MANOR LORDS | Beginner's Guide - 7 Essentials Before You Start
TLDRIl video offre una guida esaustiva per i principianti di "Manor Lords", spiegando le meccaniche di base e avanzate per costruire una città efficace e sostenibile. Gli utenti dovrebbero iniziare esaminando attentamente la loro posizione iniziale per comprendere quali risorse saranno immediatamente disponibili e pianificare di conseguenza l'espansione della loro città. La creazione di campi di legname e fonti di cibo sono prioritarie, seguite dalla costruzione di mercati e magazzini per distribuire e conservare le risorse. La guida copre anche l'importanza della disposizione degli edifici e la necessità di ottimizzare le catene produttive per massimizzare l'efficienza. La crescita della popolazione è legata alla felicità dei cittadini e alla disponibilità di spazio abitativo. Compiti e produzione possono essere ottimizzati tramite un'assignazione strategica delle famiglie. Inoltre, il commercio e l'espansione territoriale tramite il militarismo sono spiegati come strumenti per incrementare l'influenza e la ricchezza.
Para llevar
- 🏗️ Pianifica attentamente la disposizione iniziale della città valutando le risorse locali.
- 🍖 Crea campi di legname e fonti di cibo come priorità.
- 🏘️ Espandi le case con orti e pollai per migliorare le risorse.
- 🗺️ Usa il commercio e l'espansione territoriale per aumentare la ricchezza.
- ⚒️ Ottimizza le catene produttive per migliorare l'efficienza.
- 📈 La crescita della popolazione è basata sull'approvazione e la disponibilità di case.
- 🚜 Assegna strategicamente le famiglie per migliorare la produzione.
- 🗡️ L'espansione militare fornisce risorse aggiuntive.
- ❄️ Preparati per l'inverno accumulando cibo e legna.
- 🔄 Ruota i raccolti per mantenere la fertilità del suolo.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Party leite presenta una guida introduttiva sui fondamenti di Manor Lords, sottolineando l'importanza della scelta della regione di partenza nel gioco. Bisogna considerare la disponibilità di risorse e la posizione strategica per lo sviluppo dell'insediamento iniziale. La costruzione di un campo di disboscamento e l'accesso a fonti di cibo e acqua sono prioritarie. Anche il posizionamento ottimale degli edifici e il loro ruolo nella catena di produzione sono cruciali per l'efficienza.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Si sottolinea l'importanza della pianificazione della posizione degli edifici per ottimizzare le catene di produzione e il trasporto delle merci. La costruzione di strade aumenta la velocità di spostamento per persone e animali. La vicinanza tra punto di raccolta e lavorazione del legname è fondamentale per l'efficienza. Anche la gestione della popolazione e delle famiglie è diversa rispetto ad altri giochi, puntando sulla gestione di interi nuclei familiari per ruoli specifici.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
La crescita della popolazione dipende dall'approvazione dei cittadini e dallo spazio disponibile per nuove abitazioni. Miglioramenti e ampliamenti delle case consentono la produzione di beni più avanzati, ma richiedono un'attenta pianificazione per mantenere operative le funzioni di base. Famiglie e risorse devono essere gestite per prevenire carenze, specialmente durante l'inverno.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Il commercio e l'espansione richiedono l'istituzione di punti di scambio e l'assegnazione di famiglie per la gestione delle importazioni ed esportazioni. Il commercio dei beni è essenziale per la ricchezza regionale e la tesoreria. Le opzioni di sviluppo permettono di ridurre i costi d'importazione ed espandere le rotte commerciali, incentivi importanti per un'economia fiorente.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Il gioco offre la possibilità di scambiare risorse tra regioni e di stabilire rotte commerciali specializzate. Ciò consente di sfruttare al meglio le risorse locali e supportare aree in espansione. Anche la costruzione di strade private accelera lo spostamento di merci e persone tra le regioni.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
La gestione dell'agricoltura nel gioco sottolinea l'importanza della rotazione delle colture per mantenere la fertilità del terreno e ottimizzare la produzione agricola. Campi, mulini a vento e edifici per la lavorazione dei cereali richiedono manodopera e una pianificazione in base alle stagioni, mentre l'allevamento fornisce risorse aggiuntive come lana e pelli.
- 00:30:00 - 00:40:00
Nel concludere, il video discute della complessità e importanza della gestione logistico-commerciale nel gioco, introducendo anche aspetti militari e strategie di movimentazione delle risorse. Viene sollecitata l'interazione con lo spettatore per suggerimenti su futuri contenuti da trattare.
Mapa mental
Vídeo de preguntas y respuestas
Come dovrei pianificare l'inizio di un nuovo gioco in Manor Lords?
Per pianificare una nuova città, guarda le risorse disponibili nella tua regione e pianifica il posizionamento degli edifici in base alla loro vicinanza alle risorse necessarie.
Come posso far crescere la popolazione nella mia città?
Assicurati di avere abbastanza approvazione dai cittadini e costruisci case, mentre tieni d'occhio le risorse disponibili.
Qual è l'importanza del posizionamento degli edifici?
Gli edifici devono essere posizionati strategicamente vicino alle risorse o alle destinazioni per ridurre i tempi di trasporto.
Come posso migliorare le case nel gioco?
Ogni casa può essere espansa con un orto, un pollaio o altre estensioni per migliorare la produzione di risorse.
Qual è il vantaggio dell'espansione militare?
L'espansione militare elimina i campi dei banditi e fornisce influenze e risorse utili per l'espansione.
