

TLDRProgram #LibatinAllah mengajak kita untuk melihat solusi masalah harian melalui lensa tawheed dan aqida. Fokus pada pentingnya memberi respon cepat terhadap niat baik, mengatasi penundaan dengan menyadari waktu yang tepat untuk berbuat baik. Juga, mengedukasi kita bahwa tindakan kecil pun memiliki nilai besar di sisi Allah. Dengan cara ini, kita diharapkan dapat membentuk sikap dan perilaku yang positif, serta menghargai setiap kesempatan untuk berbuat baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.


  • 🕒 Pentingnya bergegas dalam melakukan kebaikan.
  • ❌ Hindari penundaan karena merasa ada waktu yang cukup.
  • ✨ Kebaikan sekecil apapun tetap memiliki nilai di sisi Allah.
  • 💡 Ubah mindset perfeksionis agar dapat melakukan kebaikan.
  • 🚀 Jadikan saat ini waktu terbaik untuk berbuat baik.
  • 📖 Bacalah satu ayat Al-Quran jika tidak bisa lebih.
  • 🕌 Ingatlah, tidak ada yang menjamin masa depan.
  • 🤲 Lakukan amal, tidak perlu menunggu kondisi ideal.
  • ❤️ Lakukan tindakan baik untuk Allah, bukan untuk penghargaan manusia.
  • 😊 Ajak diri untuk melakukan perbuatan baik setiap hari.


  • 00:00:00 - 00:09:48

    #LibatinAllah adalah program naratif yang menjawab masalah harian kita dari sudut pandang tauhid dan aqidah, membentuk pola fikir yang berlandaskan Islam agar bisa membentuk perilaku rahmatan lil 'alamin. Dalam segmen ini, timbulnya niat baik sering tertunda akibat perasaan memiliki banyak masa dan kecenderungan untuk menunda, seperti menunda ibadah dan bersedekah. Kita cenderung berpikir untuk melakukan kebaikan di masa depan namun Allah tidak menjamin hari esok. Oleh itu, penting untuk mengubah mindset dan bertindak segera, mengecilkan pemikiran perfeksionis, serta memahami bahwa setiap kebaikan, walaupun kecil, ada nilainya di sisi Allah. Kita harus ingat bahawa kebaikan yang dilakukan untuk Allah akan mendapatkan balasan yang besar, termasuk surga yang luas. Segera lakukan kebaikan yang sudah kita tunda, seperti bersedekah, meminta maaf, atau berdzikir. Momentum untuk berbuat baik adalah sekarang, jangan tunda!

Mind Map

Video Q&A

  • Apa itu #LibatinAllah?

    #LibatinAllah adalah program naratif untuk menjawab masalah harian dari sudut tawheed dan aqida.

  • Mengapa kita perlu memberi respon cepat dalam melakukan kebaikan?

    Memberi respon cepat penting untuk menghindari penundaan yang dapat membuat kita tidak melakukan kebaikan.

  • Apa yang menghambat kita dari melakukan kebaikan?

    Perasaan memiliki banyak waktu dan sikap perfeksionis sering menghambat kita.

  • Apa yang perlu diingat saat melakukan kebaikan?

    Ingat bahwa tidak ada waktu yang lebih baik untuk berbuat baik daripada saat ini.

  • Apa janji Allah bagi mereka yang berbuat baik dengan cepat?

    Allah menjanjikan pahala dan surga bagi mereka yang bersegera dalam kebaikan.

  • Bagaimana cara mengatasi sikap perfeksionis?

    Ubah mindset bahwa kebaikan sekecil apapun tetap bernilai.

  • Apa contoh tindakan baik yang dapat dilakukan segera?

    Donasi, meminta maaf, atau melakukan dzikir secepatnya.

