How to Write a Corporate Video Script



TLDREste guia oferece uma visão sobre como escrever roteiros para vídeos corporativos, diferenciando-os dos roteiros de filmes tradicionais em termos de formato e prática. Ao contrário de um roteiro de filme padrão, um roteiro de vídeo corporativo utiliza um layout de tabela com três colunas principais: narrativa, visuais e gráficos/texto em tela. Cada coluna desempenha um papel crítico no desenvolvimento do vídeo: a narrativa inclui o diálogo ou voz, os visuais descrevem o que é visto na tela, e os gráficos detalham qualquer texto ou gráficos a serem exibidos. A escrita de um bom roteiro requer atenção aos detalhes para garantir que a narrativa e os visuais estejam alinhados e que quaisquer gráficos ou textos em tela sirvam para apoiar a história sem causar confusão. Além disso, é crucial envolver todos os stakeholders durante a fase de escrita para integrar feedback antes do início das filmagens, uma vez que alterações posteriores podem ser caras e demoradas. O roteiro é fundamental mesmo em vídeos predominantemente baseados em entrevistas, pois ajuda a estruturar e explicar a história antes de começar as filmagens.

A retenir

  • 🎥 Roteiro de vídeos corporativos usa layout de tabela.
  • 🗣️ Narrativa inclui voz e diálogos.
  • 📹 Visuais são essenciais para suportar a narrativa.
  • 💬 Texto em tela deve ser preciso e claro.
  • 📑 Envolver stakeholders cedo evita custos posteriores.
  • 📝 Bullet points para entrevistas mantêm a naturalidade.
  • 🎬 Estrutura do roteiro guia a produção.
  • 🖼️ Imagens de storyboard são úteis em animações.
  • 🔄 Mudanças durante edição são dispendiosas.
  • 🕒 Tempo narrativo afeta o comprimento do vídeo.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:55

    O vídeo discute como escrever um roteiro para vídeos corporativos, destacando que, ao contrário de roteiros de filmes que têm regras rígidas de formatação, os roteiros corporativos são apresentados de forma mais simples, geralmente em um layout de tabela com três colunas: narrativa, visuais e gráficos/texto na tela. A coluna de narrativa inclui o diálogo que contará a história do vídeo, enquanto a coluna de visuais descreve o que será mostrado na tela. A coluna de gráficos e texto cobre qualquer texto ou gráficos que aparecerão. É importante que o roteiro suporte a narrativa e seja compartilhado com as partes interessadas para feedback antes da produção. Evita-se mudanças de última hora para economizar tempo e custos.

Carte mentale

Vidéo Q&R

  • Quais são as três colunas de um roteiro de vídeo corporativo?

    As três colunas são: narrativa, visuais e gráficos/textos em tela.

  • Quantas palavras equivalem a um minuto de narrativa?

    Um minuto de narrativa equivale a cerca de 150 a 175 palavras.

  • Por que não é recomendado scriptar as respostas de entrevistas palavra por palavra?

    Porque isso tira a entrega natural e espontânea que você deseja para uma entrevista.

  • Qual é a importância da coluna de visuais em um roteiro corporativo?

    A coluna de visuais deve suportar a narrativa, sendo relevante e atraente, e ajudar na explicação das cenas.

  • Qual é o papel da coluna de gráficos e texto em tela?

    Ela descreve qualquer texto ou gráfico exibido na tela, como nomes, títulos de cargos, ou chamadas para ação.

  • Por que é importante incluir stakeholders na etapa de escrita do roteiro?

    Para que todos possam dar feedback, garantindo que todas as considerações sejam trabalhadas nas versões do roteiro antes da finalização.

  • Que erros devem ser evitados ao adicionar texto em tela?

    Não adicionar texto fragmentado que não esteja na narrativa, pois pode confundir a audiência, e evitar parágrafos extensos.

  • Como a estrutura do roteiro pode facilitar a comunicação no projeto?

    O uso de uma tabela facilita a visualização do que acontece em cada momento do vídeo sem precisar entender a terminologia complexa do cinema.

  • O que é necessário verificar em textos longos ou técnicos?