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- 00:00:00hey everybody it's party leite and today
- 00:00:01we're kicking off a beginner's guide to
- 00:00:03manords with a beefy video that covers
- 00:00:05some of the absolute Essentials you need
- 00:00:07to be familiar with in order to see
- 00:00:09success across a multitude of topics if
- 00:00:11you have specifics you'd like to see
- 00:00:12explained in more depth in future videos
- 00:00:14let me know in the comments below I have
- 00:00:16plans of my own but I'm always keeping
- 00:00:18an eye out for what people want me to
- 00:00:19prioritize I want to quickly mention
- 00:00:21that outside of this channel I am
- 00:00:23affiliated with the publisher hooded
- 00:00:24horse of course that has no impact on
- 00:00:27what I cover on the channel but I do
- 00:00:29like to mention it for Trans
- 00:00:29transparency and if you'd like more
- 00:00:31details on that affiliation you can find
- 00:00:33a video Linked In the description down
- 00:00:34below now for more Manor Lords guides
- 00:00:37gameplay and coverage in general feel
- 00:00:39free to subscribe to the channel and if
- 00:00:40this guide helps you consider hitting
- 00:00:42the like button but without further Ado
- 00:00:44and with time stamps below so you can
- 00:00:46jump around as you like let's begin with
- 00:00:49opening
- 00:00:51decisions first things first when you
- 00:00:53start a new game you want to take a step
- 00:00:55back and consider your starting region
- 00:00:57random start locations and resource
- 00:00:59deposits mean what's available in your
- 00:01:01immediate vicinity will change with each
- 00:01:03playthrough and this won't just impact
- 00:01:05how you expand to adjacent regions using
- 00:01:08your influence or what your trade
- 00:01:09economy is based on as we'll discuss
- 00:01:11later in this video but it should also
- 00:01:13make a difference as to how you
- 00:01:15establish and lay out your initial
- 00:01:16settlement this start is an excellent
- 00:01:19example of why you should first zoom out
- 00:01:21and take a look at everything around you
- 00:01:22to plan you'll see that I have a rich
- 00:01:25Stone deposit and an iron deposit in
- 00:01:27relatively close proximity but my food
- 00:01:29sources are buried deep within the
- 00:01:31forest far from where my initial
- 00:01:33starting stockpiles are looking at my
- 00:01:36current stockpiles I see that I have
- 00:01:37about 4 months worth of food so we need
- 00:01:40to make a beine to the food sources it's
- 00:01:42a good idea to open up the construction
- 00:01:44menu to gain access to the overlays and
- 00:01:47study them briefly first too underground
- 00:01:49water is essential to keep an eye on
- 00:01:51since by default you can only build
- 00:01:53Wells over areas with plenty of
- 00:01:55groundwater Wells provide drinking water
- 00:01:58and water to put out fires so you want
- 00:02:00more than just one in a growing city
- 00:02:03make sure to check soil fertility too
- 00:02:05you don't want to cover your most
- 00:02:06fertile soil with buildings and you'll
- 00:02:08want to make sure you have options on
- 00:02:09this front when it comes time to place
- 00:02:11your farms and figure out what crops and
- 00:02:14Foods you'll need to import due to
- 00:02:16lacking local
- 00:02:17fertility when putting down buildings
- 00:02:19the highest priority is always to
- 00:02:21establish a logging Camp first as
- 00:02:23without it you won't get Timber and
- 00:02:26without Timber you can't build anything
- 00:02:28else you'll also want to to secure a
- 00:02:30source of food as early as possible and
- 00:02:32place a wood Cutter's Lodge to acquire
- 00:02:34firewood to keep homes warm especially
- 00:02:37in time for winter here I'll tell my
- 00:02:40logging Camp to prioritize their work
- 00:02:42areas in a way that makes a specific
- 00:02:44clearing in the forest by using this
- 00:02:46tool in the advance tab pressing control
- 00:02:49and using the scroll wheel to adjust the
- 00:02:51size of the area before picking a spot
- 00:02:54ultimately with the intent to establish
- 00:02:56a hunting camp closer to the wild
- 00:02:58animals which would in turn make hunting
- 00:03:00a fair bit faster as the hunters would
- 00:03:02have to travel less distance between
- 00:03:04their camp and their prey I don't want
- 00:03:07to get too close to the herd with
- 00:03:09construction though because the animals
- 00:03:10will migrate away I can then continue
- 00:03:13clearing the forest with the help of the
- 00:03:15logging camp and wood cutters Lodge to
- 00:03:17get closer to the berries before they
- 00:03:18die in Winter and then much later down
- 00:03:20the line the clay deposit there's plenty
- 00:03:23of resources to eat plenty to build and
- 00:03:25manufacture with and plenty to trade all
- 00:03:28with a clear path for progression too
- 00:03:30with firewood and food acquisition
- 00:03:32underway you want to put down a market
- 00:03:34so that those goods are distributed
- 00:03:36amongst the people for use and you'll
- 00:03:38want to establish a granery and
- 00:03:39Storehouse so your starting resources
- 00:03:41are protected from the elements
- 00:03:43otherwise they'll go to waste next comes
- 00:03:46establishing homes and a source of water
- 00:03:49and then looking to fulfill the people's
- 00:03:51needs by selecting their homes and
- 00:03:53checking their demands as you fulfill
- 00:03:55these demands and upgrade enough homes
- 00:03:57you'll gain access to development points
- 00:03:59with which to determine this town's
- 00:04:01strengths plan your decisions based on
- 00:04:03what this specific region will need and
- 00:04:05what it has and keep in mind that future
- 00:04:07regions you expand into will have their
- 00:04:10own development trees so you can choose
- 00:04:12according to what those specific regions
- 00:04:13can provide and how you want to develop
- 00:04:16them if you lack or have minimal access
- 00:04:19to Essentials you want to consider
- 00:04:20establishing trade capabilities sooner
- 00:04:23rather than later or consider early
- 00:04:25expansion opportunities by zooming out a
- 00:04:27little further and assessing what's
- 00:04:29around you
- 00:04:30as you do so depending on the scenario
- 00:04:32you're playing you'll see Bandit camps
- 00:04:34on the map too make note of them as
- 00:04:36eliminating them will grant you a decent
- 00:04:38bit of wealth and killing the brigin
- 00:04:40that defend them will net you some
- 00:04:42influence you can use to expand with so
- 00:04:44you want to try and raise your army and
- 00:04:46March out in order to do so before the
- 00:04:49enemy Lord can but I'm getting ahead of
- 00:04:51myself first let's discuss optimized
- 00:04:56placement moving Goods takes a lot of
- 00:04:58time in Mana Lords and so properly
- 00:05:00planning your production chains and
- 00:05:02placing your buildings accordingly is
- 00:05:04very important roads aren't necessary to
- 00:05:07connect buildings but people and animals
- 00:05:09move a lot faster along roads and keep
- 00:05:12in mind that using the organic Road
- 00:05:14building tool you can widen the road
- 00:05:16easily by simply layering more and more
- 00:05:18roads on top of or right next to the
- 00:05:21same spot not only does this create a
- 00:05:23nice visual it also acts as a main