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  • 00:00:01
    Guys, #LibatinAllah (#InvolveAllah) is a narrative program to answer our daily problems.
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    Taken from the angle of tawheed and aqida
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    when we believe in Allah
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    where that belief can form our mindset and point of view about solutions to the problems we face
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    like personal problems, family problems, career issues, relationship problem, etc.
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    hopefully when we have a straight mindset that comes from “the angle of the sky” (angle of islam)
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    it will shape our behavior that is rahmatan lil 'alamin, inshaa Allah
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    Hopefully #LibatinAllah (#InvolveAllah) can be material for you to think and find answers to your daily problems
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  • 00:00:58
    [#InvolveAllah - Fast Response]
  • 00:01:02
    Have you ever thought you wanted to do something good but didn't do it?
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    when you see some people in difficult conditions
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    you thought about wanting to help but didn't.
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    when you see that there was an opportunity to give alms
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    you intended to take out your wallet, but then you didn't do it.
  • 00:01:36
    you hear the call to prayer (adhan)
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    you already know the virtue of hastening the prayer
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    but you prefer to postpone it
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    I think we've all been in the situations like this
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    letting the desire or good intentions overflow just like that
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    by not giving a quick response becomes an 'action'
  • 00:02:05
    Why is it so difficult to give a fast response
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    when there is an inner alarm to do good deeds?
  • 00:02:15
    Oftentimes it happens because we feel we have a lot of time
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    We feel like we have another day to do good deeds
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    so that we procrastinate
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    "Wait a minute, I will pray later after I finished this work"
  • 00:02:36
    "I' will wear hijab after I married"
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    “I think I will give alms next time after I have more money”
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    “Well, I think I will repent to Allah soon or later when I go Hajj”
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    or else any other excuses
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    Don’t you know that no one can guarantee tomorrow?
  • 00:03:01
    Moreover, there are also studies that find the reason why we often procrastinate is that
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    we are too perfectionist
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    In this context,
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    for instance, we feel that the recitation of one verse that read now is not that valuable
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    You think it’s better to read one up to two juz of the Quran
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    So that you have to find the right time to read Quran that much
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    Eventually, when we have a little free time
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    for instance when we are on our way home from work
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    on the train
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    on public transportation, or on the car
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    We prefer to spend time scrolling through social media, rather than recite the Quran
  • 00:03:58
    Then how can we not procrastinate and be able to fast respond to do good deeds?
  • 00:04:05
    The Ulama said
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    First, remember that there is no better time to do good than right now
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    typically, if you have started procrastinating with one excuse
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    you will be easier to find many other excuses
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    in the end, you will doing nothing
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    Second, remove that perfectionism mindset
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    Change the mindset that "the slightest kindness will never be in vain"
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    One verse of the Quran is valuable.
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    Maybe because of time constraints, we can't read up to one juz
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    maybe only up to one page, or even a few verses
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    and that's okay
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    because the key is immediate, not perfect.
  • 00:05:12
    The Messenger of Allah said:
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    "Don't underestimate the slightest kindness"
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    Last but not least
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    Try to think that we do good because of Allah, not because of humans
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    When we do little good things for people, sometimes they don't really appreciate it
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    It even tends to be forgotten.
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    But if we do good for Allah
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    no matter how small it is, Allah will surely appreciate it
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    Allah says:
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    [Al-Zalzalah : 7]
  • 00:06:03
    “Whoever does good even if it is as small as a grain of zarrah, a mustard seed, surely he will see the reward.”
  • 00:06:14
    and the reward that Allah has promised for one good deed that is done right away,
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    not as small as a mustard seed
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    but it's a Paradise as wide as the heaven and the earth
  • 00:06:28
    Allah says:
  • 00:06:30
    [Ali Imran : 133]
  • 00:06:41
    [Ali Imran : 134]
  • 00:06:54
    the translation is
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    “And hasten to seek forgiveness from your Lord
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    and find Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, which is prepared for the pious”
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    "(They are) those who donate in prosperity and adversity,
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    they control their anger, and pardon others.
  • 00:07:25
    And Allah loves the good-doers."
  • 00:07:31
    In this surah Allah promises
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    to give forgiveness and paradise for the believers who hasten in goodness.
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    Those who donate even when in adversity
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    they don't wait to be in prosperity condition
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    Forgiving even when they're angry
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    while they hold back their anger
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    For them Allah give Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth
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    Just for a simple reason
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    They hasten goodness
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    Maybe we just do common worships
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    But immediately istigfar after making a mistake,
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    Give charity, even if it's just a date
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    Pleasing a friend's heart even with a smile
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    It can be of great value for Allah
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  • 00:08:41
    Try to remember, what good things have you been postponing?
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    Can you do it now?
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    For instance,
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    If you want to donate? Just transfer right away
  • 00:09:00
    If you did something wrong, then try to apologize right away
  • 00:09:04
    Or do you want to dhikr ? Just say "subhanallah" right now
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    Whatever good deed you want to do today
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    Just do it, even it's a small thing
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    You can do it!!
  • #LibatinAllah
  • #InvolveAllah
  • tawheed
  • aqida
  • kebaikan
  • penundaan
  • perfectionism
  • tindakan cepat
  • rasionalitas
  • pahala