Norte y Sur (1975). Parte 4
TLDREn esta obra, los personajes lidian con la adversidad y las relaciones interpersonales. Mr. Higgins busca trabajo y apoyo tras ser rechazado por un empresario, lo que pone de manifiesto las tensiones entre las clases trabajadoras y las élites. Margaret, quien ha sufrido la pérdida de su padre, reflexiona sobre su conexión con Mr. Thornton, revelando un amor no correspondido y la carga de las expectativas sociales. A medida que se abordan temas de justicia laboral y solidaridad, también surgememorias del pasado y la lucha por un futuro mejor. La trama explora la complejidad del amor, la amistad, y la lucha por la dignidad en un contexto industrial y socialmente desigual.
A retenir
- 🛠️ Mr. Higgins busca trabajo para su familia.
- 💔 La pérdida de Margaret afecta a su vida emocional.
- 🤝 Las relaciones son complicadas y llenas de tensiones.
- 📜 Se explora la justicia laboral en el contexto industrial.
- 😔 El amor no correspondido crea dolor y confusión.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Una conversación entre Margaret y Mr. Higgins, donde él se siente culpable por la situación de Boucher. Margaret le ofrece ayudarlo y le sugiere que busque trabajo en el sur, aunque él se siente desalentado porque ha sido blacklisted y ha tenido malas experiencias buscando empleo.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Margaret persuade a Mr. Higgins para que intente hablar con Mr. Thornton, un empresario que podría darle trabajo. La escena continúa con una discusión entre Higgins y Thornton sobre su necesidad de empleo y la relación entre los trabajadores y sus jefes.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Higgins parece desilusionado por la forma en que su sindicato es tratado. A pesar de los obstáculos, muestra su disposición a trabajar en condiciones justas y a ayudar a los demás trabajadores en sus luchas.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
La interacción entre Higgins y Thornton se intensifica, con Higgins expresando que no hará ningún daño y buscando una comunicación honesta. Sin embargo, Thornton no se siente inclinado a ayudarlo ni quiere ver la situación desde la perspectiva de sus empleados.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Margaret se muestra preocupada por la falta de empleo y sobre cómo las decisiones de su familia han afectado a su entorno. Siente una carga emocional y un conflicto interno sobre sus sentimientos respecto a Thornton y su trabajo.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
El diálogo sobre el padre de Margaret revela información sobre su muerte y cómo ha impactado en ella. Se menciona el consejo de su padre y cómo ha afectado su vida en general.
- 00:30:00 - 00:35:00
A medida que la historia avanza, se revela que Mr. Bell ha fallecido y que su legado dará forma a las circunstancias de Margaret. Sus amigos muestran preocupación al ofrecer ayuda en su tristeza.
- 00:35:00 - 00:40:00
Margaret debe enfrentar la tristeza por la pérdida de su padre y la posible mudanza a Londres. Se toca el tema de un cambio y cómo se siente reacia a dejar su hogar.
- 00:40:00 - 00:45:00
Se revela más sobre la vida de Margaret y su regreso, así como su relación con Thornton, que sigue siendo tensa y llena de malentendidos. Margaret intenta manejar esas emociones mientras navega por su nuevo entorno.
- 00:45:00 - 00:50:17
Finalmente, la historia apunta a un desenlace en que los personajes confrontan sus pasados y comienzan a ver las posibilidades futuras a través del entendimiento y la reconciliación en su relación.
Carte mentale
Vidéo Q&R
¿Quién es Mr. Higgins?
Es un líder sindical que busca trabajo y ayuda para su familia.
¿Qué tragedia afecta a los personajes?
La muerte del padre de Margaret impacta a todos, afectando sus decisiones y emociones.
¿Cómo se desarrollan las relaciones entre los personajes?
Las relaciones son complicadas, con tensiones entre las clases sociales y emociones no dichas.
¿Qué papel juega Margaret en la historia?
Margaret es un personaje central que navega sus sentimientos de amor y amistad mientras enfrenta la pérdida.
¿Hay un tema de justicia social?
Sí, se discuten las dificultades de los trabajadores y la lucha por un trato justo.
Voir plus de résumés vidéo
- 00:00:01[Music]
- 00:00:50Margaret I met a friend come in come oh
- 00:00:55Mr Higgins maret how are you last week I
- 00:00:58could do no else but by the door I
- 00:01:02understand it were me that made him do
- 00:01:03it no Mr Higgins you are not to blame I
- 00:01:06could have set Boucher on a better road
- 00:01:07so I must answer for sit down Mr Higgins
- 00:01:10we have all of us left undone those
- 00:01:12things we ought to have done we we
- 00:01:15confess that daily and God in his Mercy
- 00:01:18forgives us I called him a Judas a
- 00:01:21coward you were a brave
- 00:01:27man I want you to help me help you of
- 00:01:30course when I go down south I want to
- 00:01:32take Mrs Boucher with me and the
- 00:01:33childrena work for them care for them
- 00:01:35leave here and go south there's no work
- 00:01:37for me here I'm blacklisted but many a
- 00:01:39Time Margaret I've heard you talk of
- 00:01:41this house perhaps you know somebody who
- 00:01:43might give me work what sort of work
- 00:01:46could you do I reckon I could spare a
- 00:01:48bit but you would not bear the dullness
- 00:01:50of the
- 00:01:52life have you been to morber Mills for
- 00:01:55work yes have you been to see Mr thoron
- 00:01:57not thoron himself but I've been to the
- 00:01:59works I saw the
- 00:02:00overlooker he B me go and be damned I
- 00:02:03wish you had seen Mr thoron please try