- 00:05:26thoroughfare where needed either way
- 00:05:28road construction is free since it's
- 00:05:30just dirt paths so don't hesitate to
- 00:05:32place these down where you need them you
- 00:05:34can always delete them if you'd like we
- 00:05:37already discussed some of the Nuance of
- 00:05:38building placement in the previous
- 00:05:40section placing buildings too close to
- 00:05:42animals will cause them to migrate away
- 00:05:44you should check soil fertility before
- 00:05:45building structures on your limited
- 00:05:47fertile soil and studying the map should
- 00:05:49give you a macro sense of how to develop
- 00:05:51your city but there are more localized
- 00:05:54decisions to make as well that might not
- 00:05:56be obvious for firsttime players in
- 00:05:58particular even if you're familiar with
- 00:06:00the
- 00:06:00genre keep in mind for example that
- 00:06:03Timber needs to be moved by oxen it
- 00:06:06doesn't magically appear where it's
- 00:06:07needed or where it's stored after being
- 00:06:10cut keeping your logging Camp close to
- 00:06:12where the wood cutting and processing is
- 00:06:14going to happen or where the vast
- 00:06:16majority of construction will take place
- 00:06:18then increases efficiency generally
- 00:06:21speaking it's also not a bad idea to
- 00:06:23build a second Hitching Post and
- 00:06:25acquiring an additional Ox early on to
- 00:06:28help more efficiently transport Timber
- 00:06:30around but more on that later note that
- 00:06:33your oxen will always be returned to
- 00:06:35their Hitching Post so you may want to
- 00:06:37move the one you start with if there's a
- 00:06:39better home based on the rest of your
- 00:06:41city's layout and it's worth noting that
- 00:06:43it can take months for a new Ox to
- 00:06:45arrive so you really need to plan ahead
- 00:06:48keep in mind that certain buildings like
- 00:06:50the logging Camp are free to move even
- 00:06:52after construction so if your tree line
- 00:06:55is Shifting as you make more clearings
- 00:06:57you can freely move the logging Camp
- 00:06:59along decided though it will still take
- 00:07:01time to rebuild and as mentioned
- 00:07:03previously Timber also needs to be
- 00:07:05hauled over to construction sites
- 00:07:07meaning the further away the
- 00:07:08construction site is from the logging
- 00:07:10Camp the longer it'll take to get the
- 00:07:12timber to said site and the longer it'll
- 00:07:15take to build as a result most other
- 00:07:18things are either stored in the building
- 00:07:19that collects or produces them or
- 00:07:21they're hauled to a storehouse or
- 00:07:23Granary from where they're picked up by
- 00:07:25your people as needed for further
- 00:07:27processing but not household consumption
- 00:07:30that's what the market is for as we'll
- 00:07:32discuss in a second as Goods can be
- 00:07:34stored and picked up from where they're
- 00:07:36produced you want to keep dependent
- 00:07:38buildings of a production chain in close
- 00:07:40proximity when that's not an option a
- 00:07:43granary or Storehouse should be built to
- 00:07:45hold the goods needed by the other
- 00:07:47buildings in the vicinity for quick
- 00:07:49access be it for further processing
- 00:07:51trade or distribution at the market
- 00:07:54markets distribute goods for household
- 00:07:56consumption based on proximity to homes
- 00:07:59and resource availability only
- 00:08:01stockpiling enough to meet local needs
- 00:08:03leaving Surplus back at storage though
- 00:08:06markets have decent reach houses that
- 00:08:08are further away from a market will have
- 00:08:10less access to Goods that are just
- 00:08:12barely meeting demand you should try to
- 00:08:14place your Market in centralized
- 00:08:16locations to maximize reach and keep an
- 00:08:18eye on people's needs not being met
- 00:08:21maybe your supply isn't quite meeting
- 00:08:23demand maybe your markets are too far
- 00:08:25away from certain homes maybe your goods
- 00:08:27are stored too far from the market
- 00:08:29for the market to be restocked quickly
- 00:08:31enough meaning by the time distant
- 00:08:33residents arrive at the market
- 00:08:35everything is already sold out this is
- 00:08:37very common finally it's possible that
- 00:08:40there aren't enough sellers at the
- 00:08:42market as I'll further explain later in
- 00:08:44the video one final consideration when
- 00:08:46it comes to placement has to do with
- 00:08:48commutes just like your people have to
- 00:08:50walk to the markets and the wells and
- 00:08:52the storage areas to get what they need
- 00:08:55they also have to walk from their homes
- 00:08:56to their workplaces the jobs your people
- 00:08:59take on can sometimes be optimized
- 00:09:01through reassignment especially as your
- 00:09:03city grows the best way to go about
- 00:09:05doing this is selecting the house whose
- 00:09:07family you want to reassign flip to the
- 00:09:10people's Tab and click the reassign
- 00:09:12workplace button choosing a nearby
- 00:09:14workplace this will ensure that as
- 00:09:16little time as possible is wasted
- 00:09:18getting to and from the workplace but
- 00:09:21keep in mind that you can't assign
- 00:09:23artisen families to other workplaces
- 00:09:25with that said worker assignment
- 00:09:27functions very differently in Lords as
- 00:09:29you may already be able to tell so it's
- 00:09:32essential that we discuss families and
- 00:09:36population
- 00:09:37growth in manner Lords you don't just
- 00:09:40track and assign individual people to
- 00:09:42workplaces like in most games but
- 00:09:44instead entire families each member of
- 00:09:47the family performs a different part of
- 00:09:49the job where they're assigned and if
- 00:09:51one family member dies they'll fairly
- 00:09:53quickly get replaced by a new arrival
- 00:09:55but that won't change the number of
- 00:09:57families that you're managing the
- 00:09:58efficiency of a family then is
- 00:10:00determined by how many members it has
- 00:10:02and if any of its members are sick the
- 00:10:04latter means they'll simply rest until
- 00:10:06they're feeling better which is why it's
- 00:10:08important to establish an herb garden at
- 00:10:10your forager Hut relatively early on at
- 00:10:13the top left corner you can see the
- 00:10:15number of unassigned and assigned
- 00:10:17families you currently have as well as
- 00:10:19the total population of your city
- 00:10:22unassigned families are the only ones
- 00:10:24who will build buildings so make sure
- 00:10:26you have at least a couple unassigned
- 00:10:28families when you're doing heavy
- 00:10:29construction to assign a family to a
- 00:10:32workplace you simply select the
- 00:10:33workplace and add families like so when
- 00:10:37this happens depending on the workplace
- 00:10:39different family members take on
- 00:10:40different roles as stated earlier some
- 00:10:43might be the ones acquiring or
- 00:10:45processing the goods at the building
- 00:10:47others might be the ones selling the
- 00:10:48output at the market so on and so forth
- 00:10:52you can actually see which families have
- 00:10:54a market set up by looking at production
- 00:10:56buildings that output the appropriate
- 00:10:57goods or the build that store them and
- 00:11:00keeping an eye out for this icon note
- 00:11:03that each stall doesn't sell everything