    É importante verificar a precisão e ortografia antes das filmagens, especialmente se incluir muitos termos ou frases longas.

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Défilement automatique:
  • 00:00:00
    how do you write a corporate video
  • 00:00:02
    script if you google film scripts you'll
  • 00:00:05
    be inundated with hundreds of complex
  • 00:00:07
    and dull looking documents written in
  • 00:00:09
    the same font or looking exactly the
  • 00:00:11
    same and quite complicated to understand
  • 00:00:14
    a corporate video script is presented in
  • 00:00:17
    a completely different way while a
  • 00:00:19
    screenplay has many rules covering
  • 00:00:21
    things like formatting terminology and
  • 00:00:24
    presentation a corporate video script is
  • 00:00:26
    much easy to get your head around our
  • 00:00:28
    BBC Train scriptwriter has written
  • 00:00:30
    scripts for everything from the
  • 00:00:32
    light-hearted drama films to health and
  • 00:00:34
    safety videos and explained animations
  • 00:00:36
    so we have a pretty good idea of what
  • 00:00:39
    makes a good script a corporate video
  • 00:00:41
    script uses a table layout there are
  • 00:00:45
    usually three columns separated into
  • 00:00:47
    rows at moments where the visuals or
  • 00:00:48
    narrative changes by structuring a
  • 00:00:51
    script in this way it's simple for
  • 00:00:53
    anyone involved in the project to see
  • 00:00:55
    what's happening that's any given point
  • 00:00:57
    in a film without needing to understand
  • 00:00:59
    complex film terminology but where do
  • 00:01:02
    you start when writing a script there
  • 00:01:05
    are three columns that make up a typical
  • 00:01:07
    corporate video scripts column one
  • 00:01:10
    narrative the narrative column contains
  • 00:01:13
    all the dialogue that will tell the
  • 00:01:15
    story of your video such as voiceover on
  • 00:01:18
    screen presenters interview comments or
  • 00:01:20
    even a combination of the three let's
  • 00:01:22
    say this is a voiceover or presenter
  • 00:01:25
    script a minute of narrative equates to
  • 00:01:27
    around 150 to 175 words so be sure to
  • 00:01:31
    keep an eye on this if you want your
  • 00:01:33
    film to be within a certain length if
  • 00:01:35
    your video is mostly interview based the
  • 00:01:38
    narrative column in the script or needs
  • 00:01:40
    to be written a bit differently of
  • 00:01:42
    course we don't want to script interview
  • 00:01:44
    answers word-for-word and spoon-feed
  • 00:01:45
    them to interviewees that not only looks
  • 00:01:48
    a bit shifty on camera but takes away
  • 00:01:50
    the naturalistic and spontaneous
  • 00:01:52
    delivery that you want for an interview
  • 00:01:54
    what you'll want to do instead is add in
  • 00:01:57
    bullet points of key messages that the
  • 00:01:59
    interviewer will need to bring out from
  • 00:02:01
    the interview eads a list of questions
  • 00:02:03
    will be developed further down the line
  • 00:02:05
    at this stage it's important to see how
  • 00:02:08
    the interviews fit in with the overall
  • 00:02:10
    story you can include some templates or
  • 00:02:13
    ideal answers to help indicate how the
  • 00:02:15
    narrative of the film will flow but
  • 00:02:17
    remember that you can't put words in
  • 00:02:19
    your interviewees mouths :
  • 00:02:22
    two visuals the second column in a
  • 00:02:24
    corporate video script explains what
  • 00:02:26
    visuals will be shown on screen during
  • 00:02:29
    each scene traditionally this will be
  • 00:02:31
    footage that's captured during a filming
  • 00:02:33
    day but it can also include details on
  • 00:02:35
    stock footage photography or animated
  • 00:02:38
    scenes for projects such as explainer
  • 00:02:40
    videos a scriptwriter will pay close
  • 00:02:43
    attention to what's happening in the
  • 00:02:44
    narrative column when describing visuals
  • 00:02:46
    for a corporate video the visuals of
  • 00:02:48
