The World According to Thiel
TLDRIn a conversation with Peter Robinson at the Mont Pelerin Society, Peter Thiel explores pressing global issues including the status of democracy in China, the implications of artificial intelligence, the rise of socialism in the U.S., and changes in Silicon Valley's political landscape. He critiques the failure of predictions concerning China's democratization linked to economic growth, and considers the complex dynamics of U.S.-China relations amidst technological advancements. Thiel argues for reassessing American exceptionalism, emphasizing the importance of comparing the U.S.’s progress with its historical context and that of other nations, rather than blindly celebrating it. He warns against the resurgence of socialistic tendencies as critiques of failing institutions and reflects on the need to foster genuine innovation rather than succumb to bureaucratic constraints.
- 💡 Thiel critiques China's failure to democratize despite economic growth.
- 📉 He perceives Silicon Valley as increasingly politically charged and less innovative.
- 🔍 Thiel warns against the resurgence of socialism in American politics.
- ⚖️ He highlights the importance of addressing student debt through university accountability.
- 🚀 Thiel questions whether AI can foster growth without political freedom.
- 🌍 He calls for a reevaluation of American exceptionalism as overly complacent.
- ⚔️ Thiel believes the U.S.-China rivalry requires nuanced understanding rather than binary conclusions.
- 📚 He emphasizes the need for new ideas to address current societal issues, rather than conforming to the narrow mainstream narratives.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
The video features an engaging conversation between Peter Robinson and renowned investor Peter Thiel, taking place at a Mont Pelerin Society gathering. Thiel, who originally immigrated from Germany to the United States, is noted for his contributions to tech and economics, including founding PayPal and investing in Facebook and SpaceX. Their discussion spans various topics, including the economic trajectories of China and the U.S. under Trump, with Thiel sharing critical insights about freedom and democracy's relationship with economic growth.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
As the dialogue progresses, Thiel reflects on historical expectations for China's political evolution and discusses economic theories from influential economists like Hayek and Friedman. He contemplates the implications of artificial intelligence enabling China's regime to sustain growth devoid of political freedom, signaling concerns over totalitarianism's endurance.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
Thiel proposes a dual narrative surrounding China's global standing: one that suggests China is backward and another that views it as an unstoppable force. He argues that these contrasting perceptions serve to undermine the West's grasp on the reality of China's ambitions, promoting a more nuanced understanding of the geopolitical landscape.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
Further discussion addresses contemporary socialist ideologies surfacing in America, notably via figures like Bernie Sanders, contrasting it against the backdrop of previous neoliberal triumphs. Thiel offers insights into societal grievances that drive these movements, such as student debt and housing accessibility, suggesting that without addressing these issues, socialist sentiments might gain traction.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
Launching into university critique, Thiel emphasizes a cultural phenomenon where prestigious institutions provide a form of 'tournament' system rather than genuine educational advancement, citing Michelle Obama's false narrative regarding college selection for her daughters. He calls attention to the conformity and intellectual limitations prevalent in elite academic circles today.
- 00:25:00 - 00:30:00
Turning to Silicon Valley, Thiel describes its transformation from an entrepreneurial hub to a politically charged environment, attributing this shift to broader cultural and political changes, and questioning the level of true innovation occurring. He highlights the disparity between start-ups and larger corporations, arguing that larger entities have become too political and stifling of actual progress.
- 00:30:00 - 00:36:08
As the conversation nears its conclusion, Thiel reflects on the concept of American exceptionalism, suggesting a shift towards a more measured approach of evaluating greatness, rather than relying on grand claims of uniqueness. He grapples with the evolving dynamic between the U.S. and China, drawing parallels to historical geopolitical tensions while also emphasizing the differences brought on by modern connectivity and information age dynamics.
What are Peter Thiel's views on democracy in China?
Thiel believes that contrary to predictions, China did not transition to democracy as economic growth occurred, and it has followed a different trajectory.
How does Thiel view the role of artificial intelligence?
He suggests that while AI could enhance totalitarian control, it's uncertain how it will affect economic growth without political freedom.
What does Thiel mean by 'zombie socialism'?
He refers to the resurgence of socialist ideas in the U.S., framed as critiques of existing institutions rather than genuine socialist proposals.
What are Thiel's criticisms of Silicon Valley today?
He describes Silicon Valley as 'deranged,' marked by political correctness and less innovation compared to previous decades.
How does Thiel propose to address student debt?
Thiel suggests that student debt should be handled by imposing costs on universities instead of socializing the debt.
What are Thiel's views on American exceptionalism?
He argues that it can mask societal issues and suggests a focus on comparative greatness instead.
Are Thiel's predictions about the future of democracy optimistic?
He is cautious, emphasizing the importance of individual agency over historical determinism.
What does Thiel think of the current political climate?
He believes it is polarized, with extremes of optimism and pessimism that prevent constructive action.
