4.1 IUPAC Nomenclature of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes | Organic Chemistry
TLDRThis lesson focuses on the nomenclature of alkanes in organic chemistry, expounding various aspects such as how to identify the parent chain and substituents. It highlights the process of determining the longest continuous carbon chain and the numerical prefixes associated with different carbon counts. The presenter emphasizes the importance of correct numbering for substituents to ensure accurate naming. Further, it addresses the naming conventions for substituents, including alphabetical ordering when multiple substituents are involved. The video also covers cycloalkanes and their nomenclature, noting the variations when the ring structure interacts with linear chains. Overall, it serves as a comprehensive guide for students learning alkane naming conventions in organic chemistry.
- 📚 Understanding alkanes is foundational in organic chemistry.
- 🔗 The longest continuous carbon chain defines the parent chain.
- 🔢 Number substituents for lowest possible values.
- 🔤 Substituents are named in alphabetical order despite position.
- 🔷 Cycloalkanes are indicated with the 'cyclo-' prefix before the name.
- 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
This lesson introduces the nomenclature of alkanes, focusing on naming alkanes, substituents, and bicyclic compounds. The course will also cover 3D conformations, constitutional isomers, Newman projections, and cycloalkanes, particularly the chair confirmation of cyclohexane.
- 00:05:00 - 00:10:00
Alkanes are described as molecules consisting solely of carbon and hydrogen atoms without any double or triple bonds. The naming convention will focus on the parent chain, defined as the longest continuous carbon chain, which is crucial for determining the structure's name.
- 00:10:00 - 00:15:00
The lesson outlines the prefixes used in alkane nomenclature based on the number of carbon atoms in the parent chain, from methane (1 carbon) to dodecane (12 carbons), highlighting that 'ane' is the suffix for alkanes and 'yl' is used for substituents.
- 00:15:00 - 00:20:00
To name alkanes, substituents are named first in the order of their locators, followed by the parent chain. The example of naming '2-methylheptane' emphasizes the importance of assigning the lowest locators to substituents and maintaining correct formatting with hyphens and no spaces.
- 00:20:00 - 00:25:00
In instances with multiple substituents, they must be named in alphabetical order, regardless of the numerical locators assigned. Examples illustrate how to determine the parent chain and assign locators to both ethyl and methyl groups systematically, ensuring correct nomenclature with hyphens and commas.
- 00:25:00 - 00:34:45
Cycloalkanes are also introduced, emphasizing the need to name them differently from linear alkanes. Specific rules apply, especially regarding numbering when substituents are present. A key difference is that one substituent typically does not require a number in the name, while multiple substituents do.
What is an alkane?
An alkane is a hydrocarbon molecule consisting only of carbon and hydrogen atoms, with single bonds between carbon atoms.
How do you define the parent chain in an alkane?
The parent chain is the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms in a hydrocarbon structure.
What are the naming conventions for substituents?
Substituents are named using the prefix and ending 'yl' (e.g., methyl for one carbon, ethyl for two).
How are substituents ordered in the chemical name?
Substituents are named in alphabetical order regardless of their position on the parent chain.
What is a cycloalkane?
A cycloalkane is a type of alkane where the carbon atoms are arranged in a ring structure.
- 00:00:01naming alkanes aka the nomenclature of
- 00:00:04alkanes if you want to go with the
- 00:00:04formal name
- 00:00:05that'll be the topic of this lesson in
- 00:00:07my organic chemistry playlist now
- 00:00:09this begins an entire chapter on alkanes
- 00:00:11in the first half of the chapter
- 00:00:12we'll all be involved with naming
- 00:00:14alkanes we'll name normal alkanes and
- 00:00:16then complex substituents and then
- 00:00:18bicyclic compounds as well the latter
- 00:00:20half of the chapter will be dealing with
- 00:00:21the different three-dimensional
- 00:00:23confirmations of alkanes we'll
- 00:00:24have a lesson on constitutional isomers
- 00:00:26one on what are called newman
- 00:00:27projections
- 00:00:28and then we'll finish it off with the
- 00:00:29confirmations of cycloalkanes
- 00:00:31the most important of which is the chair
- 00:00:33confirmation of cyclohexane
- 00:00:35now if you're new to the channel my name
- 00:00:36is chad welcome to chad's prep where my
- 00:00:38goal is to make science both
- 00:00:39understandable
- 00:00:40and even enjoyable now this is my brand
- 00:00:43new organic chemistry playlist i'll be
- 00:00:44releasing these weekly throughout the
- 00:00:462020-21 school year
- 00:00:48so if you don't want to miss one
- 00:00:49subscribe the channel click the bell
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- 00:00:52new video
- 00:00:58so naming alkanes now you might recall a
- 00:01:01couple of chapters back we learned a
- 00:01:02whole variety of different functional
- 00:01:04groups and the alkane was just the first
- 00:01:06one in fact
- 00:01:06we often looked at it as kind of like
- 00:01:07the absence of all the other functional
- 00:01:09groups so
- 00:01:10uh just a reminder an alkane is a
- 00:01:12molecule that has all carbons and
- 00:01:14hydrogens nothing else
- 00:01:15and it doesn't have any carbon-carbon
- 00:01:16double bonds or can be carbon-carbon
- 00:01:18triple bonds
- 00:01:19those would be alkenes and alkynes
- 00:01:20respectively and we built just a
- 00:01:22slightly different set of rules and
- 00:01:23we'll find out that
- 00:01:24all the different functional groups
- 00:01:25whether it be alkenes alkynes alcohols
- 00:01:27amines ketones aldehydes so on and so
- 00:01:29forth
- 00:01:29are going to have a little different
- 00:01:31spin on how we name those