- 00:02:05to see him oh such a man as me is not
- 00:02:07likely to see the master I'll write you
- 00:02:10a note a note that you can give to him I
- 00:02:13think I may venture to say it will
- 00:02:14ensure you hearing what' you
- 00:02:17say you need to write your note I'll not
- 00:02:20have favor CED for me but I'll tell you
- 00:02:22what I'll do I'll do it for your sake
- 00:02:24Margaret it taxes me Pride above a bit
- 00:02:28but I'll do it for you
- 00:02:41[Music]
- 00:02:58see
- 00:03:05excuse me sir well are you still here
- 00:03:07wait you me to come back I want to speak
- 00:03:09you well better come
- 00:03:20in check this across the pin in the
- 00:03:22middle
- 00:03:25you have a word with you sir hey word in
- 00:03:29private if you kind sir now i fs we
- 00:03:32could set outside Master well wait here
- 00:03:34will
- 00:03:41you you know that is youo me that's
- 00:03:44tigins one of the leaders of the Union
- 00:03:46sing around for hours Higgins ah
- 00:03:49desperate character why there some even
- 00:03:52say he's a socialist
- 00:03:54socialist thank you Williams leave me
- 00:03:57alone with him for a minutes too
- 00:04:08sir what do you want with me my name is
- 00:04:10Higgins yes I know that what do you want
- 00:04:12Mr Higgins that's a question I want work
- 00:04:13so will you lay me young you're that
- 00:04:16fine chap coming asking me for work they
- 00:04:19don't lack impedance that's very
- 00:04:24clear what are you waiting for I asked
- 00:04:26you your question wait for the answer
- 00:04:28I'll give it to you so don't waste any
- 00:04:29more of your time all you've done is
- 00:04:30make a remark on my impudence I taught
- 00:04:31it with maners to say yes or no when I
- 00:04:33asked a simple question I'll repeat it
- 00:04:35be thankful to you if you give me work
- 00:04:37loin I've turned off a 100 of my best
- 00:04:39hands for following you and the likes of
- 00:04:40you do you think that set you on might
- 00:04:42as well throw a fire brand it mid like
- 00:04:43cotton
- 00:04:48waste I'd make your promises what
- 00:04:51promises I promise you master I not
- 00:04:53speak a word as could do you harm if so
- 00:04:54be you do right by us working men much
- 00:04:57more I promise if I see you going wrong
- 00:04:58acting unfair I'd speak to you him
- 00:05:00private first and that would be fair
- 00:05:01warning on my word you're only small
- 00:05:03beer of your do
- 00:05:04you you're not give me a
- 00:05:07where I'm sorry I troubled you I would
- 00:05:10come I Coke down by a woman well tell
- 00:05:12her to mind her own business in future
- 00:05:14go on get out I'm obliged you your
- 00:05:16kindness Master but most of all for your
- 00:05:18civil way saying goodbye good day
- 00:05:28you
- 00:05:32you certainly sent him off with his to
- 00:05:34between his legs as he after sir after
- 00:05:38work work what is it speak a man mind
- 00:05:44you I do say is not the Revolutionary he
- 00:05:45was since it calls that Fell's death who
- 00:05:50death moer found himself that iggins has
- 00:05:54it on his
- 00:05:55conscience and so he should have tried
- 00:05:58to make up for it by looking after Bo's
- 00:06:00wife and children
- 00:06:02children six of
- 00:06:04them starving to death tragic I know but
- 00:06:07I looks at it this way sir the Bible
- 00:06:10says sins of the father shall be visited
- 00:06:13on the
- 00:06:14children I up it's the Lord's way of
- 00:06:16weeding out the riff R you told him I
- 00:06:18sent you I didn't call you by name told
- 00:06:21him a woman who advised me to come and
- 00:06:24he oh he told me to tell you to mind
- 00:06:27your own business but never mind and
- 00:06:29were civil words to what he used to
- 00:06:38me Mr have a word with you you call in
- 00:06:42here you best come
- 00:06:49in as Hil good evening Mr
- 00:06:54Thornton I apologize I didn't know you
- 00:06:57had
- 00:06:58company I was on the point of leaving
- 00:07:01but you only just come my main intention
- 00:07:04was to call on Mrs B to see if I can be
- 00:07:06of help to her I poor woman don't let me
- 00:07:08keep you then you I had no knowledge
- 00:07:11that you were here I didn't know you
- 00:07:12were a friend of Mr Higgins this was a
- 00:07:14woman you said was to mind her own
- 00:07:16business it was
- 00:07:19you I apologize for my Hasty
- 00:07:22words M Tak I wonder if I might ask you
- 00:07:25a great favor favor apologize you
- 00:07:27learning maners at L am you never having
- 00:07:29in your house before you may think this
- 00:07:30a great impertinence but I'd be pleased
- 00:07:32and deeply grateful if you be kind
- 00:07:33enough to allow Miss Hae and me to have
- 00:07:34a few words together alone put like that
- 00:07:38and you a guest all gear time and a bit
- 00:07:40of rented space to that you're welcome
- 00:07:42Mr
- 00:07:43Thornton I'll wait in the yard till you
- 00:07:51finished you I had a visit from my
- 00:07:54mother I
- 00:07:57understand I did I regret what took
- 00:08:00place I would not have you hunted and
- 00:08:05badgered Miss I have you no
- 00:08:08explanation you must know what I can't
- 00:08:10but
- 00:08:12think I am aware of what I must appear
- 00:08:15to
- 00:08:16you but I'm not in a position to
- 00:08:20explain if I did I would bring harm to
- 00:08:22another
- 00:08:23person then I'll ask no
- 00:08:25further I thought we might have had
- 00:08:27something to say to each other but I see
- 00:08:29that we mean nothing to one
- 00:08:31another I hope you're quite convinced
- 00:08:33that any foolish passion on my part is
- 00:08:35entirely