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- 00:00:00[Music]
- 00:00:07welcome to uncommon knowledge I'm Peter
- 00:00:09Robinson my guest today the investor and
- 00:00:13philanthropist and possessor of an
- 00:00:15unusually interesting mind Peter teal
- 00:00:18you'll notice that Peter teal and I are
- 00:00:20having our conversation in front of an
- 00:00:22audience this is a meeting of the Mont
- 00:00:23Pelerin society the organization founded
- 00:00:26in 1947 that brings together nobel
- 00:00:28laureates and government officials and
- 00:00:30investors such as peter himself to
- 00:00:33discuss economics and the state of the
- 00:00:35world and when it comes to the state of
- 00:00:37the world as you will see Peter teal has
- 00:00:39opinions we discuss China and the United
- 00:00:43States under Donald Trump and his own
- 00:00:45world Silicon Valley which he talks
- 00:00:47about as this is his word deranged
- 00:00:51uncommon knowledge with Peter Thiel born
- 00:00:55in Germany Peter Thiel moved to the
- 00:00:58United States with his family when he
- 00:00:59was a child he graduated from Stanford
- 00:01:02and then from Stanford Law School and
- 00:01:04after deciding not to practice law he
- 00:01:08co-founded PayPal and Palantir made the
- 00:01:11first outside investment in Facebook
- 00:01:13funded companies such as SpaceX and
- 00:01:16LinkedIn and started the teal fellowship
- 00:01:18which encourages young people to drop
- 00:01:20out of college to start their own
- 00:01:22businesses mr. teal remains a very
- 00:01:30active tech investor now based in Los
- 00:01:32Angeles ladies and gentlemen Peter Thiel
- 00:01:41chyna the late economist and foreign
- 00:01:46policy analyst Hoover fellow Harry Rowan
- 00:01:48writing in 1996 quote when will try to
- 00:01:51become a democracy the answer is around
- 00:01:53the Year 2015 this prediction is based
- 00:01:57on China's steady and impressive
- 00:01:58economic growth which in turn fits the
- 00:02:00pattern of the way in which freedom has
- 00:02:01grown in Asia and elsewhere in the world
- 00:02:03worked in South Korea worked in Taiwan
- 00:02:07economic growth leads to democracy in
- 00:02:09China what went wrong well Oh Peter this
- 00:02:13is always a set up for me to start by
- 00:02:14both flattering you and criticizing you
- 00:02:16a little bit since there was that very
- 00:02:18famous Reagan speech you gave that you
- 00:02:21wrote wrote for Reagan where it was you
- 00:02:23know tear down that wall mr. Gorbachev
- 00:02:24and it was very effective but it was
- 00:02:27perhaps it was not only in the West that
- 00:02:30we learned lessons from it the Chinese
- 00:02:32Communists also paid very careful
- 00:02:34attention to it and they learned that
- 00:02:37you had to have you know you had to have
- 00:02:40perestroika without glasnost you had to
- 00:02:43get rid of the Marxism without getting
- 00:02:45rid of the Leninism and and and they
- 00:02:48learned somehow the very opposite
- 00:02:50lessons of that fateful year in 1989
- 00:02:53they you know Tiananmen worked in China
- 00:02:56and and that that is what that is what
- 00:02:57what continued to work so I think that's
- 00:02:59that's sort of a a a simple first cut
- 00:03:03there was nothing about history that is
- 00:03:05automatic or predetermined it's always a
- 00:03:07question of agency of people and and
- 00:03:10unfortunately you know China took took
- 00:03:14the lesson very much to heart and has
- 00:03:16stayed on this trajectory as per capita
- 00:03:18you know GDP is close to ten thousand
- 00:03:21dollars which was sort of the point
- 00:03:22where you know democracy was supposed to
- 00:03:24start taking over and it seems to if
- 00:03:26anything then been going the opposite
- 00:03:28direction or there's you know there's
- 00:03:30another there's another sort of
- 00:03:31historical riff I have on this that I
- 00:03:33was thinking about the other day where
- 00:03:34it was this famous this famous interview
- 00:03:37with Chow and why and and the early
- 00:03:391970s where they asked him about the
- 00:03:41French Revolution and what did he think
- 00:03:44of the French Revolution and he said you
- 00:03:47know it's too early to tell which was
- 00:03:49which was seen as sort of a funny
- 00:03:51diplomatic
- 00:03:52answer at the time but I've come to
- 00:03:54think that there's sort of a very
- 00:03:55sinister way of thinking about that
- 00:03:58answer which is that you know in some
- 00:04:00sense the French Revolution it ended it
- 00:04:02ended in 1794 when the insanity burned
- 00:04:05itself out and you had Thermidor and
- 00:04:07then of course you know when you had the
- 00:04:09Russian Revolution one of the promises
- 00:04:11Lenin had was that the Russian
- 00:04:13Revolution communist revolution would
- 00:04:15never have a Thermidor but it took a
- 00:04:18little bit longer than five years as did
- 00:04:19in France but I'd argue you know you had
- 00:04:22something like Thermidor 1956 when
- 00:04:25Khrushchev gave the Anti Stalin speech
- 00:04:27certainly by the time of Gorbachev China
- 00:04:31what Chou Enlai was saying in that
- 00:04:33speech was that China is the one country
- 00:04:35that is still true the spirit of the
- 00:04:36French Revolution it is the one country
- 00:04:38in the world in which there will never
- 00:04:39be a Thermidor and and that is that is
- 00:04:43and that and then of course you know the
- 00:04:45way this this manifests is that it will
- 00:04:48still you know continue in the sort of
- 00:04:51revolutionary communism that that will
- 00:04:55have you know one genocide 'el thing
- 00:04:57after another and that that that
- 00:04:59continues under G still China three
- 00:05:01quotations I mean two of them from
- 00:05:03heroes of the Mont Pelerin Society
- 00:05:05Friedrich Hayek in 1982 the mere idea
- 00:05:08that a planning authority could ever
- 00:05:09possess the information necessary to run
- 00:05:11the economy is a somewhat comic fiction
- 00:05:15what prices ought to be can never be
- 00:05:17determined without competitive markets