- 00:01:33we'll name them and learn how to name
- 00:01:34them throughout the year but for now
- 00:01:36we're going to focus just on the alkanes
- 00:01:38and all the rules we learn
- 00:01:40how to name these here will still apply
- 00:01:41to all those other functional groups
- 00:01:42just with a little
- 00:01:43extra rule here and there for those as
- 00:01:45well all right so it turns out we're
- 00:01:48going to talk about what's called the
- 00:01:49parent chain and the parent chain is
- 00:01:50going to be the longest
- 00:01:51continuous carbon chain in a structure
- 00:01:54so if we look at here i've got a bond
- 00:01:55line structure and recall that every
- 00:01:56vertex represents a carbon so here we've
- 00:01:58got
- 00:01:58one two three four five six
- 00:02:01and then seven or seven so and then an
- 00:02:04eighth carbonyl so and what i mean by
- 00:02:05continuous chain then so i kind of
- 00:02:07skipped around a little bit at the end
- 00:02:08there
- 00:02:08is that they've got to be directly
- 00:02:09bonded to each other in a kind of a
- 00:02:10linear chain so one two
- 00:02:12three four five six and from here being
- 00:02:14six either i go up here to seven or
- 00:02:17down to here to seven but even though
- 00:02:18there's eight total carbons in the
- 00:02:20structure
- 00:02:20the longest continuous chain is going to
- 00:02:23be seven
- 00:02:24carbons and so if we kind of circle that
- 00:02:26longest continuous chain here
- 00:02:31and i had the option of either circling
- 00:02:33this as part of the longest continuous
- 00:02:34chain or this one and it is completely
- 00:02:36arbitrary wouldn't make a difference
- 00:02:38either way so but we're going to call
- 00:02:40that the parent chain
- 00:02:46so and then anything that's not part of
- 00:02:49the parent chain
- 00:02:50so is going to be called a substituent
- 00:02:57all right so it turns out the number of
- 00:03:00carbons in a in the parent chain or the
- 00:03:02number of carbons in a substituent
- 00:03:04is going to be indicated by a certain
- 00:03:07prefix
- 00:03:07now when it's the parent chain of an
- 00:03:09alkane use a suffix a n e
- 00:03:12but the prefix that comes before that is
- 00:03:14going to be a numerical prefix
- 00:03:15that describes the number so if we take
- 00:03:17a look at you know just a single carbon
- 00:03:19alkane as a parent chain it's just
- 00:03:21simply ch4 and that's methane so on the
- 00:03:24other hand if we have a two carbon chain
- 00:03:27so that's just ethane and so meth means
- 00:03:30one
- 00:03:31f means two and so on and so forth
- 00:03:33there's a whole list on your hand out
- 00:03:34there and i'll put them up on the board
- 00:03:35here so but
- 00:03:36probe means three butte means four pence
- 00:03:39like a pentagon means five
- 00:03:40hex like a hexagon means six hept means
- 00:03:43seven
- 00:03:43act like an octagon means eight none
- 00:03:46means nine
- 00:03:47dec like a decade is ten years dec means
- 00:03:50ten
- 00:03:50undec means uh eleven like un meaning
- 00:03:53one and deck meaning ten and ten plus
- 00:03:55one is eleven
- 00:03:56and then dodec two plus ten means 12.
- 00:03:59now some of you guys might not be
- 00:04:00responsible for 11 or 12 but most
- 00:04:02everybody is going to be on the hook for
- 00:04:04at least one through 10 here so
- 00:04:06and again if you're the parent chain we
- 00:04:08just add a and e and so again
- 00:04:10one carbon chain is methane a two carbon
- 00:04:12chain is ethane
- 00:04:14propane with three carbons butane with
- 00:04:17four carbons
- 00:04:18pentane with five carbons hexane with
- 00:04:21six carbons heptane with seven carbons
- 00:04:23octane with eight carbons nonine with
- 00:04:25nine carbons
- 00:04:26decane with 10 carbons undecane with 11
- 00:04:29carbons
- 00:04:30dota cane with 12 carbons now obviously
- 00:04:33real molecules get bigger than this but
- 00:04:35you're only on the hook
- 00:04:36for up to 12 maximum for just about any
- 00:04:38class i've ever seen
- 00:04:39so cool so that's for the parent chain
- 00:04:42now that
- 00:04:43the parent chain again always ends with
- 00:04:44that a and e suffix for an alkane
- 00:04:47but if you're a substituent if you're a
- 00:04:49branch coming off the parent chain
- 00:04:51we actually end it with a yl sound and
- 00:04:54so in this case this is just a single
- 00:04:55carbon right there
- 00:04:56and so instead of calling it a methane
- 00:04:58group we call it a methyl group
- 00:05:01let's draw that in red
- 00:05:07so if you were a substituent with two
- 00:05:09carbons it would be an ethyl group
- 00:05:11three carbons a propyl group so four
- 00:05:13carbons butyl and then onto pentyl hexyl
- 00:05:16heptal
- 00:05:16octal nonaldecyl undical doticle so on
- 00:05:19and so forth that's how that works
- 00:05:20now again students often struggle with
- 00:05:22these numbers from like five up for the
- 00:05:24most part so because five
- 00:05:25pent like a pentagon and hex for a
- 00:05:27hexagon with six
- 00:05:28so on and so forth but the first four
- 00:05:31and they're used a lot
- 00:05:32are probably fairly new to you so
- 00:05:35you got methyl ethyl propyl butyl and i
- 00:05:38like to say
- 00:05:38meat eat peanut butter so to get that
- 00:05:41mnemonic down to get those first four
- 00:05:43down so
- 00:05:44methyl ethyl propyl butyl me eat peanut
- 00:05:47butter
- 00:05:48so if that helps great and if it doesn't
- 00:05:50well i'm sorry you're going to remember
- 00:05:51that forever i apologize
- 00:05:53all right so now we kind of know how to
- 00:05:55name parent chains with an ane ending
- 00:05:57and the substituent with a yl ending
- 00:05:59so let's kind of put this together on
- 00:06:01this fairly simplistic example
- 00:06:03the way this works is we name the
- 00:06:05substituents first
- 00:06:07and the parent chain last when we name
- 00:06:09an alkane
- 00:06:11all right so we're going to say methyl
- 00:06:12first and then in this case we've got
- 00:06:14one two three four five
- 00:06:16six seven carbons in that longest chain
