Pre-Columbian America - Summary on a Map



TLDRL'articolo ripercorre le origini e i percorsi delle prime popolazioni umane nelle Americhe, partendo dall'ultima era glaciale intorno al 30.000 a.C. I primi insediamenti umani potrebbero essere arrivati tramite Beringia o rotta costiera del Pacifico. Con il riscaldamento climatico e il ritiro dei ghiacci, molteplici culture autoctone come i Chinchorros, Olmechi, Zapotechi e Misechi si sviluppano con la domesticazione delle piante e l'arte della ceramica. Gli Inca e i Maya emergono come civiltà avanzate, seguite degli Aztechi nel Mesoamerica. Le modifiche climatiche causarono il declino di alcune culture, mentre altre prosperarono con sistemi di irrigazione e agricoltura. Le esplorazioni vichinghe precedono l'arrivo degli europei, che metterà fine a molte di queste civiltà avanzate.


  • 🌍 Migrazione umana durante l'ultima era glaciale.
  • 🗺️ Rotte migratorie attraverso Beringia e il Pacifico.
  • 🏺 Cultura della ceramica e domesticazione delle piante.
  • 🏯 Civiltà avanzate come gli Olmechi e i Caral.
  • 🚜 Agricoltura e sistemi di irrigazione complessi.
  • ⛩️ Disegni e strutture religiose di Chavin e Nazca.
  • ⚔️ Costruzione di imperi da parte degli Inca e Aztechi.
  • 💀 Pratiche di mummificazione dei Chinchorros.
  • 🥑 Avanzamenti agricoli degli indigeni americani.
  • 🔥 Crollo di civiltà a causa di crisi climatiche e politiche.

Garis waktu

  • 00:00:00 - 00:05:00

    Durante l'Ultima Era Glaciale, circa 30.000 a.C., le prime tracce di occupazione umana emergono nelle Americhe, con strumenti e resti di animali cacciati. Le teorie suggeriscono migrazioni dall'Asia attraverso Beringia, un corridoio di terra tra America e Asia, mentre teorie più antiche indicavano una provenienza dalla Baia di Biscaglia. Il riscaldamento globale ha facilitato la domesticazione delle piante, come mais e avocado, e la nascita delle prime civiltà, come i Chinchorro e la civiltà di Caral, che ha sviluppato avanzati sistemi di irrigazione.

  • 00:05:00 - 00:13:12

    Nel periodo che va dal 1° secolo a.C. alla metà del Medioevo, emersero potenti civiltà mesoamericane, come la città di Teotihuacan, che fu un importante centro commerciale. La civiltà maya, con città-stato rivali come Tikal e Calakmul, ebbe una cultura fiorente basata su commercio, religione e scrittura. Tuttavia, crisi politiche e ambientali portarono al declino di molte città maya. In Sud America, la civiltà dei Nazca eccelleva nell'agricoltura e nelle cerimonie religiose, mentre i Moche erano noti per la metallurgia avanzata. I cambiamenti climatici catalizzarono l'ascesa e il declino di diverse civiltà prima dell'avvento degli Inca e degli Aztechi, che divennero potenze dominanti nella regione.

Peta Pikiran

Video Tanya Jawab

  • Quali sono le origini dei primi insediamenti americani?

    La teoria più accreditata suggerisce un'origine asiatica, con migrazioni attraverso Beringia.

  • Chi migrò attraverso il corridoio terrestre di Beringia?

    I cacciatori siberiani furono attirati dalla fauna locale come bisonti e mammut.

  • Qual è la prima città riconosciuta nel continente americano?

    La civiltà Caral, nota per le sue piramidi e un sistema di irrigazione avanzato.

  • Perché la civiltà Maya subì un crollo?

    Declinò a causa di una serie di siccità e crisi politiche.

  • Come gli Inca conquistarono Chan Chan?

    Nell'annessione del regno di Chimor attraverso l'assedio e il taglio delle risorse idriche.

  • Quali sono alcune delle prime civiltà del continente americano?

    Chavin, Olmechi, Nazca, Moche, Wari e Tiwanaku.

  • Per cosa è nota Teotihuacan?

    Per il suo uso di grandi strutture piramidali e una vasta rete commerciale.

  • Quali erano alcune delle infrastrutture principali degli Inca?

    L'estrazione mineraria, la costruzione di ponti e un'applicazione amministrativa avanzata.

  • Quando si verificò il vuoto di potere nella Mesoamerica?

    Durante il calo del potere di Teotihuacan e il successivo sviluppo di città circostanti.

  • Che ruolo ebbero i Vichinghi in America intorno all'anno 1000?

    Furono temporary e dimenticati nel tempo.