- 00:05:19close quote if you want economic growth
- 00:05:21you must permit free markets quotation
- 00:05:23to Milton Friedman 1991 when the regime
- 00:05:26in China introduced a greater measure of
- 00:05:28economic freedom that generated pressure
- 00:05:30for more political freedom and that led
- 00:05:32to Chen on men's square if you permit
- 00:05:35free markets sooner or later your people
- 00:05:37will demand political freedom and
- 00:05:38they'll be hard to handle quotation
- 00:05:41number three Peter teal speaking last
- 00:05:43November artificial intelligence is the
- 00:05:46big eye of Sauron watching you at all
- 00:05:50times in all places close quote
- 00:05:53will artificial intelligence overturn
- 00:05:57Hayek and freedom will it enable China
- 00:06:00to achieve sustained economic growth
- 00:06:02without economic
- 00:06:05political freedom well let's let's let's
- 00:06:09not be too dogmatic and answering this
- 00:06:11so you know I certainly um I certainly
- 00:06:16think that it's possible that the
- 00:06:19totalitarian formed the form that
- 00:06:22totalitarian has in China will will
- 00:06:25exhaust itself that it will hit some
- 00:06:28kind of crisis at some point you know
- 00:06:30China does have you know some some very
- 00:06:32serious demographic challenges you know
- 00:06:34maybe it's sort of like you say it's a
- 00:06:35revealed preference that people don't
- 00:06:37want to have children because it's very
- 00:06:39cruel to allow a child to be born into
- 00:06:42such a horrible Society so I think you
- 00:06:45know there are there are ways that we
- 00:06:46can speculate on how how it might
- 00:06:48ultimately exhaust itself but but I
- 00:06:51think but I think we should not be
- 00:06:54dogmatic on the other side and assume
- 00:06:55that it automatically will and that you
- 00:06:58know perhaps perhaps it can sort of
- 00:07:00develop perhaps it can sort of catch up
- 00:07:02you can sort of get things to work and
- 00:07:05and you know there are probably certain
- 00:07:07parts of the economy where you don't
- 00:07:10need to be that free or that creative or
- 00:07:12that innovative there is just sort of
- 00:07:14copying things that work just you know
- 00:07:17copying the West and you can maybe you
- 00:07:20can't get quite the our standard of
- 00:07:21living but maybe you can get to you know
- 00:07:23a half our standard of living or
- 00:07:25something like that but you're not a
- 00:07:26thing yeah you're not singling out AI as
- 00:07:29a game changer here you tend to poopoo
- 00:07:32the notion that AI will change things uh
- 00:07:35well I think if it if it's it's unclear
- 00:07:38I think there's always a lot of
- 00:07:39propaganda around all these these buzz
- 00:07:41words and so I I think it's it's some
- 00:07:43it's somewhat exaggerated but but but
- 00:07:46yes of course there's there's sort of a
- 00:07:47continuation of the computer revolution
- 00:07:49where you'll have you know more powerful
- 00:07:51Leninists controls and you can have
- 00:07:53certain you know maybe the farmers can
- 00:07:55sell you know the back the cabbages in
- 00:07:57the market and and you can still have
- 00:07:59you know face recognition software that
- 00:08:01attracts people in all times in all
- 00:08:02places and so there's sort of a hybrid
- 00:08:04thing that that might work for you no
- 00:08:06longer than we'd like okay so you
- 00:08:09touched on this a moment ago but let
- 00:08:10let's bear in on it two competing
- 00:08:13narratives one is the president she is
- 00:08:14centralizing power more tightly and with
- 00:08:17the help of technology more successfully
- 00:08:19than any other central authority has
- 00:08:21ever been able to do in all of human
- 00:08:22history he is the most successful
- 00:08:24dictator the world has seen the other
- 00:08:27narrative is that the Chinese population
- 00:08:29is growing old its economy is slowing
- 00:08:33its one-child policy has produced 40
- 00:08:36more 40 million more men than women and
- 00:08:38that the freedom movements in Hong Kong
- 00:08:40and Taiwan have placed Beijing seriously
- 00:08:43on the defensive so well let's um you're
- 00:08:50gonna choose one or the other well let
- 00:08:52me um let us are we Telegraph I'm gonna
- 00:08:54I'm gonna give you my speculative
- 00:08:55conspiracy theory on how China the
- 00:08:58Chinese Communists are trying to
- 00:08:59psychologically undermine the West all
- 00:09:01right and I believe they are inducing
- 00:09:03two perspectives on China about in in
- 00:09:07the West one perspective is that China
- 00:09:09is very far behind us that it's still a
- 00:09:13very poor backward country it even in 20
- 00:09:1649 even on a hundred year anniversary it
- 00:09:18will still only be a middle-income
- 00:09:19country and it's it's so far behind that
- 00:09:23we don't need to worry about it and we
- 00:09:25can be in denial about China and the
- 00:09:28other one is that it's so far ahead of
- 00:09:31us that there is no way that that we can
- 00:09:36ever that we can ever catch up it is you
- 00:09:39know it works better there's certain
- 00:09:41things where can it can you know build
- 00:09:42skyscrapers super fast there's certain
- 00:09:44things where it works so much better
- 00:09:46that we have to just accept that we are
- 00:09:49really far behind
- 00:09:51you know denial is extreme optimism
- 00:09:52acceptances extreme pessimism but
- 00:09:55extreme optimism and extreme pessimism
- 00:09:57converge to doing nothing and I think
- 00:10:00there were there was for example I think
- 00:10:01there was this there was this a question
- 00:10:03about Taiwan and how protected Taiwan
- 00:10:05was and I believe it was in a single
- 00:10:07month in the year 2005 where the US
- 00:10:09strategic assessment shifted from Taiwan
- 00:10:12would be safe for decades because of our
- 00:10:14you know aircraft carriers and what not
- 00:10:16to know Taiwan was already lost because
- 00:10:19you know they had all the China had all
- 00:10:20these missiles that they could knock all
- 00:10:23our defenses out overnight and so it's
