33:43subhana wa is listening to the language
- 00:33:45of the hearts not the language of the
- 00:33:46tongues Arabic is in this moment
- 00:33:49overrated in general never overrated
- 00:33:52because you get more rewards for
- 00:33:53speaking in Arabic you get more reward
- 00:33:54for speaking the the Arabic of Quran and
- 00:33:56Hadith but at its Essence if you don't
- 00:34:00have that or you don't have enough of
- 00:34:02that then at the very least make sure
- 00:34:04that you have opened up and you can
- 00:34:06prepare for that you can write that you
- 00:34:07can borrow the lists of your friends
- 00:34:09when you ask them for Dua and they send
- 00:34:11little little rubbish one where they say
- 00:34:13just protect from the Hellfire that's it
- 00:34:15you know quick one that just getting
- 00:34:16over and done with the situation they
- 00:34:18can't think of just think of that's not
- 00:34:21to say that the Dua is rubbish but the
- 00:34:22effort was yeah a person that really
- 00:34:25wants something someone asked me for Dua
- 00:34:28I'm going to say that's the last thing
- 00:34:30you want to be doing for me because I'm
- 00:34:31going to send you a list I'm going to be
- 00:34:33sending you details I'm going to be
- 00:34:34sending you specific strategy and things
- 00:34:37x y z because I want my Dua to work for
- 00:34:39me and you should celebrate those
- 00:34:42friends that are that organized and that
- 00:34:44think at that level and these will help
- 00:34:47fill in the the the hours because you
- 00:34:49might be thinking there's only so much
- 00:34:50that I know but okay that is but what
- 00:34:53you can read and remember you don't need
- 00:34:55to always have to memorize by heart
- 00:34:57sometimes you got the Arabic that that
- 00:34:59you've memorized by heart then you've
- 00:35:00got the natural speaking but then
- 00:35:02sometimes you're going to read as well
- 00:35:04and when
- 00:35:04you're when you're obviously outside of
- 00:35:07the prayer and you're sitting there
- 00:35:08after you've prayed and you're making
- 00:35:10Dua have your phone have your sheets
- 00:35:12have your lists of things that you've
- 00:35:13prepared that you've written that you've
- 00:35:15researched du are lists are so important
- 00:35:18and women are pretty good at this kind
- 00:35:20of thing they do a lot of journaling
- 00:35:21they do a lot of diary diarising they
- 00:35:24write this kind of stuff down men are
- 00:35:25really poor it really poor for some
- 00:35:28reason they think this is beneath them
- 00:35:29or not manly or not correct this is
- 00:35:31foolish this is fool you are not better
- 00:35:34than you are not better than IM sha you
- 00:35:37are not better than IM Ahmed we have
- 00:35:40narrations from them shaf said 100
- 00:35:43people I name in my prayer every prayer
- 00:35:45that's also narrated from IM Ahmed in
- 00:35:46his wit said that I Nam 70 people in my
- 00:35:50normal Salah in my normal Salah meaning
- 00:35:53in the S I make Dua for 70 people that
- 00:35:56is not easily memorized that requires
- 00:35:58some writing down thinking about who is
- 00:36:00it that I owe things to when was the
- 00:36:03last time you sat down and you thought
- 00:36:05in the last 10 15 years where I am right
- 00:36:08now who have been the key players to get
- 00:36:10me there right now who's played what
- 00:36:13role parents would always make it to the
- 00:36:16top you know what's amazing is if you
- 00:36:19pause at parents and say let me actually
- 00:36:22write down why let me prove to myself
- 00:36:25let me get over the wwest that I have
- 00:36:27that is telling me my parents are
- 00:36:28abusive my parents are yeah horrible my
- 00:36:31parents didn't listen to me my parents
- 00:36:32caused me a problem let me get over that
- 00:36:35satanic and write down all of the things
- 00:36:38that they did that made me who I am that
- 00:36:40I'm grateful to them for and you start
- 00:36:42writing those specific points down that
- 00:36:45is not just preparing yourself mentally
- 00:36:47but when you're making Dua and you start