- 00:08:39over
- 00:08:42yes then if you will excuse
- 00:08:46me good evening Mr thoron Miss
- 00:08:58h
- 00:09:07oh Mr Thornton what is it you want will
- 00:09:09you take work with me that's all I've
- 00:09:11come to ask work for you after today
- 00:09:13what's a catch no catch I didn't know
- 00:09:14about the children about your children
- 00:09:16what are they to you they children
- 00:09:17that's all Mr Thornton I think we should
- 00:09:20first have a chat you and me about the
- 00:09:22fundamental principles involved in a
- 00:09:23hiring a labor I'm not here to discuss
- 00:09:25the rights of man with you will you take
- 00:09:26the job cuz about your children I
- 00:09:31well all right I'll come and once more
- 00:09:34I'll thank you and that's a deal for
- 00:09:38me that's a deal for
- 00:09:41me a
- 00:09:43bargain
- 00:09:46bargain well it's all done Papa Dixon
- 00:09:49and I have packed the big trunk for you
- 00:09:51thank you my de Mr Thornton has written
- 00:09:54once more to say that he must forgo his
- 00:09:57lesson this is the third time
- 00:09:59you must be disappointed now he must go
- 00:10:02to France on business I and hoped
- 00:10:04particularly to see him before I left
- 00:10:07for
- 00:10:18Oxford
- 00:10:19Margaret have you ever had cause to
- 00:10:22think that Mr
- 00:10:24Thornton cared for
- 00:10:28you
- 00:10:31yes oh papa I should have told you I'm
- 00:10:34sure you would have if you had returned
- 00:10:37his regard did he speak to you of it yes
- 00:10:43and you refused
- 00:10:45him
- 00:10:49yes forgive me for not telling you
- 00:10:52more but the whole thing is so painful
- 00:10:54to me that I cannot bear to think of it
- 00:10:57I understand my dear
- 00:10:59I'm so sorry to have lost your
- 00:11:02friend I I could not help
- 00:11:04it
- 00:11:07but I'm so sorry maret I'm I'm sorry
- 00:11:12too but my dear if it distresses you so
- 00:11:16much why don't you come to Oxford with
- 00:11:19me your godfather would be delighted to
- 00:11:21see you oh you're both very
- 00:11:24kind after all that has happened these
- 00:11:26last few
- 00:11:27months I enjoy the peace and quiet of
- 00:11:30remaining here with Dixon you will take
- 00:11:32care of yourself you promise me yes papa
- 00:11:35I
- 00:11:37will I should be sorry to leave you
- 00:11:39Margaret it will seem strange without
- 00:11:44you but you know how happy you will be
- 00:11:46to be in Oxford again after all this
- 00:11:48time indeed it is a long time I I must
- 00:11:53confess Margaret I I feel a little
- 00:11:56nervous oh you will feel differently
- 00:11:58tomorrow sry once you've
- 00:12:11arrived thank you thank you thank
- 00:12:23you Mr
- 00:12:25Bell s well what you doing on this train
- 00:12:30ah CAU it in London a matter of fact I'm
- 00:12:32just on my way back from France been
- 00:12:34doing some business there uh
- 00:12:35successfully I hope well yes it's got me
- 00:12:39out of trouble for the time being what
- 00:12:42about you tell me on your way to Milton
- 00:12:45yes yes I am got to put up my rent I
- 00:12:48hope I warn you we got to the stage of
- 00:12:50diminishing returns oh now it's AED
- 00:12:53you've never found me an unreasonable
- 00:12:55landlord have you well not as far as
- 00:12:57landlords go no
- 00:13:00but what is the purpose of your visit I
- 00:13:01ask the most Melancholy errand I'm
- 00:13:06afraid you know Mr hail's been staying
- 00:13:08with me for the last few weeks yes well
- 00:13:10prepare yourself for a shock tht Mr hail
- 00:13:13is no more he passed away last night
- 00:13:17what he went to bed last night to all
- 00:13:20appearances in good health and excellent
- 00:13:23Spirits when my servant called him this
- 00:13:25morning he had
- 00:13:27gone hey
- 00:13:31dead he hadn't seen Oxford for 17 years
- 00:13:35his visit was a joyful reconciliation
- 00:13:37with his past with his whole life he was
- 00:13:40happier than I've ever known him if a
- 00:13:42man must die his was a good death we can
- 00:13:45thank God for
- 00:13:46that does does Miss hail know Margaret
- 00:13:52no I'm on my way to break the news to
- 00:13:55her so now she's alone
- 00:14:00come over well it's obvious she won't
- 00:14:02stay in Milton I think it most likely
- 00:14:04she'll go to London and live with her
- 00:14:06aunt Mrs
- 00:14:07sh London yes I
- 00:14:20he thank you thank
- 00:14:23you she's in there good oh yes I'll just
- 00:14:27have a words I thank you
- 00:14:35maret Margaret my
- 00:14:40dear yes god father I know this has all
- 00:14:43been a terrible shock to you my child
- 00:14:45but I have things that I ought to
- 00:14:47discuss with you can you bear to listen
- 00:14:49to me yes of course ah good good
- 00:14:53now I've written to your aunt and she
- 00:14:56should be arriving tomorrow please now I
- 00:14:59think it most likely she'll want to
- 00:15:01return with you to London as soon as
- 00:15:05possible you will be happy in London
- 00:15:07won't you yes good now then as I have
- 00:15:12only r one more day here I was wondering
- 00:15:14as your aunt probably won't leave you
- 00:15:16enough time to say goodbye to your
- 00:15:18friends if you have the courage my dear
- 00:15:21I could accompany you on your leave
- 00:15:23taking leave taking well you may never
- 00:15:27see this place again
- 00:15:29I
- 00:15:31knew well now who were the friends that
- 00:15:33you would wish to
- 00:15:36visit we have made so few friends
- 00:15:39friends who would remark on my
- 00:15:42departure but there's Mr Higgins I must
- 00:15:44say goodbye to missen yes yes and uh who