- 00:06:19and recall that seven the prefix is hept
- 00:06:21and so we'll call it as a parent chain
- 00:06:23hepdane
- 00:06:24and so this is going to be called methyl
- 00:06:26heptane
- 00:06:27but that's not good enough and the
- 00:06:28reason it's not good enough is this
- 00:06:30methyl group could have been
- 00:06:31technically located just about anywhere
- 00:06:33on the chain and so we now have to
- 00:06:35actually
- 00:06:35number that longest continuous chain
- 00:06:37that parent chain
- 00:06:38and you want to number it in this case i
- 00:06:40could go left to right or right to left
- 00:06:42and the way you choose is you want your
- 00:06:45substituent to have the lowest
- 00:06:47what we call chain locator possible
- 00:06:49where it's located on the parent chain
- 00:06:52the lowest number possible so notice if
- 00:06:53i go left to right it'd be one two three
- 00:06:55four
- 00:06:55five it would be attached at the sixth
- 00:06:58carbon of the parent chain
- 00:06:59but if i number this right to left we
- 00:07:01can see that it would be
- 00:07:03actually attached at the second carbon
- 00:07:05of the parent chain
- 00:07:07instead and so that's how we're going to
- 00:07:09number this thing
- 00:07:10and so before you name a substituent you
- 00:07:12always give its
- 00:07:13chain locator first and so instead of
- 00:07:16just saying
- 00:07:17methyl heptane we're going to say
- 00:07:202-methyl
- 00:07:24and then heptane
- 00:07:28now one thing you should note we always
- 00:07:30put a hyphen between a chain locator
- 00:07:33and the substituent and we don't put a
- 00:07:35space or anything in between the
- 00:07:36substituents
- 00:07:37so and the parent chain now in this
- 00:07:40example we only had just one substituent
- 00:07:42so but a lot of examples we'll see we're
- 00:07:43gonna actually have multiple
- 00:07:44substituents and the key is
- 00:07:45there's no space there's no hyphen in
- 00:07:47between
- 00:07:48the letters of the substituents and the
- 00:07:50beginning letters of the parent chain
- 00:07:52it's just
- 00:07:52one big word i like to joke with
- 00:07:54students that the goal in organic
- 00:07:56chemistry nomenclature is to make the
- 00:07:57longest word in the world and we'll see
- 00:07:58that there are certain rules that will
- 00:08:00ensure that the word we use the name we
- 00:08:03give to a compound is as long as it
- 00:08:04possibly could be
- 00:08:06all right but this one's just simply
- 00:08:082-methyl heptane
- 00:08:09but we can make this a little more
- 00:08:11challenging so if we look at this one
- 00:08:13here
- 00:08:13again the first rule is to find the
- 00:08:15longest continuous
- 00:08:17chain let's get this out of our way here
- 00:08:19so longest continuous chain and i can
- 00:08:21definitely see that this is going to be
- 00:08:22part of the longest continuous chain so
- 00:08:23we'll go
- 00:08:24one two three four five and the question
- 00:08:27is do i go over here or do i go up here
- 00:08:29well in this case it'd be six seven or
- 00:08:31it would be like six seven or six seven
- 00:08:33but i have three different ways to get
- 00:08:35seven carbons out of this
- 00:08:36and so when there's a tie for how you
- 00:08:38can get the longest chain
- 00:08:40they break the tie by saying let's make
- 00:08:42the longest word in the world
- 00:08:43again i like to think about it but they
- 00:08:44say break the tie by picking a way that
- 00:08:47has more
- 00:08:47substituents coming off the parent chain
- 00:08:50so for example if i just go
- 00:08:51one two three four five
- 00:08:55six seven well then the only
- 00:08:59substituent would be this branch coming
- 00:09:01off the parent chain right there just
- 00:09:02one
- 00:09:03however if instead of having numbered it
- 00:09:05that way
- 00:09:06i go like six seven
- 00:09:09well now the sudden i'd have a branch
- 00:09:11coming off carbon five that's not part
- 00:09:12of the parent chain
- 00:09:13and a branch coming off carbon six
- 00:09:16that's not part of the parent chain i'd
- 00:09:17have two substituents
- 00:09:18which is going to guarantee we get a
- 00:09:20longer word and that's the way they
- 00:09:22break the tie
- 00:09:23so and in this case i could have made
- 00:09:25this guy seven as well it actually is
- 00:09:27arbitrary in that case because
- 00:09:29whether i have a one carbon substituent
- 00:09:31at six on the right hand side or the
- 00:09:32left-hand side
- 00:09:33i'm still going to get two substituents
- 00:09:34off this thing and they're totally
- 00:09:35equivalent so it didn't matter in that
- 00:09:36case
- 00:09:37all right so now we found our longest
- 00:09:39parent chain now that's not the actual
- 00:09:41way we're gonna number this longest
- 00:09:43parent chain though
- 00:09:44as we'll see so first thing i'm gonna do
- 00:09:45is i'm gonna circle that longest
- 00:09:48continuous
- 00:09:48chain that parent chain once again
- 00:09:54so and then i'll circle the substituents
- 00:09:55here as well we've got one here
- 00:09:57and we've got one here and so this will
- 00:09:59be the first time where we have more
- 00:10:01than one substituent
- 00:10:02and there'll be another rule associated
- 00:10:04with how you name that
- 00:10:05all right but first i'm going to do is
- 00:10:06number that longest continuous chain
- 00:10:08again and in this case if i number
- 00:10:10this is number one this end it'd go one
- 00:10:12two three
- 00:10:13four five six seven and what we'd see is
- 00:10:16that my first substituent that i come
- 00:10:18across in the numbering system would be
- 00:10:19located with a chain locator of five
- 00:10:22but if i number it the other way and go
- 00:10:24one two three four five
- 00:10:26six seven the first substituent i'll
- 00:10:28have will be located with chain locator
- 00:10:30two
- 00:10:30and the lower one is better just like it
- 00:10:32was up here and so you look for the
- 00:10:34first substituent you come across number
- 00:10:36wise and you want to get the lowest
- 00:10:37possible number
- 00:10:38and so we'll number this starting with