- 00:11:05available at the building whose workers
- 00:11:07established it for example a storehouse
- 00:11:10family might specifically establish a
- 00:11:12stall to sell firewood meaning they'll
- 00:11:14not actually distribute anything other
- 00:11:17than firewood regardless of what else is
- 00:11:19sitting at the storehouse in larger
- 00:11:21towns dedicated storehouses can help
- 00:11:23ensure all kinds of goods get
- 00:11:25distributed at the resulting Market
- 00:11:26stalls when you unassign families from a
- 00:11:29workplace those with Market stalls are
- 00:11:31the last to be unassigned it's worth
- 00:11:34noting that while all construction is
- 00:11:36done by unassigned families Market
- 00:11:38stalls are built automatically by the
- 00:11:41families that will establish them
- 00:11:42instead setting up the stall appropriate
- 00:11:44to the goods they sell based on where
- 00:11:46they work on which note if you ever want
- 00:11:48to see at a quick glance where families
- 00:11:50are assigned and where buildings have
- 00:11:52more slots for additional families just
- 00:11:54hold down Tab and take a look around
- 00:11:56this gives you a ton more information
- 00:11:58too you can see see which houses are
- 00:12:00ready for upgrades you can see which
- 00:12:01houses have which needs outstanding and
- 00:12:04much more besides moving on from family
- 00:12:07run markets when you raise your militia
- 00:12:09it's the men specifically that join the
- 00:12:11ranks dropping everything to do so you
- 00:12:14can see how many men are available to
- 00:12:16recruit when you go to establish units
- 00:12:18and either way since families in your
- 00:12:20town lose male members to military
- 00:12:22service when the militia is raised
- 00:12:24through rallying that means your economy
- 00:12:27comes to a stop in many ways and if you
- 00:12:29lose people on the battlefield you have
- 00:12:31to wait for Replacements to arrive lives
- 00:12:34lost in battle have an impact on your
- 00:12:36city as they should so you'll want to be
- 00:12:38very careful in battle it's important to
- 00:12:40note that houses that are upgraded in a
- 00:12:42specific way as I'll describe later will
- 00:12:44turn some families into Artisans these
- 00:12:47families cannot be assigned to
- 00:12:49workplaces and instead work from their
- 00:12:51homes producing Goods in their backyards
- 00:12:54based on how you've upgraded their homes
- 00:12:56be careful about upgrading families into
- 00:12:58artisans too quickly they might be able
- 00:13:00to make more advanced Goods sure but you
- 00:13:03need lower tier families to keep the
- 00:13:05basics operational and what's more while
- 00:13:07lower tier extensions can be demolished
- 00:13:10and replaced these higher tier ones are
- 00:13:13permanent once picked regardless of tier
- 00:13:16families consume food and fuel per month
- 00:13:19food is available in the form of meat
- 00:13:21vegetables berries bread eggs apples and
- 00:13:24honey while the latter is in reference
- 00:13:26to firewood and charcoal resources
- 00:13:29needed to warm the home but also fuel
- 00:13:31certain industries while these are both
- 00:13:33consumed at all times in the winter fuel
- 00:13:36consumption at homes increases
- 00:13:38drastically make sure you have a large
- 00:13:41Surplus because otherwise people will
- 00:13:43absolutely freeze to death the wood
- 00:13:45cutters Lodge collects firewood unlike
- 00:13:47the logging camp that specifically
- 00:13:49collects timber for construction and
- 00:13:51later on if you invest your development
- 00:13:53points appropriately you can build a
- 00:13:55charcoal Kil to turn firewood into twice
- 00:13:58as much charcoal
- 00:13:59do make sure you've built a wood
- 00:14:01Cutter's Lodge and do keep an eye on
- 00:14:03your predicted supplies keeping in mind
- 00:14:05that this doesn't necessarily warn you
- 00:14:06about the impacts of winter or
- 00:14:09population growth between now and then
- 00:14:12anyway back to families and perhaps the
- 00:14:14most important aspect of the how to get
- 00:14:16more you'll start with only a handful of
- 00:14:19course and you'll very quickly realize
- 00:14:20you need more to keep even the most
- 00:14:22basic parts of your settlement
- 00:14:24operational there are two aspects to
- 00:14:26consider here first is approval rating
- 00:14:30impacted by a variety of factors
- 00:14:31including the availability of basic
- 00:14:33needs the presence of a church and the
- 00:14:35food variety at the market place higher
- 00:14:38approval ratings help bring families in
- 00:14:40faster at 75% or higher you'll see up to
- 00:14:44two families join per month and between
- 00:14:4650 and 75% you'll see one new family
- 00:14:49join every month if approval drops below
- 00:14:5125% meanwhile you'll see families start
- 00:14:54to leave and some may even turn to
- 00:14:56banditry if public order is also low
- 00:14:59regardless of how high your approval
- 00:15:00rating is though people won't immigrate
- 00:15:03if you don't have space for them to
- 00:15:04settle down so make sure you're building
- 00:15:07plenty of houses if you want your City
- 00:15:08to grow but don't rush it either not
- 00:15:11only is there a limit to how many people
- 00:15:13will migrate per month to begin with
- 00:15:15mass building houses to leave them empty
- 00:15:18is simply a waste of Timber that could
- 00:15:20be used to build something more valuable
- 00:15:22in the mean time that's also wasted time
- 00:15:25spent building something that won't be
- 00:15:27used for much further down the line
- 00:15:29and of course remember more people means
- 00:15:32more mouths to feed and more homes to
- 00:15:34heat and that's why it's so important to
- 00:15:37come to grips with the housing
- 00:15:40system homes and manords work unlike any
- 00:15:43other City Builder you've likely played
- 00:15:45before using the burgage plot system to
- 00:15:47determine the layout and functionality
- 00:15:50of the space beyond what it provides for
- 00:15:51living first off houses aren't
- 00:15:54individually placed or zoned in the
- 00:15:56modern sense instead you you put down
- 00:15:59four points with the first two points
- 00:16:01determining the front and the other two
- 00:16:04helping determine the overall shape of
- 00:16:06the area using left click to place
- 00:16:08points and right click to undo the
- 00:16:10previous placement the space within
- 00:16:12these four points is then subdivided
- 00:16:15into plots depending on how much space
- 00:16:17there is and the shape of the overall
- 00:16:19space with you being able to opt to
- 00:16:21create fewer subdivisions if you prefer
- 00:16:23or rotate the orientation to determine a
- 00:16:26different front the points will snap to
- 00:16:28roads and the shape of the space within
- 00:16:30them will conform around other
- 00:16:31structures and there are three key
- 00:16:34Graphics to look out for as you're
- 00:16:35making adjustments here this symbol
- 00:16:38represents the house itself the main
- 00:16:40structure that'll house a family this
- 00:16:42one will always show up and if it
- 00:16:44doesn't the area you've drawn is too
- 00:16:46small The Wider the space you designate
- 00:16:49the more of these will show up and the
- 00:16:51more resources you'll need before you