- 00:15:49else I cannot
- 00:15:52think there's um Mr thoron have you
- 00:15:55forgotten him no I have not forgotten
- 00:15:58him
- 00:15:59then you'll say goodbye to
- 00:16:02him
- 00:16:05yes I will say
- 00:16:08goodbye saddle larm what get a working
- 00:16:10man saddle larm why not not enough
- 00:16:12backing in it backing no fat nothing
- 00:16:15succulent if you're open in the dining
- 00:16:16room for your workers you want to get
- 00:16:17them what they used to and lots on it ah
- 00:16:20well what do you recommend then inin
- 00:16:21yeah takech this another pencil do a bit
- 00:16:23of
- 00:16:24[Music]
- 00:16:26jotting right out ahead are first off OT
- 00:16:30pot next belly draft neckam pearl barley
- 00:16:35CH CHS chitlings in the jup jup ah
- 00:16:38chitlin in the jup First Rate FAL I tell
- 00:16:41you got C down have you um oh it's nice
- 00:16:45and gluey around your chops as you cow
- 00:16:47and don't forget your JBL pie all right
- 00:16:51IG all right you've convinced me well
- 00:16:53what are you up to zon you taking up
- 00:16:55cooking Mr
- 00:16:56Bell it's uh
- 00:16:59a scheme Higgins and I are devising
- 00:17:01we're opening a canteen buying the food
- 00:17:03oldale see it's cheaper and every man in
- 00:17:06Mill will get one good meal a day and at
- 00:17:07Rock Bottom price most Progressive my
- 00:17:10good man most Progressive all right
- 00:17:12we'll we'll complete this tomorrow very
- 00:17:14good
- 00:17:16sir it's very good of you to call well
- 00:17:18actually I brought Miss hail with me
- 00:17:20she's in the house saying goodbye to
- 00:17:22your mother I want to apologize for my
- 00:17:25manner the last time you met Mrs thoron
- 00:17:28I'm sure you meant kindly however much
- 00:17:30we may have misunderstood each other I
- 00:17:32did no more than what I believe to be my
- 00:17:35duty I'm glad you do me
- 00:17:39Justice what part of London shall you be
- 00:17:42residing in Miss hail Harley Street oh
- 00:17:46Walter and I have discussed the
- 00:17:48possibility of acquiring a townhouse
- 00:17:50after we are married I I fancy chy walk
- 00:17:54myself if you do come to town Miss Thon
- 00:17:57I shall do all in my power to to give
- 00:17:58you every
- 00:17:59attention and you too Mrs thoron I never
- 00:18:02go to London thank you thank
- 00:18:06you good day Mr Thornton good day miss
- 00:18:10ha I'm very sorry to hear of your sad
- 00:18:13loss your father was a dear friend to
- 00:18:16me I have been sorting through Papa's
- 00:18:20books and I wondered if you would like
- 00:18:22his copy of
- 00:18:24hermer
- 00:18:26oh I shall value that greatly
- 00:18:29thank
- 00:18:31you John I'm sorry to say that miss
- 00:18:33hail's call is to wish us Goodbye Mr
- 00:18:36Bell told me you're leaving then for
- 00:18:38London yes my aunt arrives tomorrow to
- 00:18:41fetch me and we shall never see you
- 00:18:44again I doubt
- 00:18:46it goodbye then
- 00:18:50miss bye Mr Thon yes we ought to be
- 00:18:53making a move bye Miss th bye
- 00:18:56Miss I'll come down with you miss
- 00:19:15H my poor dear child I had simply no
- 00:19:19conception how you were
- 00:19:21living Butler's wife lives in a better
- 00:19:23house than this how you have suffered
- 00:19:26poor lamb it can be very pretty around
- 00:19:29here in summer your taste is blunted
- 00:19:32girl still we shall soon bring you back
- 00:19:36to what you were born to be a lady of
- 00:19:39refinement Dixon yes Madam I have
- 00:19:43decided that you will remain here can I
- 00:19:45trust you to sort through what
- 00:19:47belongings there are ready for the
- 00:19:48auctioneer to put under his hammer I
- 00:19:50think you can safely leave that to me
- 00:19:52Madam thank you Dixon you may go thank
- 00:19:54you madam we are selling all our
- 00:19:56furniture then you can hardly have these
- 00:19:59odds and ends with us in London not the
- 00:20:01right style at all no I suppose
- 00:20:05not in fact I am thinking about
- 00:20:08refurnishing the house having everything
- 00:20:10Gothic Mr pugin style have you seen any
- 00:20:15no Aunt oh he had an absolutely
- 00:20:17wonderful display at the 51 exhibition
- 00:20:20his medieval room is still talked about
- 00:20:23a most talented man is Mr pugin he'll
- 00:20:26have to meet him thank
- 00:20:29you you're going to Live Again Margaret
- 00:20:34there is a Wonderful Life in store for
- 00:20:36you excuse me Madam Miss Margaret Mr
- 00:20:39Higgins would like to see you please
- 00:20:42show him in Dixon what sure
- 00:20:47in if you'd step this way Mr
- 00:20:52Higgins Mr Higgins how good of you to
- 00:20:56come oh this is my aunt Mrs Shaw how'
- 00:20:59you
- 00:21:00do I will go upstairs and lie down
- 00:21:03Margaret
- 00:21:05dear Dixon you will remain yes Madam so
- 00:21:09you're going to be a grand lady up in
- 00:21:11London Mr thoron told me oh not a grand
- 00:21:17lady I should have come to see you
- 00:21:19before I left bless you I know you'd
- 00:21:21come if you could as I said to master if
- 00:21:23I don't see a for a go I should get up
- 00:21:25to London next W and I I'll not be bed
- 00:21:28saying a
- 00:21:29goodbye no one else remembers me in
- 00:21:31Milton I can be certain of
- 00:21:33you you made you mark I'll not forget
- 00:21:37you not
- 00:21:38ever thank
- 00:21:42you I shall always treasure our
- 00:21:46friendship we've been great
- 00:21:52friends bless you Margaret bless you and
- 00:21:57amen
- 00:22:20[Music]
- 00:22:24oh Margaret if only I could find
- 00:22:26somebody for you to marry I shall never
- 00:22:28marry nonsense I want to see you happy