- 00:10:40this end as number one so one
- 00:10:42two three four five
- 00:10:45six seven all right so here's where
- 00:10:48things get a little bit tricky so but if
- 00:10:49we we take a look at this this is still
- 00:10:51a seven
- 00:10:51carbon chain that's still going to be
- 00:10:53called heptane the very end of our name
- 00:10:55the parent chain will be named heptane
- 00:10:57but now we've got two substituents we've
- 00:10:58got a single carbon substituent
- 00:11:00that is still called a
- 00:11:03methyl group but then i've got a two
- 00:11:05carbon substituent here
- 00:11:07and that is called an ethyl group don't
- 00:11:09forget me
- 00:11:10eat peanut butter one two three four
- 00:11:13all right well when you've got multiple
- 00:11:15different types of substituents we
- 00:11:17actually name them in alphabetical order
- 00:11:19so we don't actually name them based on
- 00:11:20where
- 00:11:21their chain locators are it turns out
- 00:11:23they decided the rule was going to be
- 00:11:24that you name them in alphabetical order
- 00:11:26and ethyl comes before methyl in the
- 00:11:28alphabet
- 00:11:28and so we'll name ethyl before methyl
- 00:11:30and so this is going to be some form of
- 00:11:32ethyl
- 00:11:33methyl heptane but again before you ever
- 00:11:35say ethyl or methyl you've got to give
- 00:11:37me those chain locators first
- 00:11:38and so ethyl is going to be first here
- 00:11:40and it's located to the main chain the
- 00:11:42parent chain
- 00:11:43from carbon 3 and so we'll start this
- 00:11:45off by saying
- 00:11:463-ethyl
- 00:11:51all right from there our next
- 00:11:53substituent is the methyl group and it's
- 00:11:54located uh
- 00:11:55at carbon two of the parent chain and
- 00:11:58some will say
- 00:11:58two methyl
- 00:12:02notice the use of hyphens here so our
- 00:12:04chain locators are gonna be surrounded
- 00:12:06by
- 00:12:06hyphens so in every case except when
- 00:12:09they're at the very beginning i guess
- 00:12:10they'll just have a hyphen afterwards
- 00:12:11but if they're in the middle of the word
- 00:12:12those chain locators are gonna be
- 00:12:13surrounded by hyphens i like to say that
- 00:12:15we're gonna separate numbers from
- 00:12:17letters with hyphens
- 00:12:18is the way it usually works out but it's
- 00:12:19really that chain locators need a hyphen
- 00:12:21around them unless they're at the
- 00:12:22beginning of the
- 00:12:23of the name all right so two ethyl three
- 00:12:26methyl and then we've just got left
- 00:12:27the parent chain all the substituents
- 00:12:28are named at this point and that's just
- 00:12:30simply again
- 00:12:31heptane and again no space here no
- 00:12:33hyphen
- 00:12:34just one big long ugly word and again
- 00:12:37we'd say this is 3-ethyl2-methyl heptane
- 00:12:41all right so we're making this more and
- 00:12:43more complicated as we go
- 00:12:45so in this case we've got to once again
- 00:12:47find the longest continuous
- 00:12:49chain so and students often struggle
- 00:12:51with this early on and so one thing i
- 00:12:52recommend is look at your branch points
- 00:12:54like this one right here
- 00:12:56look at those branch points and say okay
- 00:12:57in all the different directions well
- 00:12:58obviously
- 00:12:59going to the right is going to be part
- 00:13:00of this but the question is do i go up
- 00:13:02or do go left
- 00:13:03well here my longest chain going left
- 00:13:04would be one two my longest chain up
- 00:13:06would be
- 00:13:07either one two or one two and it's
- 00:13:10equal again but i can see that i'll have
- 00:13:12more substituents if i go
- 00:13:14up just like we did in the last example
- 00:13:16so that'll be part of our longest
- 00:13:18continuous chain
- 00:13:19and i'll circle that up until we get to
- 00:13:22the next
- 00:13:22branch point and at this branch point
- 00:13:25here i can go down and go one
- 00:13:27two or i can go off to the right here
- 00:13:29and go one two or one
- 00:13:30two or one two those are all three
- 00:13:32equivalent doesn't matter which one but
- 00:13:34it's two carbons down it's two carbons
- 00:13:35up to the right
- 00:13:36and the tiebreaker again is going to be
- 00:13:38does one of those get me more
- 00:13:39substituents that won't be part of the
- 00:13:40parent chain
- 00:13:41yeah going off to the right will and so
- 00:13:43in this case
- 00:13:47so we'll go off to the right and again i
- 00:13:48could have circled either this carbon
- 00:13:50this one or this one they would all be
- 00:13:51equivalent it wouldn't make a difference
- 00:13:52i just chose one
- 00:13:54at random all right but there's our
- 00:13:56longest continuous parent chain and it
- 00:13:58is one two
- 00:13:59three four five six seven eight carbons
- 00:14:01long
- 00:14:02and so the parent chain here is gonna be
- 00:14:04named octane at the end of the name
- 00:14:06so but let's take a look at all those
- 00:14:08lovely substituents we got
- 00:14:10one here one here one here
- 00:14:13one here and one here and all of a
- 00:14:16sudden this got a whole lot more fun
- 00:14:18so if you look this guy is a methyl
- 00:14:21group
- 00:14:22these are both methyl groups
- 00:14:26so and then this guy right here is an
- 00:14:28ethyl group with two carbons
- 00:14:30and this one is an ethyl group with two
- 00:14:33carbons as well
- 00:14:34now when you've got multiples of the
- 00:14:36same substituent
- 00:14:38you've got to say how many of them you
- 00:14:39have so using a numerical prefix now not
- 00:14:42the same
- 00:14:43numerical prefixes that tell you how
- 00:14:44many carbons something has so but now
- 00:14:46we're going to have some
- 00:14:47lovely numerical prefixes like mono di
- 00:14:50tri so on and so forth and we don't use
- 00:14:52mono
- 00:14:52when there's only one you just leave
- 00:14:53that off but the di tri
- 00:14:55tetra penta hexa hexahepta so on and so
- 00:14:58forth
- 00:14:59we will use those so in this case like
- 00:15:00we've got three different methyl groups
- 00:15:02so we're going to say trimethyl
- 00:15:03in the name we've got two different