- 00:16:52can actually tell construction to start
- 00:16:55feel free to place these one by one in
- 00:16:57the earlier days so you're controlling
- 00:16:58the consumption of construction
- 00:17:00resources and so that you're not waiting
- 00:17:02for a larger stockpile just so you can
- 00:17:04start building people homes as you make
- 00:17:07the designated space deeper a new symbol
- 00:17:09will appear this one represents the
- 00:17:12potential backyard extension for each of
- 00:17:14these houses these won't cost any
- 00:17:16resources when you initially establish
- 00:17:18houses but after the house is built
- 00:17:21you'll have the option to build
- 00:17:22extensions in these backyards and that's
- 00:17:24when there is an additional cost and
- 00:17:26construction time involved more options
- 00:17:29for these backyard extensions unlock as
- 00:17:31the house itself levels up but even the
- 00:17:33lowest level houses are able to build
- 00:17:35the basic options to provide additional
- 00:17:38resources to your city so a house with a
- 00:17:40chicken coup might sell eggs at the
- 00:17:42market for example keep in mind that
- 00:17:44these options are only available for
- 00:17:46houses that had this symbol attached to
- 00:17:48them when designating the housing area
- 00:17:50depending on the shape and size of this
- 00:17:52area some of the plots within might have
- 00:17:54this symbol While others don't pay close
- 00:17:57attention because this will determine
- 00:17:58determine which houses can actually get
- 00:18:00backyard extensions the final symbol to
- 00:18:03keep an eye out for is this one it'll
- 00:18:05likely be the rarest one to come up but
- 00:18:08it gives you the option to expand the
- 00:18:09capacity of a plot by adding another
- 00:18:12house within the area this means you can
- 00:18:14place the designated area at a lower
- 00:18:16cost even though there's technically
- 00:18:18room for an additional house that takes
- 00:18:20a little less space than a full plot
- 00:18:22that smaller house won't be built until
- 00:18:24you later tell it to be built costing
- 00:18:26the same amount of Timber as a regular
- 00:18:27house and making room for more storage
- 00:18:30and an additional family on the same
- 00:18:32plot meaning you'll have two families
- 00:18:34working on the same backyard extension
- 00:18:36increasing its efficiency and this is
- 00:18:38also a way to fill out smaller nooks and
- 00:18:40crannies of your city while giving it a
- 00:18:42more organic feel don't be afraid of
- 00:18:44funky shapes here manal Lords is an
- 00:18:46organic City Builder that reflects City
- 00:18:48Planning from a bygone era apart from
- 00:18:51that remember that houses are where
- 00:18:53entire families live not individuals
- 00:18:56families operate as a unit as dis
- 00:18:58described earlier another thing to keep
- 00:19:00in mind is how houses upgrade this will
- 00:19:03be familiar to people who play games in
- 00:19:05this genre but whether you've played
- 00:19:06city builders before or not specifics
- 00:19:09are a little different here so it's
- 00:19:10worth highlighting there are a few
- 00:19:12different categories of needs and at
- 00:19:14higher levels the needs increase too
- 00:19:17that's par for the course nearby Wells
- 00:19:19provide water a nearby Church fulfills
- 00:19:21the desire for a church and a nearby
- 00:19:23Tavern with ale fulfills the desire for
- 00:19:26a Tavern everything else is acquired
- 00:19:29from markets so keep a decent supply of
- 00:19:31desired Goods establish markets nearby
- 00:19:34and keep an eye out for stalls actually
- 00:19:36being opened at these markets make sure
- 00:19:39to hover over needs to see details don't
- 00:19:41just assume what they represent and yes
- 00:19:44things produced in the backyard
- 00:19:46extension of a house will be made
- 00:19:48available at the market or at
- 00:19:49storehouses and granaries for others to
- 00:19:51meet their needs once all needs are met
- 00:19:54at a level you can upgrade the home at
- 00:19:56the cost of some resources upgrading is
- 00:19:59essential in making progress towards
- 00:20:01higher Town levels which in turn will
- 00:20:03allow you to unlock options using
- 00:20:05development points that aside upgrading
- 00:20:07a home will also give you access to
- 00:20:09higher level backyard extensions these
- 00:20:12higher level extensions turn the
- 00:20:14residence of a house into Artisans
- 00:20:16meaning they'll no longer be a part of
- 00:20:17the regular assignable Workforce as
- 00:20:20mentioned earlier instead working on
- 00:20:22their own craft in their backyard this
- 00:20:24is how you bolster your access to some
- 00:20:26of the more advanced Goods note that
- 00:20:29some of these backyard extensions
- 00:20:30benefit from being larger a larger
- 00:20:33vegetable garden or a larger Orchard is
- 00:20:35going to produce a greater output but a
- 00:20:37larger backyard for the other options
- 00:20:39don't make a difference a larger Garden
- 00:20:42or Orchard does take longer to work than
- 00:20:45a smaller one though so there's a
- 00:20:46balancing act involved as a resident
- 00:20:48family spends more time planting and
- 00:20:50harvesting missing out on time spent
- 00:20:52working where they're assigned this is
- 00:20:55where an expansion that puts two
- 00:20:56families on a single plot can help help
- 00:20:58with efficiency plan the sizes of
- 00:21:01backyard extensions and pick them
- 00:21:03accordingly and remember that chicken
- 00:21:04coops and large vegetable gardens are
- 00:21:06great at the start when you need an
- 00:21:08additional and consistent early source
- 00:21:10of food now as you may have noticed
- 00:21:13building these costs wealth and that's
- 00:21:16yet another interesting and complex
- 00:21:18matter here so let's discuss wealth
- 00:21:22trade and
- 00:21:24expansion there are two kinds of wealth
- 00:21:27both important for different reason
- 00:21:28reasons Regional wealth and treasury
- 00:21:32Regional wealth is the collective wealth
- 00:21:33of the people living within a single
- 00:21:35region generated monthly with higher
- 00:21:37level housing burned through the export
- 00:21:39of goods or acquired by eliminating
- 00:21:42Bandit camps and distributing their
- 00:21:43wealth accordingly it's used to import
- 00:21:46goods and livestock to establish trade
- 00:21:49routes and to build some of the backyard
- 00:21:50extensions for your burgage plots it
- 00:21:53also at the cost of approval helps
- 00:21:55generate money for the treasury through
- 00:21:57taxation once you've built your Manor
- 00:22:00your treasury is also bolstered through
- 00:22:02the eradication of Bandit camps choosing
- 00:22:04to keep the wealth for yourself when
- 00:22:05doing so instead the money from the
- 00:22:08treasury is used in ways Regional wealth
- 00:22:10can't be the treasury funds the hire of
- 00:22:13mercenaries the settlement of new
- 00:22:14regions and the expansion and upgrade of
- 00:22:18your personal retinue dedicated soldiers
- 00:22:20who aren't taken from the general
- 00:22:22population and can fight without
- 00:22:24bringing your economy to a
- 00:22:26stop influence is a form of current
- 00:22:28curency 2 used to push your claims and
- 00:22:31acquire additional regions where you can
- 00:22:33build settlers camps and begin new