- 00:22:33again don't grieve too long after all it
- 00:22:36is more than 6 months since your father
- 00:22:38died it's high time you started to think
- 00:22:40of
- 00:22:41yourself I beg you you've become such an
- 00:22:43attraction to the house during the past
- 00:22:45few
- 00:22:46months shto knows many men who wish to
- 00:22:48visit here only for your sake you know
- 00:22:52idith I sometimes think that your stay
- 00:22:54abroad with the regiment has taught
- 00:22:56you well don't
- 00:22:58just a shade or two of coess come my
- 00:23:01dears I can't have you two gossiping
- 00:23:03together all evening come
- 00:23:07Margaret well my dear how are you
- 00:23:10enjoying your return to society I find
- 00:23:12Society a little difficult to accept I
- 00:23:16don't feel part of anymore marget a girl
- 00:23:19must not say such a thing such an
- 00:23:21admission is
- 00:23:23UN what you need Margaret my dear
- 00:23:26gentleness and tender
- 00:23:30I will leave you with Henry for he has a
- 00:23:32rich fund of both you will look after
- 00:23:34her won't you well I to the
- 00:23:40guests yes
- 00:23:43Henry tear away the pretentious veneer
- 00:23:45of our conversation you would find that
- 00:23:48this room is full of aching
- 00:23:49house why do you go on with it if I
- 00:23:52speak for myself my my own somewhat
- 00:23:54forced affable chatter is simply a means
- 00:23:57of disguising how vulnerable I am you
- 00:24:00vulnerable at all men who have a longing
- 00:24:02for something someone
- 00:24:06vulnerable Henry you are the kindest and
- 00:24:09most sympathetic friend I have here
- 00:24:12still only
- 00:24:14friend and I remain vulnerable and being
- 00:24:17so I must make sure that Society is
- 00:24:19unaware of it so come Margaret what
- 00:24:21chitchat shall we engage in I do not
- 00:24:23enjoy chitchat you must but you must it
- 00:24:26is an essential rule of
- 00:24:28game I hear that the thing to avoid this
- 00:24:31season is to attend any party where
- 00:24:32Alfred Lord Tennyson was invited got a
- 00:24:35new poem called M read it in a special
- 00:24:38sing song voice with tears dripping down
- 00:24:40his face nothing but moans and groans an
- 00:24:42absolute shocker of a man guaranteed to
- 00:24:44kill any evenings Stone
- 00:24:51[Music]
- 00:24:54dead right saded I'm to see it like this
- 00:24:57Mr
- 00:24:58there's a tragic house Mr Riggins tragic
- 00:25:01From First to Last
- 00:25:03I no Mr Riggins Miss Al wrote To Me most
- 00:25:06insistently that you should come in and
- 00:25:08pick something that you like before it's
- 00:25:10all sent to the auction tomorrow I wish
- 00:25:12you know well she doesn't say much in
- 00:25:14her letters but I'd say London was
- 00:25:16suiting her well it's her kind of Life
- 00:25:18see what she was born and bred
- 00:25:22for well now I've laid out the artment
- 00:25:25over there and if there's anything you
- 00:25:27fancy just you take it right you I love
- 00:25:30this old El's Tob backage you I think of
- 00:25:33him every time I dips in me pipe just a
- 00:25:36minute that isn't Mr I shouldn't have
- 00:25:39left it there just Master Frederick's
- 00:25:41who's Frederick he is nobody that you
- 00:25:44know there is a Frederick then now wait
- 00:25:46a minute you had a Mary working in the
- 00:25:49kitchen when Mrs L was dying oh said a
- 00:25:51nice looking fellow come to the house I
- 00:25:53said it was Miss Al's brother how many
- 00:25:55other people has your Mary told oh only
- 00:25:58me I po the idea until now because I
- 00:26:00thought it were one of the fancies but
- 00:26:02it's right in M hell does have a brother
- 00:26:04a brother named fredry Mr iggins so this
- 00:26:07goes no further it is best to tell you
- 00:26:10something something the family's tried
- 00:26:12to ush up if it got out that he'd come
- 00:26:15to his house Miss Margaret could be put
- 00:26:17in prison for arboring a desperate
- 00:26:19criminal M's brother a criminal well we
- 00:26:22don't think so and nobody in their right
- 00:26:23Minds would think so but the law thinks
- 00:26:26so if it were left to the law he'd been
- 00:26:28dangling from the yardon what did he do
- 00:26:32then he led a mutiny in one of our
- 00:26:34meditor ships Mutiny he had a good
- 00:26:37reason for it the captain were a tyrant
- 00:26:40Master Frederick LED that Mutiny to save
- 00:26:43more death and
- 00:26:44suffering where is he now in Spain he
- 00:26:47married a Spanish girl and settled down
- 00:26:50there is that juk juk true not a word of
- 00:26:54a
- 00:26:55lie well I open a right
- 00:27:00fler still far as I'm concerned there
- 00:27:04ain't no Frederick nor never was that's
- 00:27:06settled then now Mr Higgins is there
- 00:27:10something else that you
- 00:27:13fancy can I have this oh that's Mr Al's
- 00:27:16prayer book I know I thought you were
- 00:27:18against religion I am a bit be nice to
- 00:27:21have somebody dled so Mr L put his mind
- 00:27:23too you take it Mr Riggins FY
- 00:27:30upon my soul Margaret it's easier to lay
- 00:27:33hands on the crown jewels than to get
- 00:27:35inside this
- 00:27:36place oh how good it is to see you
- 00:27:39Godfather well how are they treating you
- 00:27:41my dear child well I hope Oh yes most
- 00:27:43kind well where is your Aunt then and
- 00:27:45your cousins place seems deserted theyve
- 00:27:47gone out visiting what left you all
- 00:27:50alone I asked them to I cannot stand the
- 00:27:53wh of the social round day in day out
- 00:27:56but what brings you here well now I've
- 00:27:58just come down from Milton Milton yes