- 00:15:05ethyl groups so we're going to say
- 00:15:06diethyl in the name
- 00:15:08now what you have to know though is that
- 00:15:09when you alphabetize the different types
- 00:15:11of substituents here
- 00:15:13you don't include that as part of the
- 00:15:15alphabet you only alphabetize it either
- 00:15:17under ethyl versus methyl
- 00:15:18and ethyl's still going to win so we're
- 00:15:20going to name the ethyls first
- 00:15:22so but when we do we'll say diethyl but
- 00:15:24now we got to still number that longest
- 00:15:26chain so if we number this from left to
- 00:15:28right it would go one
- 00:15:29two three four five six seven eight but
- 00:15:32i'd see my first substituent would be
- 00:15:34chain location number two
- 00:15:35but if i go right to left it'd be one
- 00:15:38two and one on my first substituents
- 00:15:39would
- 00:15:40also be located at number two it would
- 00:15:41be a tie
- 00:15:43so then what do you do to break the tie
- 00:15:44well then you go to the next substituent
- 00:15:46you come across
- 00:15:47and so if i number this this way go one
- 00:15:48two and my next substituent would be
- 00:15:50this ethyl which would be located at
- 00:15:52chain location number three
- 00:15:54and so if i go to the other side then
- 00:15:56one two
- 00:15:58but here i've actually got two
- 00:15:59substituents that are attached at carbon
- 00:16:01two
- 00:16:02and so not only was the first
- 00:16:03substituent attached at carbon two
- 00:16:05so the second one would also have a
- 00:16:06chain locator of two and that's going to
- 00:16:08break the tie
- 00:16:09as your second substitution is at two
- 00:16:11your second substituent from this
- 00:16:12direction will be located at three
- 00:16:14instead
- 00:16:15this is the better way we want to get
- 00:16:16those lower numbers for the substituents
- 00:16:18when possible and so we'll number this
- 00:16:21one right to left so we'll go
- 00:16:22one two three four
- 00:16:25five six seven and eight
- 00:16:30all right so now that we got the chain
- 00:16:31locations for everything
- 00:16:33so we're gonna name the ethyls first and
- 00:16:35i can see they are located at
- 00:16:363 and 6 so on the parent chain so we're
- 00:16:39going to say 3
- 00:16:406 diethyl
- 00:16:47all right now if you look when you've
- 00:16:49got multiple of the same substituent
- 00:16:52between your chain locators you're going
- 00:16:54to use a comma so
- 00:16:55your chain locators get separated by a
- 00:16:57comma but all your chain locators get
- 00:16:59separated by
- 00:17:00the actual substituents using hyphens so
- 00:17:02keep that in mind so i like to say that
- 00:17:05we separate numbers from numbers with a
- 00:17:07comma
- 00:17:08and numbers from letters with a hyphen
- 00:17:10and that's usually sufficient most of
- 00:17:11the time
- 00:17:12all right so 36 diethyl but then we've
- 00:17:15got three methyls so we're going to say
- 00:17:16trimethyl and two of them are located
- 00:17:18at chain locator two and one of them is
- 00:17:20located at chain locator seven
- 00:17:23now the truth is a lot of students
- 00:17:26missed this early on
- 00:17:27is if two of them are located in the
- 00:17:29same chain location you do have to list
- 00:17:31it twice
- 00:17:32and so this is going to be 227 trimethyl
- 00:17:39and then finally our parent chain of
- 00:17:41octane
- 00:17:43now a lot of students when they start
- 00:17:45off they forget one of the twos and they
- 00:17:46just say two seven trimethyl
- 00:17:48and when i see two seven trimethyl i'm
- 00:17:50like well one's at two ones at seven and
- 00:17:51i don't know where the third one is
- 00:17:53so you have to explicitly state all the
- 00:17:56chain locations so if you're gonna say
- 00:17:57trimethyl
- 00:17:58you better have three chain locators out
- 00:17:59front of it even if one of them is being
- 00:18:01repeated
- 00:18:02to show that there are two of them
- 00:18:03attached there
- 00:18:05so we have a couple more examples to go
- 00:18:06through here and and again the key here
- 00:18:08is there's all these special rules for
- 00:18:10you know certain situations that always
- 00:18:11come up and
- 00:18:12i want to make sure we do at least one
- 00:18:13example of every special situation that
- 00:18:15you might come across
- 00:18:16that you've really got these rules down
- 00:18:18pat so all right so this top one here
- 00:18:20again first rule is
- 00:18:21find your longest continuous chain of
- 00:18:23carbon atoms and
- 00:18:24so here whether i start with either one
- 00:18:26of these carbons it's the same length
- 00:18:28either way from this branch point so
- 00:18:29i'll just choose this one here
- 00:18:33and when i get to this branch point
- 00:18:35right here i can definitely say i can
- 00:18:36get more carbons going off to the right
- 00:18:37than going
- 00:18:38up so we'll go off to the right and then
- 00:18:40from here whether i go down
- 00:18:41or whether i go up to the right it's the
- 00:18:43same distance either way so it doesn't
- 00:18:44really matter which one you choose
- 00:18:47in this case that's going to leave us
- 00:18:48with three substituents
- 00:18:50and in this case all three identical
- 00:18:52substituents they are all
- 00:18:55methyl groups all right now we gotta
- 00:18:58figure out which way to number that
- 00:18:59longest chain if we go left to right
- 00:19:01the first substituent we'll come across
- 00:19:02would be at position two
- 00:19:04if we go right to left the first
- 00:19:06substituent we'd come across would also
- 00:19:07be at position two and it's a tie
- 00:19:09and just like in the last example when
- 00:19:11there's a tie well then you go to the
- 00:19:13next substituent you encounter
- 00:19:14and from left to right that next
- 00:19:15substituent would be at one two three
- 00:19:17four would be at position
- 00:19:18five but if i go right to left it would
- 00:19:20be at position one two
- 00:19:21three and that's going to be the
- 00:19:23superior method here of numbering this
- 00:19:25so we'll number this
- 00:19:26right to left 1 2 3 4
- 00:19:295 6 and 7.