    course want to support the narrative so
  • 00:02:50
    they need to be relevant exciting and
  • 00:02:52
    can sustain the length of the narrative
  • 00:02:54
    so if you have around a minute of
  • 00:02:57
    voiceover you'll need more than just a
  • 00:02:59
    shot of someone walking into a building
  • 00:03:00
    to cover it if the video is completely
  • 00:03:02
    animated there may also be storyboard
  • 00:03:05
    images alongside the script to show
  • 00:03:07
    illustrated examples of each scene don't
  • 00:03:09
    forget though that the script is meant
  • 00:03:11
    to tell a story
  • 00:03:12
    so using expressive and creative
  • 00:03:14
    language here will help stir up
  • 00:03:16
    stimulating and inspiring images in the
  • 00:03:19
    minds of the audience column 3 graphics
  • 00:03:23
    and on-screen text the third most
  • 00:03:26
    important column in a script describes
  • 00:03:28
    any on-screen text or graphics that's to
  • 00:03:30
    be seen during the video these could be
  • 00:03:33
    names and job titles of the interviewees
  • 00:03:34
    animated titles technical terms used in
  • 00:03:38
    call-out graphics or call to action text
  • 00:03:40
    for the end of the film including
  • 00:03:42
    on-screen text in the script is
  • 00:03:44
    particularly important if it's likely to
  • 00:03:47
    include a lot of phrases or terms that
  • 00:03:49
    needs to be checked for accuracy before
  • 00:03:51
    filming plus making sure all spellings
  • 00:03:54
    are dull check before editing takes
  • 00:03:55
    place is always useful just like the
  • 00:03:58
    visuals column in scripts any on-screen
  • 00:04:00
    text should be there to support the
  • 00:04:02
    narrative and not be fragmented in any
  • 00:04:04
    way adding in on-screen text that isn't
  • 00:04:07
    referred to in the narrative will just
  • 00:04:09
    confuse the audience this might happen
  • 00:04:11
    if you want to shorten down the film and
  • 00:04:13
    you think there by moving some voice
  • 00:04:14
    over into the
  • 00:04:15
    on screen text column you'll save a few
  • 00:04:17
    seconds of screen time but this doesn't
  • 00:04:20
    work and it only confuses your film
  • 00:04:22
    similarly you don't want to bombard the
  • 00:04:25
    audience with extensive bullet points or
  • 00:04:27
    paragraphs of text keep it concise and
  • 00:04:29
    essential to the story narrative visuals
  • 00:04:33
    and text are the most vital sections to
  • 00:04:36
    include in a script but you may need
  • 00:04:38
    additional columns for things like
  • 00:04:40
    numbering each scene location
  • 00:04:42
    information for filming estimated
  • 00:04:44
    duration of scenes translations
  • 00:04:46
    technical information and so on but the
  • 00:04:49
    script is the backbone to every
  • 00:04:52
    corporate video even if a film is mostly
  • 00:04:54
    interview based a script is the only way
  • 00:04:57
    to show how the film will be structured
  • 00:04:59
    and explained the story before filming
  • 00:05:01
    begins it's vital that a script is
  • 00:05:04
    shared with all stakeholders in the
  • 00:05:06
    project during the writing stage too so
  • 00:05:08
    any feedback is considered and worked in
  • 00:05:11
    two additional drafts before the script
  • 00:05:13
    is signed off and production begins make
  • 00:05:16
    the script changes after filming or even
  • 00:05:18
    after editing has started can be both
  • 00:05:20
    time-consuming and expensive especially
  • 00:05:23
    if it involves reshooting or scrapping
  • 00:05:26
    scenes entirely so spending as much time
  • 00:05:29
    as possible to make sure this stage of
  • 00:05:31
    the production is perfect with full
  • 00:05:32
    filming is well worth it for more handy
  • 00:05:36
    tips on how to get the best out of your
  • 00:05:38
    corporate video project subscribe to us
  • 00:05:40
    on youtube or find us on social media
  • 00:05:43
  • roteiro corporativo
  • video corporativo
  • narrativa
  • visuais
  • gráficos em vídeo