- 00:22:35Villages and it can be acquired through
- 00:22:37the elimination of enemy units like
- 00:22:39brins and through the tithe that takes
- 00:22:42food from the region and converts it
- 00:22:44into influence only available once
- 00:22:46you've built your Manor building your
- 00:22:48Manor provides some influence too and
- 00:22:50the completion of the manor will unlock
- 00:22:52policies though only a few are available
- 00:22:55at the time of this recording with
- 00:22:57wealth defined let's look at one of the
- 00:22:59key ways to acquire it trade trade
- 00:23:03cannot take place without first
- 00:23:05establishing a trade post or a livestock
- 00:23:07Trading Post the former trades
- 00:23:10everything but livestock and the latter
- 00:23:12well trades livestock but both need you
- 00:23:15to assign at least one family first the
- 00:23:18various members of the assigned families
- 00:23:20will haul Goods over to the trade
- 00:23:22buildings for export or will otherwise
- 00:23:24travel to and from the trade points
- 00:23:26located at the edges of the map to move
- 00:23:29Goods back and forth it's important to
- 00:23:31note that these Traders will try to get
- 00:23:32on the road as soon as possible often
- 00:23:35going the long way around to do so so
- 00:23:37make sure you place roads from the trade
- 00:23:39buildings that take them more directly
- 00:23:41towards these trade points and ensure
- 00:23:43faster trade acquiring a horse at the
- 00:23:45Trade Post allows for even faster trade
- 00:23:48as the families otherwise move Goods
- 00:23:50back and forth on foot and in smaller
- 00:23:52quantities and finally establishing
- 00:23:55trade routes is another way to make
- 00:23:57trade faster at times even a
- 00:23:59prerequisite to trade certain Goods at
- 00:24:01all it costs Regional wealth with a cost
- 00:24:04increasing per established route but it
- 00:24:07guarantees a foreign Trader will come to
- 00:24:10your Trade Post to trade the resource in
- 00:24:12question and in the case of higher tier
- 00:24:14or military equipment it allows for the
- 00:24:17trade of the goods to take place in the
- 00:24:18first place if you decide not to
- 00:24:21establish a dedicated trade route for
- 00:24:22any one of these Goods that doesn't need
- 00:24:24one as a prerequisite for trade you will
- 00:24:26still see foreign Merchants come through
- 00:24:27from time to time to go to your Trade
- 00:24:29Post pick up what you have on offer and
- 00:24:31give you the appropriate amount of
- 00:24:33silver in order to see these Merchants
- 00:24:35traveling around just zoom out hold down
- 00:24:38Tab and keep an eye out for this icon
- 00:24:40they move along the king's road so it
- 00:24:42can be beneficial to place these trade
- 00:24:44posts closer to those main roads but
- 00:24:46truth be told I've seen those Merchants
- 00:24:48take detours if you have something they
- 00:24:50really want either the way this is a
- 00:24:52great way of securing passive income
- 00:24:54without having to invest in that
- 00:24:56dedicated trade route there are options
- 00:24:58in the development tree that are ideal
- 00:25:00to get if you intend to rely on trade
- 00:25:02trade Logistics sets a cap on the price
- 00:25:05of unlocking trade rots regardless of
- 00:25:07how many you've previously unlocked and
- 00:25:09you can later than remove the tariffs
- 00:25:12that make it so expensive to import
- 00:25:14literally anything this then allows you
- 00:25:16to import raw materials cheaply process
- 00:25:19them into finished goods and then export
- 00:25:21said finished goods for great profits in
- 00:25:24order to trade at either of these trade
- 00:25:26buildings you simply need to set what
- 00:25:28whether you're importing exporting or
- 00:25:30doing both to maintain a certain stock
- 00:25:32of the item then you choose what that
- 00:25:34Target stock level is you can see the
- 00:25:37Import and Export costs on these screens
- 00:25:40and of course establish the
- 00:25:41aformentioned foreign trade routes too
- 00:25:44note that if you choose to import
- 00:25:45something at a Trade Post in one region
- 00:25:47and Export the same thing at a Trade
- 00:25:49Post in a different region Goods will
- 00:25:52move accordingly between them make sure
- 00:25:54to set the exporting Trade Post first so
- 00:25:57the importing Trade Post knows it's
- 00:25:59available to buy from free from
- 00:26:01exorbitant tariffs lowering the import
- 00:26:03cost only the exporting trade poost
- 00:26:06needs a family to move Goods like this
- 00:26:08and both trade posts can export to each
- 00:26:10other with regional wealth spent and
- 00:26:12earned between the regions then there's
- 00:26:15the pack station this building is only
- 00:26:18needed after you've secured additional
- 00:26:20regions operating without the need for
- 00:26:22regional wealth to move goods between
- 00:26:24regions each station is assigned one
- 00:26:27trade partner one resource to send out
- 00:26:29and one resource to bring back each of
- 00:26:32these must be selected before the
- 00:26:34station becomes operational and a family
- 00:26:36is needed to actually do the hauling
- 00:26:38while giving them a mule allows them to
- 00:26:40haul more Goods at a time The Bartered
- 00:26:43Goods need a viable storage area at
- 00:26:45their point of origin and destination
- 00:26:47before shipping begins so if you're
- 00:26:50trying to send food to support a newly
- 00:26:52established region for example it first
- 00:26:54needs a granary established so your
- 00:26:56people have a destination at which to to
- 00:26:58drop the food off barter stations and
- 00:27:01trade posts allow you to specialize your
- 00:27:03regions and have them support each other
- 00:27:05but remember these families will use
- 00:27:07existing roads to go from region to
- 00:27:09region so make sure to place roads of
- 00:27:11your own to make a fast and convenient
- 00:27:13route for them to follow because don't
- 00:27:16forget the complexity of hauling and
- 00:27:19distributing
- 00:27:21Goods we've already talked about some
- 00:27:23aspects of the movement of goods but
- 00:27:25here we'll dive a little deeper to this
- 00:27:27very important topic
- 00:27:28you already know that Goods take time to
- 00:27:30move shipped around in small quantities
- 00:27:32by hand in larger quantities by cart or
- 00:27:36by animals when needed or advantageous
- 00:27:39you know that roads help goods and
- 00:27:40people move around faster and you know
- 00:27:42that Timber can only be moved with the
- 00:27:44help of oxin you also know that it's a
- 00:27:47good idea to get additional hitching
- 00:27:49posts so you can order additional oxen
- 00:27:51to have more efficient movement of goods
- 00:27:53and you know that once you order an ox
- 00:27:56it can take months for the animal to
- 00:27:57actually arrive so you should plan well
- 00:27:59ahead what else is there to know well
- 00:28:02first of all who does the moving when it
- 00:28:05comes to construction unassigned
- 00:28:07families will haul what they need with
- 00:28:09the help of oxen if needed they do this
- 00:28:11solely for the purpose of construction
- 00:28:13as families not assigned to a job can be
- 00:28:16considered to be assigned to
- 00:28:17construction as their job you can assign
- 00:28:20families specifically to hitching posts