- 00:19:33and in this case they're all methyl
- 00:19:34groups so we'll just name them all at
- 00:19:36the same time we'll say
- 00:19:37trimethyl for three identical methyl
- 00:19:38groups and give again three chain
- 00:19:40locators
- 00:19:41to indicate where they're located so two
- 00:19:43three and six
- 00:19:44so two comma three comma six trimethyl
- 00:19:52and then the longest chain seven carbons
- 00:19:54is heptane and again one big word
- 00:20:01all right so another example that'll
- 00:20:04iterate another special case we'll come
- 00:20:05across
- 00:20:06so in this case longest continuous chain
- 00:20:08from this branch point definitely want
- 00:20:10to go off to the left here
- 00:20:11not up
- 00:20:15and then we'll go off to this branch
- 00:20:16point and from here whether i go up it's
- 00:20:18two carbons long and whether go off to
- 00:20:20the right it's two carbons long it
- 00:20:21doesn't matter which one we choose
- 00:20:23so a lot of people just like to choose
- 00:20:24right across the middle but they get in
- 00:20:26the habit of going right across the
- 00:20:28middle and think they should always go
- 00:20:29right across the middle so i'm just
- 00:20:30gonna choose the other one this time
- 00:20:32just so you know it doesn't have to be
- 00:20:33right across the middle left to right or
- 00:20:35right to left
- 00:20:36so it is the longest continuous chain
- 00:20:38whichever way you come up with that
- 00:20:40cool and again these have been
- 00:20:41equivalent either one would have worked
- 00:20:42i just chose the other one so you can
- 00:20:43see that
- 00:20:45all right so if i number this left to
- 00:20:47right the first substituent i'll come
- 00:20:48across would be at one two
- 00:20:50three but if i number it right to left
- 00:20:52the first substitution i'll come across
- 00:20:54would be at one two three so there's our
- 00:20:57two substituents that are not part of
- 00:20:58the parent chain
- 00:20:59so it's a tie so then we move on to the
- 00:21:01second substituent and if i number left
- 00:21:03to right it goes one two three four
- 00:21:05and it would be low the second one would
- 00:21:06be at five and if i number right to left
- 00:21:09it would be at one two three four five
- 00:21:13and so whether i go right to left or
- 00:21:14left or right it's three and five are
- 00:21:16where the substitutions are located no
- 00:21:17matter what
- 00:21:18and when you have a tie like this well
- 00:21:21if they're all identical substituents
- 00:21:23great doesn't matter but if they're not
- 00:21:24and these are not identical in this case
- 00:21:26one's a methyl and one's an
- 00:21:28ethyl
- 00:21:33well you're going to use the alphabet to
- 00:21:35break the tie in that case
- 00:21:37not size so we're going to choose the
- 00:21:39ethyl to have the lower number in this
- 00:21:41case
- 00:21:41not because ethyl is bigger than methyl
- 00:21:43but becomes it comes earlier in the
- 00:21:45alphabet
- 00:21:46so a lot of students see us work this
- 00:21:47example and they're like okay so we're
- 00:21:49numbering this
- 00:21:49in such a way to get the ethyl the lower
- 00:21:51number to break the tie
- 00:21:54and they think oh it's because of size
- 00:21:56no again it's due to the alphabet ethyl
- 00:21:58comes before methyl in the alphabet
- 00:22:01all right so we go to name this we're
- 00:22:02still going to name it in alphabetical
- 00:22:04order as well so
- 00:22:05we're going to start off with the ethyl
- 00:22:06then and we start off with 3-ethyl
- 00:22:13and then five methyl
- 00:22:19cool and then once again our parent
- 00:22:20chain being seven carbons long is once
- 00:22:22again
- 00:22:23heptane and again one big long word no
- 00:22:26space
- 00:22:31cool three ethyl five methyl heptane
- 00:22:34all right so now we're gonna move some
- 00:22:35examples of what we call cycloalkanes
- 00:22:37and these are
- 00:22:38uh alkanes that form ring structures
- 00:22:41and so when you've got that ring
- 00:22:43structure so typically you're going to
- 00:22:44name the
- 00:22:45ring as the parent chain in most of the
- 00:22:47examples you're going to see
- 00:22:48but we'll definitely work an example
- 00:22:50where the ring is actually not the
- 00:22:51parent chain we'll see what makes the
- 00:22:52difference in stuff like this so
- 00:22:54but in these three examples we're going
- 00:22:55to name the ring as the parent chain
- 00:22:57and when your ring has six carbons in it
- 00:22:59like this one does right here
- 00:23:00instead of calling it hexane you put a
- 00:23:02cyclo prefix on it and you call it
- 00:23:04cyclohexane
- 00:23:06let's write that out over here
- 00:23:11so one of the more common mistakes
- 00:23:13students make is when they're naming
- 00:23:15cycloalkanes is they forget to say cyclo
- 00:23:18at the beginning
- 00:23:19so they just revert back to hexane like
- 00:23:21they would with a linear chain so
- 00:23:23so keep in mind get that cyclo prefix on
- 00:23:25there when you're naming the parent
- 00:23:26chain as a cyclo for a cycle alkane
- 00:23:30all right now the first example we're
- 00:23:31going to do here is going to have
- 00:23:33a single substituent so and this is the
- 00:23:36first time where i've actually included
- 00:23:37a halogen as a substituent
- 00:23:39now you only ever name halogens as
- 00:23:42substituents
- 00:23:42so and you just simply instead of saying
- 00:23:44like chlorine bromine iodine fluorine
- 00:23:46you put an o on the end for the ine so
- 00:23:49it would be fluorochlorobromoiodo
- 00:23:52as a substituent so just like you'd name
- 00:23:55a methyl ethyl propyl butyl pentyl so on
- 00:23:57and so forth
- 00:23:58you give the chain locator first and
- 00:23:59then you're just going to say fluoro or
- 00:24:01chloro
- 00:24:01or bromo or iodo so and again always
- 00:24:04named as a substituent
- 00:24:06not as part of the parent chain all
- 00:24:08right now one other thing that's going
- 00:24:09to be a little strange about
- 00:24:10cycloalkanes
- 00:24:12is there's no end of the chain now when
- 00:24:14we've numbered the longest chains in the
- 00:24:16past we always started at one end or
- 00:24:17another end or something like this and
- 00:24:19that was where carbon 1 is going to be
- 00:24:20but on a ring there's no end and so the
- 00:24:23key here is you get to choose
- 00:24:25or at least have to figure out where
- 00:24:27carbon number one is going to be
- 00:24:29well in the case where there's just a
- 00:24:31single substituent on your cycle okay