- 00:10:25it's somehow it's always so the fact
- 00:10:28that it gets framed in these two extreme
- 00:10:29terms I'm wondering if you're sort of a
- 00:10:31mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist
- 00:10:32Party
- 00:10:33and and it's always extreme acceptance
- 00:10:36and extreme denial and the realities
- 00:10:39actually no it's it's closed and there
- 00:10:42are strengths the US has and their
- 00:10:43strengths they have and it's a fight and
- 00:10:45it's gonna be a fight for a very long
- 00:10:47time and even if China in some ways
- 00:10:50gains ground in that fight it will be
- 00:10:53strategically close for a long time
- 00:10:55because as China gains ground other
- 00:10:57countries will get more scared of China
- 00:10:58and they will they will they will work
- 00:11:00more closely with the US Japan was
- 00:11:03toying with the idea of being of
- 00:11:05shifting its alliance from the u.s. to
- 00:11:07China this is always the DPJ line in
- 00:11:10Japan in the late 90s early 2000s under
- 00:11:13obey
- 00:11:14that's definitively over Japan is back
- 00:11:16firmly on the side of the u.s. Vietnam
- 00:11:18you know much more on the US side in the
- 00:11:21China side this is very different from
- 00:11:22Vietnam of you know 40 years ago and and
- 00:11:25so even if China you know sort of gains
- 00:11:28ground in certain things I think the the
- 00:11:30the the strategic picture will stay you
- 00:11:34know very even for for a really long
- 00:11:35time it's the exact talk so somehow it's
- 00:11:38in the in between is is probably the
- 00:11:41truth and it will be the truth for a
- 00:11:42long time so the notion is the Chinese
- 00:11:44want us to believe two statements one is
- 00:11:46there's nothing to worry about the other
- 00:11:47is resistance is futile well it's both
- 00:11:50votes and both are frauds its China is
- 00:11:52super weak and China is super strong and
- 00:11:54I've been in meetings in China where in
- 00:11:56some sense you heard you got both
- 00:11:58messages within twenty minutes of one
- 00:12:00another and it's it's it's like
- 00:12:02logically inconsistent but
- 00:12:03psychologically it doubles up all right
- 00:12:06the United States is the center of the
- 00:12:08resistance let's take a moment or two
- 00:12:10considering what we need to resist right
- 00:12:11here zombie socialism socialism rising
- 00:12:15from the dead again a couple of
- 00:12:17quotations the first from a history of
- 00:12:18the Mont Pelerin Society in the 1980s
- 00:12:21and 90s members of the Society had the
- 00:12:23exhilarating feeling that things were at
- 00:12:25last going their way
- 00:12:26several countries starting with Margaret
- 00:12:29Thatcher's government in Britain were
- 00:12:30privatizing their state industries
- 00:12:31governments from China to India to
- 00:12:34America to France were liberalizing
- 00:12:36retrenching or cutting taxes and then in
- 00:12:381989 with astonishing speed the iron
- 00:12:40curtain fell here's quotation number two
- 00:12:44this is Bernie Sanders he's speaking in
- 00:12:46night
- 00:12:4789 the year the Berlin Wall came down
- 00:12:49quote in Vermont everybody knows I'm a
- 00:12:52socialist and that many people in our
- 00:12:54movement are socialists and I think
- 00:12:56there's been too much of reluctance on
- 00:12:58the part of progressives and radicals to
- 00:13:00use the word socialism close quote as we
- 00:13:04sit here this evening
- 00:13:06the self-avowed socialist Bernie Sanders
- 00:13:09is tipped by many to win the Democratic
- 00:13:12caucuses in Iowa on February third from
- 00:13:16the triumph of Democrat Democratic
- 00:13:19capitalism and all that the Mont Pelerin
- 00:13:20Society stands for to the re-emergence
- 00:13:23of socialism how did this happen
- 00:13:27these are I guess these are like
- 00:13:28sweeping questions are all these
- 00:13:29different answers one could one could
- 00:13:31give but but let's three let's let's
- 00:13:33just challenge a little bit the premise
- 00:13:34that question um you know I I don't
- 00:13:36think he's really a socialist in the
- 00:13:39sense I mean there's no five-year plan
- 00:13:41he doesn't he doesn't actually claim
- 00:13:43that he's gonna make the post office or
- 00:13:44the DMV work better if he was promising
- 00:13:46things like this it would just be it
- 00:13:49would just be completely completely
- 00:13:51ridiculous and you know the way in which
- 00:13:53socialism works is it's just this thing
- 00:13:58that's really different and it's
- 00:14:00different it's meant in opposition to
- 00:14:03the zombie institutions in our society
- 00:14:05and and there is a problem that we have
- 00:14:08you know I you know we don't have a very
- 00:14:10well functioning capitalist society you
- 00:14:12know there's a generational problem
- 00:14:14where it is difficult for young people
- 00:14:16to to acquire capital and you know I say
- 00:14:20there's sort of two if I give sort and
- 00:14:22that's you know the young people that
- 00:14:24are supporting Bernie Sanders and we and
- 00:14:27you know there's sort of the two simple
- 00:14:29political things that you know one
- 00:14:31should one should really think about are
- 00:14:32the the runaway student debt in colleges
- 00:14:35you know it's 300 billion dollars in
- 00:14:37student debt in 2000s up to 1.7 trillion
- 00:14:40dollars today and if you start your life
- 00:14:42in debt that can never be discharged in
- 00:14:45bankruptcy you know it'll be much harder
- 00:14:47to accumulate capital and you might be
- 00:14:50less friendly to capitalism so that's
- 00:14:52that's a that is a big problem and you
- 00:14:55know I think I don't think we should
- 00:14:56socialize the student debt but we should
- 00:14:58deal with it any non soul
- 00:15:00way we should internalize the costs on
- 00:15:02to the universities we should redo the
- 00:15:04bankruptcy laws yes you can discharge
- 00:15:06the student debt and when you discharge
- 00:15:08it it's the college that gave you a bad
- 00:15:09education that gets a that gets um stuck