- 00:28:00and I thought I better come straight
- 00:28:02here and give you my report you went
- 00:28:04there especially for the auction yes and
- 00:28:06to see that the house was taken off your
- 00:28:08hands now fortunately Thornton has found
- 00:28:10a tenant so that worri is over you have
- 00:28:13seen Mr Thornton yes and and great news
- 00:28:16in their family great news a marriage
- 00:28:19Miss fanny has married Walter slicken
- 00:28:21son of slicken the manufacturer smart
- 00:28:24young fellow uh perhaps a little too
- 00:28:26shrewd for his ear fly that's what I
- 00:28:28call him fly he talks all of um markets
- 00:28:31and exchanges and goodness knows what
- 00:28:34but I hope she will be happy with it yes
- 00:28:36indeed well Margaret you know what I did
- 00:28:39on the train I fell asleep fast asleep
- 00:28:43and I had a dream you'll never guess
- 00:28:44what I dreamt about I dreamt I was back
- 00:28:47in that dear little village called
- 00:28:50Helston and when I woke up I had a
- 00:28:53notion just an idea m i I'd like us just
- 00:28:58you and I to go and visit
- 00:29:00it visit
- 00:29:02H if it wouldn't pain you too much my
- 00:29:05child oh no my memories of it are happy
- 00:29:09memories oh god father what a sweet
- 00:29:13generous Soul you are oh nonsense
- 00:29:22nonsense ah ah thank you thank
- 00:29:26you
- 00:29:28there we are thank you m thank you sure
- 00:29:30right well now I wonder where everybody
- 00:29:32is
- 00:29:46that's well bless my soul it's Miss
- 00:29:49ain't it Miss good afternoon Mrs perkus
- 00:29:53oh Mrs perkus I'm afraid we haven't
- 00:29:54given you any warning but I do hope
- 00:29:56you've got some room
- 00:29:58Mr Bell of all people Mr Bell you
- 00:30:01remember me remember you my many is the
- 00:30:04time you stayed under this roof in the
- 00:30:05old days you're most welcome sir of
- 00:30:08course we got rooms ah good good but
- 00:30:12fany seeing you again miss s and now the
- 00:30:14Vier your father God bless him we've
- 00:30:17never ceased to be sorry he love Papa
- 00:30:20he's gone from us Mrs perkus oh no never
- 00:30:25so see here Margaret is my goddaughter
- 00:30:29and her father was my oldest friend so
- 00:30:32we thought we'd come down here together
- 00:30:34and have a look at the old place it has
- 00:30:36changed changed a lot indeed oh ah in
- 00:30:39two or 3 years it has changed beyond
- 00:30:41recognition well we need to investigate
- 00:30:43that for ourselves mustn't we now Mrs
- 00:30:45burus would you be kind enough to show
- 00:30:46us to our rooms right you are oh can you
- 00:30:49manage those what these bags they
- 00:30:51feathers feather Goda whatever Mrs
- 00:30:54perkus says people do not change or
- 00:30:57people you don't think so well we shall
- 00:30:59see come yes we shall see let us call on
- 00:31:03some of the old cottages and then visit
- 00:31:05the
- 00:31:06school and then if I'm brave enough to
- 00:31:10Bear it go to the vicarage once more
- 00:31:13anything you say my
- 00:31:15dear I like to think we're the Vanguard
- 00:31:17of the new church of England is hail we
- 00:31:20can no longer afford the Indulgence of
- 00:31:22meditation and all that oh careful
- 00:31:23William Miss hail's father was a scholar
- 00:31:26this room I believe was once full of his
- 00:31:28books well there were books in every
- 00:31:30room but this was our drawing room too
- 00:31:33well the good old church is changing we
- 00:31:35must change with
- 00:31:36it thank you oh thank you very much
- 00:31:41there are no roses they've gone the
- 00:31:43children Miss hail we needed room for
- 00:31:46them to play strict discipline that's
- 00:31:49what I believe in bit of the ran
- 00:31:51attitude leave obstru Dogma to the wise
- 00:31:54old fathers of the church while we get
- 00:31:56on with the job too much delving by
- 00:31:58mediocre Minds can only lead to
- 00:32:01heresy are you referring to my father he
- 00:32:04became a dissenter and left the church
- 00:32:05sorry nothing personal it's just that
- 00:32:08I've had to tackle a parish that's got a
- 00:32:10bit vague about things I don't quite fly
- 00:32:13I mean they haven't got it clear yet on
- 00:32:16original sin let alone they muddled
- 00:32:18thinking about
- 00:32:20transubstantiation well my attitude is
- 00:32:22absolutely clear isn't it my dear oh yes
- 00:32:24William too much thinking for yourself
- 00:32:27cultivates Pride your mind against the
- 00:32:29will of God and that can lead to all
- 00:32:32kinds of trouble I think Miss hail knows
- 00:32:34that yes all respect your father but if
- 00:32:38he had relied upon faith and the symbols
- 00:32:40of faith the first thing William did was
- 00:32:42open a chapel to our lady yes it's that
- 00:32:45kind of thing that keeps your mind on
- 00:32:46the right courses to be a faithful
- 00:32:49Christian there's a good case for
- 00:32:50sacrificing the intellect you know all
- 00:32:53humility may I suggest that that is what
- 00:32:55your father never did sacrific his
- 00:32:58intellect precisely
- 00:33:00no papa never did
- 00:33:10that everything all right sir oh yes
- 00:33:13indeed thank you Mrs perkus thank you
- 00:33:16now my dear you have a little p no thank
- 00:33:19you
- 00:33:22no is anything the matter my
- 00:33:25dear I looked on Helston as
- 00:33:30Paradise but everything's
- 00:33:32altered perhaps it's you me yes possibly
- 00:33:38you see living in the Smoky bustling
- 00:33:41North you probably began to take a
- 00:33:43romantic view of life down
- 00:33:46here yes and I must guard against the