- 00:24:33and we call we call this a
- 00:24:34mono-substituted cycle okay then
- 00:24:37your goal is to make sure that the
- 00:24:38substituent gets to be at the lowest
- 00:24:40possible number
- 00:24:41well that happens if you make his
- 00:24:43location
- 00:24:44number one and so that's where it's
- 00:24:46always going to be for a single
- 00:24:47substituent
- 00:24:48wherever your substituent is that's
- 00:24:49where number one has to be and whether
- 00:24:51you go one
- 00:24:51two three four five six around clockwise
- 00:24:53or one two three four five six around
- 00:24:55counterclockwise it's the same thing
- 00:24:57either way
- 00:24:58now with only a single substituent then
- 00:25:00because it has to by definition and how
- 00:25:02we number things
- 00:25:03be located with a chain locator of
- 00:25:05number one we actually leave the one
- 00:25:07out of the name and so instead of saying
- 00:25:09one chlorocyclohexane
- 00:25:12with just a single substituent you just
- 00:25:13say chlorocyclohexane instead
- 00:25:16and that's what we'll do here
- 00:25:20and it's one big word and again if you
- 00:25:22say one chlorocyclohexane
- 00:25:24it is technically wrong so leave that
- 00:25:27one off
- 00:25:28and again a lot of students get confused
- 00:25:29here so they're like well chad hey
- 00:25:31so if i've got something like this
- 00:25:37and i number my longest chain one two
- 00:25:39three
- 00:25:40four five six and they say chad so then
- 00:25:43this would just be chlorohexane right
- 00:25:46no no no this is one chlorohexane
- 00:25:49because when it's on a linear chain that
- 00:25:50chlorine could be located
- 00:25:52attached to carbon two instead or
- 00:25:53attached to carbon three instead
- 00:25:55and on a linear chain you have to give
- 00:25:56me the chain locator because i don't
- 00:25:58know where it is otherwise
- 00:25:59it's only on a ring with only one
- 00:26:02substituent
- 00:26:03that it has to be located at one by
- 00:26:04default and notice it doesn't mean that
- 00:26:06the top's one
- 00:26:07i could have you know put the chlorine
- 00:26:09over here
- 00:26:10and then we would have just defined that
- 00:26:13to be carbon one instead
- 00:26:15so it's only for our cycloalkanes with
- 00:26:17one substituent that it's by default
- 00:26:19gonna be have to locate it at position
- 00:26:20one
- 00:26:21not true for our linear system so don't
- 00:26:24get that wrong common mistake students
- 00:26:25make at this stage
- 00:26:27all right now if you've got a
- 00:26:28disubstituted cyclohexane in this case
- 00:26:31so well then your goal is to get the
- 00:26:33lowest possible numbers but if you
- 00:26:34notice you could number this let's say
- 00:26:36we'll put the where the chlorine is at
- 00:26:37number one and that would put where the
- 00:26:39methyl group here is
- 00:26:40at number two and our substitution would
- 00:26:43be located at positions one and two
- 00:26:44but we could just as well have put the
- 00:26:47methyl group at number one
- 00:26:48and the chlorine at number two and so
- 00:26:51whether i number
- 00:26:52it this way clockwise or this way
- 00:26:54counterclockwise
- 00:26:55my two substituents are located at
- 00:26:57exactly the same numbers
- 00:26:59the same chain locators one and two
- 00:27:01either way and so we have a tie and if
- 00:27:03you recall
- 00:27:04the tiebreaker is the alphabet and so
- 00:27:07once again this is our
- 00:27:08chloro substituent this is our
- 00:27:13methyl substituent and chloro comes
- 00:27:15first in the alphabet
- 00:27:16and so we'll do it clockwise here with
- 00:27:18the chloro being at number one and the
- 00:27:20methyl being at number
- 00:27:22two so and when you've got more than one
- 00:27:24substituent now you'll include all your
- 00:27:25chain locators
- 00:27:26it's only with just a single substituent
- 00:27:28that you only uh that you'll leave out
- 00:27:30this
- 00:27:30the chain locator because it has to be
- 00:27:32at one but here you've got to let me
- 00:27:33know where they're at
- 00:27:34and so in this case we'll name this
- 00:27:35still in alphabetical order so we'll do
- 00:27:37one chloro
- 00:27:38and then the 2-methyl
- 00:27:49so and then again big mistake students
- 00:27:50make is they'll just say hexane
- 00:27:52and forget that they need to say
- 00:27:53cyclohexane for the ring
- 00:27:59cool so one chloro2 methyl cyclohexane
- 00:28:02in this example
- 00:28:04now students take what they've gleaned
- 00:28:05from a disubstituted cyclohexane and
- 00:28:07then that often causes them to make a
- 00:28:09mistake when they get to a
- 00:28:11tri-substituted cyclohexane and so in
- 00:28:13this case they look and say oh let's see
- 00:28:16we've got a chloro
- 00:28:17we've got a methyl and we've got a bromo
- 00:28:19for our substituents well bromo comes
- 00:28:21first in the alphabet we'll make him
- 00:28:22number one
- 00:28:23well again we only ever revert to
- 00:28:25relying on the alphabet
- 00:28:27to break a tie and we haven't verified
- 00:28:29that all the numbers are the same at all
- 00:28:31and so notice we could in fact make
- 00:28:34bromo number one
- 00:28:35and when you do this you always want to
- 00:28:37number in such a way clockwise or
- 00:28:38counterclockwise
- 00:28:39that you encounter the next substituent
- 00:28:41with a lower number possible so notice
- 00:28:43if i go around clockwise and he's one
- 00:28:44it'd be two three
- 00:28:46four for the next one where if i start
- 00:28:48with him as number one
- 00:28:49it would be two three and so we do it
- 00:28:52this way and that would be one
- 00:28:53three and four for those chain locators
- 00:28:56well notice what if i start with the
- 00:28:58chlorine is number one
- 00:29:00well if i start with him as number one i
- 00:29:01definitely want to go clockwise because
- 00:29:03then my next chain locator for where
- 00:29:04substituent's located would be two
- 00:29:06and then three and then the bromo would
- 00:29:08be at four
- 00:29:09and so notice we'd be comparing one
- 00:29:12three and four to
- 00:29:15one two and four
- 00:29:19and in this case there's no tie with all
- 00:29:21the numbers and we don't have to revert
- 00:29:22to the alphabet at all
- 00:29:23there's a tie at one but two is going to
- 00:29:26beat
- 00:29:27three and so that's out okay
- 00:29:30well we had one other option for where
- 00:29:32we could put number one number one
- 00:29:33either had to be where one of these
- 00:29:34three substitutions is located so