- 00:15:12with a bill that's for the non-socialist
- 00:15:15alternative and and then and then you
- 00:15:18know I think the other the other basic
- 00:15:21problem of a lack of capital or
- 00:15:24inequality is that it's very hard for
- 00:15:27people to get onto the onto the housing
- 00:15:30ladder you know the main way that the
- 00:15:32people in the middle class in this
- 00:15:33country accumulate capital is through
- 00:15:36owning real estate through owning your
- 00:15:37house and and if it if through a series
- 00:15:40of urban zoning laws and bad planning
- 00:15:43and impossibility of building things it
- 00:15:46has become impossible for people to get
- 00:15:49onto onto that and if you could find
- 00:15:51ways for for people to own more houses
- 00:15:53you would have much less of these sort
- 00:15:56of millennial craze socialism so I think
- 00:15:58I think you know we should we should try
- 00:16:01to understand where it's coming from
- 00:16:03which we need to try to try to solve it
- 00:16:05but but you know at the end of the day I
- 00:16:07think it will be pretty weak because
- 00:16:10it's mainly a critique it's a critique
- 00:16:13of of bad institutions and if if Sanders
- 00:16:16become serious I think it'll be it'll be
- 00:16:19as scary as Corbin was in the UK and
- 00:16:21obviously um you know what we'll be
- 00:16:23talking about the post office and the
- 00:16:24DMV and it'll just be ridiculous Bernie
- 00:16:27Sanders cannot get elected any more
- 00:16:29linked it it cannot write the
- 00:16:30universities you touched on this
- 00:16:32enormity go again a couple of quotations
- 00:16:36Michelle Obama the one thing I've been
- 00:16:39telling my daughters is that I don't
- 00:16:40want them to choose a name University
- 00:16:43there are thousands of amazing
- 00:16:45universities in this country quotation
- 00:16:47number two Peter teal of course we knew
- 00:16:50she was lying
- 00:16:53yes this was this was an interview that
- 00:16:56they gave just before their eldest
- 00:16:57daughter Molly it was was thinking about
- 00:16:59what what university to go to and this
- 00:17:01is we sort of it I sort of raised this
- 00:17:03it was heard in the context of I've
- 00:17:05always the sort of question of fact
- 00:17:07checking and you know politicians lying
- 00:17:09and I think the the facts we need to
- 00:17:11check the most analyzed we need to call
- 00:17:13people out on the most are the really
- 00:17:15big lies that everybody tells and so you
- 00:17:17know I added that it was it was actually
- 00:17:18it was very reassuring disturbing if
- 00:17:20they weren't lying I mean like if they
- 00:17:22if they actually believed that nonsense
- 00:17:24that would been really disturbing and
- 00:17:26where did Molly end up going to Harvard
- 00:17:33but it's always you know this is a theme
- 00:17:36that you know and you can go on all
- 00:17:38these all these critiques at the
- 00:17:39universities but basically you know the
- 00:17:42basic problem is if you think of it as
- 00:17:44an economic good you know is it a
- 00:17:46consumption good is an investment good
- 00:17:47so as a day is it an investment where
- 00:17:49you're investing for your future is it a
- 00:17:52consider before your party okay that
- 00:17:55hybrid is pretty weird but I think it's
- 00:17:56actually a hybrid of a on a an insurance
- 00:18:01policy that people buy to avoid falling
- 00:18:03through the big cracks in our society
- 00:18:05and a tournament a zero-sum tournament
- 00:18:07where the elite universities like
- 00:18:09Harvard and Stanford are basically on
- 00:18:12sort of a studio 54 night club with a
- 00:18:14long line and a big velvet rope and and
- 00:18:17if you were you know if you were the
- 00:18:19president of Stanford or of Harvard and
- 00:18:22if you had some kind of crazed martyr
- 00:18:25complex where you wanted a mob of
- 00:18:28students faculty and alumni to come
- 00:18:29after you should give a speech saying
- 00:18:31this University is offering a great
- 00:18:32education and you know Harvard you know
- 00:18:35it used to just educate the 200 million
- 00:18:37people who live in the US states
- 00:18:39educating the eight billion people in
- 00:18:40the world and so we should increase the
- 00:18:42enrollment not by factor of 40 but let's
- 00:18:44say two or three over the next 20 years
- 00:18:46and you would just get lunched because
- 00:18:48you're running a studio 54 nightclub you
- 00:18:50shouldn't forget it political
- 00:18:53correctness at the universities if this
- 00:18:55is you I'm quoting you once again if you
- 00:18:57have a majority of the vote that's good
- 00:19:00if you get 70 percent that's even better
- 00:19:01and if you get 99.99% of the vote you're
- 00:19:05in North Korea
- 00:19:07in 2016 how many professors at the top
- 00:19:10five law schools endorsed Donald Trump
- 00:19:13zero and and the law school examples
- 00:19:17interesting because you would think it's
- 00:19:20one where if you took the control law a
- 00:19:23lot of academic fields are more internal
- 00:19:25to academia but law is one that sort of
- 00:19:28cashes out in a governmental political
- 00:19:31context and taking a contrarian position
- 00:19:34in theory is quite valuable you know if
- 00:19:36you're a tenured law professor at
- 00:19:37Harvard and you're the only law
- 00:19:39professor to top law school to endorse
- 00:19:42Trump o'madden I think there would be
- 00:19:43like a 50% chance you would have gotten
- 00:19:45nominated to the Supreme Court or
- 00:19:46something like that and that that seems
- 00:19:48so it seems like it's the sort of thing
- 00:19:50where the contrarian the contrarian
- 00:19:53thing is is quite would be quite
- 00:19:55valuable and then when if nobody takes
- 00:19:57that bet I mean wow there must be some
- 00:19:59unbelievable enforcement mechanisms and
- 00:20:02it's you know it's not it's sort of like
- 00:20:03a gentle version of North Korea but it's
- 00:20:05it's like you know even though you have
- 00:20:07tenure it's like wow they can they can
- 00:20:10relegate you to some broom closet and