- 00:33:50reverse oh taking a romantic view of the
- 00:33:55north of the
- 00:33:58people there's nothing romantic about
- 00:34:02them I no uh poor Mr Thornton's having
- 00:34:07rather a difficult time there are rumors
- 00:34:09he may have to close the mill oh no I
- 00:34:12hope not well trade is very
- 00:34:16bad please let me tell you
- 00:34:18something you could perhaps help me a
- 00:34:21little yes go on my
- 00:34:25dear there is something which has caused
- 00:34:27a barrier between me and Mr Thornton
- 00:34:32oh it's a long
- 00:34:34story but you know at the time of Mama's
- 00:34:37death my brother returned to this
- 00:34:39country no I did not know I thought Papa
- 00:34:43would have told
- 00:34:44you I had to hurry Frederick away again
- 00:34:46quickly out of the country
- 00:34:49secretly I went with him to the railway
- 00:34:52station it was very late
- 00:34:55midnight
- 00:34:58Mr
- 00:34:59Thornton saw us waiting for the
- 00:35:02train
- 00:35:05embracing well and you've never
- 00:35:10explained to him could I a few are
- 00:35:13people who knew about Frederick the BET
- 00:35:17yeah now I'm not likely to see Mr
- 00:35:19Thornton ever again oh I wouldn't say
- 00:35:23that but I believe I never
- 00:35:25shall
- 00:35:28somehow one does not like to sink so low
- 00:35:29in a friend's
- 00:35:31opinion would you like me to see Mr
- 00:35:33Thornton for you and explain discreetly
- 00:35:35of course the whole matter to him would
- 00:35:38you would you please tell him all the
- 00:35:42circumstances tell him also that I gave
- 00:35:44you leave to do
- 00:35:46so well for Papa's sake I should not
- 00:35:49like to lose Mr Thornton's
- 00:35:51respect though we may never meet again
- 00:35:54my dear I shall take the first St
- 00:35:56opportunity of going to Milton to see
- 00:36:02him father why you not in
- 00:36:06bed I heard you walking about down
- 00:36:13here
- 00:36:16well is it the end I Fe
- 00:36:20so can you ask Mr Bell to forgo the rent
- 00:36:22for a while he might even lend you what
- 00:36:25you need to tide you over then not tell
- 00:36:27you mother Mr Bell's very ill ill I had
- 00:36:29a letter from his servant he was too ill
- 00:36:31to write himself but why don't you go
- 00:36:33before it's too late for what reason to
- 00:36:35get money from a dying man i' find that
- 00:36:37despicable in any
- 00:36:39case I wouldn't be indebted to the
- 00:36:42person who is likely to inherit his
- 00:36:45fortune who's that his
- 00:36:49goddaughter Miss
- 00:36:51Hae and nobody else to leave you
- 00:36:54to you mean she on this house house and
- 00:36:58the
- 00:36:58factory and all his other properties in
- 00:37:03Milt
- 00:37:05now I have to give up
- 00:37:07business I can just cover all the debts
- 00:37:09pay off the men we should have very
- 00:37:11little
- 00:37:12left you mustn't grieve mother about
- 00:37:15leaving the
- 00:37:16house I don't care about the
- 00:37:19house it's you I care
- 00:37:23about breaks my heart to see you less
- 00:37:26than you should
- 00:37:28be is there nothing you can do
- 00:37:33no it's not fair
- 00:37:36mother can't start again with the same
- 00:37:40heart sometimes I wonder where justice
- 00:37:42has gone
- 00:37:44to now I don't believe there is
- 00:37:47any God has seemed fit to be very hard
- 00:37:51on you
- 00:37:53John did he leave a will when I lost saw
- 00:37:57Mr Bell he hinted to me the terms of it
- 00:37:59unless he has added a cotol which is
- 00:38:01unlikely the whole of his estate passes
- 00:38:03to Margaret which
- 00:38:06is what exactly well besides any money
- 00:38:10she will have the whole of his Milton
- 00:38:13Properties they amount to some £440,000
- 00:38:17Mr Bell died
- 00:38:21well Margaret would be heartbroken she
- 00:38:24was so fond of him M oh yeah yes the
- 00:38:28death of a dear one is always hard to
- 00:38:31Bear Henry Mrs sha you must break this
- 00:38:35news to her yourself oh yes I intend to
- 00:38:38but I feel that if you and Edith were
- 00:38:40there too the comfort of women folk
- 00:38:42would no no no Henry I do not agree
- 00:38:44there is much to be gained by her having
- 00:38:47the sole comfort of a man as her lawyer
- 00:38:50you must stay by her give her all the
- 00:38:52help and sympathy she
- 00:38:55needs Margaret My Dear Henry has just
- 00:38:58told us he has some very serious news
- 00:39:00for you oh Edith we will allow them some
- 00:39:03privacy yes Mama of course yes
- 00:39:18Madam dearest Margaret yes I have some
- 00:39:23deeply sad news to tell you Mr Bell has
- 00:39:26departed this land Mr
- 00:39:30Bell oh no his solicitors felt that I
- 00:39:34should be the one to tell
- 00:39:36you they have also suggested that when
- 00:39:39in a day or two the will is read that
- 00:39:41you where did he die in Oxford
- 00:39:47Oxford
- 00:39:48not
- 00:39:55Milton
- 00:39:59goodbye Jen kids thank you goodbye
- 00:40:01master and if you ever start up the
- 00:40:03factory again then you can count on me
- 00:40:05CU I'm the only one who knows how to
- 00:40:06work that new guarding machine proper
- 00:40:08thank you goodbye Robert thank
- 00:40:11you goodbye bold thank you master for
- 00:40:15getting me place with Mr hamper I wish I
- 00:40:17could have done it for all of you still
- 00:40:19if there's anything I can do at anytime
- 00:40:21you know that Master we know it goodbye
- 00:40:26goodbye
- 00:40:36goodbye that's a lot Master don't bother
- 00:40:39locking up Williams I'll listen to
- 00:40:41it well what are you going to do brother
- 00:40:44R me get me work down pit Duram way pits
- 00:40:49I wife dead why