- 00:29:36i guess the other one we could have
- 00:29:37tried is putting the one where the
- 00:29:38methyl group is located
- 00:29:40and if we make him number one then we're
- 00:29:41definitely going to want to go
- 00:29:42counterclockwise
- 00:29:44so that the next substituent we see
- 00:29:45would be located at two and then three
- 00:29:47four and the bromine would be located at
- 00:29:50five
- 00:29:50in this case instead and so we can see
- 00:29:52our substituents would now be at one
- 00:29:54two and five and so for the first
- 00:29:58position we definitely have a tie at one
- 00:30:00for the second substituent we have a tie
- 00:30:01at two but for the third substituent
- 00:30:03four is going to be five and so the
- 00:30:06numbering system we've outlined in blue
- 00:30:07here is going to be the right one
- 00:30:10so let's go back and take some of these
- 00:30:12off
- 00:30:14but notice we did not have to revert to
- 00:30:16the alphabet and that's a big mistake
- 00:30:17students make here is they often revert
- 00:30:19to the alphabet
- 00:30:20on a tri-substitute like this before
- 00:30:22they've ever verified that the numbers
- 00:30:23are all the same it's only when
- 00:30:25all the substituents have exactly the
- 00:30:26same chain locators
- 00:30:28that you then revert to the alphabet to
- 00:30:29break the tie we never had a tie here
- 00:30:32one two and four was going to be the
- 00:30:33best possible numbers we could have
- 00:30:38all right so now we've got the right
- 00:30:39numbering system but when we go to name
- 00:30:41this we
- 00:30:42still name our substituents in
- 00:30:43alphabetical order and so not by number
- 00:30:46order and so bromo
- 00:30:47is going to come first in the alphabet
- 00:30:49then chloro
- 00:30:50and then methyl so that's another thing
- 00:30:52students screw up is they
- 00:30:53you know we didn't use the alphabet to
- 00:30:55get the right numbers here but then they
- 00:30:56forget that they need to name them
- 00:30:58in alphabetical order when they list the
- 00:30:59substituents so but that's what we need
- 00:31:01to do here so we'll start off with
- 00:31:034-bromo
- 00:31:06move on to 1-chloro
- 00:31:10so then to 2-methyl
- 00:31:15and then our parent chain again is
- 00:31:16cyclohexane
- 00:31:23so once again four bromo one chloro2
- 00:31:26methyl
- 00:31:27cyclohexane now i alluded to the fact
- 00:31:30that we name one where the
- 00:31:32cyclo part of it was not the parent
- 00:31:34chain so in the last examples it always
- 00:31:36was but in this case it's not going to
- 00:31:37be the case because
- 00:31:39we have a straight chain here that is
- 00:31:42six carbons long
- 00:31:43and our ring is only consisting of four
- 00:31:45carbons in this case
- 00:31:47so and the way it works is if you're you
- 00:31:49know typically if one of them is
- 00:31:50longer or more complex with more
- 00:31:52substitutions coming off that's what
- 00:31:54you're gonna make the parent chain
- 00:31:55well in this case if i name the straight
- 00:31:57chain as the parent chain it's six
- 00:31:58carbons long with one
- 00:32:00substituent the ring if i name the ring
- 00:32:02as the parent chain it's four carbons
- 00:32:04long
- 00:32:04with one substituent the straight chain
- 00:32:07and so i'll pick a longer parent chain
- 00:32:09in that case
- 00:32:10now a lot of students make the mistake
- 00:32:11and they ask me the question or they'll
- 00:32:12say well chad i can get a longer chain i
- 00:32:14can go
- 00:32:151 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- 00:32:189 10 and keep numbering through the ring
- 00:32:20well the rules say you can't do that
- 00:32:22so either your parent chain is the ring
- 00:32:25or it's not the ring but you can't
- 00:32:27include the knot ring and the ring
- 00:32:30combined and some sort of longer parent
- 00:32:31chain doesn't work so in this case it's
- 00:32:33just the knot ring
- 00:32:35and so our parent chain
- 00:32:40is this guy and our substituent
- 00:32:44are those four carbons right there now
- 00:32:46our parent chain is six carbons long so
- 00:32:48we'll call it hexane
- 00:32:49and we'll number it in such a way that
- 00:32:50our substituents located at the lowest
- 00:32:52possible number so we're definitely
- 00:32:53gonna
- 00:32:54number this right to left
- 00:33:01cool and as you recall so if this had
- 00:33:03just been a parent chain we would call
- 00:33:04it cyclobutane
- 00:33:06butte means four carbons so but in this
- 00:33:09case because
- 00:33:10it's a substituent recall that when you
- 00:33:12do the parent chain you like methane
- 00:33:13ethane propane butane pentane
- 00:33:15but if it's the substituent it's methyl
- 00:33:17ethyl propyl butyl
- 00:33:19pentyl with a yl sound and so this case
- 00:33:22and again instead of being cyclobutane
- 00:33:24it's going to be a cyclobutyl group and
- 00:33:26in this case it's located at position
- 00:33:28one
- 00:33:29and so when we name this we'll say
- 00:33:32one cyclobutyl
- 00:33:36and then the parent chain is just
- 00:33:37straight up
- 00:33:40hexane now i know some of you are
- 00:33:42thinking you're like hey chad you got to
- 00:33:43give the one
- 00:33:44well i do got to give the one it's only
- 00:33:46again when it's attached when a
- 00:33:47substituent's attached
- 00:33:48and it's the only substituent to a ring
- 00:33:51well in this case my parent chain is not
- 00:33:52even a ring
- 00:33:53and again i could have had six carbons
- 00:33:57and i could have had this cyclobutane
- 00:33:59attached
- 00:34:01at carbon two or the cycle butyl group i
- 00:34:03really probably say it could have been
- 00:34:04at carbon one two
- 00:34:06instead and so if i don't say one
- 00:34:08cyclobutyl hexane if i just say
- 00:34:09cyclobutyl hexane
- 00:34:10well then was it located at position one
- 00:34:12or position two or position three i
- 00:34:13don't
- 00:34:14know it definitely has to be stated in
- 00:34:16this case so when you have a single
- 00:34:18substituent
- 00:34:19on a ring parent chain that's when you
- 00:34:21don't include the one
- 00:34:22so but again in this case we have a
- 00:34:24single substituent attached to carbon
- 00:34:26one of a straight chain
- 00:34:27you definitely got to include the one in
- 00:34:29that case
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- alkanes
- nomenclature
- organic chemistry
- parent chain
- substituents
- cycloalkanes
- naming conventions
- hydrocarbons
- chain locator
- functional groups