- 00:20:13play loud music or something I mean
- 00:20:15they'll figure out something some way to
- 00:20:17punish you Silicon Valley we've
- 00:20:21discussed this a number of times when
- 00:20:22you were starting PayPal you have said
- 00:20:25many times the whole valley felt as if
- 00:20:28it was truly dedicated to free markets
- 00:20:30and entrepreneurship and if you talked
- 00:20:32about politics you were wasting your
- 00:20:34time today it feels woke more than woke
- 00:20:37I'm going to quote you again in recent
- 00:20:40years Silicon Valley has become
- 00:20:42completely deranged close quote what is
- 00:20:46the nature of that derangement and how
- 00:20:48did that happen well this is what this
- 00:20:51one's actually hard for me to explain
- 00:20:52because it's it's it's it's it's it's
- 00:20:55it's quite uh it's it's a it's a
- 00:20:58remarkable shift certainly from from 20
- 00:21:00years ago I I would say that there is a
- 00:21:04question how much how much innovation is
- 00:21:08actually happening and that's that I
- 00:21:10always come back to where I'm somewhat
- 00:21:11on the sort of side that we've we've had
- 00:21:14you know generally sort of limited
- 00:21:17progress and technology and science the
- 00:21:19last 50 years there was you
- 00:21:20very big exception and computers
- 00:21:23software internet mobile internet the
- 00:21:24last quarter century this was sort of
- 00:21:26this narrow cone of progress in the
- 00:21:28world of bits that that really drove
- 00:21:30things and and I sort of wonder if if
- 00:21:34there's actually less innovation
- 00:21:36possible even in those areas at this
- 00:21:39point so if you if you look back over
- 00:21:40the last five years let's say there have
- 00:21:43been fewer new consumer Internet
- 00:21:45companies that have come out and sort of
- 00:21:47maybe the easy ideas have been picked
- 00:21:49maybe we need to move on to other areas
- 00:21:50but the other areas are regulated and
- 00:21:52difficult so biotech or you know um all
- 00:21:55kinds of futuristic science areas are
- 00:21:58deceptively hard and and we're in a zone
- 00:22:02where you know the returns accrue to the
- 00:22:06larger companies and so if you say if
- 00:22:08you're sort of an early innovative boom
- 00:22:11face like the dot-com boom in the 90s
- 00:22:13it's all startups it's some small
- 00:22:15companies that you start new things
- 00:22:17um you know when I when I started PayPal
- 00:22:19in 99 one of the questions I was always
- 00:22:21asked was why can't a big bank just do
- 00:22:23this and I never really had a good
- 00:22:26answer to it I I now think the answer is
- 00:22:31roughly that most big corporate
- 00:22:34institutions are very political they're
- 00:22:37very slow they're not actually good at
- 00:22:39innovating and and that's that's why you
- 00:22:42have startups that's why you have small
- 00:22:44companies that's why you're able to
- 00:22:46emerge and the big banks are too
- 00:22:47political to do anything new and so if
- 00:22:49you can do something anyone can do
- 00:22:50reasonably quickly there's their space
- 00:22:52to do this and I think that the ratio of
- 00:22:55these bigger to smaller ones has shifted
- 00:22:57a lot and it is probably just a less
- 00:23:01innovative place and so in this cash is
- 00:23:04out you know in all sorts of in all
- 00:23:06sorts of ways in all sorts of ways in
- 00:23:08all sorts of ways politically there's of
- 00:23:10course you know these things are always
- 00:23:11over determined you can say it's it's
- 00:23:13it's linked to California California was
- 00:23:15you know a 50/50 Republican Democrat
- 00:23:18state forty years ago now it's a d-plus
- 00:23:21thirty it's the second most democratic
- 00:23:22state in this country and so there's
- 00:23:24sort of a way in which the environment
- 00:23:25pushes it there's probably there's
- 00:23:28probably a degree to which Silicon
- 00:23:30Valley the work force in Silicon Valley
- 00:23:32is the most educated in the country has
- 00:23:34most you know advanced degrees college
- 00:23:36degrees in advanced degrees and from the
- 00:23:38elite universities and maybe the more
- 00:23:40education you have more brainwashed you
- 00:23:42are and and so there's sort of just sort
- 00:23:44of a version of that so so I think it I
- 00:23:46think it's sort of um you know I but but
- 00:23:49I think I think there are parts of it
- 00:23:51that just seem that seem you know
- 00:23:52completely unhinged you know Elizabeth
- 00:23:54Warren has taken out these uh these
- 00:23:55banners I'm saying that you know she she
- 00:23:59would on in Silicon Valley's billboard
- 00:24:00saying that she would break up Facebook
- 00:24:02Google Amazon for antitrust and I
- 00:24:04believe maybe it's shifted a little bit
- 00:24:08but the first two three quarters of 2019
- 00:24:11among Google employees I think Google's
- 00:24:13the craziest of the other big tech
- 00:24:15companies um Elizabeth Warren got a
- 00:24:18plurality of the donations she got more
- 00:24:20donations than anybody else and so you
- 00:24:23know if she were by some miracle to get
- 00:24:26elected I think you know I think she
- 00:24:29would be able to argue that even the
- 00:24:31people at the big tech companies think
- 00:24:32they should be destroyed and and so
- 00:24:35there are there are parts of it that
- 00:24:36seem seem just completely deranged in
- 00:24:38ways I can't fully explain visions of
- 00:24:41the future during a trip to Europe last
- 00:24:43year you realize that at least in
- 00:24:45Western Europe there are really only
- 00:24:47three visions of the future on offer
- 00:24:50vision one accommodation more or less in
- 00:24:54one way or another with Sharia explain
- 00:24:58well well I would say that I think in in
- 00:25:02politics or culture for the future to
- 00:25:05have power over the present me start
- 00:25:07with the general point it has to it has
- 00:25:09to be different from the present the
- 00:25:11future has power because it's a time
- 00:25:13that will look different from the
- 00:25:14present and and and so it can't just be