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Gulir Otomatis:
  • 00:00:00
    We begin around 30,000 BC. The Earth is in its  last Ice Age; the sea level is about 120 meters lower than current levels.
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    The American continent  is completely isolated by large glaciers.
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    Yet the first signs of human occupation are  popping up everywhere.
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    Tools, bones of hunted animals and fires appear in various places on  the continent.
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    To this day, the origins of these early settlements remain a mystery, but a few  theories are suggested.
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    According to one theory, people from the Bay of Biscay would have  followed the 5,000 km icefield that crossed
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    the Atlantic Ocean to reach the north of the  American continent.
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    But this hypothesis is controversial and undermined by recent genetic  data which points to Asian origins of the first American settlements.
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    Another theory contemplates that groups sailed along the “Kelp Highway,”
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    a gigantic seaweed forest rich in fish that ran  along the Pacific rim from north Asia to America.
  • 00:01:09
    As the Ice Age draws to a close, Beringia  forms a land corridor that connects America with Asia.
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    The climate is milder here; local vegetation is suitable for large animals such as bison, caribou and mammoths,
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    attracting Siberian populations who are hunters.
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    Further east, the melting of enormous ice caps  opens a corridor towards the continent.
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    Animals, followed by humans, gradually  pour in, while the melting ice causes waters to rise.
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    Beringia is flooded;  the American continent is once again isolated.
  • 00:01:48
    New nomadic populations spread across the  continent, who gather, fish and hunt.
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    The climate continues to warm up, which facilitates the  domestication of plants endemic to the continent.
  • 00:02:00
    Due to cross-breeding, American  populations create and cultivate avocados,
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    chilli peppers, squash, corn and even cassava.
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    Ceramics appear, a very useful invention not only for storing crops, but also  for art.
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    Meanwhile animals such as the llama and guinea pigs are domesticated.
  • 00:02:20
    Populations begin to settle, initially mainly on the central Mexican plateau and in  the coastal areas along the Andes mountains.
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    Gradually, groups of populations begin to take  shape and the first cultures appear.
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    In the Atacama Desert, the Chinchorros are the first  in the world to mummify their dead.
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    A little further north, the Valdivia culture emerges.
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    This is one of the first to produce ceramics in large quantities.
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    In the Mississippi Basin are the Mound  Builders, a group of nomadic peoples famous for the many large mounds they erect.
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    Their chiefs meet regularly and trade develops throughout the region.
  • 00:03:03
    In the South, the Caral civilization  is the first to emerge on the continent.
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    It brings together around 30 sites and population  centers, including Caral, which is probably the first city on the continent.
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    Pyramids, squares as well as residential quarters are built there.
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    This civilization is prosperous, thanks to the  irrigation system it develops, among other things.
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    Yet despite its isolation, the Caral civilization  mysteriously declines and disappears around the 19th century BC
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    perhaps because of the numerous earthquakes or the El Niño phenomenon,
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    a warm sea current that causes the disappearance of fish and devastating climatic upheavals.
  • 00:03:50
    In the center of the continent, the Olmecs appear  and form the first Mesoamerican civilization.
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    They first develop in the city of San Lorenzo,  where nearly 10,000 inhabitants live in 1600 BC.
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    Huge basalt sculptures representing  heads are built there.
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    The Olmecs set up agricultural terraces with a complex system  of water distribution using U-shaped stones.
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    Further south, the Chavin civilization emerges in  the Andes.
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    Known in particular for its religious ceremonies, the civilization prospers and deeply  influences the region.
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    Among the Olmecs, while San Lorenzo is in decline, La Venta reaches its peak.
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    According to some, the first Mesoamerican pyramid was built there.
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    To stock up on precious stones in particular, important networks of exchange are developed with cultures and civilizations of the region.
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    There are also traces of writing among the Olmecs, but the exact origin of this invention is still debated today.
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    Finally, Tres Zapotes is the last great Olmec city as the civilization  falls into decline.
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    This benefits the Zapotecs who become the new dominant civilization, with Monte  Alban as the capital, where writing is developing.
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    A little further north is an  important city called Cuicuilco.
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    But it declines from the 1st century BC  because of the neighboring volcano Xitle
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    which, in one or more eruptions, covers the  city in lava and destroys the surrounding fertile land.
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    There is still no consensus over  the precise date of this event.
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    In any case, this benefits the neighboring city of Teotihuacan  which sees dazzling prosperity and development.
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    Surrounded by fertile land and located near  deposits of obsidian, a volcanic stone used in the making of tools,
  • 00:05:46
    the city attracts artisans and traders from all over Mesoamerica and becomes an important hub.
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    Monumental pyramids are built and become places of pilgrimage.
  • 00:05:58
    At its peak, Teotihuacan is the largest city on the  continent with a population of at least 100,000.
  • 00:06:05
    Further east, the Mayan civilization is divided  into a multitude of city-states which are often rivals.
  • 00:06:12
    Tikal and Calakmul, both in competition  against one another, are the two greatest powers.
  • 00:06:18