- 00:28:22to make sure their sole task is to
- 00:28:24facilitate the movement of goods that
- 00:28:26move with the help of oxen with that
- 00:28:28aside unassigned families and families
- 00:28:31assigned other tasks will also help
- 00:28:33guide oxen regardless of what they're
- 00:28:35assigned to or where the ox is needed
- 00:28:38even Beyond construction so if a saw pit
- 00:28:41needs Timber an unassigned family might
- 00:28:43guide an ox to bring some over or if an
- 00:28:46unassigned family is not available an
- 00:28:48idle family member from an assigned
- 00:28:50family may do the same too and if you
- 00:28:52set a construction Reserve you can
- 00:28:54ensure that some Timber is kept aside at
- 00:28:57the logging camp for
- 00:28:59construction it's a good idea to do so
- 00:29:01since most buildings require timber for
- 00:29:03construction so you'll almost always
- 00:29:05want some on hand the case of the saw
- 00:29:08pit is unique though because as stated
- 00:29:10earlier other families are willing to
- 00:29:12guide the aux to bring Timber where
- 00:29:13needed you can assign animals to a
- 00:29:16specific workplace to make sure one is
- 00:29:18always available for that building but
- 00:29:20even then all families are willing to
- 00:29:22move an ax it is by the way a good idea
- 00:29:27to assign ox and like this for high
- 00:29:28priority buildings like farmhouses but
- 00:29:31make sure to have at least one
- 00:29:32unassigned for General use too now apart
- 00:29:35from the movement of Timber families
- 00:29:37with assigned jobs always handle
- 00:29:40resource acquisition for their jobs
- 00:29:42sending somebody over to gather required
- 00:29:44materials from the nearest stockpiles
- 00:29:47grabbing berries from The Granary to
- 00:29:49make dyes for example is done by the
- 00:29:51family assigned at the D Workshop but if
- 00:29:54the nearby Granary doesn't have any
- 00:29:56berries they'll make their way over to
- 00:29:58the nearest stockpile which may be a
- 00:30:00distant foragers Hut that's one of the
- 00:30:02main reasons to have well-placed
- 00:30:04granaries and storehouses to make sure
- 00:30:07families don't have to travel far to get
- 00:30:09the raw materials they need while
- 00:30:11production buildings have at least some
- 00:30:13storage space where they can stockpile
- 00:30:15Goods or take to the market to sell if
- 00:30:18you want to get products to a proper
- 00:30:20centralized storage area you need to
- 00:30:22assign workers at the storehouses and
- 00:30:24granaries respectively these workers
- 00:30:26will go to other buildings to pick up
- 00:30:28and haul their goods that their
- 00:30:30respective structures can store and
- 00:30:32stockpile them for others to then pick
- 00:30:34up or otherwise establish Market stalls
- 00:30:37to sell the goods themselves if
- 00:30:39needed so if you have a family gathering
- 00:30:42berries off in the distance one of them
- 00:30:44could sell said berries at the market or
- 00:30:47you have a family assigned at The
- 00:30:49Granary that's much closer to the market
- 00:30:51and then that family handles hauling the
- 00:30:54berries over from the forager Hut to The
- 00:30:55Granary and then selling them at the
- 00:30:58local market the grannery in this
- 00:31:00example might also be closer to a nearby
- 00:31:02Dyer's Workshop making it more
- 00:31:04convenient for the dyer to pick berries
- 00:31:06up from this nearby graner rather than a
- 00:31:08far off forager's Hut but just a
- 00:31:11reminder that regardless of where the
- 00:31:13berries come from the die at the Dyer's
- 00:31:15Workshop is staying there unless a
- 00:31:18family is assigned at the storehouse
- 00:31:20because again every production building
- 00:31:22has storage space but it's not that
- 00:31:24building's job to send their goods to
- 00:31:27the storehouse or Granary so they'll
- 00:31:29hold on to them until a storehouse or
- 00:31:31Granary worker comes by to pick them up
- 00:31:34it's worth noting that storehouses have
- 00:31:36limited slots for families so they can
- 00:31:38stockpile more than just one kind of
- 00:31:40product that sells at the market so
- 00:31:42unless you build multiple storehouses
- 00:31:44with specific storage rules breaking
- 00:31:46down Fuel and clothing and raw materials
- 00:31:49and give them families each chances are
- 00:31:52that at least some of your markets will
- 00:31:54be manned by the families that produce
- 00:31:56the goods back at the respective
- 00:31:58buildings though they'll still pick up
- 00:32:00stock from the nearest stockpile a
- 00:32:02single Market isn't limited to one stall
- 00:32:04of each type though you'll see multiple
- 00:32:07of the same type of stall each tended to
- 00:32:09by a different family likely working at
- 00:32:11different places that stockpiles the
- 00:32:13same Goods granaries also have limited
- 00:32:16slots for families and if you're not
- 00:32:17able to meet food demands at the market
- 00:32:19with each of those families already
- 00:32:21having Market stalls you might need to
- 00:32:23establish another Granary to assign
- 00:32:26additional families who might establish
- 00:32:28additional stalls or you can hope that
- 00:32:30families at the various food production
- 00:32:32buildings establish Market stalls of
- 00:32:34their
- 00:32:35own another thing to keep in mind with
- 00:32:37storehouses and granaries is that you
- 00:32:39can set their work area to make sure
- 00:32:41they only collect things from the
- 00:32:43buildings within said work area now I've
- 00:32:46mentioned the market many times here but
- 00:32:48I haven't actually highlighted how to
- 00:32:50build one it's simply a matter of using
- 00:32:52the plotting system to establish an area
- 00:32:53within which families will set up stalls
- 00:32:56at no resource cost to you limited only
- 00:32:59by the maximum space available these
- 00:33:01Market stalls are where goods are
- 00:33:03actually distributed from and you can
- 00:33:05unlock firewood carts and food carts to
- 00:33:08import said Goods using Regional wealth
- 00:33:10instead of producing them locally and
- 00:33:12then they'll sell at the market as
- 00:33:14described earlier proximity to a market
- 00:33:17is part of what determines if a house is
- 00:33:19getting what it needs but so is the
- 00:33:21Market's proximity to stock piles of
- 00:33:23what it sells to ensure timely
- 00:33:25restocking of goods as is the number of
- 00:33:27stock s of different kinds of things at
- 00:33:30the market if you find your families
- 00:33:32aren't getting enough food or clothing
- 00:33:34for example you might need to assign
- 00:33:36additional families at granaries
- 00:33:38storehouses that only store clothes or
- 00:33:40at buildings that produce those goods
- 00:33:42all in the hopes of additional stalls
- 00:33:44being built this is typically the more
- 00:33:47common problem as you get larger and
- 00:33:49larger in the case of your storehouses
- 00:33:51you want to get specific with what they
- 00:33:53can store as your town grows to ensure
- 00:33:56the families that work at them are
- 00:33:57building the kinds of stalls your people
- 00:33:59need otherwise you might end up with a
- 00:34:01bunch of firewood stalls at the market
- 00:34:03while all your shoes collect dust and