- 00:40:51not well take care of yourself
- 00:40:55Williams all bye
- 00:40:59Master Lord be with you thank
- 00:41:03you byebye
- 00:41:11Williams
- 00:41:25well
- 00:41:28very quiet
- 00:41:31mother you're a brave man John to say
- 00:41:33goodbye to your workers allow things to
- 00:41:35be tidy mother round it off I'll join
- 00:41:38you in the house you leave me alone to
- 00:41:40lock
- 00:41:52up my friend I want to speak to you m
- 00:41:57don't call me master I'm nobody's Master
- 00:41:59now I want to tell you that if you want
- 00:42:01to start up again a small way in the
- 00:42:03backyard I'll work for you for nothing
- 00:42:06nothing no I don't even got your feet
- 00:42:07off the
- 00:42:08ground Higgins where are your union
- 00:42:11principles now no more battle left bet
- 00:42:13you and
- 00:42:15me we're two men out of a
- 00:42:18job I'm sorry I couldn't get you
- 00:42:19alternative employment but because of
- 00:42:21your union Association don't you worry
- 00:42:23about that time will come with I'll have
- 00:42:25to accept us you uh won't be offended if
- 00:42:27I speak to you man to man no please do
- 00:42:30been thrust together aren't we first the
- 00:42:31strike and get mixed up the ales how is
- 00:42:35Miss Margaret have you heard Miss h a
- 00:42:38all alone in London in it not even a
- 00:42:40brother to look after her
- 00:42:42brother well she's got a brother didn't
- 00:42:44you come over here at the time of her
- 00:42:46mother's death lives in Spain in Spain
- 00:42:49don't suppose he'll ever be back I mean
- 00:42:51leading the moot now one of our Majesty
- 00:42:53ships no forgiveness for that is he no
- 00:42:57no
- 00:42:58oh better we toddling then hey oh
- 00:43:06I good day
- 00:43:08then
- 00:43:13La good day
- 00:43:17ens
- 00:43:20brother Mr
- 00:43:22Thon yes Miss Margaret um he wishes to
- 00:43:25speak with you
- 00:43:26Mr thoron thoron of
- 00:43:29Milton I believe so Madam his speech is
- 00:43:32certainly not of London uh if you'll
- 00:43:35pardon my saying so miss Margaret you
- 00:43:37will not see him Margaret not see him I
- 00:43:40consider it more prudent you have
- 00:43:43inherited a considerable Fortune Henry
- 00:43:45has told me about this Mr Thornton he is
- 00:43:48a man in sharply reduced
- 00:43:50circumstance with respect Mrs Shaw I do
- 00:43:52feel that some allowances should be made
- 00:43:55after all General generosity of spirit
- 00:43:57if nothing else can be shown to those
- 00:43:59who have fallen from their Pinnacles
- 00:44:01Henry he is not a member of one of your
- 00:44:03London clubs he is a northerner newon
- 00:44:06show Mr Thornton into the library yes
- 00:44:08Miss
- 00:44:11Margaret Margaret my
- 00:44:14dear do you realize what you have just
- 00:44:16done you have countermanded my order in
- 00:44:19front of a servant in what way I have
- 00:44:22forbidden you to see Mr Thornton it is
- 00:44:24for your own good there will be many who
- 00:44:26come after your money you must be
- 00:44:28protected I am now of age you cannot
- 00:44:30command
- 00:44:32me and I shall do with my own as I wish
- 00:44:35don't be foolish
- 00:44:37Margaret would you do me the kindness to
- 00:44:39let me speak to Mr
- 00:44:42Thornton I think you must let Margaret
- 00:44:44speak with
- 00:44:46him as you think best
- 00:44:54Henry
- 00:44:59[Music]
- 00:45:06Mr thoron thank you
- 00:45:09Newton Mr
- 00:45:11thoron Miss
- 00:45:14H what brings you to
- 00:45:16London a delicate action and a deep
- 00:45:21apology that night at the railway
- 00:45:24station the man I saw you with was your
- 00:45:27brother was he not how did you know I
- 00:45:31was told so by Mr Higgins oh is he he
- 00:45:34didn't greatly enlarge upon it I'm out
- 00:45:37of some
- 00:45:38discretion but I truly believe it was
- 00:45:42your
- 00:45:44brother forgive
- 00:45:46me of
- 00:45:50course you have had to close M
- 00:45:54Mills yes
- 00:45:57I'm sorry I should be losing you as a
- 00:45:59tenant ah thank
- 00:46:03you Mr
- 00:46:06Thornton I I believe I have a little
- 00:46:08over £1 18,000 lying unused in my bank
- 00:46:11it was only yesterday I was discussing
- 00:46:13it with Henry
- 00:46:15Lennox it brings in a m 2 and 1
- 00:46:19half% if if you would take this money
- 00:46:21you could pay me much better interest
- 00:46:23and go on working M Mills
- 00:46:26you you could make it into one of the
- 00:46:27finest Industries in the whole of
- 00:46:29England you once told me that was your
- 00:46:32aim given my Capital could it not be
- 00:46:34your aim once more
- 00:46:39Margaret
- 00:46:43Margaret why do you not
- 00:46:46speak if I must go then send me away at
- 00:46:54once
- 00:47:15Margaret I love
- 00:47:24you
- 00:47:28I've always loved
- 00:47:34you uh look
- 00:47:37U I have something to show
- 00:47:41you do you know these roses no you might
- 00:47:45have once worn sister
- 00:47:47roses they from
- 00:47:52H you've been there when at a time when
- 00:47:57I had no hope of calling you mine I went
- 00:47:59there on MAR from France I wanted to see
- 00:48:02the place where Margaret hail grew to be
- 00:48:05what she
- 00:48:07is you must give them to me very well
- 00:48:12but you must pay me for them
- 00:48:24first
- 00:48:36Margaret you must leave all of this
- 00:48:41London the
- 00:48:46South it is not places that
- 00:48:50Mur but
- 00:48:54people
- 00:48:59[Music]
- 00:49:24I
- 00:49:30[Music]
- 00:49:43[Music]
- 00:49:54oh
- 00:49:55[Music]
- 00:50:16all
- trabajo
- pérdida
- amor
- amistad
- justicia social
- dificultades laborales
- clases sociales
- solidaridad
- familia
- desigualdad