    But in 378, Teotihuacan seizes power in Tikal.
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    A new dynasty is established there and the war continues against Calakmul.
  • 00:06:28
    Between 550 and 575, the central districts of Teotihuacan are set on fire and vandalized, possibly during internal revolts.
  • 00:06:39
    While in the East, Tikal is defeated by Calakmul. Teotihuacan's  power wanes until the city collapses.
  • 00:06:50
    We return to 200 BC. At this time, in the south  of the continent, the civilization of Chavin collapses,
  • 00:06:58
    which allows the development  of other civilisations in the region.
  • 00:07:02
    The Nazca civilization develops in an arid zone,  in particular by building underground aqueducts
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    which make it possible to transform the desert  into cultivated fields.
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    They also do large drawings often representing animals, which  become an important part of ritual ceremonies.
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    Further north, the Moche culture becomes  prevalent.
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    Remarkable for its metallurgy and agricultural techniques in a desert environment,  this warrior civilization spreads rapidly.
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    Prisoners are sacrificed during rites.
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    During the 7th century, it is probable that important climatic changes  precipitates the fall of the Nazcas and the Moche.
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    This benefits the Wari civilization, which extends  considerably to the north.
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    Meanwhile their ally, the Tiwanaku civilization, originating  from the shores of Lake Titicaca,
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    spreads south and eastwards, thus ensuring military  and cultural domination over the entire region.
  • 00:08:07
    In Mesoamerica, the fall of Teotihuacan leaves a  void in the region, which benefits several cities that develop rapidly.
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    In Mayan territory, rivalries remain a constant despite intense trade.
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    The cocoa bean is used as money, but it is also consumed as a drink during ritual ceremonies reserved for elites and kings.
  • 00:08:29
    The Mayans use writing and create a calendar designed by combining three existing calendars.
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    The Long Count calendar has a cycle of 5,125 years, with its first cycle ending in 2012.
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    From 780, a succession of periods of intense drought, followed by a major political and demographic crisis, leads to the desertion of most Mayan cities.
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    Architectural constructions are interrupted, as are exchange networks.
  • 00:09:02
    Dynasties collapse and only a few Mayan cities remain.
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    The Zapotec capital of Monte Alban  also collapses, to the benefit of the neighboring Mixtec people.
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    Tula, further north, grows to  become the new Mesoamerican cultural center.
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    In the north of the continent, the  development of intensive agriculture
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    in the Mississippi River basin spurs the growth of  so-called Mississippian cultures.
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    Further north, around the year 1000, Vikings from Greenland  reach the coasts of America.
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    They build camps, but these are abandoned after a few years  and forgotten.
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    In the south of the continent, El Niño is probably responsible for the  collapse of the Wari and Tiwanaku civilizations.
  • 00:09:51
    This benefits the Kingdom of Chimor, which  quickly becomes the main center of the Andes
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    with Chan Chan as its capital -- an immense city  of approximately 20 sqkm,
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    composed among others of 10 fortified citadels corresponding to the 10  kings.
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    The Chimús dominate the region through war and impose their religious beliefs, including the sacrifice of children and llamas.
  • 00:10:16
    Other peoples and civilisations develop in South America,  notably the Muiscas in the north.
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    They are renowned for covering their new leader in gold  dust before he submerges himself in a sacred lake.
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    Further south, the Kingdom of Cuzco  develops, where the Incas live.
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    On a small island in Lake Texcoco, the Mexicas  people live in the city of Mexico-Tenochtitlan.
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    In 1428, they ally with the neighboring  city of Texcoco to destroy the powerful city of Azcapotzalco.
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    Then Texcoco, Tenochtitlan and  Tlacopan unite and form the Triple Alliance.
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    Tenochtitlan becomes the capital of the  new Aztec empire.
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    All men receive military education. Considered to be invincible,  their armies quickly conquer a large part of the Mesoamerican territory.
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    Despite a certain unity and cohesion in the empire, the heavy taxes imposed on the subjugated provinces becomes the cause of frequent rebellion.
  • 00:11:26
    In 1438, after pushing back an offensive in  Cuzco, Pachacuti becomes the new Inca emperor.
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    Quickly, he begins an expansionist  policy throughout the Andean area.
  • 00:11:38
    The Incas operate mines and build bridges, dams  and roads to link the entire empire to Cuzco.
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    The rapidly expanding capital grows  to 60,000 to 100,000 inhabitants.
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    The Inca territory is solidly organized in four  quadrants which conquer in the four directions.
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    Complex irrigation networks are built to  cultivate land, of which about a third is intended for the emperor and officials.
  • 00:12:05
    In 1470, the Incas lay siege to their powerful rival Chan Chan and cut their water supply.
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    The city is defeated and the kingdom of Chimor is annexed. Shortly after, Pachacuti dies.
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    His heirs continue to extend the Inca territory considerably.
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    Only the Chiriguanos in the south-east and especially  the Mapuches in the far south, resist brilliantly.
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    The emperor then hears about mysterious explorers  in the north of the empire.
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    He sets out to find them, but contracts an unknown illness and  quickly dies.
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    This disease, against which the Incas are not immune, spreads through the empire  in a short time, also proving fatal for the heir.
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    His death generates a war of succession.
  • 00:12:52
    The Inca Empire is weakened from within, while on the coasts, an external threat seems to be looming with the arrival of unknown navigators.
  • Civiltà antiche
  • Migrazioni umane
  • Era glaciale
  • Mesoamerica
  • Inca
  • Maya
  • Olmechi
  • Aztechi
  • Beringia
  • Teotihuacan