- 00:34:05storage managing your
- 00:34:08agriculture around your second or third
- 00:34:10year you'll want to start investing in
- 00:34:12agriculture it takes a sizable
- 00:34:14population and a handful of buildings to
- 00:34:16get everything up and running so you
- 00:34:17don't want to invest in it too quickly
- 00:34:19relying on berries and meat and imports
- 00:34:22in the meantime first there are the
- 00:34:24fields where crops are actually grown
- 00:34:26you'll be able to choose whether whether
- 00:34:27they grow emmer which is a type of wheat
- 00:34:30flax or barley or alternatively if
- 00:34:32they'll be left phow and you can see
- 00:34:34starting fertility of the soil using
- 00:34:36these overlays wheat is needed for bread
- 00:34:39flax for linen and then clothes and
- 00:34:42barley for ale while leaving a field
- 00:34:44phow allows it to regain lost fertility
- 00:34:47to a greater degree you'll want to
- 00:34:49participate in crop rotation by checking
- 00:34:51this box and choosing what the rotation
- 00:34:53should be by not planting the same crop
- 00:34:56back to back on the same field
- 00:34:58you'll allow the fertility and resulting
- 00:34:59yield for that crop to recover in those
- 00:35:02skipped years with phow years being the
- 00:35:05most helpful to increase fertility
- 00:35:06across the board with the right
- 00:35:08development options and upgrades Fields
- 00:35:10can be used as pastures during fallow
- 00:35:12years more quickly increasing their
- 00:35:14fertility as a result all this reflects
- 00:35:17real practices and you should keep in
- 00:35:19mind that the wheat can be planted and
- 00:35:21grown in winter so you want to time
- 00:35:23things accordingly especially for your
- 00:35:25first year of farming you can always opt
- 00:35:28to harvest a field early if you're in a
- 00:35:29desperate situation but otherwise you
- 00:35:32can track the completion of plowing
- 00:35:34sewing growing and harvesting at
- 00:35:36appropriate times of the year with
- 00:35:38larger Fields taking longer to plow sew
- 00:35:40and harvest none of this happens without
- 00:35:43The Farmhouse where families are
- 00:35:45assigned to go to nearby fields to plow
- 00:35:47and sew and doing the former with the
- 00:35:49help of oxen if the heavy plow has been
- 00:35:52acquired through development points and
- 00:35:53an ox is assigned to the building this
- 00:35:56is also where families need to be
- 00:35:57assigned for harvest season and to
- 00:35:59process harvested wheat into grain this
- 00:36:02is all seasonal work so you should
- 00:36:04unassign families from other workplaces
- 00:36:07to assign them here to more quickly plow
- 00:36:09and sew the fields then you can reassign
- 00:36:12them back to their prior jobs as the
- 00:36:14crops grow and when harvest season comes
- 00:36:17you can once more bring the families
- 00:36:19back to work to Fields seasonal work
- 00:36:22exists beyond the fields sheep can't be
- 00:36:24sheared in the winter so there's no
- 00:36:26point having families as assigned to the
- 00:36:28sheep farm in Winter and berries are
- 00:36:30unavailable in the winter too so you
- 00:36:32don't need families to be assigned to
- 00:36:34the foragers Hut then either back to
- 00:36:36farming though once the field is
- 00:36:38harvested plaques can be turned to linen
- 00:36:40relatively easily while barley must be
- 00:36:43taken to a malt house to turn into malt
- 00:36:45and then to a brewery to be turned into
- 00:36:47ale breweries must be built as backyard
- 00:36:50extensions for houses tier 2 and up
- 00:36:53bakeries are unlocked through the use of
- 00:36:55development points before they can be
- 00:36:56built as back yard extensions for houses
- 00:36:58tier two and up but you can establish a
- 00:37:01communal oven where baking can take
- 00:37:04place as well but wheat doesn't just
- 00:37:06become bread first it's turned to grain
- 00:37:08at The Farmhouse and then it must be
- 00:37:11carried over to the windmill to be
- 00:37:12turned into flour by families assigned
- 00:37:14at the windmill windmill efficiency is
- 00:37:17impacted by terrain height as well as
- 00:37:19the proximity of trees and other
- 00:37:21buildings but consider the Lost
- 00:37:24efficiency if Goods need to be carried
- 00:37:26long distances to be processed and
- 00:37:28stored once the grain is turned into
- 00:37:31flour it's then picked up by the people
- 00:37:33working at the communal ovens and
- 00:37:35backyard bakeries where it's baked into
- 00:37:37bread to then be picked up by Granary
- 00:37:39workers or sold at the market all of
- 00:37:42these intermediate and final goods can
- 00:37:44be stored at granaries exported or
- 00:37:46imported but you can see how many
- 00:37:48buildings and families are needed to get
- 00:37:50Farming up and running with animal
- 00:37:52husbandry there are a few options
- 00:37:55backyard extensions provide chickens and
- 00:37:57boats for eggs and hides respectively
- 00:38:00the former for food the latter to turn
- 00:38:02into leather at a Tannery and then
- 00:38:03choose at a cobbler backyard extension
- 00:38:06but if you want sheep for their wool to
- 00:38:08process into cloaks at a tailor backyard
- 00:38:10extension you'll need a livestock
- 00:38:12Trading Post to import them slowly over
- 00:38:14time a sheep farm to Shear them outside
- 00:38:17of winter and if you want more than a
- 00:38:19handful of sheep a pasture whose size
- 00:38:22determines its capacity that will allow
- 00:38:24them to breed with the right upgrade
- 00:38:27finally Back to Basics remember that
- 00:38:30horses help facilitate the Trade Post
- 00:38:33mules facilitate the pack station and
- 00:38:35oxen facilitate farming and the movement
- 00:38:38of Timber the movement of Timber is done
- 00:38:41in priority order where construction is
- 00:38:44highest followed by the saw pit so
- 00:38:46unless you specifically assign an ox to
- 00:38:49the saw pit you will see the saw pit
- 00:38:51grind to a halt during periods of heavy
- 00:38:54construction assigning livestock to
- 00:38:56specific buildings will will make a
- 00:38:57world of difference to efficiency and
- 00:38:59assigning families to hitching posts and
- 00:39:01Stables will keep them ready to escort
- 00:39:03the animals when needed actions that
- 00:39:06become more valuable further along but
- 00:39:08remember to at least get a second
- 00:39:10Hitching Post and ax nice and early to
- 00:39:13stay ahead of the threat of
- 00:39:15[Music]
- 00:39:18winter folks there is a ton more to talk
- 00:39:22about including War specific trade and
- 00:39:25expansion strategies and much more Ides
- 00:39:28let me know if you have any specific
- 00:39:29topics you'd like to see covered and
- 00:39:31otherwise make sure you subscribe to
- 00:39:32keep up with manl Lord's guides gameplay
- 00:39:34and updates and if this video helped you
- 00:39:36out consider hitting the like button as
- 00:39:39always a massive Thanks goes out to all
- 00:39:41of the channel members and patrons
- 00:39:43who've been supporting the channel on a
- 00:39:44monthly basis that'll Keep Us Alive and
- 00:39:46running smoothly and of course a big old
- 00:39:47Thanks goes out to each and every one of
- 00:39:49you for watching until next
- 00:39:52time cheers
- Manor Lords
- guida
- strategia di gioco
- gestione risorse
- commercio