- 00:36:49to enumerate these things this will
- 00:36:51initiate a set of emotions that will
- 00:36:53only make your heart softer that will
- 00:36:55only make your Dua even better a
- 00:36:57statement Subhan
- 00:36:59Allah you know I've just said that make
- 00:37:01the heart
- 00:37:02softer was once sitting in a gathering
- 00:37:04and the companions were watching him and
- 00:37:05they said you know that hardcore hard
- 00:37:08tough guy and all the rest of it he's
- 00:37:10about to make Dua I don't know whether
- 00:37:12he has the soft enough heart to publicly
- 00:37:15kind of maybe expose himself I don't
- 00:37:18know what the right word is but show his
- 00:37:20vulnerability yes that's the word show
- 00:37:22how vulnerable he is and the this is a
- 00:37:25narration in m and he said that and what
- 00:37:27I heard from Omar his heart was more
- 00:37:30softer than I could ever imagine the way
- 00:37:32that he exposed himself to Allah and we
- 00:37:34heard his Dua is something that shocked
- 00:37:37us meaning that this false sense of
- 00:37:40Manliness and and you know bigging it up
- 00:37:43there's no space for this in Dua you're
- 00:37:44a slave get on the floor put your head
- 00:37:46on the floor you fall you start begging
- 00:37:48you're a beggar you're a beggar who are
- 00:37:50you who are you and you know people give
- 00:37:53it the big I've seen this so many times
- 00:37:55inia programs where there's some I can
- 00:37:58notice thingy they're holding themselves
- 00:38:00back they're not exp what are you doing
- 00:38:02who are you trying to impress you fo
- 00:38:05you've come here and spent all this
- 00:38:06money and gone through all this effort
- 00:38:08to show that you are nothing to show
- 00:38:12that you are nothing that you need Allah
- 00:38:15subhana tala so open up your heart I'm
- 00:38:17not going to judge you any different bro
- 00:38:19I'm not going to think that you're
- 00:38:20better or worse any by the way you're
- 00:38:22holding your emotions back and acting
- 00:38:23the tough guy and so it's important to
- 00:38:26and that requires work
- 00:38:28you start detailing these things it will
- 00:38:30not only give detail to your Dua it will
- 00:38:32not only elicit emotions but also
- 00:38:34increase the length of time you're in
- 00:38:36this fantastic act of worship now you're
- 00:38:38starting to understand it really is
- 00:38:40possible that I could make Dua for hours
- 00:38:42and hours so that's now bro that's now
- 00:38:45you practice this get writing get
- 00:38:47researching the other thing that I speak
- 00:38:49about is the um causes of the Muslim
- 00:38:53umah right so the next Pro tip for your
- 00:38:57Dua is always put people at the
- 00:38:59Forefront I need to say before that that
- 00:39:01it is a sun to make Dua for yourself
- 00:39:03first you must always make Dua for
- 00:39:04yourself first you don't say I make Dua
- 00:39:07for me and so on so you make Dua for
- 00:39:09yourself then you make Dua for them you
- 00:39:11saw the prophet Salli make Dua for
- 00:39:12himself then he'd make Dua for narrated
- 00:39:15in Hadith you see this as a statement
- 00:39:17generally you uh uh what did Allah tell
- 00:39:21the prophet alhi
- 00:39:25wasallam seek forgive for your sin oh
- 00:39:29Prophet for your sin in Surah Muhammad
- 00:39:31in the Surah named after the prophet
- 00:39:34sallallah alaihi wasallam Allah told
- 00:39:36Muhammad sallah alaihi wasallam seek
- 00:39:37forgiveness for your sin and then the
- 00:39:39believing men and then the believing
- 00:39:41women are you are you are you are you
- 00:39:43seeing this right so that's another Pro
- 00:39:46tip yourself first in the individual the
- 00:39:49prophet Sall alaihi wasallam did not
- 00:39:53say means us pardon us no he said
- 00:40:00pardon me Ya Allah but if he's making a
- 00:40:02collective Dua where everybody saying
- 00:40:04behind then you say it in the plural but
- 00:40:07when you're making Dua for yourself
- 00:40:12it's then you can start making Dua for