- 00:25:18an endless Groundhog Day if it's just
- 00:25:21always the same it's just always
- 00:25:22repetition then the future does not have
- 00:25:25any appeal and that's not part of a
- 00:25:27political agenda and so if we if we look
- 00:25:30at Europe and we say well how will
- 00:25:32Europe be different from from from the
- 00:25:36way it is today in the future I think
- 00:25:39there's sort of three pictures of a very
- 00:25:41different future and sort of behind door
- 00:25:43number one is Islamic sharia law and if
- 00:25:46you're a woman you'll be wearing a burqa
- 00:25:48so that's a very different picture of
- 00:25:50the future it's very concrete behind
- 00:25:52door number two is the Chinese Communist
- 00:25:56a I and it's the big eye of Sauron that
- 00:25:58we're watching you at all times in all
- 00:26:00places that's a door number two for the
- 00:26:02future and door number three is the
- 00:26:06green movement and you will be puttering
- 00:26:09around in an East scooter and you'll be
- 00:26:11separating out your garbage and
- 00:26:13recycling can and and and then and then
- 00:26:17I think the the challenges that there
- 00:26:19are no other doors those are the three
- 00:26:20options and this is a even though I'm
- 00:26:23you know I'm not I'm not a crazy
- 00:26:24environmentalist this is this is this
- 00:26:26would be my sort of our argument for why
- 00:26:29the green stuff has so much traction in
- 00:26:31Europe it's if those are the only three
- 00:26:33options you know I mean I'll go with
- 00:26:35greater so but so but there are two
- 00:26:41places maybe I'm putting this to you to
- 00:26:43see what you think of it where there is
- 00:26:45a fourth vision of the future that
- 00:26:47involves economic growth a reassertion
- 00:26:50of economic growth a reassertion of
- 00:26:52national sovereignty and a reassertion
- 00:26:56of cultural self-confidence and those
- 00:26:58two places would be the United Kingdom
- 00:27:00of Boris Johnson and the United States
- 00:27:02of Donald Trump you're going to go for
- 00:27:05that I I would go with much more much
- 00:27:09more than you know well the UK is sort
- 00:27:13of you us much more than the UK but I'll
- 00:27:15drop out Lee I'm just what your vote for
- 00:27:19I'd go with Israel over the UK before of
- 00:27:22course me to listen to but but sure
- 00:27:24let's say let's say US UK Israel I'll go
- 00:27:26with those three okay okay that's that's
- 00:27:30that's usually try to ask questions you
- 00:27:34pay sort of halfway between it's halfway
- 00:27:36between the US and Europe so it's you
- 00:27:39know it's it's a it's better than Europe
- 00:27:41it's worse than the US all right Peter
- 00:27:44according you again last November I
- 00:27:46would encourage us and you were talking
- 00:27:48to a conservative crowd like this crowd
- 00:27:50I would encourage us to rethink the
- 00:27:53doctrine of American exceptionalism what
- 00:27:56did you mean by that
- 00:27:58well it's it's um it's it's it's it's
- 00:28:04again it's it's this question of how you
- 00:28:09know how we're stacking up as a as a as
- 00:28:12a country and and I think the you know
- 00:28:15the the analogy that I have made to
- 00:28:19exceptionalism is is that it's it's like
- 00:28:21it's like the radically monotheistic God
- 00:28:24of Islam and Judaism where it's so
- 00:28:27one-of-a-kind and so radically different
- 00:28:29that it can't be compared or measured in
- 00:28:32any way and so when we say that we are
- 00:28:35exceptional
- 00:28:36we are often saying that we're so
- 00:28:38different that we can't even make sense
- 00:28:40of how we're doing and then one gets the
- 00:28:43suspicion that there's a way that
- 00:28:45exceptionalism can degenerate into a
- 00:28:47cover for all sorts of things that are
- 00:28:49exceptionally out of kilter and so we
- 00:28:51have a society in which people are
- 00:28:53exceptionally addicted to opioids we
- 00:28:55have a society in which people are
- 00:28:56exceptionally overweight or we have a
- 00:28:58society in which people are
- 00:29:00exceptionally unselfish and and the
- 00:29:05alternative that I would that I would
- 00:29:08pose is something more like greatness
- 00:29:10where it is it's a comparative function
- 00:29:12and we would ask questions you know how
- 00:29:14are we stacking up how are we stacking
- 00:29:16up compared to our past how are we
- 00:29:18stacking up compared to other countries
- 00:29:20and and that's where there all sorts of
- 00:29:22questions that would come to the fore
- 00:29:24you know I think I think coming back to
- 00:29:26the the stagnation one you know one of
- 00:29:28the things that I would want to quantify
- 00:29:31more is you know we in the world of
- 00:29:33science we can quantify things to annex
- 00:29:36credible degree of Avogadro's number the
- 00:29:38fine structure constant physics all
- 00:29:40these things are precise to many
- 00:29:41significant figures but the question
- 00:29:43about the rate of progress of science of
- 00:29:46innovation is incredibly unquantified
- 00:29:49and it's just sort of hand waving and if
- 00:29:51you sort of have service Pangloss Ian's
- 00:29:54hand waving where everything's
- 00:29:56exceptional and we're accelerating at
- 00:29:58the fastest pace possible and it's not
- 00:30:00measurable my my sort of suspicion is
- 00:30:02that these are sort of the ever narrower
- 00:30:05communities of sub experts the string
- 00:30:07theorists the cancer researchers telling
- 00:30:10us how great other strings there is some
- 00:30:12cancer
- 00:30:12Searchers respectively are it's a it's a
- 00:30:14place where there's no outside check no
- 00:30:16reality check
- 00:30:17no no ability to really keep score and
- 00:30:20you are you are certainly not
- 00:30:22exceptional and you're not even great
- 00:30:25once again from the history of the Mont
- 00:30:27Pelerin Society quote the original
- 00:30:29members shared a common sense of crisis
- 00:30:31a conviction that freedom was being
- 00:30:33threatened and that something should be