- 00:40:16the for the people and the for the
- 00:40:18people and the mercy for the people but
- 00:40:21that's a separate thing and if you don't
- 00:40:23know the Arabic then say it in English
- 00:40:25but that also requires some research you
- 00:40:27know when you're talking about festine
- 00:40:28about Sudan understand what's happening
- 00:40:30in Sudan understand the pain of the
- 00:40:33Believers understand and research the
- 00:40:35politics and the people and the factions
- 00:40:38and where you want your Dua to work
- 00:40:39don't be lazy oh Allah help them help
- 00:40:41them how help who which faction is
- 00:40:44causing the problem who needs to be
- 00:40:45guided who needs to be pushed away whose
- 00:40:47evil do we need to be protected from the
- 00:40:49prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam would
- 00:40:50be specific the prophet you know a lot
- 00:40:52of people say Dua is only positive
- 00:40:53positive positive not always there's
- 00:40:56anger in Dua as well the prophet Sall
- 00:40:58alaihi wasallam and his curses
- 00:41:01upon and and and the tribes that of mud
- 00:41:05and the tribes that that killed the
- 00:41:06Believers and and even Shan at times
- 00:41:10without unnecessary cursing without
- 00:41:12unnecessary waste of energy right
- 00:41:15without making it too negative there's a
- 00:41:17balance but you need to understand the
- 00:41:19politics of a situation so you read up
- 00:41:22and you start to feel the pain of the
- 00:41:23people so that you really believe that
- 00:41:25you need to actually if you look at and
- 00:41:27all the social media kind of thing if it
- 00:41:29was no children involved I can tell you
- 00:41:31there'd be hardly anything going on it's
- 00:41:33a shame I've spoken about this before
- 00:41:35it's a shame that we are so dependent
- 00:41:37upon the BBC and upon social media
- 00:41:39telling us when we should be outraged
- 00:41:40and when we should be crying and when we
- 00:41:42should have difficulty going sleep and
- 00:41:43when our Dua is boosted when we see kids
- 00:41:46maimed when we see kids crying when we
- 00:41:47see parents holding their babies that's
- 00:41:48the only thing that matters to us how
- 00:41:51embarrassing yeah it should never be a
- 00:41:54based upon our our response should not
- 00:41:57be based upon the uh uh the emotional
- 00:42:03common
- 00:42:03denominator right it's not based upon
- 00:42:06what you find emotional it's what Allah
- 00:42:09subh demands from you the the the life
- 00:42:12of a a fit strong 40y old should make
- 00:42:17you as depressed as the child one the
- 00:42:19fact that you cry more because you
- 00:42:20connect more to a child is a human
- 00:42:22weakness by the way it's a human
- 00:42:24weakness that makes us fantastically
- 00:42:27human but it's not praiseworthy here
- 00:42:31praiseworthy here is you not seeing any
- 00:42:34person dying and your heart burning that
- 00:42:37those kuf dogs have stepped even one
- 00:42:40step into the Blessed land it didn't
- 00:42:42need a person to die for you to start
- 00:42:44posting or for you to start boycotting
- 00:42:47but that's unfortunately how low we are
- 00:42:49how base we are that if the news or the
- 00:42:52emotions are not elicited then we don't
- 00:42:54care if thousands upon thousands are not
- 00:42:56dead then don't become invested this is
- 00:42:59wrong the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam
- 00:43:01abdah they stated about the blood of the
- 00:43:05believer that in the eyes of Allah
- 00:43:07subhana wa taala the destruction of the
- 00:43:09Kaa is worth less than the the loss of
- 00:43:12one life one life and that one life was
- 00:43:14not that two-year-old beautiful cuddly
- 00:43:16baby or a 90-year-old weak mother it's
- 00:43:21one believer however old whatever color
- 00:43:24whatever country and so I want you to I
- 00:43:27want you to understand the point I'm
- 00:43:28making which is that research and
- 00:43:31understanding the value of causes and
- 00:43:33the um and the land should not be
- 00:43:35emotionally affected but if you need to
- 00:43:38be emotionally affected to make a more
- 00:43:40powerful Dua then do the research and
- 00:43:42see the the the the images if you are
- 00:43:45that weak then okay it is what it is
- 00:43:47then research and see how many children
- 00:43:49are dying then and find out and write
- 00:43:52down don't forget the images we will not
- 00:43:55forget we say it but are you living it
- 00:43:57like that do you feel like that every
- 00:43:59night so folks in a few other things
- 00:44:02I'll say use your hands use your hands
- 00:44:04this is a how you make Dua exactly like
- 00:44:06I'm holding it in front of your face
- 00:44:08just below hands together not separated
- 00:44:11not in any other way not you can't see
- 00:44:13now but not you know sometimes you see
- 00:44:14people with their hands on their laps
- 00:44:16very lazy type of Dua unacceptable this
- 00:44:20is not the way of the of the Sunnah at
- 00:44:22certain occasions hands raised to the
- 00:44:24sky the the Dua of the finger is also
- 00:44:27narrated from the prophet s alaihi
- 00:44:28wasallam but this is your default
- 00:44:30position use your own language be
- 00:44:33expressive um and also end with the
- 00:44:36Salat upon the prophet sallallah alaihi
- 00:44:37wasallam so those are I think what I
- 00:44:40wanted to say from a Dua prep mindset
- 00:44:43wise practicing now to get ready for
- 00:44:45later utilizing lists research writing
- 00:44:49it down and then the Sunnah in addition
- 00:44:52to this being in W helps in addition to
- 00:44:54this being in the direction of the helps
- 00:44:57by the way if you did none of these
- 00:44:59things your Dua will still be an act of
- 00:45:01worship your Dua still has a chance of
- 00:45:03being accepted however if you bring all
- 00:45:06of these things praising Allah Allah
- 00:45:07will be grateful if you send salams upon
- 00:45:09the prophet wasallam everything that you
- 00:45:10do is blessed if you send salams upon
- 00:45:12the prophet wasallam it's not struggling
- 00:45:14in the in the Heavens to get to allaha
- 00:45:17if you hold your hands in front of in
- 00:45:19front of allaha then as the prophet
- 00:45:22wasallam said Allah does not like that
- 00:45:24Allah Allah hates that a person lifts
- 00:45:25his hands and then he sends them back
- 00:45:27empty meaning that you hold it in this
- 00:45:29way more yes more this a Oliver this is
- 00:45:32Allah subhana tala giving you more and
- 00:45:34more and more you hold them there shows
- 00:45:36your desperation shows your humbleness
- 00:45:38and you're following the Sunnah as well
- 00:45:40in this manner by doing this act by
- 00:45:44using the Quran by using the duas of the
- 00:45:47Prophet wasallam you are worshiping you
- 00:45:49are following the very best of examples
- 00:45:51so that's is that's important by using
- 00:45:53your own language and getting creative
- 00:45:54you're getting natural you're organic
- 00:45:57your your you're speaking the language
- 00:46:00of your heart which is always the most
- 00:46:02powerful Dua by making Dua for other
- 00:46:05people individuals and the umah then you
- 00:46:09are fulfilling the Hadith of the Prophet
- 00:46:10Sall alaihi wasallam which is that you
- 00:46:11will then get back which Everything you
- 00:46:14ask for them there's an angel that says
- 00:46:16aan and you the same and a mean for you
- 00:46:18the
- 00:46:19same um sorry I just wanted to jump in
- 00:46:23when you said about uh organic well
- 00:46:24firstly I just wanted to say we're
- 00:46:25running short on time I just wanted to
- 00:46:27point out the time to you um and second
- 00:46:29of all when you mentioned organic um
- 00:46:31somebody asked in the chat about reading
- 00:46:34Dua off of the list what if you could
- 00:46:37comment on that please so like I said
- 00:46:40the uh reading uh uh as I said in the
- 00:46:43about 10 minutes ago you should be
- 00:46:45reading in your Dua you allowed to use
- 00:46:47your phone you're allowed to use your
- 00:46:48list you maintain that organic nature um