- 00:30:34done about it they concluded that the
- 00:30:36threat arose from erroneous Theory so
- 00:30:38they committed themselves not to
- 00:30:40political action but to winning the
- 00:30:42intellectual battle of ideas close quote
- 00:30:45here are some members of the mount
- 00:30:47Pelerin society over the years Milton
- 00:30:49Friedman Friedrich Hayek George Stigler
- 00:30:50Gary Becker James Buchanan and others
- 00:30:53have won Nobel prizes has the
- 00:30:56intellectual battle been won such that
- 00:30:59we should all shift our attention to
- 00:31:02political action well it's um I don't I
- 00:31:09don't think the intellectual battle is
- 00:31:11ever fully over because I don't think
- 00:31:13history is over alright and I I would
- 00:31:17say um I would save anything if I if I
- 00:31:20had to sort of characterize the the
- 00:31:23intellectual landscape you know we've
- 00:31:27been in a world for a very long time in
- 00:31:30which somehow the range of intellectual
- 00:31:33debate has gotten more and more narrow
- 00:31:35and you sort of know the Overtoun
- 00:31:37windows shift to the left but generally
- 00:31:39in an ever narrower way and you could
- 00:31:42sort of say that we've been in a bear
- 00:31:45market for ideas I think for something
- 00:31:47like the last 50 years and so you know a
- 00:31:50lot of people you cited I think of as
- 00:31:51pre the late 1960s and and that in the
- 00:31:54last 50 years if you had crazy ideas he
- 00:31:57could ideas that were outside the box
- 00:31:59those were always bad and you got
- 00:32:01clobbered and you couldn't get tenure
- 00:32:03you couldn't even you couldn't get
- 00:32:04funding because everything was
- 00:32:06peer-reviewed up the wazoo and and and I
- 00:32:10think we're now at a point where we've
- 00:32:14been in such a long bear market for
- 00:32:16ideas and the Overton Window is so
- 00:32:18uncomfortably narrow that I would I
- 00:32:21would be long ideas more than any other
- 00:32:24point in the last 50 years
- 00:32:26I think I think we're not going to find
- 00:32:28solutions inside the intellectual
- 00:32:31straightjacket in which our universities
- 00:32:33in our society put us and I think I
- 00:32:37think there will be positive returns to
- 00:32:39ideas greater than there have been in
- 00:32:40the last 50 years last couple of
- 00:32:42questions one this one begins again by
- 00:32:44quoting Milton Friedman I believe a
- 00:32:47relatively free economy is a necessary
- 00:32:49condition for a Democratic Society
- 00:32:51but I also believe there is evidence
- 00:32:54that a Democratic Society once
- 00:32:56established destroys a free economy
- 00:32:59close quote
- 00:33:01do we really have any reason at all for
- 00:33:04optimism or is the whole magnificent
- 00:33:06project doomed I just I just um I you
- 00:33:11know I'm not I'm not sure like I think
- 00:33:13always extreme optimism extreme
- 00:33:15pessimism are both equally wrong it's
- 00:33:17always you know as a libertarian we
- 00:33:19should always the libertarians we should
- 00:33:21always come back to the question of
- 00:33:23individual agency and it's it's it's not
- 00:33:26these these large historic forces and
- 00:33:28there are there are libertarian or
- 00:33:30pseudo libertarian narratives in which
- 00:33:32there were these large historic forces
- 00:33:34and we sort of definitively won these
- 00:33:36battles but that's that's not even true
- 00:33:38to to the spirit of free markets or
- 00:33:42belief in individuals there's always
- 00:33:44room for history there's always room for
- 00:33:46new ideas and these things are are never
- 00:33:49definitively decided one way or the
- 00:33:51other
- 00:33:51all right last question and this touches
- 00:33:53on the notion of greatness that you were
- 00:33:55discussing a moment ago George Kennan
- 00:33:58the issue of soviet-american relations
- 00:34:00is in essence a test of the overall
- 00:34:04worth of the United States to avoid
- 00:34:07destruction the United States need only
- 00:34:09measure up to its own best traditions
- 00:34:12and prove itself worthy of preservation
- 00:34:14as a great nation Kenan writes that in
- 00:34:181951 if we replace the reference to the
- 00:34:22Soviet Union with a reference to China
- 00:34:25would you subscribe to that statement
- 00:34:27today yes and I I don't I don't know I
- 00:34:38always I'm always uncomfortable with
- 00:34:39saying it's a simple template though so
- 00:34:42so if we just go with the simple
- 00:34:43template it's to automatic and then if
- 00:34:46it's to automatic we're back in your in
- 00:34:48your berlin tear down this wall speech
- 00:34:50and then we've replaced the reference
- 00:34:52and we're you know we we know china's a
- 00:34:55soviet union and because we say it's the
- 00:34:56soviet union we don't need to do
- 00:34:57anything else because we knew that just
- 00:34:59all happened on its own and you know in
- 00:35:02practice you know the Cold War was one
- 00:35:04and you know in you know very specific
- 00:35:07ways that was sort of there were sort of
- 00:35:09a whole series of concrete situations
- 00:35:11that you had to deal with and and the
- 00:35:14rival with with China it's it's somewhat
- 00:35:16different that's happening in an
- 00:35:17Information Age not industrial age it's
- 00:35:19happening it's you know there's sort of
- 00:35:24a there's sort of a global a global
- 00:35:25competition question there's a there's
- 00:35:29sort of a way in which the two economies
- 00:35:31are very deeply connected
- 00:35:32we weren't deeply connect to the Soviet
- 00:35:34Union so there are sort of a lot of
- 00:35:36things about it that are are very
- 00:35:38different and and I think yeah we have
- 00:35:41to you know it's not like 2020 is like
- 00:35:441951 or like you know 1989 2020 is like
- 00:35:492020 which is much less helpful but much
- 00:35:52more accurate peter thiel thank you
- 00:35:57[Music]
- Peter Thiel
- Mont Pelerin Society
- China
- Democracy
- Artificial Intelligence
- Silicon Valley
- Socialism
- American Exceptionalism
- Innovation
- Political Climate