- 00:46:51and I think that's all about I want to
- 00:46:52say
- 00:46:58I will take one or two quick questions
- 00:47:00um uh for this session and then we're
- 00:47:03going to call it a
- 00:47:06day if you raised hands while she was
- 00:47:08speaking if you did have a question
- 00:47:10please raise it again because um it
- 00:47:12disappears after a
- 00:47:15while I'll give it only two three
- 00:47:17minutes because I said that I would only
- 00:47:20uh go until 5:45 and it's already gone
- 00:47:22past that please unmute yourself Shazia
- 00:47:29sh sh please unmute
- 00:47:35yourself just keep moving on without
- 00:47:38just two more minutes she's the only
- 00:47:41one go ahead shik um what what I don't
- 00:47:45understand is like when you said that
- 00:47:46when we make Dua we have to praise Allah
- 00:47:49tala first and then we have to send
- 00:47:51salaat on Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
- 00:47:53wasallam but when we are making Dua uh
- 00:47:56before uh before I mean
- 00:47:59after and then before Salam uh then how
- 00:48:03does it work done already done you you
- 00:48:06praised Allah in the F you sent Sals
- 00:48:08upon
- 00:48:09the you've already done that haven't you
- 00:48:11when you're asking you've already so
- 00:48:13that's obvious we just make Dua right
- 00:48:15then and there yes
- 00:48:20okay so Shaz is the only one who raised
- 00:48:22her hand I don't know if she's the only
- 00:48:24that's fine will we if people have
- 00:48:28questions in the chat then uh they can
- 00:48:31ask it in the chat and I'll record and
- 00:48:34answer covering all of the uh questions
- 00:48:37so folks um you can put your questions
- 00:48:40down and then I'll do one audio that
- 00:48:43combines all of the answers um uh with
- 00:48:46that because you've completely thrown
- 00:48:48and destroyed every single thing in my
- 00:48:50flow um you're going to have to um work
- 00:48:54out what needs to be said because I've
- 00:48:55got no idea now
- 00:48:57um if you're listening to this call
- 00:49:00right now and you have not uh interacted
- 00:49:03with the bot and filled out the form we
- 00:49:04need absolutely everybody to do that um
- 00:49:07we're we are missing a good number of
- 00:49:10people from the new group chat the
- 00:49:12private one uh so we need everybody to
- 00:49:14be on there if you have any friends that
- 00:49:16you know have joined who aren't on there
- 00:49:18they need to fill out the form
- 00:49:20immediately whoever doesn't fill out the
- 00:49:22form we won't be able to allocate the
- 00:49:24proper rooms to them so it's very
- 00:49:26important that you get that form done
- 00:49:28and you get into the new private group
- 00:49:30chat um typically what happens is we
- 00:49:32focus on Dua prep during the last 10
- 00:49:34nights of Ramadan and then um we have
- 00:49:36Eid obviously and after Eid um that's
- 00:49:39when we really take things into gear and
- 00:49:43uh and go straight into Haj prep so
- 00:49:46we're not going to be posting on this
- 00:49:47chat that you're on right now it's going
- 00:49:49to all be in the private new group chat
- 00:49:51please contact everybody that you know
- 00:49:54that is uh you know friends or family or
- 00:49:56whoever they all need to be in there and
- 00:49:58everybody needs to have their own
- 00:50:00individual telegram accounts as usual if
- 00:50:02we have any other important
- 00:50:03announcements we'll put them on the
- 00:50:05channel inshallah and like she said just
- 00:50:08to reiterate if you have any questions
- 00:50:10about Dua in particular you can put them
- 00:50:12in the chat and he'll respond to them
- 00:50:13inall by Audio so I see quite a few
- 00:50:15raised hands now if you guys could
- 00:50:17please put your uh questions in the chat
- 00:50:19we do have to uh end the call um and
- 00:50:22we'll get to your questions in as soon
- 00:50:24as you
- 00:50:25canh for
- dua
- supplication
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- Hajj
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